460 - 1st pre-election ecipientCommiitee campaign Statement Coyer Page iGGVe'hmerrt monde Sections 8430G~42'1fi.5'~ SEE INSTRUGTrON6 ON REVERSE typ$ or print in ink. Statement Dover: period from -._ . 07101!0$ - through OSl19V09 1. Ty-~e di' Recipient Colmrr~lftee: AIICemrnHteeta -CotnpleEe PalAs 1, 2, 3, aed1. ® Oil6oehololer, C;andfda#e CosRrcfled Comrr,it#ee [ Primarily Formed Ballot Measure ~ State CandidateElect:onCommitiee Committee (; RecaEf ~ Cornrolled {Aeom~°'re1 ~ Sporeored Cener&! Purpose C omnx:eee ~alw ~~~ ~~ Q Sponsored ^ FrimarilyFormedCandida;~+ [] Smell Cortri:~utor Committee ~fticehoider CDmm9lee ~ PofiicalPartylCentralCcm-~iltee rn+ac'~"'rl"a~'n~ 3. Gomrnittee it~fiarlnaliart P~AirE IF NO Darcy Pauf for Caapt~rtina City Council ZDQ9 I_D. b1UN.BER/ STRsST AQa.3ESS {NC P.p. B4Xj 2037a Tawn Center Lane, Suil®100 CITY STATE 21P GODS AREA :QpF,1pFOtiE Cupertino CA 95Q14 4D8 517 0977 rA1JLINu AbCRES$ (IF DI~ERENT) FJO. AND STREET OR P.C. EO% Soma _ _ CITY STATE ZIP CODE ~ ~~ ~~AREA C~t}E+PMONE OPTIONAL; FAX ! E-IJfJL ADDRESS D SEP 2 3 2009 Date of electton if app! rsable: Pal ;Idor>th, pay, Year CU ERTiNO CITY CL K 11l03lD9 1 Z. Type of Stalerwfent: ~ PreeiecticnStatetnent ^ Semiann:ralStatemerri Q Termination ~tatetrterrt ;Also file a Form 416 Termination; ^ .4rrrendrient {E>~lein belavij cavF,~t ~E 1 ~ 21 Eor O~Fiviai the Cnh~ Quarterly Siateme~t 5pe:ial add-Year Report S~pp[smentalPreeiectior Staternant-Attach Forrn 49S Treasal''eKs) NAI.1E: 4F TREASURER Betsy Shoup MAILIN3 ADDRESS ~~ 440-12 Galleria Drive CrfY STl,TE ZIP CODE AA EA CCDE1PHphlE San Jase C,4 95134 408 517 D977 NAr~1„ Or ASSISTANT TREASURER, I AN k9AlI,~NCa ADDRESS "' ""' CIT„ 6TA'rE ZIP CODS AReA CODEiPHp11E OPTJQNAL: FAK I f.M,\~4 a0]RESS ExerciseYoui-Uemocracy~gr»ail.corn d. VerlfEcat[on I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing and revievr~~ this stalementand :a she bestof my knavAedge the infarmatfo~ ccntaincd herein and in the attached schedules ie true and ~omolete. J certi5r under penalty of pe rjury under the laws oithe State c' Gatitorn is that the ierego I ng is t Executed on 491221D9 .._ Oars Exawfad vh ~~~ID4D amore E:xoufad vn Dale E~oeculed On CYA $y ey Sy 31dmWroarCamritp hol4~,Ca~dwlate,3•.areA'baservProponq~t pPPC Focm469 (.rapuaryt06r FF'pC Tall~Frea Hripllne: i861A81GFPPC (86812T6aT7zr State of t~tlllornla 6y Spa:4u*dCor.IriMp ho n,Ceaddote, State tVteeure Proponent ype ar print in ink COVE~PAGE-PART2 Recipient Committee CalmpaignSfatement ~' ~ . ~ Cv~er Page--Bart 2 Pape ~_ of ~_ b. OfHcatalder or Ca~aidata Controlled Committee AA41E OF 6=FIGEHOLCER OR CANOIDAT'c Davy Paul for Cupertino City Council 2Q09 OFFICE SOUCihfTCR HELD (INCLUDE LOCATION ANJ CISTRICT I~UM6ER IFAPPUGA,6:E) Cupertlfila City Council RESIOEhITIAUEUSIN£S& ADDRESS {NIO, AND STREET} r7i'! STATE 2IP 10100 Tome Avenue #'141 Cupertino, CA 85D~4 Related Committees Not Included in thls tat®ment; r.t~laaycommrmes not lncludod M this sraree+ent kNl# are oort!-oNert 6y you or ane Admarlfy formrd #0 roooNo contrlDtilrotrs or m:Ere a~endl~res bn babsirr of your ear~dhtaey. COMMITTEE NAll1E N,'A I.D. NUM6;R NAME OF TREASUR°_R COF4TRG_LEDCOMMITTEE7 ^ YES ^ SIG LOM.VIITTEEADDREgS STFiEETADDRESS (NO P.Q.EO~ CITY STAT_ 21P CO>E ARE4CODElPHCNE CO M A4ITTEE NAAA? NIA I.D. NU67BER NAA~E OF TREASURER ~ COtVTROLLED COMA71'EE7 ^ YES ^ HO Cr'Y STATE ZJP CGDE AREA CGDEIPHONE S. Prlmarlly f=arn~ed ~21~t~t measure Comm~tee NAMEOFB~4LLOTWEASURF ~ ~~~ N!A BALLCThO, OR LETTER ~ JURIS71CTIbN I ^ SUPPORT © OPF05E IderrSi(y the controlling officeholder, candidak, or state measure praponer~t, it any. NAIdE OF OFFICEHOL]ER CANDI'ATIc, dR FROPOAEVT N4'A SOUGHT DR HELD DISTRICT NG, IF .ANY 7. F~rimerily Formed CandidabelOftic®hoider Committee LIa! names of aflfeehofd~a) ar candldarelirj far Mrich thla cbQYnrrree Is prfinellly forArad NANE OF OFFICEHOLDER GR CANDIDATE OFFICE 90UGHY OR i~ELD ^ Sl;PPORT NIA ~] QFPQ$E NAME OFGFFICEHQlDE4 OR GANDIDA-EE OFFICE SO:IGHT OR HE.D ^ SUPPORT NIA ^ OPPOSE NAf,7E OF G~FI:,~FIQLCER OR CANDICATE OFFIC= SOUGHT OR KELD ^ 5L1P?ORT N1A ^ OPPOSE NAME OF OF=iCEIiOLDER OR .^.ANOfDJ,T£ OFFICE 5C UGHIT CR HELD ©gEJFPORT i~lA [~ OPPOSE At#8t~1! continirwaRioh sfreers if necessary FPPC Form A9D [JsnuarylOb) FPPC Tbll~ree Mefpllne: 8661ASIS~PPO [D6W2TdJTT2) SFa~ of CaHramii campaign D iscbsure Sta#ement _ Tyke ar print In Ink. Sutr1MF5RYr+AGE Sum pa Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period ~ - ~~ ~ to whale dollars. ~ ' o7loi~oa . - • from SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through 09119/09 Pape ~ ~ 21 ~dAbtE OF FILER I I.D. NUI~SER Oarcy Paul for Cupertino City Council ~ 'i319625 I Can#ributaons ReCelved GbiumnA Coiurnn s Caierxlar Year Summary for Candidates ~iALT}/= °9tI0C' ~ornArrkc~~sraeou,ffi, G44END4~ YoAR rorat'roaa~ Running In Bo1t1 the State Primary artd t~enerai ~lectlans 1. Mcnetaly Contribulicns ........................................... Sahed,~feA, Lrre3 20,722.98 $ $ _ 20 722.98 _ r 2. Loans Received ..................................._............,,, sa~~cwnrs,tmrs 0 0 7!t ~rougl,s~ ~~~ to ogle 3, SUBTQTALCA~NCOWTR]Bf.tTIONS ............. AddLrnest+2 .....-...-. 5 2A.722.98 S 20,722.98 20. CcntibuHsns 0 20 797 98 4. Ndrtmonalary tro ntributioAS ............................,....... soheoY~fe G ~r s 75.00 75.Q0 , , Rece-ved $ S 5. TOTALCONTRI9U710NSRECEIVED ..•..-•...-..• .............AddLines3+a S 2Q,797.98 ~ 20,797.98 2'. E~enoRures Made $ ~ $ 6,214.33 Expenditures Made 13. Payments Made» ......................................_...,_......... S~teaure E. Line 4 7. Loans tlllade .................................~...,........_.............. S:hedu.'eH,inns3 o ~~ter~nrni r.nr~unavienarr.. V. .. V V 1 V li'1L W101-I f'It S iwuv i o .........................,....... ... rIGG L64rS 6* r 3. Acaved Expenses Unpaid l3Ss) .....................,....., ..,schedcrlrf trnr 9 10. Nonmanetary Adjustment ........................................ .. SehratdaG, line s 9 7 . 'TOTAL EXPEN DI7tJ EZ ES tJIAaE ......»......,....., .........._ ,oad z°oes 8 + e + f c s 6,214.33 a C']~A 77 Q S S 0 0 g 5,294.33 3 8,294,33 Current Cash Statement 12. Beginning Cash Bafancs ....................... r~rewws SummaryPega, Line?8 $ 0 13. Cash Receipts .......... >roirmrn~,trra3eb~wr 29.722.98 i4. Miscelfanepus Increases to Cash ..._........... S~rrsdt,~;s r, Line 4 0 15. Cash Payments ................ ..._...... Ca,4~mr. A, lr.,. 8 rbOS 6,214.33 16. EhDINt3CAS#iBA1.1~1N1CE ;........ Addtinss rz+ 73 + 19, Nrer srb.7acrLine 7S $ 94,50a.65 1` this is a Cdrminefiot? statement, ljrre 7b riurst b= zeta. 97. L4Ahl GUARANTEES RECENED ... Scrredule B, Fart 2 $ 0 --_ _- Cash Equi~raients and Outstanding Debts 18. Cash Equivalents __....~........._. sea insfrrcti~rs orr nvrs, $ 0 19. autstandin g Debts ltaaf f4ns 2 + Lire 9 irr Gbfumrr 3 a5~cw g Q To calculate column B, add a~nourrts in Column A to tie comeepordirlg amo~~ts '•orrr Column 8 of yacr fast report Some amounts In Column A may t:e reg3titi~e figures that siouid be subtracted itcrr prevloua period amounts. ft Itur; is the Arst report teiag Di od for this oalentlar year, only Cary ever the amourrfs iron Linea 2, r", and g (iI any). Expenditurta Lifrlit Sulrnmary for State Candidates 22. C~mutative F~rpenditures Made- rft Suhtca to Vaimbry exptna~re Llrnlp Cate of election ~;mm-daryy) Totaltc Date .~~~ -- $ •An^flunts in this sedion may ae dlffsrerrt iram amaunls resorted in Cciumn B. FPPC Form 454 (Jtrnuaryra5} FP~C Toil-Free Nerpline: 866!A51t.FPPC {66B!275~7T~J 6,214.33 0 r_ n~ a nn U.L 1'ti_JO 0 chedulBA Type or prlni in ink SCHEDL'LEA M4net~a Contributions Received Amatlnts h.ay be rounded Stalernent mverc period rY ~ whole dollars ~ 07/01/09 from • i 09!19109 4 2I SE'c INISTRUCTIONS ON RIVER&E I tfrtaugh Pape of hFMe OF FILER I.0. NUMBER Darcy Paul br Cupertino City Council 1319625 aye FULi_NAA9E, STREErADDFeSSAN] ziP C4EE OF CbNT:~IBUTtyR f~=a~tiryr'~ ~s~avr'Ea I o N,cv39~ ppN'•friP.UTaR IF .4ti 111ESMpL1Pi1,. QYrER OCCJPAT[CN AND EHP:OYER Annol.'HT RECE]VEb 7HIS CI,'MULgTIVETO DATE CA_£NDAR Ye4R PER ELECl1CN TO CATE RECEJVEp , . ~D£ * p=st~.Rew~L~rrEO, ~TOrnnnts P£R103 (JAN, 1 - ]EC. 51J pF REQUIRED) OF6t.91~~ QJND O7m1109 [?arty Paul 10'E00 Torre Avenue #140 ^Gah1 ^oTrl Selfl~rrlQloyEd 100.00 '100.00 100.00 Attorney at Law Cupertino, CA 95014 [] P'.Y f ^ SCC ~ wD ~ 07,+01109 g~ g Atioch ^ ©OTH Computer Programer 100.00 100.00 100.00 ACS Overland Park, KS 66212 ^ P~ p~cc ~ II~D 07101109 Jean Paul r,~~a w..s;,..-;. Oco~ ~r.r.. Computer Programmer 5.0OO.Ob 5.000.00 5.000.00 ar.~~~~uww~ U~;n A1u5 . Ovariand Park, K5 662'! 2 CI pTY GSGC 07101~OS Aifa Paul 8738 Antioch ~co C [0~ Im rter Pa A 100.00 100.00 100.00 Overlarxi Park, KS 6621 Z [PTY eroxellnternaitional [ scc Anita 6ei-Chan Yen BIND Cconn !Homemaker ! ' ~ 07111/09 10060 PharLap [oTH 100,Ofl 100.00 1D0.00 ~Upertin0~ C;AA 95014 ^PTY ^ 5CC SUL3TOTQL$ 5,400.00 I ..._ .. ....-------- Schedule ASummary --.--- . ,.....~._.._~.,_ 1. Amourrt received this period-itemized monetary oorrtributians. 18,610.00 (Indude all ScheduieA sublotals.) ..........................................................................._...,......_.._...._.._....,. $ 2 Amount received this period - unitemizad monetary cAnfiibutlans of less t1~an $106 ...........................,. $ . _.. _.. _ .. 1,112'98 3. Total monetary cpntributiions received this period. 20,722.98 Add i,ines 'E and 2. ~nler hero and on the Summary Page, ColwTtn A, LirIQ 1.7 ....................... TOTAL. $ "Gwitributo- Cvdes IND~ Ind~~dtJal CO M -Reci pient C ~;mWt~e (other than PTY or SCC1 ~~TW -Other (e.g„ business antlty ) PTY-?alitioal Party 9C~ -S real] C orrtrbulor C omm~Eee FPPC Form ~BiO (JanuaryfDS) FPPC Tdl-Free He~line~ Sfie1gS((~PPC (8bY12TS3Tf2) Ciledt;~~e A t~iOf1'~It1Ua~~Qn ~~'1@t~~ Typmar prlntlnt~ic SCHEbULEA (CON7) iAnonetary cantriquttons R81~Ived Arr~untanrayberour-ded statamentcoversperlod " bwhaledollars. a ~ nom. _. or~ol.ro;a « through o~1 ~'Og p~ 5 ~ 21. ~iAh1E pF FIIER 1.], NUM6ER Darcy Paul for Cupertino City Council 1319625 ~~ FULi. raArn~ s"REErADORESSAnIO ZI? CODE OF COIJIRIBU'~OR CONTRIBUTOR • 1F AV IN~MDUAL, l=HTEa ~NOUr.-r CUMlAA7rJET0 DP,TE P_RElEc7lon RECEIVED (IFCC-fL(ITE£AL60~`41~r,D,~~LMBER} OOBE 4 4CCUPATIOA AFED 6frlPLOYQi SEC=IVEC• THIS CAI,EtJDAR YEAR TO DATE ;iFSEF.E~epLrnm, E~~erer.~.~= PERIpQ (JAl~ i . De^., 311 (!F REQWREC) aFeua~~ ,4darn Arthur Bier ®~- co~ n 'Attorney at Law 49,01/09 30Q Buchanan ^oTM ~ Bier Legal 900.00 100.00 100.00 San Franci5cv, CA 94102 ^PTY ^ SCC QB.+20!09 Mike Ho 721 Esplanade ®i~b Q~T~ Aneslhesial !st 100.00 Anes3hesia ME ~ 104.00 '100.00 Redondo Beach, CA 90277 ^pTY ^scc Jorrse O. EJot~a mit~D . Law Pmfessnr GBI~QIUS 35 Delborah Street ~ THE Roger Williams University 2AO.OQ 200.00 200.00 Providence, RI ~Piy I ~ sc~ James and Ann Yount ~I~a tnsuranoe ent n 08131/09 ! 202Q0 Patric Court ~ao~ Lang Life { s ranee 100.00 tOQ.00 1Q0.00 Cupertino, CA 95014 p?TY ^scc Myong Shln Woo @coM Manager 08102f09 p, O. Box 2334 QOTM Everlasting Fountan 100.00 140,00 100.00 Cuper6no4, CA 95014 ^ PTy ^ SAC 51J8'1'07'ALS 800.00 ''Contributor Godes Itv' D - (rl~IVdU21 C01J ~ Recipient ComrriEtee (other than ?TY~r 9CC) :.~TH -Other (e.g„ business erdtty} PTY- Political Party 9CC-Srnali Contributor Gommittee FPPC Farm ~60tJanuary105] PPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 8661ASK~PPC {886J2T5~3772] chedule A (Continuation Sftt~et) iUlonetar,~ Cantributlons Received Type or printlnlnk. SCHEDLILEA (CONT.) A moments may Ise roumisd Statement covers per iod e - t+owhdedollars. 07!07149 e ~ • tfolRi mroogh 09/19lQ9 Pew 6 ~-21-- PS+~f,9t'sOf FILER I.D. NUA~BER 6arcy Paul #or Cupertino City Council 1$99625 ~~ FULL N4h1&, STREET AOpRESa' At`D ZIP CODE OP COiUTRI3UTOR CCHTRIBUTOR IF AN INbT/IDUWL, ENTER AMOLRJT CU1dULATIVETDI]ATE PER ELECTION RECENEO C<°COMMrrE~AI,S~FJ~rI6iLD.NUM~CB21 ~,E * OOCUPATIONANq ENiFLO1fER " R£CFNED TFCS GALENpP,R YEAR TO DATE ;IfEELfc lIPL7V®,FNTFjZr.k-E PERIOD (JAN, i -DEC. 31) (IF RflQL4RFA; Cf@U91Me391 Tsung Hau Li>a ~~ M I • Requested 08112!09 qp5 S Street [4TH 100.b0 1011,00 100.00 Cheney, WAS 99004 [PTY C scc t-tsi E. and G rdCt? Wan ~i IND ' OS.r94/09 9604 Kentsdale ©QTM i ]:REquested i00,Op 100.1!0 100.00 Potomac, MD 2054 p~ p scc o ra - n uv Kathy Chang and }~evirr Chen mlidD 1C:A61 , s , °" "~~ 15042 Valley Ridge [ ~oTl~ Requested iiu.uu i1U.li[1 i'iu.UU St E.ouis, h90 63146 pPTY ~scc .lean C. Hsung ~r~ 08'15109 ' x730 Pand Drive ]~ 100A0 100.00 7x0.00 Shoreview, MN 55126 ~pTY Requested ~ 8CC 081961D9 Ajrried F Shai ~col~ Med€cal Dacbor 10014 Sriar Forest L?rive QOTH 304.40 300.OD 300.00 Houston, TiC 77042 ©p-~y I ^ SCC ' SUBTO?AL 5 T 10.00 'Corrtnhutor Codes INp-Individual COiV -i7e,:ipient Committee (other than PTY ar SCCy CTN -Other (e.g., bJSi!1C56 entity} PTY- Pall~ical Parry oCC-Srnall Contributor CommFttee FPPC Forrn 460 iJanuary105y FPPC Tolit•Free HslpYne: 86filASIi~PPC (B66f2'1'53772) chedute A (~ontinuatian Sheet) Type or prirA In ink sCHEDULEA SCQPIT,) rnon+~rary~ontrtDUttvns Reeei~ed Alrrounrarnayberounded Stalernerrtoovereperiod ~ ~. r~whok dallara. ' ~ 47!01149 #rom ~ , ~ through x9!19109 Pepe 7 ~ 21 rJ0.ME OF FIL ER L0. NEJNBE 2 Darcy Paul far Cupertino City Council 9319625 j D,4TE FULL NAME, 57REET ADDRESS AIVD ZIP GpDE 4F C4tJTR16LTAR CONTRIBUTOR IF ArJ iND147D;]AL, EYTER .4M7UNT CLML'LATNE'4 DATE DER ELECTION RECETIED WF~oa~aT^EE;N.soBrfat~,e.NUwrF~ COpE * OCGUPATIDHANDBViPLaYER = RE4l3iVED THIS GA,I.EhIdF,RyEgR T'QGP.7F ear-.Ew. ~or:.a,evra~tia-+e a PEF~IOa (J~iN. i -DEC. 31J 1fF REDUIREDi OF6U91AES:J i {aItJD Fon M Fen ^cOM Self Employed 08!06/09 12-16 160th Street ^a-1~ Professarof Engineering 500.40 540.40 500.00 Beeahhurst, IVY 1357 ^ PTY ^ sCC AiZgela Yang ~IMo asraaias 35494 hAanterra ^caY ^oTH Requesi:ed 100.00 1x0.04 900.x0 Union City, CA 945$7 ^~ ~ ,BCC ..., ,,,,, .,,., Yu Mei Wu Fn Iwo Self-Em to d r-rn M P Ye uar~oru~ 12-16 964th Street [OTH phys~ian 5vu.uu SuU.UU SUU.uu $eechhurst, NY ~ 1357 ^ P7Y C scc 1Nesley Paul ~ INfl Attorne at Lativ G O 08/08!09 154-33 9th Avenue TH Michelrnan & Rabinson, ^~ 9,x00.04 1,000.00 9,040.00 Whitestone, !VY 11357 ^gT~! L!P ^ 5CC Edrnl~rldY Chen ^~ivo i Retired ! 08109-b9 . 6225 Crooked ~^CTH 500.40 500.x0 500.aa Stockton, CA 95219 ^ PTA ^ scc SUBTOTALS 2,600A0 'CO.ltflbUbOC CQdB$ IND-Individual CO M -Redplent Cam~i ttee (o#htr f}x~ PTY ar 5GG} E)'FH - Other ~e.g., business en.ityr} PTY-Poicipl Pa.'ty SAC, Small Corttributur Gommi`tee FPPC FaKm4fi0 (January108) FPPC Tall~rsa ~ialpllrrec 86&AS FC-FPPC t8681275.9772) chedule A {G+Dntinuation Sheet} Monetary Contributions Received '1j-peor print fn intc. 1lmourrta may be ra>Jnd®d ffi wbo(e dollars. from [covers period 07/01,'09 SCH~pI;Lc A throng}! 09119109 ~e $ ~ 21 h'AM l: OF FILER I.D. NUM$ER Darcy f~aul far Cupertino City Gouncit 1319625 ~~ FuI.LNAi,tE,ETR~rADDRESSANDJpCODEOFCrJIi+ITR19UTOR " ~~IB>JTOR [FhNIN0J4'IDUAL,ENTEFi ArAOL'NT CIJIVJUi.A:TNE`'CDATE PERELECTI0~1 RECEIVED !!°~Af61n rEEAL60FJ~iTG~LO.NU+t3BR1 CODE + OCCURIaTIDNANQ EMpLO!~ER R£CENED THiS CALEVCRR YEAR ~ 70CIATE 4FSroLF.EMPLOYE4Batea>.,e,~ OFBUSr.~J PI=4104 (JAh.1 -DEC, 31) .;IF RSQUEREp 09/01109 Dominic Shiu Tm and Mei Yufc Chun ~ ®I(~D ^caM I.T,1 Qir+ector 1982015artal Place pores Vialter, Irlc_ iD0.U0 ~ 100.00 100.00 Cupertino, CA 95014 ppT•~ ~ ~cc YarrrLi Shangk ~ ~~Q ~ ~ 09rOB109 11 Andews Lane Go~w , Reques wed 100.Oa 100.00 100.00 Princeton, NYJ ^ ~ ^ 5CC Pater S. and Jo Par ~I~° /~~'y j~6 (~/~ V g~i]81013 ~~7nAA [.]_.iL_~ ( ^CO]41 ~~~ in nawutWll ]0TH Re9uested ~iuu.W 1UU.U17 "IQU.00 Pala Alta, CA 94301 ~ ply ] 5CC 09/18f09 Darc~+ Paul ®paolu Seff-Employed 10100 Torre Avenue #140 ^OTH Attorney at f_aw 10,Oa4.0E3 10,100.00 10,1x0.00 Cupertino, CA 95Q14 ^ pTy ^s,:c ^rNo ['CGN dTH , C PTY ~ SCC , 517L3T10TAL$ 10,300.00 `'Grntdbu6or Codes INp-Individual COIW -Redpient Gamrc.ittee (alher Chars PTY o- 5CG) OTH - Ot~er le.s. Uusiness entilyl FTY -PoEitical Parry SCC -Smal Contributor Committee FPPC Form dst} (JanuagrNlSj PPPC Tall-Free lielpllr-e: 866N45 K.~FPPC iaeslz7~arr2j ch$dule B ~' Paft'E TYPe or print ip Ink Atnoants may be rounded loans Received to whale dollars. SEEIN9TRUCTIphS ON REVERSE 9CH~JLE 3-?ART 1 StaL®nterrt corers perlod from _ 07/01109 ~ ~ ~ ,ti,,,,,,~,, 09119/09 s_-- 4 _ ~'t MAME OF FILER Darcy Paul for CLEpertino City Courlci! FULL NAME, BTREETACDRESSAbQZIP C~OE OF ~i=NbER [1FOpY1++mE5+a'.sa i3~JTEFiL]s vJNaRiI wA t^ IHG ^ COh1 ^ OTH ^ PTY ^ S4C NIA ~~' ikD ^ L7bVl {~ ID'rH 1-1 P'~T n SC^ i I-IlA t^ ING ^ COb1 ^ OTH ^ PTY ^ 8CG 1~ u. Iv aryl PCR 1319625 1= AN IPJpIVJDt,AL, ENTER OUTSTA DING I°I tt} e F1 OCCLIPATION,4N0 >wMPLOYER gq~,~E pF 9ELF.~L7PLQYEq EVT~i B I N gh10UNT R=C.EP/E D 7H IS A~ACUNTP!41D OR FpRGNJ=N pU~ 4NG BALANC E AT NdTeR65T FAIa T l dR141HAL CUMULdTMH EG FI NO TFilS uNEOFausluESa; PERIOD THIS PERIOD" CLOSH OF TFi15 y S liERIOD A~190UNT OF CONTiiIBUTIpNS ;pgpl TODATr ^ FND CALEhtOARYEI4R 0 s 0 s % [ 0 s 0 FORGIVEN pwTE PER EL6CT10.~1"r ~ ~ s g ; ~ 9 Q DRTE CUE D.xrE INCURR!<G s ^ PA[D C4LENDARYISAR s 0 s 0 ~ s 0 s 0 ^ RO2C~fEN R~t:E ~i AEGTI~J "" 9 O : 0 S ~ Q $ ~~ S 1 I "^'c ""s 1 I QAT! LY:.Li;RED 1 ^ Pgfq S a -_ POR6141E~J 5 ~ 6 ~ ; a SU870TALS ; p ~ os a~ a CAIEfl]AR YEAR 3 Q _ % [ 0 s Q FATE ?E!i ELECTION"' ~~ ~ 6 Q DATEDI~E 0,411EIHCURRSC , Scf4edu~e IB Summary 1. Laansreoeivedthisperiad ............... 0 ............................................._.......,............................ (Total Column (b) pk,s unitemized loans of less than $100.) Z. Loans paid arfocgnren this period ....................,. o (TOtai Column (c} plLls (Gans under ~ h ao paid orforgiven.) ~Indude loans paid by a third party that are also itemized ort SC~hedLlie A.} 3. NetcharlQe ittiis period. (Subtract a,ine 2 from Line 1.} ................. N~ $ 0 ._ Enter the reef here and on the Summary Page, Colurnn A, Line 2. i"'1'~~''°o°"~n~o~n 'Arnourrts f4r~iven or paid by arather party abo must be reported on S~heaE~is A. " II reau~red. f, Lirs ay f 1 ~on,d5u6or Codes INb - Irtdiv io ual CON .- R eoi pie nt Comrtr'tt~e (other then °TY or 6GC1 CTH -Other (e.g.. b~si-less entftyl :''TY-?odtiaal Pafir SCC--Small ContribueorCommlttee FPPC FormA60 (JanuarylDS~ FAPC To1~FTee H9lpline:8B9lASKfPPC (8[i81275~772t Scftiedufe 8 -Part 2 Loan Guarantors Type of print in inik. Qirlounts may be rounded to whole dailElrs. Statement covers period from 0710'~I09 B-PART 2 tnrougn 091191os z Q 21 SEE INSTRUCTIOIJS CN REVERSt -- ~E ---- ~ I:AM3 0 F FILER I,p. NUMB_R Dare Pain for Cupellino City Council 1319625 FULL NA6tE, STREfiTAL'DRESb ANES IF AN INOMDUAL, ENTER AlACUNT 1:A`AyC€ ZtP CODE ~7F GUARAKTOR CDATR]$.1TOR 0«CUPATION ANG EN1lwL0YE{t LOAN 3Li?,R41VTEe~ CUIiULATP~ OIY~ 5'i'ANDrNG pF0]nlelrrTEALSGENTcAl.O. NUf792F~j COOS LIF£ELF.-].1PLDYE~,EVT~ ~ANEGFBUSIN TMIS ?E12100 T~+C~ATE ,~ ~E hjrA ~ IN D Ld~VDER G4LE NO~4R YEAR ^caM 0 0 ^ ~ i H ~~ FER QECrIDAI p~ REGUI~•j ^ PTY ^ SCC 6 .T....~ C+u~NMP Y:,++,P NlA ©j~ ~ L°VDER ^v041 Q S 0 ^CTH ?ER E:.BCr1QV CATS ;IF REQURED) I-I PTV u• ~.SC': 5 :4lEA0AR YEAR ~!1!l ©1jVD :BEER ^~iQlit I] S A~2 =LE'.;77o N ^OTH ~ R EOUIRE6} ~~ { ^ ?TY S~ C ^ . S N!A ^N~J LENDER CRLEM1la4RY6AR ~ ~] OOIa _ 0 s 0 ^OTH aaT: .. •~ pl:rtELECOCr~ ~F REQUIRED] Q PTY pscc cllppfall St18FOTAL ; 0 S~""~"~' ~~• • Lhe97oaq. FPj'C Farm d80 (Januaryl05~ F~PC Tolt•~ree E{elP6ne: es61A$t(fpPC (81361FT53772~ J~Ch~~U~ (~ Typ~orprintinink. Sta6ementaavera peNod NonrnanetaryCi~ntributlons Received A ~o~whmol dallar_:Add a i - `SCHEQUIEG 4710'1!09 ~ i from throupt~ 09119109 F e ~ ? ~f 21 5EE IrtiSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE ~ NAh1E C•F ~R I.J. NUh11BER Darcy Paul for Cupertino Oily Council 1319825 DW7l= FULL A"AYIE. 3T~tEET,gDDRESS A~dD CDNTRIBUTOR IFaNlNaroloUa~,ENTI=a OCCUP:.TIONAND EMPLOYER DE5GRIP-ION OF .4t4i01~~T- FAIR 1A1ARI~T CUMUL0.7~V~Yo HATE PER E~ECTIDN 'C CATS RECENED ZIP 000. OF COh}TRIBUTDi~ CODE w ~poc MMITI'EF; Also F3JTcfi F f] NJh7F;EF? ~~ B=LF.EwPLAI'>E~ ENrFB? GO.:DS ORSERVICE5 IdALUE CJ4LJVDA.4 YEAR ;1F RE~L'I~Efl) . , ha,NE~ FIUiN=,86f {J;.N 7 -7EC 31) ^II~ Nr~ ^coal 0 0 4 ^~ ^ PTY ^5CC ^iNo NIA ^cora 0 4 4 ^~ pPTY ^SCC IV1A ~~. ~, u~ W ^caM a q q poTH PTY ^~~ ^IND , NIA ~GOM 0 0 ~ 0 ^ aTIFI I ^~' ~scc Attach addrtionat iniY~rmation on apprl~r7al`e!y labeled corrt~'nuation sheets. SUBTOTALS 4 • Schedule C Summary Amount received this period - itemize~nonmonetary contributions. 0 (Indudeail Schedule C subtotals.~ .................................................................................................................... $ 2. Amount teoeived this per+ad-urritem¢ed nonmorletaly contributions of less than S 140 ..........,.........., .............. ~ 3. Totalnonmanetary confributians received this period. (Add f_ir~es 1 and 2. EtZtar here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Ernes 4 and t 0,) ...................... 'T'OTAL $ 75.00 4 ~Cantibutor Ceaes It4D-Indivld~al COM1O -.~eripien#:~am mttee (cihsr than PTY o r SCC) OTH - Ober {2.~., bus6~ess ertfij} PN-Pol~t'cal Farty~ SCC-5ma1 Ccrttri~u;or Conmirse FPPC Form ~ 1,fanemrylDS] FPPC ToH.Free Helpllne: 86BfASKfPPC [666i275~'7729 Schedule D Suirremary of Expenditures SupportinglQpposirwlg Other Candidates, Measures and Cvmmitbees SEE IUSTRUCTiONE ON g~r'VERSc f.lA UC A C Cn rn Type ~ print +n Ink. ArnDVnt$ may be rounded td whole dollars. throul~h tlaM9109 Page 12 ~ 21 Darcy Raut for Cupf:rtinl3 City Coundl {~yy~ PtAfdE OF CA~JCIDATE, C FF1G~ AA~O f,ISTRIGT, Ord TYpE OF RAY~AI:NT fdEASURE NUf1BER OR LETTER ANp.lURIaDICTIUN, OR GOMM.rI"EE NJA ^ 5u~port ^ Gppose hf1A ^ Supper` Q OPPose NlA ^ Supp~R ^ Oppose ^ Monebry Contributior. ^ Mbnmo.~e:ary Contribution [] Indepeiderrt Expendi:urG [~ hlonerary~ Ccntrbutioo ~ Nonmonetary i Cortri~u;lon ^ IndeaanclerR ExperxL'ture [~ Monetary Contrbution ^ f~'onmonetary a ntnbutian fni~,endert Expenditure SL1B70TAL $ l7 Sthedule D 5urnrrlary 4 0 0 1. Itemized contsibutrons and independenrt expenditures made this period. (include all ScneduJe D subtotals.} ................ ~ 2. tJniterrtlzed caniributions and independentexpenditul~s made this periodof under$i0~ ,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•,,,, ~ ... ......................................................_ S 8. Total contributions and independent expenditures made this period. (Add Lines 7 anc~ 2. Do not enter on tFle Summary Page.) ........._.. T'IaTAL $ 4 DESCR(FTIbN f1 F REaJttE[~ St®terrtant covers period from -. ~7101t09 AM OL'NT THI S P~RlO J I.f), NUNBER 131965 CZJNU:;,TIVETODAT~ A=RFIECTION CALEVL+AR YEAR TpDATE= !,1Rht,1.!]~C_31} pFREOUIREti} t} ~ 0 ~' 0 FPPC Form d60 (.lanuaryl115} FPP~ Tal!•l=ree HefpRrn: 8B61ASK-1=PPC (89Br2T5~772) Schedule D [1~ntN1llatio n Sheet) type or print in Ink. SDHEi]l.'lE D (CONT.) Summary of Expenelituiras A~ w ~a ~nd~ staiementoovers period la to I r SluppartEn~lOpposing Other o7lpi~os ~ . ~~rn Candidatesr Measures a nd Committees through 091 ~ 91Q9 Page ~_ of ~_ NAN.E 0 FILER I.D. NUNBER OarLyy Paui for Cupertino City Council 13'19625 D'~ N4L7B QF CANDIDA'f1=, O~^=ICE, AND DISTRICT, OR v T`rPE DF IaA tYt$JT DESCRIPTION ' CUYIULI.TIVETO DATE ; pER ~CTIDA• AM,UV-THIS CALENDf~R YEAF TO DATE LlFFSLAZE NUA9BER C R LE17EFi APID JURISDIGTIOh, z t1, AeECi~~t~ P~210D (1+1N.t-C6C_31) pFR5Q~~REC} ORCOI#MITTEIE ~~ ^ h4anetary i Contribu~on ~ 4 0 Q ^ Ncnmor>elary Ca ntribuli~rr Independe~: ^ Support ^ Oppose Expenditure ~,A ^ Monetary Cc~tri~ution 0 " O O 1 l Alnnrnn neFens I__I ......~ i ~. ~.....~! Co rtributia n ^ lndeperrderit © Suppo.t ^ Qpp~se Expenditure AUA ^ Moneiary Contribution Q 0 ~ ^ Nonmona:ary Cordributio n ^ Inde~emlent ^ Support Q Oppose Expenditure NSA ^ ~Icne?ary Contribution 0 0 0 ^ Nvnmonetary ~ ~ Contribution [] Independent Q Support ©Oppose Expend ~urc SEJBTQTAL ~ 0 FPPG Forrn Ab0 (.isnuary1051 FPPG Tollfres H~Ipline: e661ASK..FppC ($661275-3'72) ' C~1~u~@ E TyQe or print in ink. Statement covers period p~,,~~~ M~~ Amounts may be rounded ` "'7 Eo whob dollars, a7ro~ros from SEFI]USTRIICTIOikSONREvERSE through ~~~~~ pegb._..14 ~ 21 NflfdE DF F]t.~R I.G. r'JUMBER Darcy Paul for Cupertino City CounC][ 1319625 CObES: tf or3e Gf th® following codes axuratsly describes the payment, y¢u may enter the node. Otherwise, describe the payment. CiVP cam?sign paraptiernaGa/mist fJBR membeaotlmmunications RAD radio alrtirne and production costs ~ ramaaign torsullants A+r'G meeGnds and appearances RFD reamed corrtributiens CT3 oantr5ation laxclain nonrlanetary}' OFC aTiioe expenses 5]41, ~mpaign vrorkera' salaries GVC civic dcnatio.ns f*,f petit•~n ciroulating T3 tv. ar ;,able airtime a:rd production cods FL eantlioate fllEngrbalio". Sees PHD phony tanks Y.~C carldida{s travel, lodging„ and meallls RtiD fundraising avenls PaL pollh~ and survey resoarch TRS stafflspouse trdlv~J, ]adg;rg, ana meals ~ independent expenditure s:~?poRirglopposing othe]s lexplainl` PO6 postage, delivery and messenger seroioes T5F trarufer be2,~+een oornmihees of `.he same candidatelsponsor LEG legal deHertse FRO professions[ sen~ioes (legal, acooutrtngt VOT vaEes registration L1T campaign lital'ztr~e and rr.ailings FRT print ads '~4EB i:rformatlon technology costs ;internet, a-mall} NAiAEAN~.4C13RF_SS DFPAYEE pFCON v r'T~ PL9G E+1T~t I.A. a`UTABEP.; City of Cupertino, Park at'rd Recreation Comtnissi4n 1 D3t?D Torre Avenue VG~JGI~IIIV, a./y 71.?V 14 MapPaint 2008 Arr~azon,clam Kelsey Hudson 781 ivYa~-wood Street Escand~.dor CA 92027 COCE OR GESGRIp'nON4F?AYNEPrT' ,4AADUYT PAID ~ Reservation of SlackbErrry Farm Picnic Site FND 2Qd.O D On-Line Map Site CMP I Website Cosign PRO I 283.97 300.QC ___ _- "Payments that are colttributlons pr Independent expenditures must also he summaNzed on Schedule D. SUBTOTALS 738,97 Schedule E Summary 1. ItErnized payments madethis period. (Include all Sdiedule E s:,btatals.j .............................................................................................................. $ 5,632.86 2 Unitemized payments made this period of under $1~D ...__.............,. .......................................,................ ..,........................................................ ~ 581.47 3. Total interest paid this period on loans. (EMer amount from Schedule B, Pali 1; Column (e}.~ .......................... 0 4, Tots! payrni3rtts made this peri,,d (Add Lines 1; 2, acrd 3. Ender here and on the Summary Page, CoiumnA, Line 6.~ .. TOTAL, $ 6,214.33 FPPC Forrn 4tiD [Januaryl063 FPi't; Toll~res<He•Jpllne: BIB6lASi(-FPPC (866r2T537'7'2~ chedule E (Continuation Sheet} Payments Made NAHOEG= FILER Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to wtrole dollars. Darcy PaUI for Cupertino City Council P~~ se~lEOVLw~ I=_ tcanT r a7~49ros . - _ _ iron through 09/99/09 Page Z 5 ~ 21 I.D. HUldBER 13191125 GODiF.S: If one of me following codes acxtArately descritres the payment, yvu may enter the code. otherwise, describe the payment. GNP campaign parapliernaliaiilis~ MBR memberccmmunica:iors RAD radio airtime and prooT.ctior. cb3ts CNS campaign cons~rltan~ MTC meetlrTgs and appaarances RFU rrttumed aantr~TUtlons ' CB oontr~rtbn ;explain no.rr~onatary)` CFC ~ffioe rxpenses SAL salaries campagn workers GVC ablc donations ?ET petition circulsfirrg TFZ [.~. or cable airritne and production ousts FIL candidate flinglt~altot fees ?~-~ phone baNcs T~tC candidate travel, Eadging, and meals FND fundraising everts ?DL poAirsg and survey reerearch~ TRS stafRSpa~e'.raver<, Iadging, and meafB ' ~ independent expenditure suppo-tingropposing other9 iexploinp ?06 postage, delnrarp and messenger ssviees T5F ' spcnsor transfer bEtureen comTrittees oI the sa^re cardidate iEC legal de*ense ?ZO pra~esz:icnaE services ;I~ acaoundngy JOT voter regislratian LIT camoaian literatuiz and rs~ailinsta r'RT print ads '+VEB in6onnaticn technobgy posts (internee, eillaii; NWL7E AADADDRES& O!= PA'.'EE CODE OR DESCRIPTlOh QF PAYMENT AIAOUNTPAIC (lFOOMAIlrTEE +1LSC ern3~ lC. VVW3Fla Kwik Kopy Campaign cards 99575 DeAnza 13GUlevarH LIT 1,74$.OQ Cuperlino, CA 95014 Kwik Kopy Remittance Envelopes 1t]ti75 DeAl~za 13aulevard LIT 262.50 Cupertino, CA 95'f4 Smart 8r final Supplies fnr Kick-Off >~tty MaryB Fremont FND 153.07 5unrry+rale, CA 94847 The C - Cupertino News Maga~ne Ad 20560 Stevens Creslc Boulevard #251 pR7 604.40 Cupertino, CA 954'14 Cr,pertina Courier IVewspaper ~ 9095 The Alameda PRT '• 145.00 San Jane, GA 95126 ~ Paynrefltt, tt-atare corrtr~utlons or Iwdependen! expenditures must also be suminari¢ed an Sohedule D. SUBTOTAL $ ~,$Q$,~7 FPPC Form 460 iJanuary105i FPPC Tollfree FlelpOne; 86filASK-FPPC (8Ei612T5-3772] +CIledul®E SGNEDULEE(COWT; Type or print in ink. Staterorerrtmvera period ,~ ,~ ~Cp~1'~ilnLlaF~Qf1 $~1Q8~} Amouafrrmayberoundad a' ~ to whoM dbllara. O~/ailD9 n ' I • Payments ~IladB from 09149H19 16 21 5EEIN5-RUCT1CAtSdNREVEl~SE ~D~h--" --" P8y2 61' N3.YIE OF FllER ta. AlUM3.R Darcy Paul for Caperbno City Council 1319625 CODES: if one of the iflAowing codes accurately describes the payment, you may ®nter the code. Otherwise, describe fftie payment. Ci~P campaign paraphernaNalmisc. tv9BR r-iamtnrcommuniGalioriG RAD ^adio airtime and produotlon oasts CN5 campaign consutar~ts AATiG rneetfngs and appearances RFb returned contrbulians CTB contr:b:itior (explain nonmcr.®tay)' OFC effia: expenses SAL campaign ur+orkcrs' salar;es GVC civic donations F~ pe~ition circulating TEL tv. or cable a:rlrne and atnduction costs RL candidate filir~Qlbaliot tees Ft~C phone banks TRC candidate travel, bolting, and meals FNQ rurd.~aising events POf< pclitr~ and survey research TR5 shfE'spouss travel, lodgir~p, and meals ~ >ndaper~dent expenditure suppariingJCpposing others texplain;~` Ft75 pcstage, oetfv~arr and messenger servicPS TSF tYansfer between commrtees of the same candidat>clspvnsor L?~ legal defense PRO professional serv'.ces (legal, acaounting'~ VCT vcte- registration LIT campaign literature and mailirtgs PRT print ads WE6 iMarrnation technology costs (Irrternat, e~itrail) t~AMEAVDAQpRE85CFPAYEE i1F C10~1111TSE PLSD EArr~ L0.1JUA'BcRJ CODE OR U_5CRIPTI9NOFPAYN_ENT A690UNTPAID Steven Hoffman Office Rental 2U37Q Town Center Lane, Suite 104 pFG 750.OD Cupertino, CA 95D14 Steven Hoffman 4t'fice [~errtaf Z037D Town Center lane, Suite 104 OFC - 1,440.32 Cupertino, CA 95014 Regis#rar,xf Vofiers Registered Voter Information 1655 Berger Drive ROL 152.00 San Jose, CA 9511 Z I `Payments that are oorrtrlbutlons or independent erapenclllu res m ustalsn be sumrnarlxed an Sclaed ule D, sUBTOTAI. $ 1,942.32 t=PPC Farm 48D {.lanuaryJ05~ FPPCToII-Fee Hetpiirre:li661ASK-FPPC (Htifif276.3T72) St~Medu~e F Accrued Expenses (Llnpald Bibs} Type or prlrt in ink. Amounts may be rounded to urifole dollars SteEement covers period from 47101109 5 EE tNSTR UCT]ONS Df~ NAM= Oi" FILE R through 0919/49 Darcy Paul far Cupertino City Council CUD~S: Jf ode of the following codes ace~rately describes the payment, you may entier the code, ~'~' eampai,~n parapherrtal'alrnisc. PAR memberoommunioations ~l$ campaign :ons~ltarrbs tvtTG meetings and appearances CAP contrrbgation ;explain nanrnonetaryi" CFC office expenses GVC cyiC donations PfiT pedtfan cirrulatiing FL Candidate fifing+ballot fees PFiQ hohe banks P ETD fundrais~,g everrts J>CL polJirg and survey research NO independent expendita,ae suppow.ingropposisg others !explain)" PQS pos!age, delivery and messenger services LEG Lff legal defense Campaign IJteratare and crailin s PR: ' p~fessionat sen~ic±s Itega], accauntng) p PRl print ads NAUIE AyD ADDR~S OF CR®ITOR n=ocarwnTee,ar.oc Ev7er ~~, x+.rnes~i ~,riq GCDEafi I !~} t]ESCRIPTJDNOFPAYM3Y' bUTSThh'DI.'VG ti4L4NCE 6EGiN!lING ~ OF THtS PERtDD 4 N!A 0 t~/A Otherwise, descliBe the payment sc!"mu_~F Pape 17 of 21 LC.NUNEER '1319825 t~ radio airl:ima and production costs EtFb returned co~Yribulions 5AL campaign workers' salaries Tit ~u o: cable airtime and product~n cosy 'fRG candidate travel, lodg;ng, and meats TR5 staf"spouse travel, Fbdgirrg, and meals TSF trenster between committees of the same caididatr~Js~por,sbr VOT voter re~istation V~fEEB inior"tation technoJcgy Casts iinbernsk e~rrait3 b At1tOUNT INCJRRED TH6S PERIOD 0 0 a 4 0 0 • JPayrrrents that as megibutions or Endependent expcpdilun9 must also be sunrndrlaed on sceed!(te Ja. $UBT'OTALS ~ ~ $ 0 $ 4 S (] Schedule F Snrnmary 1. Tots! acGri.Ji3d expenses in>rurred thole period (Include ai! Schedule F, Column (b) subtotals for accrued expenses of $104 or more, p[us fatal unitemized Jao~xxued expenses under S1 DO.~ ...... ............. ..... INCIJRRt=D TUTALS S 4 2. Total accrued expenses paid this period, (Include al! Schedule F. Column (ca subtotals for payments on accrued expenses of $10l) ar more, plus total unitemized payments on acaued expenses under 31QD.) ,. .................... _ PAID TfaTALS $ _ 4 3. Net change this period. (Subatract Line 2 firom line 1. Enter the difference here and on the Summary Page, Column A, line 9.) ..............................................................................,.... . ........._ ....... ...............,.........._........ a~z ~ o r>ny oe ~ n ~e M, .r AMDUNITPk1~ DUTSITANDING TJil6?ERt00 B14LANG'cATC!OSE (nso 36PORTCr~ ~ 4FTHIS PEfZIOC FPPC Farm 4B0 {Januaryl05? FPPCToIi-Free Flh+lpllne:8661ASK-FPPC t~~75~TT2~. Schedule F (ConllTiuation Sheet) Accrued Expens®s I(Unpaid Bilis) type or print in ink Qrnourds may bt rounded Uo whole dollars. staternerrtcovera perrool rr+arrl o~,ro~to9 thrau~gh ~9~'I ~~ SCHEDULE F (COtirf_; Page Z $ of ~ 1 w+r~ ~ r r~~en I I.D. NUiJ6ER I D21rcy Paul for Guperti~o City Council ff 1319825 Ci3p~S: If one of the foiiowil~g codes accurafaiy describes the payment; you may enter the code. Otherwise, describe the payment. CA'P campaign paraphernallalmisc. A'~R member communltatiq'+s RAQ radio airtime and prcdu on costs CtJS campaign consuRarrs irtrG rr:ee:ings and a~ppearan;es RFD returrreo contribut!o~s CTB contribution (explain nonmor~etaryj' 0.=~ o'Fce expenses SAL campaign vrorkcrs' sala~rks ;,yC gyip donatans PET petition eircufatinp T~ t_v. or cable aitime anal produotlon oG6t6 qL candidate frlinp~ballct tees PHQ phone banks TF2C candidate travel, lodging, and meats FM1ID fundraising elrent.4 POOL poling and survey researoh 7RS staf4spouse travel, Icaging. and mils N~ indeper~ent expend:tu.^e b~pparlin®+apAosicg others (explaktt" F06 pcstage, delivery and messenger services TSf transfer L~t'ueen comrritteae o'f the ea^re cardidatelsp3nsor legal tlefense FRO professional services (legal, aboourrtingi VGT -roter registration L1T campa~ Jrterature and mailings P [~ prlilt 3~i ~u11F~ inivrmatien technology casts [intame., e-ma l) ~ Payments thatare contributions or independegt expenditures must also besummartaed on Schedule D. i'I tbf 1~1 Ed) td.'4Mf f4ND ADD~E$$ 7E CREDITOR COIF OR OIJiSTANDB'JG AAdOl1wTINGURRED ALtOUNTPAIO aU75TAiNDING (FCCUw:7EEiL30BJrERF.D.NUU3Ela DESCRIPTION OFpAYMENT gALANCEBEGI.YNING TkiISPERFCD THISF'ERfOD BALANCE Ai CLAS"c DFTkISPeRr4D w~eeRE°olronE~ OF THISPERICD hL'A 4 0 q 0 IdiA 0 t7 0 D NIA ' Q p Q 0 N1A 0 0 0 0 St1BTO~ALS $ 0 3 0 5 0 3 0 FP PC Form d8Q [JanuarylQS) FPPC Tolifree Helplirre, e6t3lASK.FPPC (86812753772jF Schad u~ G type ar grin! kr ink. SCHEDULE G Payments ~IAad@ by an Agent or Independent Amounbmay be rounded stai+ementcovers period I Contlractor~onBehaffo#'~'Fii~Gommiitee) towhoiedarlars. from U71t31+0~ • ~ D9/191fl9 throufdh -- --- ----- ,page I9 ~ 21 SEE I.V6TRUCTIONS ON REVERSE hl4PAE~FFrLER ~ I,D.NUTA9ER Darcy Raul for Cuperhina City Council ~ 93'!9625 hlAhAE oFAGENTOR IHDEF£.tiDENT GO"lTR1hCT'GR CQDES: If one of the fdtoviting codes accurately describes the paymen#, you rriay enter the Dods., tJ'~lerwise, desuibe the paymen*.. CNP campaign paraphernalia/mist, IJiRR r.-emhercornmunlcatiohs R.4D radio aktime and productioncosls CNfS camp2ig~ oonsutarts 6TrC Hastings and appearances RFO returned coMrit:ut:ons CTB cortrlbution (expla;r ranmo-~e`.aryy OF;.' oftfca expenses SAS campaign workers' salaries CVC civic oanatians FEr petition circulating ~1. tv. or able airtime and pro~rCtlon cow FL car,dlaate filing!ballot fees PHO phone banks TRC candidate travel, lorlgatg, and meals RVD fundraising events P'Cl polEing and survey research ?R3 staflYspause travel, lodging, and rr:eels ~ independent expenditure sapporiing(opp~sing ethers (expla?nj" l'C)6 postage, delivery and messenger services TSF transfer ~ehwen carr,mitees of ifie same candidatelsponsor I.EG legal defense F'F~ proft~eiooal services ({egal, acwurting) VO7 eater regis,ratlon Lrf campaign Eiiera'ure and mailings PFZT p'i.1' ads WFB urtormaGon ttchr.otegy casts (+rRemetr a-mail! " E"Ap ments that areoonfTibutivns or f ndepenulentexpendMures musteisv be sumrrrarJ~ed ore Scheduie D. WaMEAU0A0DREaSOFAAYEEBRCREDITOR CODE OR D65CRIFT;tOYDFR4YWIENT A1N4lJN7PP,ID (.F :.4.1Ati'EE, RL3D EPJTfR I.0. ti~ N8E3t~ IUln . _.. ~ wA a wA o NIA Q Attach addrtiarraf irrfotm~ation (~ appropriately labeled contirru2lian sheets. 7aTAL* S 0 • Cc nor franslser to any other ~crradule ar fo ff1® 5urrxrery Page. ?'his tote! may rest eq~ar the arnourr paid ro rtes agsr, ar io9e~pnadert ocrrfracrat as -apctted or Schedule E FPlsC Form A80 (Januaryp5} FF'PC Talifree Hdpline:8661A5#C-FPPC~8881275.3772} Schedule H Loans Made to Others* SEE ]!lSTRLJCTION$ CN REVERSE Type or print in ink. ~ 5tatemcntmvers period Amnunl: may be rounded ~ d7,'01l09 tiv whole dollars. from-_ . through 09119109 Page ~~ of ,~.~ Lb. NUMBER NA,41E OF ~ILE3 Darcy Paul for Cupertino City Council 131$625 FULLhiA,I,AE,STR.ETADDRESSAND~pC~DE IF ANtNDMDVAL.ENTER OGCUPATIONRNQ E YIFLQYER O~STAINDlNG Ary,~p~}~ Io1 REPAYMENT OR 4UTSTAIv~IN3 ~ INTkREST OR1GEiVAL CUM LATIVE OF REt:IPIENT pFGbM31RT6E nLSC ~.IIER I.D. VLW6~1 . OFS F~EilRAY83 ENrrfi BALr,NCE LO?.NER TINS BE31IiNING THIS FGRGIL~hEa'5 Ljr1LANCEAT RECEIVE] GLOSS pF THIS AUI4UNT8F LOAN$ r,•v~~eoF ei,st~ESS; P I PERIOD THIS PERIOD' o I :OAtk TO 7ATE ~1p1 t ~ ?AID G4LENDAP YEAR 4 ~ ~ S .. S ~,..-~.5 g s FCIZGNEN R~Q'E PERELECTION° ~ 4 ~ ~ Q S S g $ S DATE QLIE ,,.7E IYCURRE3 NIA ~ PAID CALEr.id14R YEAR 0 s 0 ~ = O s 0 [ FDROf1rEN """ PEA E~GTlp+li' Q ~ 0 d 0 g g S 3 S LATE DUE 4J17= INCURR~ yLoan9 t-tat are aontribulions to another candidate or cmammiitee must also be summarized on Schedule D. Loans forgiven meJSt SEJBTOTaLS also be reported on Sdieduk E. S 0 0 ~ $ 0 0 ~ ~crnor ;off o- Sahadle I, Lisa JI Schedule H Summary 1, Loans made this period $ a (total Column (b) plus un~emized loans of less than $1 Q0.) 2. Payment5receivedonloans ............................................................••---...----•-----................_..-._...........................,...........~ (TQ~1 Gofumn (c) pll~s unitemtzed paymentsaf less than 5100.) 3. ~Eet change this per>ioti. (Subtract Line 2 from i~ne 1 ................... 0 tEnter the not here anti on the Summary Rage, Column A, Line 7.) ....1f ...........1................,....,........................--•--- NlT $ Ne, boa nom. q '"If Required a FPPC FaJrn46D [Januaryrosl FPpCToll~reo Hetplirile:>Ifi61A5K.FpPC (866x275-37721 Schedule I Type a prlrttln Ink. SCNED'JL.I Miscellaneous Increases #a Gash Amouhismay6erounded Starlementc~veraperiod lowhaladoliars. p7,'p1/09 ~ ~ from rnro~gl, o9~~ls~os pie 21 ,f 21 6E. fNS-'RUCTIONS ON REVeRSE NAI4lE OF FI LER I.]. NU61gER barcy Paul for Cupertino Ciiy Council 13'19625 fltiTE FL'iL NAME P•ND ADDR>:SS 9F 5011RGE DESC31FrIQ+W 4F RECEIPT AI~AOI,AJT OF REGENED p=CDMMRTEtil..S7 BJ-=R I.C•. NUAI3ERI AdCREAS~TO Cr1SH MIA iViA NIA ~f1A NIA a 0 0 fl 4 AYach addrGanal in~iorma~ian orr appncAriatsly labeled oontlnuation sheets• SUBTOTAL ~ Q Schedule t Summary o 1. Itemi2ed increases to cash this period. ........ ......................•........................................................,............... $ ................ 2. Unitemized increases to cash of under $900 this period ............... ...g ~ 3. Total of all interest received this period en loans made to others. (Schedule H, Calurnn (e).} .... $ U ~. Total miscellaneous increases to cash this period. (Add Lines 7, 2, and 3. Eater here and on the 0 Summary Pale, Line '14.) ................ .................................................,......................................................... TOTAL $ FPPC I;ottq +164 (}anuarylDS) FPPC Toi~ree He(plinc: 8661ASIS~PPC t8fi61Z75377Z)