460 Recipient Committee Campaign Statement – Semi-Annual Statement Amendment 05-22-2016 to 06-30-2016 cov���n�� RecRpient Camr-�itfiee �,�f�S<<�n�,� �� , � Campaign Statement -' � • ' � -' ,,I � � Cover Page ° ' (Government Code Seclions 5q2p0-g4716.:i) - �F� � r'� �O^� Statement covers perlod Dale of election if applicat�le: U � (Month, Day. Year) Page..._.'_--- of__.;3.---- fro�n �S/22/2016 . . ..__ �..� � .-. _ . �----"----_—'-` --.__.... _.. nS, .B�' � .. � F"pl OfPiGi�l Use Only . . _.... . _ -1 v _ SFE INS'TRUCIION�ON I4FVf=RSE throuyh OC>/3C/202f ----... OG/n%/202G 1. Ty�E Of R2CIpi2llf COITlt711tfe2: All Committees-complete F�arts�,2,3,,�,�a. 2. Type of Statement: [r,] Oificeliolder,C�ndidate Controlled Committee [] Primarily Forrned Ballot Measure ❑ Preeler.tion Staternent (] pi.iarterly Staterrienl 0 St�te Candidale .F..lection Conimittee Comrnit[ee [_�� Semi annual Sfatement � Special Odd-Ycar Report (7 f�ecall (�Controlled lerrnination Sfeaternent - o , �nisocon,piamr�,�rs� (� $ppnsored U [] �i.ipplernentall reelection (Also file a Form 910 lerrninalinn) g(at�rnent-�ltar..h Foini 495 (�fso CnmP�olo Pnri 6) [] General Purpose(:ommittee [X] nrnei7dment(F_xplain bclow) � Sponsored �'] Prin�arily Formed Candidatel A�ne�id Scliedule F l7�d-,t_e Summar.y Pa e (�Small Contribuior Commiitee O(ficeliolder Cornrnittee -----.----....---..—_�—.I'_= 9.--- ____--....___.-.--.------ (�Political P�rty/Central CoiruniHee (�lso Cn,nplo(e Part 7J ... _'_......__._...._.-. 3. Committee Iriforrnation I i.n Nur,ngea Treasurer(s) � z3'rs�3� C(7h1Mff7[F NnMF(OR(:ANDIUA'fE'9 NnMF II" NO COMN1f1"TFF) NAME UP �I RFASURf=.C: � Barry Chanq Eoz �ssr:mbly ZotS Rarry r'fiang NINUNG ADDRGiS ' ;"fRft'i MaDl�tFS; (NO P.Q,f30X) CI7�Y STAI�F 71P CODE AR[A COI)E/F'HONF � Cupc.�r'Y.i.no C7\ 9c0.19 ( CITY STIaTF ZIP COUF_ ARF.A CODF/FHONF NAPA� OF ASSISTAN�i TRLA^>URC-R, IP ANY ' CupeYt.ino CA )5016 { MAII_INC3 AIJDRf-_SS (IF DIFFCRENI")NO.�ND STRFF'i OR P.O. f30X MAILING qDURESS � ----' CI�TY STfIF !IP CODF ARF/�COI.-)GlPHONF G'1'Y SInTE 7_IP CODF ARFn COUFlPHONE - OI'TI6NA�: fAX([h1AIL AUDRF,SS OPTIO�I�I_: F'nX/E-MAIL ADURESS � 4. Verification ' I h�ve used�I(reasonable diligence in preparing and reviewiny this statement and to lhe best of my knowledge the in(ormation containe.d herein and in the attacl�ed schedules is true and cornplete. I certify under penalty of p�rjury under Uie laws of the State of Cali(ornia ttiat the forec7oing is true:and correct. /� % '�. _ , ExFcuted oi� 09/2.3/201G gy � Execulyd on R �-' n�IF Y Signalure of Cnntro�ling CHlicFhnlder,Candidate.Slate Mnasure Piopnnenl Exr�culeci nn gy D�1�-= Slqn�twe o�Conlroihng Onfceholtler.Candld:ote.Slate A�leasire ProPonent .. FPPC Form 460(Janl2016) FPPC Advice:advice@fpp�.ca.gov(866!?_753772) www.»etfile.com www.fppc.ca.gov COVER PAGE-PART 2 Recipient Committee Campaign Statemer�t ' � ' . � � Cover Page— Part 2 � Page.-- �-- °f--33-- 5. Officeholder or Candidate Controlled Committee 6. Primarily Formed Ballot Measure Committee NAME OF OFFICEIiOLDER OR CANDIDAf E NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE � Barry Chaiig OFFICE SOUGIiT OR HEID QNCLUDE LOCAl lON FlND DISTRICT NUMBER IF APPLICABLE) BALLOT NO:OR LETTER I JURISDICTION I u SUPPORT 1lssembly Ui.strict 74 [ ) OPPOSE RESIDENTIAUBUSINESS ADDRESS (NO.nNU STREEI) CIlY SiAlE 7_IP Identify tlie controlling officeholder, candidate, or state measure proponent, if any. Cupertino CA 95014 . NAME OP OFFICEHOLDER,CANDIDATE.OR PROPONENi Related Committees Not Included in this Statement: �ist any comm�aees not induded in t/iis statement that are controlled by you or are primarily formed to receive OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD I DIS�RICI NO. IF AfJY contributions or make expendifures on behalf of your candidacy. COMMITTEENAME I.D. NUMBER Prieude of ear_ry Ctiariq nqainst_ tlie F?ecall NAMEOF7REASURER CONiROLLEDCONIMITTEE? 7• Primarily Formed Candidate/Officeholder Comrnittee List narttes of officeholder(s) or candidate(s) for which this conm�iitee is primarily formed. Rita Copelavd (X� YES U NO COMMITiEEADDRESS STREETADDRESS (NO RO.BOX) NnME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGFIT OR FiELD L] SUPPORT �_� OPPOSE CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PI-IONE NFlME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CFlNDIDFlTE O�FICE SOUGIiT OR HEI_D L] SUPPORT U OPPOSE -- -�---------__._.. .. . _._____ .._ . ..._.._. ... ---.. .._.__. _--------------._ COMMITTEENAME LD. NUMBER NAME OF OFFICEIIOLDER OR CANDIDAiE O�FICE SOUGfII OR I IFLU � SUPPORT ❑ OPPOSF NAME OF TREASURER CON7ROLLEDCOMMITTEE'? NAME OF OPFICEHOLDER OR CnNDIDAIE OFFICE SOUGHT OR FIELD [J YES [] NO � SUPPORi' _ �] OPPOSE COMMIiTEE�DDRF_SS STREETADDRESS (NO P.O.BOX) CITY SfAiE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE Attac/i continuation sheets if necessary FPPC Form 460(Jan12016) fPPC Advice:advice@fppc.ca.gov(866/275-3772) www.ne(file.co►n www.fppc.ca.gov Campaign Disclosure S#atement SUMM/�RYPnGE Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period � - Summary Page to whole dollars. � � ' frorn os/22/2oi6 • SEE INSTRUCIIONS ON REVERSE through 06/30/2016 Page_3 of__ 33 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER Aarry Ckiaiig for Assembly 2015 137893�T r COIU n�FROD C�A�L�ENU�R�YE�AR Calendar Year Summary for Candidates Contributions Received Runnin in Both the State Prirnar and (FROM�ITACIIEDSCI-IEDULES) TOIALTODAIE g Y General Elections 1. Monetery Contributions Schedule A.�ine 3 $ _ ____z_��394.00 $ 9,539.19 . . . ... .... . . 1!1 through 6/30 7/1 to Dale 2. Loans Received ...................................................... scned�,ie a,u��e s o.oo ioo,000.o0 27,394.00 109,539.19 20. Contributions 3. SUBTOTAL CASH CONTRIBUTIONS ......................... �dd�ines 1 +2 $ - $ Received $ $_ 4. Nonmonetary Contributions.................................... scr�eduiec,�ine3 __.____ 600.00 3, �4°.al 21. Expenditures 5. TOTALCONTRIBUTIONSRECEIVED ...........................�dd1_ines3 � 4 $ _____-26, �94.0o g i�3,zso.00 Made $ $. Expenditures Made Expenditure Lirnit Sumrnary for State 6. Payments Made....................................................... Sr.nedu�eE,�ine� $ ___�?e,213_36 $ 4io,406.59 Candidates 7. Loans Made............................................_............... Sr,hedule H,Li�re 3 0.o0 0.o0 - 22. Cumulative Expenditures Made* 8. SUBTOTAL CASH PAYM ENTS .................................... Add�ines s+7 $ _____ 22 8,213.3 6 � __ 410,4 0 6_5 9 (If Subject to Volun�ary Expenditure LimiQ 9. Accrued Ex enses Un aid Bills Sr,hedule F,Line 3 _ -162,406.10 z,540.00 pate of Election rotal to Date P ( P ) ............................... 600.00 3,740.01 (rnm/dd/yy) 10. Nonmonetary Adjustment ..........................................scneduie c,u�,e s ____._.__ 11. TOTALEXPENDITURESMADE................................Add�inese+g+�p $ _ _ 66_,407_26 $ 416,687.40 p6 07 2016_ 390,59L54 -----�---- �- � Current Cash Staternent �- � -- $ 12. Beginning Casli Ba18f1C8....................... FreviousSurrunaryPage,Linets $ z6z,soo.zo 10 calculate Colurnn B,add 13. Cash R2CP.Ipts ................................................... ColumnA,Line 3 above -2 7,394.00 BnlOUnlS in COIuRIII F�LO th2 ----------- corresponding amounts 'Arnounts in lhis section rnay be di(ferenl from amounts 14. Miscellaneous Increases to CaSh........................... Schedule!,Line 4 184.31 frorn Colurnn B o(your last reported in Column B. z28,213.36 report. Some amounts in 15. Cash Payments.................................................. coiurnn a,u�,e a ano�e Column A rnay be negative 16.ENDING CASH BALANCE.......... Add Lines 12+13+ 1�,then subiracf Line 15 $ 6,877.15 figures that should be subtracted from previous N(his is a (errnination sla�ernenl, Line 16 rnus(be zero. period amounts. If this is lhe firsl report being filed 17. LOAN GUARANTEES RECEIVED ........................... Sr.hedule B,Part 2 $ o.o o for this calendar year, ordy carry over the amounts Cash Equivalents and Outstanding Debts irom Lines 2, �, ��,a 9 pr any). 1 S. CaSfl Equivalent5........................................ See inslnictions on reverse $ �•�� 19. Outstending DebtS ......................... Add Line 2+Lrne 9 in Columrr e above $ 102,540.00 FPPC Form 460(Janl2016) m fPPC Advice:advice@fppc.ca.gov(866l275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov WWW.II@t�1�2.00111 SCFIEDULF_F Schedule F Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period • ' � • ' Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) towlioledoilars. os/22/zo16 • ' from-------------- thrOugh 06/30/2016-- -- Page.--Z�--- of. _33_-- SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE ----------- ---- ---------_- _ --- ---- I NAME OF RLER LD.NUMBF_R Ba����[y Cliang for Z�ssembly 20:1.6 J i7R937 � CODES: If one of the following codes accurately describes the payrr�ent, you may enter the code. Otherwise, describe the payment. CNP carnpaign paraphernalia/misc. MBR mernber comrmuiications RAD radio airtime and production cosls CNS campaign consuilants M�G meetings and appearances RFD returned contributions CIB contribution (explain nonmonelaiy)' OFC o(fice expenses SAL campaign workers' salaries CVC civic donalions PEl petition circulating lEL t.v. or cable airlirne and produclion costs FIL candidate filing/baliot fees F'I i0 phone banks lRC candidale travel, lodging,and rneals �ND fundraising events PO� poiling and survey research lRS stafF/spouse lravel, lodging, and rneals IND independent expenditure supporting/opposing olhers (er,plain)' POS postage, delivery and messenger services TSF transfer between committees of lhe same candidale/sponsor LEG legal defense PRO professional services (legal, accounting) V01 voter registration LII campaign literalure and mailings PF�T print ads WEB in(ormation technology costs (inteinet, e-mail) (a) (b) (�) (d) NAME AND ADDRESS OF CRED17pR CODE OR pU1STnNDING AMOUNl INCURRED AMOUNT PAIU OUTSinNDING �ir coniwirree.n�so ENrea i o NUMeea� DESCRIP 1ION OF FAYMEIJ t gAIANCE BEGINNING ll iIS PERIOD THIS PERIOD BALANCE AT CLOSE OF TFIIS PERIOD (ni.so aeroier or�F� pF TFIIS PERIOD - _._----- --- - - -------------- -- - -----------— — ---- - - Montgniaery, AL 361n4 --- �-- --------- � ._-__...-�------------- --�-- �---- Sarramento, CA 95914 ----------- �-.. _------------------ FOS � - -�- -- --------------...--�------ Sacramento, Cn 95A14 '� Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be 0.00 SUBTOTALS $ loi,29s.�ii$ o.00$ �.o�,z9�. �i$ summarized on Schedule D. Scl�edule F Sumrnary 1. Tolal accrued expenses incurred this period. (Include all Schedule F, Column (b) subtotals for accrued expenses of$100 or rnore, plus total uniten�ized accrued expenses under$100.)............................................ INCURRED TOTALS $ _____—�-_��0_.°° 2. Total accrued expenses paid this period. (Include all Scf�edule F, Column (c) subtotals for payrnents on accruPd ex enses of$100 or more, lus total unitemized a ments on accrued ex enses under$100. PAID TOTALS $ _____ 164,946.10 . P p P Y P ) ................................. 3. Net change this period. (Subtract Line Z frorn Line 1. Enter the difference here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Line 9.) -�6z,�06.�o ................................................................................................................................................ NET ------------ May he a nega�ive numhnr FPPC Form 460 (Jan/2016) FPPC Toll-Free Helpline:866/ASK-FPPC(866/275-3772) www.rietfile.co►t� www.tppc.c�.gov SCHEDULE F(CONT.) Schedule F — (Continuation Sheet) Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period • ' to whole dollars. � � ' /�ccrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) °Si2zi2°16 • � frorn thfOUgh_�6/30/2016 Page—z'� _ of-33--- -- -- —- -- --------------- Nnfv1F OF FILER I.D.IJUMBER Rar.�x�y Clia[ig for 7lssemhly 7_07.6 . �-�789�� CODES: If one of the following codes accurately describes the payrnent, you may enter the code. Otherwise, describe the payment. CMP campaign par2phernalia/rnisc. MBR member communications RAD radio airtirne and production costs CNS campaig� cronsultants NTfG meetings and appearances RFD returned contribulions CIB contribution (explain nonmonetary)" OFC office expenses SA� campaign workers' salaries CVC civic donations f-ET petition circulating iEL t.v. or cable airlime and produclion cosls PIL candidale filing/ballot fees PFiO phone banks 1RC candidate(ravel, lodging,and meals FND fundraising events POL polling and survey research lRS staff/spouse travel, lodging, and rneals IND independent expendilure supporting/opposing others (explain)` POS postage, delivery and messenger services TSF transfer between comrnittees of the same candidate/sponsor LEG legal defense F'RO proFessional services (legal, accounting) VOT voter registration Lli campaign lileralure and mailings F'RT print ads WEB inforrnation technology costs (inlernet, e-mail) *Payments tliat are contributions or independent expenditures must also be summarized on Scfiedule D. (a) (b) (�) (d) NAME AND ADDRESS OF CREDIiOR CODE OR OUTSTANDING FlMOUNI INCURRED AMOUNf PAID OUTSTANDING pF coMn�n ree,n�so eNtea i o.NUMReR) DESCRIPTION OF PAYMFNi g�LANCE BEGINNING l f IIS PERIOD THIS PERIOD BAL�NCF Ai CLOSE OF l HIS PERIOD (n�so ReroRr oN e� OF l f IIS PFRIOD ------------ ----- ----- ---- -------- – – ---- ---- ----------- ncnsta Cotisulti-tiq WEB 250.15 0.00 2;0.7., 0.00 AF;ido Printing Inr. --- --------------- POS-- ---- 29,347_.23 0.00 29,342.23 0.00 nkido Fr�i.utitiy, Inc. --�-�-- Lf.'P --28,058.0]. —�-- --- 0.00---- 29,058.07. --�–�-------0.00 1?i.ver City Ausi.ness�Eervices PRO 0.00 2,300.00 0.00 2,300.00 SUBTOTALS $ 57,650.39$ 7.,300.00� 57,650.39 � 2,300.00 FPPC Form 460(Jan/2016) � FPPC Toll-Free Helpline:866/ASK-FPPC(8661275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov www.rtetfile.com SCIiFDULE F(CONI.) Scliedule F - — (Continuation Sheet) Amotmtsmayberounded Staternentcoversperiod • ' to whole dollars. � � ' Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) °5 zz_ _ ' ' from----� �2oi6------ througlt_ �6/30/2016 P�ge-- 28 pf_ 33_— --- ---------_—..--- -------- -- __- --. ..- NnME OF FILER LD.NUMBER Rzrr.y Chang f.or nssembl.y 7_016 ����g937 J CODES: If one of the following codes accurately describes the payment, you may enter the code. Otl�erwise, describe the payment. CNA' carnpaign paraphernalia/misc. MBR rnernber communications RAD radio airtirne and production costs CNS campaiyn consultants MTG meetings and appearances RFD relumed conlributions ClR contribution (explain nonmonetary)` OFC of(ice exnenses SAL campaign workers' salaries CVC civic don2tions fET pelition circulating IEL t.v. or cable airlime and prvduction costs FIL c2ndidate filing/ballot fees I'FIO phone banks IRC candidate travel, lodging,aiid rneals f ND (undraising events POI_ polling and survey research TRS staff/spouse lravel, lodging, and meals IND independenl expenditure supporting/opposing olhers (explain)` POS postage, delivery and messenger services TSi� trans(er between comrnittees of Ilie same candidate/sponsor LEG legal defense F'RO pro(essional services (legal, accounting) VOT voter registralion I_IT carnpaign literature and mailings PRT print ads WEB in(ormalion lechnology cosls (internet, e-mail) *Payments tliat are contributions or independent expenditures must also be surnmarized on Scfiedule D. (a) (bl (�) (d) � NAME AND ADDRESS OF CREDIiOR CODF OR OUISTANDING Afv10UNT INCURRF_D AMOUN�PAID OUTSIANDING �ir connnni i i ee,n�so eN i ea i o.Nunnaea� DESCRIP I ION OP PAYMENT gqL�NCE BEGINNING TfiIS PERIOD iHIS PFRIOD BAf_�NCE A1 CLOSF OF TI IIS PERIOD (n�so aeroai or�r-� pP 1HIS PERIOD ---- ----— _— —_— - __-- _.. ____ _ __ __------ Cuperti.no� C'71 95014 '�'_ - .----�___.._._._. SUBTOTALS $ o.oa$ 2eo.oa$ o.00 $ z�o.00 FPPC Porm 460(Janl2016) FPPC Toll-Free Flelpline:8661ASK-FPPC(8661275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov www.neffile..cont