460 Recipient Committee Campaign Statement – PreelectionRecipient Cornmittee Campaign Statement Cover Page (Governn'iei'it Code Sections 84200-84216 5) Statement covers period from 0 7 / 01 / 2 01 G SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through 09/24/2016 1. %pe Of Rectp!ent Committee: All Comniittees - Coinplete Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4. [i Officeliolder. Candidate Controlled Committee [X Priinarily Formed Ballof Measure gStake Candidate Election Committee Committee 0Recall (XControlled (prsocompreiepaits) 0Sponsored [Also CompWe Park li) [1 General Purpose Committee () Sponsored € Primarily Formed Candidate/ 0Small Contributor Commi(lee Officeholder Committee gPolilical Party!Cerilral Committee (A" Co"ple'a"7) 3. Committee Inforination " Nu'MBER 13 8 5 7 -I !l COMMITTEE NAME (OR CANDIDATE'S NAME IF NO COMTvl!TTEE) Friends of Barry Chang Agaiase the Recall SrREET ADDRESS (NO P O BOX) C ITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE OPTIONAL: FAX / E-MAIL Aft)RESS cai'npaigns@rcbs. us REC!-IV €D 2. Type of Statement: [x Preeleclion Statement 0 Semi-annual Statement [] Temiination Statement (Also file a Form 410 Termination) [] Amendment (Explain below) [] Quarterly Statement 0 Special Odd-Year Report [3 Suppleinenkal Preeleckion Statement - /lllach Fomi 4G15 Treasurer(s) NAME OF TREASURER Rita Copeland MAIIING ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE OPTIONAL FAX / E-MAIL ADDRESS 4.Verification liaveusedallreasonablediligenceinprepaiingandrevlewingthisstalen'ientandtothebestofmyknowledge[heinrorma!ion;ntainedhereinandintl'teaitachedscl'ieduleslstrueandcomplete. IcerliTy under penalty of perjury under the taws of the State of California that tlie foregoing is true and Executed nvi Date R)i Signahine otconttnlUng oir0hoideT. Caiitdalti, SlateMeasute Pmponent Execuled nn ply www.neffile.com COVERPAGE-PnRT2 Recipient Committee Campaign Stafiemerit ' •' � ' � � 1 Cover Page— Part 2 Page----z_ -- °f—iq--- 5. Officeholder or Candidate Controlled Cornrnittee 6. Prirnarily Forrned Ballot Measure Corn►nittee N�MF OF OFFICEHOLDER OR C�NDIDAI E NnN1E OF BALLOi MEASURE Re.ca].l. Banry Chang (Fendi.ng) Barry Cl�atig OPFICE SOUGH i OR IiELD(INCLUDF LOCnI lON AND DISiRICT NUMBFR IF APPLICABLF) BALLOI NO.OR LEi7ER JURISDICi ION U SUPPOR I City Couiici) Member�: City of Capeitino � �X� OPPOSF_ City of Cupertino RFSIDF_NIIAI_/BUSINESS�DDRESS (NO.AND S7REET) CITY STnIE ZIP Identify the controlling officeliolder, candidate, or state rneasure proponent, if any. Cupertiiio Cn 95014 — ' fJAME OF OFFICEIIOLDER,CANDIDAIF_,OR PROPONENT Related Cornmittees Not Included in this Statement: c;sr any co�,���utrees . not included in this sfatemen(that a�e r.ontrolled 6y you or are primarily forrned to receive OPFICF SOUGfiT OR I1ELD I DISIRICT NO. I�AfJY confributions or rnake expenditures on behalf of your candidacy. COMMIIlEENnME LD. NUMBER Barry Cti�ri� for nssPmk�ly 2016 1378937 NAMEOF TREnSURF_R CONTROLLFDCOMNIITTEF? 7. Prirnarily Formed Candidate/Officeholder Committee List nantes of o(ficef�older(s) or candidate(s)!or wl�icli this com�nitfee is prin�a�ily formed. Bar.ry Chany �X� YES U NO COMMIfIEEFlDDRESS SiREEfADDRESS (NO P.O.BOX) � NnMF OP OFFICEIiOLDER OR CnNDIDAIE OFFICE SOUGHI OR IiFLD �] SUPPORI [.__� OPPOSE CITY Sl'ATF_ 7_If'CODE AREA CODE/PI IONF_ ���N1F O�O�FICEli01_DF_R OR CAfJDIDATE OFFICE SOUGI IT OR FIF_I..D U SUPPOR� CuperL�iio CA 95014 (40H)688-639g OPF�OSE --- ---- —---------- --- __ — _ _ _ _. __ _.__ _ COMMITiEFN�MF I.D. NUMBER NAME OF OF�ICEI IO�DER OR CANDIDnI F_ OFFICE SOUGH I OR I iELD LJ SUPPORT ❑ or��osF NAME OF 1 RF_ASURER CONIRO�LED COMMIT iEE? NF�ME OP OFFICEf IOIDER OR CANDIDAIE OF�ICE SOUGIi I OR I IELD LJ YES [] NO LJ SUPPORI [__� OPPOSE COMMII l EE ADDRESS S fRF_ET ADDRFSS (tJ0 RO.BOX) CITY SIAtE ZIP COUF_ ARE�CODE/PHONE Attach con[inuation sheets if necessary FPFC Form 460(Jan/2016) FPPC Advice:advice(c�ippc.ca.gov(866/275-3772) WwW.Iletfile.Cont www.fppc.c�.yov Campaign Disclosure Statement SUMMARYPAGE Amounts may be rourided Statement covers period � - �ummary Page to wliole dollars. � � ' o�/oi/zoi6 • " from ____-_.. SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through _�9�?'��?016 _ Page_3_.__ of.__10_ - -------- -_-- -..- ----- - - --------------- Pl/�lv1E OF�ILFR LD. NUMBFR F'ri.Frid� of. Barr.y Cliarig ngai�ist t}ie Recall :13£357'78 Column A Column B Calendar Year Summary for Candidates Contributions Received rorni�i{isreaioo cn�eNonavenR �rrzoM��,nc��eosc��Fou�.es> ro�n��oon,e Running in Both the State Primary and General Elections 1. Monetary Contributions .............. 49,200.00 63,600.00 .......................... Schedule A.Line 3 $ -_....---------- $ 111 through 6/30 7/1 lo Date 2. Loans Received ..... scneduie e,Line 3 0.00 0.00 ............................................... ----- ---- - 49,200.00 63,600.00 20. Contributions 3. SUBTOTALCf�SHCONTRIBUTIONS ......................... �ddu�,es�+2 $ _._._---- $ --- ----__----- Received $ $ 4. Nonmonetary Contributions...._.............................. s�neduie c:,i ine� __ o.oo _ _ ___ o_oo 21. Expendituies 5. TOTALCONTRIBUTIONSRECF_IVED ...........................nd�+u�,Pss+� $ 49,200.00 , 63,500.0o Made $_______.__.__- �_ � -------- -- $ ----------- Expenditures Made Expenditure Limit Sumrriary for State 6. Payments Made....................................................... scneduie e,Line 4 $ __--..----_-z,472.47 $ _----_S_,_132.69 Candidates 7. Loans Made............................................................. scneduieir.unes o.00 o.00 - 22. Cumulative Expenditures Made* 8. SUBTOTALCASHPAYMENTS .................................... �dduness+7 $ 2,472.47 $ _______ 8,132_69 (IfSubjecttoVoluntaryExpenditureLfmlf) 9. /�ccrued Ex enses Un aid Bills scnedure r Line s -4�.os ___ ____o.oo Uate of Flection Tolal to Uate P � P ) ............................... 0.00 o.Uo (rnrr�/ddlYY) 10. Nonrnonetary Adjustrnent ..........................................scned�dP c,�r�,e s ___ 11. T0i7�LEXPENDITURESMADE................................�ddunes8+9+10 $ 2,425.�z $ ---------e,�3z_69 / _--�---- $ - ---- Current Cash Statement - -----�------L_-- _ $ - -------- 12. Beginning Cash Balance....................... �re�roussun,r„a�y�a�e,une ts $ .___-____-_er__739_�8 ro calculate Column B,add 13. Casli RP,C21nfS ..... Colinnn�,Line 3 above 49,200.00 arno�uits in Column A to the ......................................... -------- corresponding amounts *nmounts in this section rnay be different from amounts 1�3. MiScellBneouS InCre�Ses to C�Sh........................... Sr.hedule 1,Line 4 _-_._.__-__�_�� (rom Colurnn B o(your last ieported in Col�nnn B. 15.Cash Payments.................................................. con,rnn,�,�ine aavo�e __ z,472.4'7 �eport. Some amounts in -- - Column A rnay be negalive 16.ENDING CASH BALANCE..._..... Add�ines 17_ i 13+�q,�hen si.ibtract Line 15 $ _ ss,467.31 figures that should be subtracted from previous !/this is a (ermina(ion slafement, f_ine 1G musl be zero. period amounts. If this is tlie first report being filed 17. L0�1N GU�RANTEES RECEIVED ........................... scnPd��iP a,ra�r 2 $ o.oo for tliis calendar year, only " � -----"---------- carry over the arnnunts Cash Equivalents and Outstanding Debts a�o��, ���,es z, 7,and 9(if v) , • o.00 �8. C.2S�1 Ec�uivalents........................................ see i�,si�ucno�,s o„�P�e�:se $ ---------_____._.. �9. OUfSf�flC�lf1C� DP.f7fS ......................... �dd L.ine 7+L6ie 9 in Column 8 above $ 4��?� , FPPC forrn 460(Janl2016) � FPPC lldvice:advice(o�tppc.ca.gov(866/275-3772) www.fppc.c�.gov www.nelfile.corn Scf�edule� Monetary�ontrib��tions Received Arnounts may be rounded -- ----P----- SCI-IEUULE A Statemsnt covers eriod to wliole dollars. • ' � • � from ___07/0l/2016____ _ • ' SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVFRSE through . 09/24/2016 _ p�ge 4. _ of_ __ lp --------------- -__._._. ---------- -______—__- NAME OF FI�FR -- ----_ -- - _— -------— ---- ---------- ---__------- I.D. IJUMBFR F'rieiids of Basry Cliaiig 7lgaiiist ttie Recall 139��78 DnTE FUl-f_NAME.STRFE!AUDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT C;UMULnTIVETO DATE PER ELEC�ION RFCEIVED (irconatiuitee.ni_soeNreaiordutitgeR) CODE * n��CUPFl110N�NDEMPI.OYER RF_CEIVED IIIIS CA�ENDAR YE�1R TODATE �irsri.c-etiir�ove�,eNreRranMe PERIOD (J�N. 1 -DEC.31) (IF REC)UIRFD) or eusiNess� --- -- ------- — ------- ---.__..__._.. _----------- ---- ---_ __ -- ---- OA�22�20].h 11eG�,.iated Bui]dP�.s an�l CotltTactarc Nnsth�r�n ��N�� 4,200•Ofl 4,200.00 Cal.ifoxni.a Chapter FI�C (iD�f 90L31.3) �COM !� ❑OTIi ❑PTY L�scc -- ----------- ------- ---- ------..-- ----- — ----------- --- --------...---- - OS/09/2016 �7B Cahoon �IND Cen�trur.ti.on 4,7_00.00 4,200.00 u OTH ❑�,Y �S�� __----- -__ _ ----- _-- ____- --- _ _ _- --- ___--- ---- ---- - --_----- -- ------- ----- --- nE3/09/2016 Dcual.d rvlark Caznatk�an �IND Znve�tor - --4,200.nn �k,200.o0 ❑O�fi UPiY �JSCC ------ -- ------_.. --- -- ------- --------_-- --- ----- _---- ---- -- ----- ---- __-- _ ------ 09/09/2016 R.ir_hai:d F,irt.ado �INU Consrructi.on 4,z00.Oq 4,ZOO.Oo - --- UCOM UOTII LJPIY ❑SCC --- --_ _ ___ _ _ ---.... --- -- - --- _ . - -- - __._._.__- n8 30/2n16 He1i E7.ec rr_ic �WD 4,7_OO.Oo �,2UO:i�o UCOM LJO1Fi L]PTY ❑SCC -- ---- -- -- ---- —...-- -- --—----------- ---- SUBTOTAL$ 2i,000.00 I _--- --- --— ----- _---- __— __ --- - ----------- -------------- J -----.._._._------------ ----- Schedule A Summary 'ConUibutor Codes 1. Amount received tliis period-itemized rrionetary contributions. iNo-ind��ia��ai (IncludeallSc,hedulensublotals.) $ �9,zoo.00 COM--RecipienfCoinmiltee ........................................................................................................ (otlier lhan Pl Y or SCC) � � ' o.oo OTI I--Olher(e.g., business enlity) ?_. Arnount received this period-unitemized rnonetary contributions of less than$100 ............................. $_.__________. _.____. �rv-Po��r�cai�a�ty 3. Total rnonetary contributions received this period. SCC-s�nall contributorcommittee 49,200.00 - -------- - - -� /� d Lines 1 and 2. Enter Iiere and on the Surnmary Page, Colurnn!�, Line 1.)....................... TOT�L $_._.____ _______._..._.___ FPPC Forrn 460(Jan12016) FPPC Advice:advice@frpaca.gov(866/275-3772) www.netfile.com www.fppc.ca.gov Schedule A (Gontinuation Sheet) SCIIFDULEn (CONT.) Mone#ary Contributions Received Amountsmayberounded Statementcoversperiod to whole dollars. � � . � � � 1 from 07/O1/2o16 • ' through 09/24/2016 page 5— of___10_ - ------------ -------- ---- - NAME OF FILFR I.D.NUMBER Fci�ttds of Barry Ctiacig hy�i-iist the Rec�11 ]385'778 FULL NAME,STREF_i ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONiRIBUTOR CON7RIBUIOR I��N INDIVIDUAL, FNTER AMOUNT CUMULAI�VETO DnTF_ PER ELFCTION DATE �irconnnnirree.n�SoeNiFaio Nunnsea� * OCCUPAIIONAND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TODATE RECEIVED CODE �iFse�r-enn��oren,eNrearinnne PF_RIOD (JF�N. 1 -DEC.31) Q� REOUIRED) orRuswess� --(�9/3 0/'L q l.6—- ------ �-------------- --. ,rerri KroPci []IND �F� �,�00.00 �,200.00 ❑OTFi ❑PTY ❑SCC ___------ ----- ------------- — -- ------- -- -- - p8/30/7_016 Pacific Breeze Meahani�al, 1nc. �IND 4,200.00 9,200.00 �.� UOTIi []PT Y ❑SCC , -------- ----- --.._ -------------- ----- — - - — _---- --— ------------ Of3/30/201 F Larry N F�Lersoii []IND �=��iyrructio*� , 4,?.00.00 4,200.00 � ❑OiFi ❑PTY ❑SCC ----- --_ __— _ ---- ---__ - --- ---- -- --- — -- — OR�09�7_016 C��neron Peach �X]IND Manager 4,200.00 4,200.00 ❑COM UOIII L]PTY ❑SCC _oe7�47?oi5—-souT-�a"y Consr.ruct3oi� ❑IND __ �,"2on.00 ------4,—�no.on _ __-- UCOM UOiII L]PTY ❑SCC --- ---_--------- -- I ---- -- ----- ------ SU BTOTAL$ a�.,o 0 0.o o I 'Contribulor Codes IND-Individual COM-Recipient Connnittee (olher than PT Y or SCC) Ol�f I-Otlier(e.g., business entity) P 1 Y-Political Paily SCC--Sinall Contributoi Coinn�iUee . FPPC Form 460{Jan/2016) ' FFPC Advice:advice�fppc.ca.gov(866/275-3777_) www.(ppc.ca.gov www.�teifile.com Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) sc��Eou�En �cor„.� Monefiary Contribu#ions Received Amountsrnayberounded Statementcoversperiod �, to whole dollars. � � � ' o7/O1/2016 • ' from--_--------.__...---- ---- through___o9/24/2016------- P�9e--6-- °f--10- ------- -------_._- ..--- ------- -------.._ — -- -----—------- IJ�N1E OF FILER ---._ _..---------- --__-----..._-- - -----------. .. LD.NUMBER F'ii_etidG of Barry Ciiang 1lgaiiist thP Recall 13R5778 DnTF_ FULL N�ME,SIRF_F7 nDURESS�ND ZIP CODE OP CONTRIBUTOR �ONIRIBU�OR If AN INDIVIDUAL, ENiF_R AMOUNT CUMULAI IVE�O DAIF PFR ELEC110N �ircoromniiiee,ni_soeNieai�rdunaAEa� OCCUPn�IONANDEMF'LOYER RFCEIVF_DTFIIS CALENDARYFnR lODATE RECEIVED CODE * �msFir-r-nnr�oveo,eNiFPN�,Me PFRIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC.31) (IF RE(]UIRF_D) OFBUSINE55) 0 8�0 9/2 016 Ke ri--:1'a r G 1.n i----- - —._._--- �—�,,�–�– ------Man age r� ----- ._.------------- ----..._– 1.,5 0.0 0.0._--------.-1,�5 0 0.0O �------------------�----- �]COM (]OTIi ❑PTY U SCC -------- _ ---.._ _ ___-- - — _ . __...-- __ 09/09/20L6 M�rl: E. lP���i.ni. .._._._.____---_---- --.__-- ------ -UIND � Mauaqer ---..___. . ----_---._._..__ ..__.._-----1,500.00�--�---- l,500.00 ] ❑�oM UOTH UPiY [J SCC -- --- ----- --- --- ----- --- -- ---- ---_ __-___ ---------_ __----_ ____ _--...--- ---------- ---- on/3o/�otF w�ug �1P�tric tuc. UIND 4,zoo.00 9,zoo.00 UCUM u�T�� uP�Y ❑scc --. --- ---- ------------- -------------- ---------- -----____ — ----- - ----- ---- - ------ _____--- ❑�N� ❑�oM ����, LJ�'�Y _ --__ _ _ ---- ___ _ -- ------ _._. . [�scc --- .----------- -— ------- ---- ---------- -.._-- ---------. _... -- - ---------- ______. ____________.___.. ❑�N� ❑coM ❑o�f� ��,Y �S�� __- - _ _ l � SUBTOTAL$ �,�����.���� 'Contiibutor Codes IND-Individual COM-Recipienl Comrnittee (other than PTY or SCC) OTFI -Other(e.g., business entity) PTY-Politiral�arty SCC-Sniall Contiibutor CommiUee - FPPC Forrn 460(Janl7_016) fPPC Advice:advicecCilippc.ca.gov(866/275-3772) www•fppc.ca.gov www.netfile.com 5chedule D Summary of Expenditures Statement covers period SCHEDULE D �U OI�I11 �� OSI11 Other Amounts may be rounded • � � ' pp � pp �) to who�e doilars. o�/oi/zoi6 • ' Candidates, Measures and Committees from SEEINSIRUCTIONS ON REVERSE thfoUgh 09/24/2016 p�ge � pf 10 NAME Ui"FILFR LD.NUIv18F_R Fri.ends of 8arry Ckian.g J�gai.nst the Rerall 138577A CUMULATIVE l0 D�TF PER ELECTION DNE NnME OF CANDIDAiE,OFFICF_,�ND DISTRICT,OR TYPE OF PAYMFNI DF_SCRIPTION AMOUNT IHIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DAIE MEFlSURE NUMBER OR LETTER AND JURISDICI�ON, (m Rr_(�uirzFo) PERIOD (JnN.1-DF_C.31) (m aFOuiaeo� OR COMMfI 1EE oa/t�/zoi6 Jerry L�u �,000.00 �.,000.o� Contribulion � Nonmonetary Contribution � Independent [� Support ❑ Oppose Expenditure oa/i�i/2oi� Roct sin�:s lso.00 i.sa.00 Corihibution � Nonmonetary Contribution (� Independent X❑ Support ❑ Oppose Expenditure 09/0:1/2016 'i'ony Qin 1,000.00 1,000.00 Contribution � NOIltT10f1P.t21y Contribution � Independent Q Support ❑ Oppose Expenditure - — SUBTOTAL $ 2,l.s�.ool I Schedule D Surx�mary 1. Contributions and inde endent ex enditures rnade this eriod of$100 or rnore. Include all Schedule D subtolals. .................... $ a,iso.o0 P P p � )....................... 2. Unilernized coniributions and independent expenditures rnade tliis period of under$100...._........._................................................................ $ �.o� 3. �iolal contributions and inde endent ex enditurPs niade tl�is eriod. Adcl Lines 1 and 2. Do not enter on the Sumrnar Pa e. TOT�L $ 2,lso.o0 p P � P � Y 9 )............. FPPC Forrn 460(Jan12U1E) www netfile:r�►11 FI'PC Advice:aclvice@fr�pc.ca.gov(8661275-3772) www.ippc.ca.gav SCI iEDULE E Scf�edule E Staternent covers period Amounts may be rounded ' ' Payments Made to whole dollars. � - � • ' frorn ��1/01/2016 SEE INSiRUCT10NS ON REVERSE through ___�9/24/2016 p�9e__8____.._ of._.i�__. -- ------ _ _ __ --- - ------ _ __--__.. _---____ _._._ ._- f�1nMF O�FII.ER _ _._ _. _--___ _ ..._------ _ _. ----------- - - -- -- _---- I.0 NUMBER F'riends of Barzy C}i�tig I�gaiust the P.ecal]. 138577R C�DES: If one of the following codes accurately describes the payrnent, you may enter the code. Otherwise, describe the payment. CNP campaign paraphernalia/rnisc. MBR memberconununicalions Rf�D radio airtirne and production cos(s CNS campaiyn consullanls M1G meetings and appearances RFD returned contributions C1B conlribulion (explain nonmonetary)° UFC o((ice expenses SAL carnpaign workers' salaries CVC civic donations F'ET pefition circulating iEL t.v. or cable airtirne and produr,tion c:osts �IL candid2le (iling/ballot fees F'I10 plione banks IRC candidate lravel, lodging,and nieals �ND (undraising events POL polling and survey research TRS staff/spouse travel, lodging, and rneals IND independent expenditure supporting/opposing others (explain)` POS poslaye, delivery and messenger services TSF transfer belween committees of the sarne candidale/sponsor LEG legai de(ense PP,O pro(essional services (legal, accounling) VU I voter regislra[ion l Il campaign literatuie and mailinys PR� print ads WEB in(orrnation technoioyy costs (inleniet, e-niail) NAME/�ND nDDRFSS OF PAYEE �ircoti-tMiTteF,ni soeNieaio riUMRea� CODE OR DESCRIPTION OP PFlYMENT �MOUIJT P�ID - - --_ __--- ---- -------- -----__------_-- ------- - --- - --...___- -------- __--_- _.___ __ _ _-- -- __ 7. rry Li�i f,nr_� (�ty C'�nnnil 201.6 (TU1f 7-386578) CTB 1,����.��� -'----- --__.--- ----. . __-- _--..... ---------------------- Ri.ver Ctty R��cl.ness 4ar.-,�icas PF?0----- --�---------.._----- .__._. -._------------ ._--------- 47.05 � —�---�------�----- ------- Ri.ver. Cihy Bu�irtess Ser.vices FRO � ----------- ------- ].I.2.9 0 � -- ��------------�--------- --------------------------�---.... ----..____-_.---_.. ....___.._ -_.__.-- * Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D. SUBTOTAL$ 1,�sa.95 �chedule E Summary 1. iternized payments rnade this period.(Iriclude ail Scliedule F_subtotals. _ z,4�z.�� ............................................................................................................. � _---- --..----- 2. Uniter7iized payrTients rnade this period of under$100 .......................................................................................................................................... $--------- o_.o0 3. -Total interest paid this period on loans. (F_nter arY�ount(rorY� Schedule B, Part 1, Colurnn(e).)............................................................................... $ o.o0 �1. Total a rrients made lhis Priod. ndd Liries 1, .7_, and 3. Enter here and on tf�e Surnrnar Pa e, Column A, Line 6. 2,��2-�� P Y P- �- Y 9 ) ............................. TOTAL $------------ FPf�C Forrn 460(Jan/2016) FPPC loll-Free fielpliiie:866lASi(-FPPC(8661275-3772) www.netfile.co►n www.fppc.ca.gov Schedule E sci�E�u�E F�coNr.� (Continuation Sheet) Amountsmayberounded Staternentcoversperiod � . , , . 1 �ay111ents Made towholedouars. o� o� zo�5 _— • ' from----- /_./ through._ 09/24/2016 -_- Page-9--_- °f--10_-- SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE --------- — - ------ ----- _ __ I NnME OF FI�ER LD.NUMBER Fzi_ends of Barxy Chang 71gai.nst the RPc�ll ��8'��B � CODES: If one of the following codes accurately describes the payrnent, you rnay enter the code. Otherwise, describe the payment. CNP campaign paraphernalia/misc. MBR rnembercommunicalions RnD radio airtinie and production cosls CNS carnpaign consullants MTG rneelings and appearanr..es RFD relurned contributions CTB contribution (explain nonmonelary)' OFC of(ice expenses SAL campaign workers' salaries CVC civic donations FFT petition circulating TEL t.v. or cable airlirne and production costs �IL candidate filing/ballot fees PI�O phone banks 1RC r.andidate travel, lodging,and meals �ND fundraising events POL polling and survey research lRS slaff/spouse travel, lodging, and meals IND independent expenditure supporting/opposing others (explain)" POS postage, delivery and messenger services TSF trans(er between committees of lhe same candidate/sponsor LEG legal de(ense PRO pro(essional services (legai, accounting) VOT voter registration LIT campaign�iterature and mailings F'RT print 2ds WF_B in(�rmalion technology costs (intemet, e-mail) NAMF AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE CODE OR DESCRIP TION OF PAYMENT FlMOUNT PFlID (IP COti1MI I i FF,ALSO F_IJl ER I.D.NUMBER) __._.—___ __—__ __—_—______—__—_— River City Busizie�B Services PRO 162.52 Rod Sirilcs for City Couti.�i). 7_016 (1D$ 1387E75) C'IB 150.00 '1'ony Qiri fnr Sc2iool Distr�ict Boasd 2016 (IDH ].387944) C'I'A �-�����-�� _ ------- ---------- ------ � .. ...--------------- ---- *Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures rnust also be summarized on Schedule D. SUBTOTAL $ 1,3 t 2.s2 � • fPPC Forrn 460(Janl2016) FPPC Toll-Free Helpline:866IASK-FPPG(866/275-3777.) www.neUile.com www-ippc.ca.yov SCI IFUUI._F F S�hedule F __-- - ------------ Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period • ' � � S 1 Flccruecl Expense� (Unpaid Bills) towholedollars. 07jo1/2016 • ' from---------------- through--o9/_z4/2oi5 --- SEE INS1 RUCf IONS ON REVERSE Page_ 14.__. of__�-�_—_ ----- ------ -- ___ ---- _ . . ---- ------- Nnh1E O�FII.FR —_.__--.._---.__. _._--._------------------ I.D.NUMBFR Ft�i_eur9s of 13ai��ry C}iaiiy nqainst tl�e RecaJ l 1385778 .. . . _ .. . . .. _ . . . . . CODES: If one of the following codes accurately describes tl�e payrnent, you rYiay enter the code. Otherwise, describe tf�e payment. CMP campaign paraphernalia/rnisc. MBR rnember cornrnunir,ations RAD radio airtirne and production cos(s CNS carnpaign consullanls MTG rneetings and appearances RFD returned contributions CIB contribution (er,plain nonrnonetary)" O�C office expenses SAL carnpaign workers' salaries CVC civic donalions FE� petition circulating IEL t.v. or cable airtime and production costs FII. candidale filing/ballol fees F'f 10 phone banks TRC candidale lravel, lodginy, and meals FND (undraising events POL polling and survey research IRS staf(/spouse travel, lodging, and meals IND independent expendili.ire suppoiting/opposing others (explain)' POS poslaye, delivery and rnessenger services �SF lransfer between commillees of the same candidate/sponsor LF_.G legal defense F'RO professional services (legal, accounting) VOT voter registration Lf� campaign lilerature and rnailings PF?f print ads WEB inforrnalion lechnology costs (internet, e-rnail) � NAME AND ADDRESS OF CRFDITpR CODF OR (a) (n) (c) (d) OUISI�NDING F�MOUNTINCURREU AMOUNi PAID OUTS�ANDING �ir conan-nnee.n�_so eiaiea i o rdutiir�r-re� DESCRIPiION OF P�YMFNT gqLANCF BEGINNING i I IIS PFRIOD TFIIS PERIOD B�LANCF_�i CLOSF OF TIiIS PERIOD (ni_so aeroat ori e� OF iFIIS PERIOD ------ __ __ --- ----- ---_--------------------------___ --------- -------- ._ . ---- -------- __ --- --- P.iver Ctty Ru�ipess SArvices �'F?C) 41.0, 0.00 47.05 0.00 -------------- -- ----- — _-- --__-- ------------------- --__.._.... ------ _.--- ------------- --- ---.. _..— - _ _- - ---- -- _._— * Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be sunnnarized on Schedule D. SUBTOTALS $ 47.05$ O.OU$ 47 (15� ��.pp �ched�.ile F �umrnary 1. Total accrued experises incurred this period. (Include all Schedule F, Column (b) subtotals for accrued ex�enses of$100 or rnore, lus total uniternized accrued ex enses under$100. �_�� f P P )............................................ INCURRED TOTAL� $ _ ___ - --- - __ 2. -Iotal accrued expenses paid tliis period. (Include all Schedule F, Colunin (c) subtotals for payrnents on accrued ex enses of$100 or rnore, lus lotal uniten�ized a rr�ents on accrued ex enses �mder$100. ��•��s P P P Y P ) .................................PAID TOTALS $ -- _ -----__-__ - 3. Net change this period. (Subtract Lirie 2 from Line 1. Enter the difference here and on tlie Surninary Page, Colurrin /�, Lirie 9.) ................................................................................................................................................ N�T $ --------_�•�.�s May b�a negalive nunihei� FPPC Form 460(Jan12016) PPPC Toil-free Fielpline:866/ASK-PPPC(866/275-3772) www.ne(file.com www.fppc.ca.gov