460 Recipient Committee Campaign Statement – Preelection Statement 07-01-2016 to 9-24-2016 RecipientCammittee �°vEr����� �„� �� Campaign Staterr�ent ��`P s`�__ _ ` ° " � ' ,� a Cover Page ' °- (C3overnrnent Code Sections£�4200-E�4216.5) Statetnent covers period Date of election if applicable: (MonB�. Day, Year) �Cn � Paye__...�:._.._...._ of � 0 201� ---- from ----_o�7/t�l/2o16 __ _ �"�- I'oi O(ficiai Use Only �' - fhfOUgft i 24/201� __._ --.—_ ' �' _.__----- " ...,,..,.. ����5,? � �; ,�1-`.. ....... ._.,-_..-- SEiL INSIRUC1lONS ON RCVf".RSE _��._.�_._.__.._..__ �E 07 9U16 .._ . .. .. _. �. , . ..... ._. . .. 1. Type of Recipient Committee: An co�t,«,�ctee5-c��n��PcP P:�rts 1,2,3,,�,��. 2. Type of Sfatement: (7;,� Offir,eholder,CandidatF Controlfed Commillee [] Priniarily Formed f�allot Measure L� Freelection Statement [] C.�uarterly Statement 0 Stale Candidate Election Committee Comrnitte� �] Semi��annual Sfatement (� S�ecial Odd-Ye�r 12�port �) R�call �Controlled �ni,ocn�n�iarer,n,i,� [_] lennin�tion Stater'nent [] S�.ipplernen(al F'�eelection (� Spon,ored (Aiso file a Form 410 Teimination) � �- �n��oc����i�i���a�tsJ otat�iricnt-Attach Forrri�19.� [,� General PurF���se f:ornrni(tee � ❑ nmer7dment (Explain below) (� Sponsoirad �..._� Primarily Fornied Candid�ate! _. (�Sn�all Conhibutnr Conimiitee Of(iceholder Comniiltee _._....___ (�Politir.alPartylCenlr�ICorninittee In+soc.on,�ior�ra,r'r� ------..__..--.__� _____ _ 3. Co�nmiftee Information � �° """'�'�R Treasurer(s) «����a:s� CbMM1T'iEE NnME(OR CANDIDA�fL'5 NAME II' Nq COMMiI�"I�.F.E) NAMF.. 9P�iREnSURFR - - -� Narry C}iarq ,for n^semuly 20.LE � P,na.-xy C}1anR M/111.ING ADD2ESA � : S�I�R[6i AbDR[SS (NO P.O.f�OX) CITY STA"I'E 7_IP CpDf-: ARFA COUIJPIIONE . Cu�ertino CA 9�019 ( CITY STn'I'F TIP CObC- ARFA CODF1Pf{ONF, lJAMF OP AiSIS�fnPll"1�REnSURI'R. IF ANY � Cupwrtln� CT1 95014 (- M�II_ING ADURFS; (IP bIFPERFN7j Ni).ANfI 5I�RE[T OR P.O. [30X A�InI1JNG ADURESS -�� � � Clil' STnfE 711' COL1f_ AREA CODfi/F'h1UNF CITY S�l�Tf 71f' COU� /�Rf-./� CODEIf`I1UNE O!'TIONl�I..: I-AX 1 6�A-0AIL AUI)RFSS OPl"IONnL: FAX/GPANI..nUDR�SS � !» . .. . . . . . . ._. 4. Verification I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing and reviewing this statement and to the besl of my knowiedge the inforrnation contained herein and in the attached schedules i,irue arzd c;ornpletr. I certify under penal(y of perjury under the laws o(lhc�Stale oi Cali(ornia that thc foregoing is tru�and correct. � � Ex.r.culed o�i �`�!�'B/2016 �Y ��'�,�. Me�su�e P�opnrient o�Rr,sponsible 06icer n(Sponsor �/ � Fk('(;ll�[',(1 nfl AY ���'�A Sigu�ture of Controllinq Oftirrholder.Candi�f�tc,Slale Measu���Prnpnnent FxeCuted en [�y Ua1n Slgnaturo oFConpolling Ofilc�holdc�r,Cnntlidelo,Sl�te Mcasu�F�Prnpo�'�ent FPPC Fonn 460(J2n/2016) FPPC Advice:advice@fp��c.ca.gov(8661275-3772) www.netfile.com www.fppc.ca.yov COVER PAGE-PART2 Recipient Commitfiee Campaign Statemenfi ' � �' ' � � � Gover Rage— Part 2 Page— Z -- °f—�-- 5. Officeholder or Candidate Controlled Comrnittee 6. Primarily Formed Ballot Measure Committee NAME OF OFFICEFIOLDER OR CANDIDFlTE NAME OF BALLOT MEl1SURE Barry CYiarig OFFICE SOUGFIT OR HELD QNC�UDE LOCAl lON AND DISI RICT NUMBER IF APPUC�BLE) BALLOi NO.OR LETI ER I JURISDICiION I U SUPPORT Asseitihly llistxirt 24 �,_� OPPOSE RESIDENiIAI_lBUSINESSADDRESS (NO.nNDSiREEf) CIiY S1AiE ZIP Identify the controlling officeholder, candidate, or state measure proponent, if any. Cupertiiio C71 95p14 ' NAME OF OPFICEHOLDER,CnNDIDAIE,OR PP,OPONENT Related Committees Not Included in this Staternent: ust any con,�ni�cees not included in this staternent that are controlled by you or are prirnarily forrned to receive ��fFICF SOUGf-1i OR HELD I UISTRIC� NO. IP nNY contributions or rnake expenditures on behalf of your candidacy. GOMMIiiEENAME LD. NUMBER ' F'riPnds of Rarry ('ha��y nqairist tF�e F�o�ll NAME OF TREASURFR COMROLLEDCOMMITTEE? �• Primarily Formed Candidate/Officeholder Committee List names of of�iceholder(s)or candida(e(s)for which this comrniltee is prirnarity(orrned. P.iY_a Copelarid L�,J YES U NO COMMITIEEADDRESS STREET ADURESS (NO P.O.BOX) NAMF OF OFFICEHOLDER UR CnfJDIDAIE OFRCE SOUGFI�pR IiELD �] SUPPORT U OPPOSE CRY SIAIF_ 7_IP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE N�1MF OF OfFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGIi f OR I1ELD U SUPPORT _._.. . ------ _ _--- - OPPOSE _ _ _. _ . . . _ _ �._� COMMITTF_E NAMF_ I.D. NUMBER . NnME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDA�E OFFICE SOUGHi OR IiELD u SUPPORT [--� OPPOSE NAME OFTREl1SURER CON�ROLLEDCOMMITTEE7 NAMF_OF OFFICEIIOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGIIT OR IIELD U YES [] NO U SUPPORT _ ❑ or��osE COMMI I1 EE nDDRFSS S fREF1 ADDRESS (NO P.O.BOX) CIiY SI'F�IE ZIP CODE AREACODE/PFiONE Attach continuation sheets if necessary �PPC Form 460(Jan/2016) FPPC Advice:advice(c�fppc.ca.gov(866/275-3772) www.netfile.corn www.fppc.ca.gov Campaign Disclosure Statement SUMMARYPAGE Amounts inay be rounded Staternent covers period � - Summary Page to whole dolla�s. � � ' from o�/oi/2oi6 � � SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through 09/24/2016 Page_.3 of-__�-- NAME OF FtLER I.D. NUMBER Basry Chauy for nssembly 2016 1378937 + Colurnn A Column B Calendar Year Summary for Candidates Contributions Received ror�t ruisreaioo C�LENDARVEAR �raoM�,��cf�FoscF�Eou�Es� IOIAI_iO�ATF Running in Both the State Primary and General Elections 1. Monetary Contributions ....... sci,ed�,�e�,�u,e s $ 1,soo.oo g ii,039.19 . . ... ..... . .. ..... .. 1/1 through 6/30 7/1 to Date 2. Loans RBCeIV2CI ...................................................... Schedule B,Line 3 0.00 100,000.00 1,500.00 111,039.19 ?0. Contribulions 3. SUBTOTAL CASH CONTRIBUTIONS ......................... .ndd�ines 1+2 $ $ Received $ $ 4. Nonmonetary Contributions.................................... scneduie c,�ine 3 0.o0 3,�40.a 1 21. Expenditures 5. TOTALCONTRIBUTIONSRECEIVED ...... -. �. � � ��ddr_���es3+� $ l,soo.00 g iia, �so.00 Made $ $ Expenditures Made Expenditure Lirnit Sumrnary for State 6. PayrT�ents Made....................................................... scnedcde e,une� $ z,786.32 $ 4ia,192.91 Candidates 7. Loans Made............................................................. Sr.hedule H,Cine 3 0.oo U.o0 ----" - 22. Cumulative Expenditures Made' 8. SUBTOTALCASFiP�YMENTS .................................... .�ddi_��,ess+� $ _____?.786_32 $ _ 413,192.91 (IfSubjecttoVoluntaryF_xpenditureLBniQ 9. Accrued Ex enses Un aid Bills Schedule F,Line 3 _-2,s�o_oo o.oo Uate of Election Total to Date p � P ) ............................... 10.Nonmonetary Adjustment ...................................._....scned�de c,une s 0.00 3,740.81 (��m/dd/yy) 1"I. TOTALF_XPENDITURESMADE................................Add�inese+g+lo $ 246.32 g 4�c,933.72 05 0� zo�5 39o,s9�.s� ----� �----- � ---- Current Cash Statement ---J--�---- $ 12. Beginning Cash BalanCe....................... Previous 5ummary Paqe,Line 16 $ 6,a�i.is lo calculate Colunm B,add 13. Cash ReC21�fS ................................................... Colunui A,Line 3 above i,so o.o0 2mounts in Colurrui A to the corresponding amounts `Amounts in this section may be differen(from amounts 14.Miscellaneous InCreases to CaSh........................... Sr,hedtde I,Line 4 0.oo irom Column B of your last reported in Colurnn B. 2, �86.32 report. Sorne arnounts in 15. Cash P2yfllelllS.................................................. Colurnn A,Line 8 ahove -----. -- Colurnn A rnay be negative 16. ENDING CASH BALANCE.......... Add Lines�2+ 13+ 14,fhen subfracf Line 1.5 $ 5�59�-83 figures that should be subtracted from previous I(lfris is a lerrnination s(atement, Line 16 mus(be zero. period arnounts. I(this is the (irst reporl being Filed o.oo �or this calendar year, only 17.LOAN GUAR/�NTEES RECEIVED ........................... sr.hedu�e B,Part z $ carry over the amounts Cash Equivalents and Outstanding Debts F�o�T, ���,es z, �, and 9(if any). 18. Cash Equivalents........................................ see r�,sir�,r.r�o��s on re�Prse $ 0.00 19. OUfSlelldlflg D@bfS ......................._ Fldd Line 2 i Line 9 in Colurnn B above $ 100,000.00 FPPC Form 460(Jan/2016) . FPPC Advice:advice@fppc.ca.gov(866/275-3772) www.ippc.ca.gov www.netfile.com �chedule A Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounded - ---P-- SCHEDULE A to wtiole dollars. Statement covers eriod � _ � • 1 from �7/01/2016 '• ' SEE INSTRUC1lONS ON REVERSE through 09/24/2016___ p�ge__4__of__'?_ _ _ ----------...-------------- ----- -- — N�ME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER Barry CPiang for Assembly 2016 1378937 DATE FULL NAMF,STRFFT ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUiOR CONTRIBUiOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNi CUMUL/�TIVETODAfE PFR ELECTION RFCEIVED (iF��titrvurtee,n�soeNrr-Rio r�ur�i3eR> CODE * OCCUPAiION�ND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TODATE (IPSFLF��FMPLOYE�,ENI�ERNAbIE PERIOD (,IAN. 1 -DF_C.31) (IF REQUIRED) OP BUSINE55) -------------- -- ------- --. -- ___-_ - u I ND-----__ _---- -------- --—---_ _....--- 0 7�18�2016 nssociated Buildere k Contra�-tors FI�C (]:��f 500.00 500.00 F201ti $SOO.q0 822i3a, UCUM ��TI-� u�'TY U SCC ---------------------. _._------------- -- _------- - ------ -- ----------- 07�18�2016 Ci��iistirie Y,. Xouriq ���J� Iii5uraitce Agent 1,000.00 1,000_00 P207.6 $1,000.00 �o,f� ��,Y ___-- - _.._ ----- ----- —- - - -- us�� ------ --- ----------------------- --- ------------- UiNo __---------- - u���M Uorii U�rv U scc ----- - — -_ _ — - _ ------___ . _--- ------------ --- - -------- ��N� - - --- ------ --—_ -- ---- -- - - ��oM ❑�T�� []PTY [_]SCC __-- ----- - --__ _..------- _ --- - -_ - - ----- --__-___....._____ _ ------ ------- --. ------------------ --- _ . -----_. ...------ (�INU ❑COM (�OTI I LJPTY ❑SCC -- ----- -- -_ _-- --- ---- _ _ - --- 1 SUBTOTAL$ i,soo.00 --- ___----- ----------- Schedule A Summary }Contributor Codes 1. Amount received this period-itemized monetary contributions. �N�-individuai (Include all Schedule n subtolals.) $ i,soo.oo COM-RecipientCornrnittee ........................................................................................................ -------- (other than PiY or SCC) 2. Amount received this period-unitemized monetary contributions of less tf�an$100 ............................. $ o.oo �if i-otf,er�e.g., hus��,ess e�,t�ty� --- --- P1Y-Political Party 3. Total monetary contributions received this period. sCC-smaii Contributor Comrnittee �f�dd Lines 1 and 2. Enter here and on tlie Surnmar Pa e, Colurnn!1, Line 1. TOT�L l,soo.o0 Y 9 ).................... $ ----- FPPC Form 460(Jan/201G) fPPC Advice:advice@fppc.ca.gov(866/275-3772) www.ne[file.com wwW.tp�c.ca.yov SCI IEDULE B-PART 1 Schedule B— Part 1 Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period � _ � Loans Received to whole dollars. o'�/oi/zoi6 • - � � ' frorn SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through �9�24�2�16 Page__5_ of__�_ NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER Barry Giang for I�esembly 2016 13`78937 IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER (a) (b) (�) pUTS1�NDING (�) (f) (q) FUI_L NF1ME.STRF_FT ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OUTSTANDING AMOUNT qMOUNT PAID INTEREST ORIGINAL � CUMULATIVE OCCUPA�ION AND EMPLOYER BALnNCE BALANCEAT Of I_ENDER � BEGINNING iIIIS �ECEIVEU THIS pR FORGIVFN CLOSE OF THIS �AID TfIIS nMOUNTOP CONlRIBUTIONS IF SEL�-EMPLOI'F_D,EN I ER �irr.onnnnuree,n�soeruieaio NUMeeR) NAMEOFBUSINESS) PERIOD �'ERIOD THIS PERIOD� PFRIOD PERIOD LOAN iODAlE Rarry Cl�iang Caiididate �-��,��� CAI.ENDARYE�R R U.00 � 30,000.00 0_00_� � 30,D00.00 � 160,000.00 R�IF ��fORGIVEN PERFLFCIION"" �_30,000.00 $ 0.00 � 0.00 11/19/2016 � O.pO 05�19/2016 $P�o1e 1r,o,000.on ��X� IND U COM �� OT H U PTY u SCC DAi�E WE DAl F INCURRFD ', Barry Chaiig Ca[idi.date , �pq�p '� CALENDARYEAR �� $ 0.00 �_30,000.00 0.00 � � 30,000.00 �i g 160,000.00 ��FORGIVEN aniF I PERELEC110N'`" 30 000.00 0.00 0.00 _ll/20.L2o1_6_._ $_____.,0.00 OS/2017.016_ $P-2o15 160,000.n0 $._..._.—_—_. $ $ 1�J IND LJ COM LJ OiFI �, P1Y U SCC DATFDUE DNEINCURRED Rarry Chaiig Candici�te ' � � ��p��p CAI.FNDARYFAR p.o0 40 OOo.Oo 0.00 g------_ $-- �--,.-_ ---� $ 40,000.00 � 160,000.00 anre ��fORGIVFN PERFI_ECIION"� g__�o,000_oo g----- o.00 R-- o.00 _�_1/z�/zoi5 �---°_00 os/zo/2oi5_ g�za�e �eo,000.00 ��] IND [� conn ❑ or�� L� �Tv ❑ scc nnreoue oareiNcurzaer.� __.._ —-------___ ___ __ _____ -------. _--___ _ -- _.. ._------ ------ — __— _--------�..__------'— -- — SUBTOTALS $ o.00$ o.00$ too,000.00$ o.00 ---_--- ---._...___------ ----- - ---_.._... ------....—__ ------ (Enter(e)on Schedule B Surnmary SclieduleE,Line3) 1. Loans received tl�is period.................................................................................................................... $ o.o0 (Total Colurnn(b)plus uniterriized loans of less than$100.) icontributor codes � IND—Individual 2. Loans paid or forgiven this period ......................................................................................................... $ .___. o.00 COM—Recipient Cornmittee (Total Column(c)plus loans under$10U paid or forgiven.) (other lhan PTY or SCC) (Include loans paid by a third party that are also iternized on Schedule A.) U1fi—Other(e.g., business entity) PTY—Political Party 0.oo SCC—Srnall Contributor CornrniUee 3. Net cfiange this period. (Subtract Line 2 from Line 1.)............................................................... NET $ __..__ ____ Enter the net here and on tl�e Surnmary Page, Colurnn n, Line 2 ��������"�����������"������ � `nrnounts forgiven or paid by another party also must he reporled on Schedule A. "` I(required. FPPC Forrn 460(Jan12016) � FPPC Advice:advice@(ppaca.gov(866/275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov www.netfile.com ---_-- ----- . SCI IEDULE E Sctiedule E Statement covers period s . , Amounts may be rounded � � P'ayrnents Made to W�,o�e dollars. 07/U1%2016 ' ' fron, - ---------- - through .._ 09/24/2016 _ Page__6__--. of__--�-_.. SEE INSTRUCiIONS ON REVERSE — --- ------------ - -__- ----- _- -------------- --- ----- - — NnME OF FILER LD. NUMBER Ratry Chang for 1lssembly 2016 :i379937 CODES: If one of tl�e followir�g codes accurately describes the payment, you may enter tl�e code. Otf�erwise, describe tf�e payment. CN1F' campaign paraphernalia/rnisc. MBR member communications RAD radio eirtime and production costs CNS campaign consultants M�G rneelings and appearances RFD returned contributions C1B contribution (explain nonmonetary)' OFC of(ice expenses SAL campaign woikers' salaries CVC civic donalions f�T petition circulating TF_L t.v. or cable airtime and produclion cosls �IL candidate (iling/ballot fees Pt10 phone banks TRC candidate travel, lodging,and rneals FND fundraising events POL polling and survey rese2rch TRS staff/spouse travel, lodging, and meals IND independent expenditure supporting/opposing others (explain)' POS postage, delivery and messenger services �SF trans(er between committees of lhe same candidate/sponsor LEG Iegal defense F'f20 pro(essional services (legal, accounting) VOT voler regisUation LII carnpaign literalure and mailings F'RI print ads WEB iiifonnalion technology costs (internel, e-niail) NAME AND AUDRFSS OF P61YEE FIMOUNT PAID preotimainee.ni_soerateRio Nunneea� CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PAYMFNT ---- -- —------------ - _.__ ___- --- - -------- ------------ ---- ------_._WER-- - � ?�� ��� 'L0563 Steven Creel: Blvd. C>>pertino, C11 95014 ----- ------------------ ._----- ----�---------- - ----------------�--- --- �----------�- ----- vices FP.O 2,3U0.[1 54�9 Madisoi� 1lvenue Sacrameuto, Cn 95841 ---------�---- -- --�------- -----�----------- sacran,e„r.o, r.n 9ss41 '` Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D. SUBTOTAL$ �.'�gF�32 Schedule E Sumrnary 1. Itemized a rnents made tliis eriod. Include all Schedule E subtotals. $ -----_-_�, '-fl6=3z P Y P � ).............................................................................................................. o.00 2. Unitemized payments made this period of under$100 .......................................................................................................................................... ----------- 3. 7otal interest paid this period on loans. (Enter ar7�ount from Schedule B, Part 1,Column(e).)............................................................................... $ __ o.o0 4. Total payments made this period. (/�dd Lines 1, 2, and 3. Enter here and on the Surnmar Pa e, Colurnn n, Line 6. 2,786.32 Y 9 ) ............................. TOTAL $.--------- fPPC Form 460(Janl?_016) FPPC Toll-Free Helpiine:866/ASK-FPPC(866/275-3772) www.(ppc.ca.gov www.netfile.corn SCI IEDULF_P Schedule F qmounts may be rounded Statementcovers period o" � • ' /�ccrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) towiioledollars. o'7/oi/2o16 e " from through �9��4/2016 page—�_— of_�— SEE INS7RUC f IONS ON REVERSE _ ___ N�ME OF FILER I.D.NUMBER Bc3TT�/ L}Ic'-1I1g fOY nSPPIl1�JlY 2�].6 1 3���93�� CODES: ff one of the following codes accurately describes the payrnent, you rnay enter the code. Otherwise, describe the payment. CNT' campaign paraphernalia/misc. MBR mernberconmiunicalions RAD radio airtirne and produclion costs CNS carnpaign cons�dtants MTG meetings and appearances RFD returned contributions CTB contribution (expiain nonmonetary)' O�C office expenses SAL campaign workers' salaries CVC civic donations PET pelition circulating TEL t.v. or cable airtirne and produclion cosis FIL candidate filing/ballot fees PI 10 phone banks 1RC candidate travel,lodging,and meals FND fundraising events POL polling and survey research TRS slafUspouse lravel, lodging, and rneals IND independent expenditure supporting/opposing others (explain)` POS postage, delivery and messenger services iSF transfer between committees of the sarne candidate/sponsor I..EG legal de(ense PRO professional services Qegal, accounting) VOT voter registration I_fT- campaign literature and rnailings F'R� print ads WEB information technology costs (inlernet, e-mail) (al lb) l�) (dl NAME FlND ADDRESS OF CREDI iOR COUE OR OU1 STANDING AMOUNT INCURRED AMOUNT PAIU OU iSTANDING (iF con-iMn iee.ni_so eNrert i o NunnaeR� DFSCRIPTION OF PAYMENT gALANCF BEGINNING TIiIS PERIOD TliIS PERIOD BALANCE AT CLOSE OF TFIIS PERIOD (n�so aerom or�e� OP THIS PERIOD --- - ----__- --------- F;i.veti �ity Riisirtess Services � �'P�� 2,300.00 0.00 2,300.Oo 0.00 �� Rau}: of nmerica WEE3 — ---- 240.00 0.00 ----240.00 0.00 ------------- ---------- �— ------- -.._. .. ._ — *Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be swnmarizedonScheduleo. SUBTOTALS $ z,s4o.00$ o.00$ 2,s�o.00$ n.00 Schedule F Sum�Y�ary 1. Total accrued expenses incurred this period. (Include all Schedule F, Colurl�n (b) subtotals for accrued ex enses of$100 or rYiore, lus total unitemized accrued ex enses under$100. INCURRED TOTALS $ o.o0 P p P )............................................ ------ 2. Total accrued expenses paid this period. (Include all Schedule F, Colurnn (c) subtotals for payments on accrued ex enses of$100 or rnore, lus total uniterriized a ments on accrued ex enses under$100. PAID TOTALS $ .__—_ z�540.00 P P p Y P ) ................................. - 3. Net change this period. (Subtract Line 2 irom Line 1. Enter the difference here and on tl�e Surnmary Page, Col�aii�n n, Lirie 9.) ................................................................................................................................................ NET $ -a,s4o.00 - -May�he-a negalive number FPPC Form 460(Jan/2016) FPPC Toll-Free I lelpline:8661ASK-PPPC(8661275-3772) www.netfile.cort� www.r�pc.ca.gov