ACC 09-26-2022MINUTES ARTS AND CULTURE COMMISSION Monday, September 26, 2022 6:30 p.m. ARTS AND CULTURE COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER At 6:31 p.m., Chair Kasamsetty called the meeting to order via virtual teleconference. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Sudha Kasamsetty, Janki Chokshi, Madhusudan “Satish” Tare, Carol Maa Commissioners Absent: Esha Rao Staff Present: Rachelle Sander, Jessica Javier, Kevin Khuu CEREMONIAL MATTERS AND PRESENTATIONS 1. Subject: Presentation on Arts and Culture Commission Budget Recommended Action: Receive a presentation on the Arts and Culture Commission Budget. Rachelle Sander, Acting Director, introduced Kevin Khuu, Management Analyst, to present on the item. Management Analyst Khuu presented the Arts and Culture Commisson budget overview, summary, and new proposals and requests. Commissioner Maa requested clarification on cost allocation. Management Analyst Khuu clarified that cost allocation covers the cost of services from other City departments internally including general support from City Clerk’s Office, Innovation Technology, etc. Commissioner Maa requested clarification on contract services. Management Analyst Khuu clarified that contract services is for external partnerships with outside organizations or purchases that can’t be made internally. Vice Chair Chokshi requested clarification on proposals for new projects. Acting Director Sander clarified that in the January commission meeting, commissioners will bring forth project ideas for the City Work Program and staff will estimate the budget needed. Commissioner Maa asked if there is a place where they can view previous projects. Management Analyst Khuu shared that you can view the City Work Program Dashboard on the City’s website. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 2. Subject: July 25, 2022 Arts and Culture Commission Meeting Minutes Recommended Action: Review and approve the July 25, 2022 Arts and Culture Commission meeting minutes. Vice Chair Chokshi motioned to approve the minutes as submitted. Chair Kasamsetty seconded. Motion passed with 4 yes and 1 absent. POSTPONEMENTS 3. Subject: Update on and Discuss Return of Art Talks Recommended Action: Receive an update and discuss return of Art Talks in a virtual or in- person format. Acting Director Sander informed the commission of the return of Art Talks in person in November. Commissioner Tare will plan the November Art Talk. Staff will work with Commissioner Tare and Chair Kasamsetty to help plan the event, assist with marketing, and check availability of other commissioners. Commissioner Maa requested clarification for the process of Art Talks. Chair Kasamsetty explained that it is a program where the commission invites an artist in person, reaches out to the Cupertino community, and engages them during the session sometimes with demonstrations. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None OLD BUSINESS 4. Subject: Distinguished, Emgering, and Young Artist Award Programs Recommended Action: Receive an update on the current submittals, marketing, and outreach efforts for the Distinguished, Emerging, and Young Artist Award programs. Acting Director Sander provided an update on the Artist Award Programs. Staff have received one emerging artist award submission, one young artist award submission, and have followed up with three submissions that are incomplete and need additional information. Encouraged commissioners to continue promotion. NEW BUSINESS 5. Subject: Update on the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 City Work Program Items Recommended Action: Receive the update on the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 City Work Program items. Acting Director Sander presented on the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 City Work Program items for the Arts and Culture Commission. STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 6. Subject: Monthly Update Reports Recommended Action: Receive monthly update reports from staff and commissioners. Vice Chair Chokshi reported on the Day and Night Fun Fest. Very successful event in regard to Arts and Culture promotion, and handed out Artist Award flyers to youth and artists. Chair Kasamsetty reported that she has received positive emails from the community in regard to the Arts and Culture Commission name change. Commissioner Maa reported that she is planning to attend the upcoming Jollyman All-Inclusive Playground community meeting. Acting Director Sander provided the Director’s update on the following: - Council approved extending the resolution authorizing continued remote teleconference meetings through October 6, 2022. o The commission will be updated about November and whether Council will extend the resolution moving forward. - Upcoming events for the Revitalize Memorial Park project: o Online survey on Engage Cupertino that is active until October 9. o Pop-up at Diwali on October 8. o Please visit engagecupertino.org for more information. COMMISSIONER ATTENDANCE AT UPCOMING MEETINGS AND EVENTS Commissioners to attend the upcoming Mayor’s meetings as follows: October 12 – Commissioner Rao November 9 – Commissioner Maa December 14 – Chair Kasamsetty FUTURE AGENDA SETTING Acting Director Sander updated the Commission that Artist Awards and Art Talks will be on the future agendas, and in November there will be an overview of the City Work Program process to prepare for the January commission meeting. ADJOURNMENT Chair Kasamsetty adjourned the meeting at 7:24 p.m. to the November 28, 2022 meeting at 6:30 p.m. Respectfully Submitted By, Jessica Javier, Administrative Assistant Parks and Recreation Department Minutes approved at the 01.23.23 regular meeting