460 Recipient Committee Campaign Statement - Preelection COVER PAGE I�a�:�m������ �����C10���e DateStamp � �+ ,s.y�� �,�, `� ,,,� Car�p�ig� �t�t��r�n� � y'{,�,r�'�`, � I 1 , �yi�:i `6r �-...�k� � ��t� '° � C�vef P�c�� �-�-`�' ,� �r ,"„:a Statement covers period Date of election if applicable: �a�E 1 �f 2� 6rom 01/01/2016 (Month, Day,Year} CEP �S ZO�� For official Use only 09/24/2016 � 11/08/2016 �1���-'��Tl�4C; G��`� CLE��r�� SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through 2. � � ��51�1�G'Y'CYL'Il , 1. T�+pC CA�F���Ifl31e►1$C01111711ft��': A�I Committees—Complete Parts 1,2,3,and 4. �/�9 �� [i�7 Officeholder,Canditiate Controlled Committee C� Primarily Formeci Ballot Measure � Preelection SYatement ❑ C.?uarterly Statement � State Canciidate Election Committee Committee ❑ Semi-annual Statement ❑ Special Odd-Year Report � Recall � Controlled ❑ Termination Statement (A1soCompletePartS) � Sponsored (Also file a Form 410 Terminatian) (Afso Complete Part 6) ❑ General Purpose Committee ❑ Amendment(Explain befow) � Sponsored �� Primarily Formed Candidate/ O Smalf Contributor Committee Officeholder Committee (Also Cornplete Part 7) � � Political Party(Centrai Cornmittee 3. Commit�ee 1. . . . . . . I.D.NU .., _ , ,_. �'reas . ... . , . ._ . nfarmatian � "'EER urer(s) 1387675 COMMITTEE NAME(OR CANDIDATE'S NAM[IF NO COMMITTFF) NAME OF TREASURER ROD SINKS FOR CITY COUNCIL 2016 Thorsten von Stein MAI�ING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE 10949 Maria Rosa 1(Uay C�Ty STATE ZIP CODE I�AME OF ASSISTANl-T1=tEASURER,IF ANY Ctapertino CA 95014 (408) 4�6-3907 Rod Sinks MAILING ADDRESS(IF DIFFERENT)NO.AND STREET OR P.O.BOX 10949 Maria R�sa Way CITY STATE Z�P CODE AREA CODE/PHONE CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PFIONF Cupertino Ca 95014 ( OPTIONAI: FAX/E-MAILADDRESS OPTIONAL: FAX/F-MAILADDRESS 4. Verif+catian` . I have used all re�sonable diligence in preparing and reviewing this statement and to the best of��iy ExeCuted On Date � BY Sic�nature of Controlling Officeholder,Ganciid�ate Measure roponent or Responsible Office;of Sponsor . Ex.ecuted on Date �Y � �� Signature of Controlling Ofiiceholder,Candidat�,State M1Qeasure i'roponent 6 Ex�cuted on �)' p��� Signature of Controlling Officehok9er,C�rtididate,State Me2.surc.Proponent � FPPC'.fprm 460�l�ra/2D�6) FPPC A�4t�ic�:advice(afa�pc.ca.�ov(866/�75-.37121 C:OVER PAGE-P,4RT 2 �'�°hv����.n e� '�.o�'�1 ro����R,ti���': Giv a ra V,l�4���II�!lii�iii..,, '�iu.���!Idl��' lil�i'. ����ai�n ��t�a�������t ��r_ y ° � � , � 1 ���r��r ���� •--- ��r� � �ag�---2 _ off—�7 _ �. CD�i�ehc�lr8�o�c�����cY�r��n��: �:cerotro�g�r� C¢s�rmatt�� �. �a�aa�ari9y� �'a�srW�o�:r9 �aBlo� &�����sr� ��rrro�akke� �PVAME OF OFFtCEI-iOLDER OR C�NDIDATE ���w�~��� � NAMr OF BALLOT PvyEASURE f�OC� 51B1�t5 OFFICE SOUGH7 OR HF_LD(INCLUDF_LOCA710N AND DISTRICT NUMBER IF APPLICAt3LL} C3/'�LLC)T NO.C;R LFTTCE2 JUi2ESDOCTION [] SUPPORT tl L� OP!'OSE iv1erraber, Cuperti�o City C�ounci! a R�SIDENTIAUBUSINESS AD�RESS (NO.AND STRFET) CITY STATE ZOP �rlrr.nti�yy th�cr�n4ea�lling ofFicehoEc�e�,canr�idate,or sYate m�asuea�pres�on�eret,if any. Cupertino, ��,9�01� � Na\�IE OF OFFIC�1-iOLDE�,CANDIDATE,OR PROPONE�IT R�iat+�d Cta�vornikt��� �9s�t an�9uded �n ���is Stat�rn�n�: Lestaaayc;a�raemi'rte�s nof incltaded los this staternen£db�at are condvolte�d Li�ynu or are prdmarit}r formed ta rereitre OhrICF_SOUGh1T C3R HELD 9 DISTRICT NO.IF ANY cmnfributioa�s or make ex�aee��litud�ms can be.6ralf of y�our�a�uclidac�✓. I COf�1h11TTEE NAME I.D.NUMBER NAME OF TREASURER CONTftOLL.ED COMMI7TEE? 7. �ref71�r1I�/ r"C)f[1'1L'iGI �.allt�li�a��J��I��YIOItI@�CoJlfTlt111�@� List names o1' o�l'iceholder�s)or candidate(s)fior wlaich ihds carrerreittee 6s primarily forened. ❑ YCS ❑ NO COMMITTEE ADDRESS STREFTADDRESS (NO P.O.8G.) PdA�E OF UFFICEHO�DEl2 GR CANDIDATE QFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD ❑ SUPPORT ❑ OPPOSE CI TY Sl'ATE 7_IP CUD� AREA CODE/?HONE i�I��Cv1E OF OFFICEHOLDEft OR CANl�IDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD ❑ SUPF�ORT [� OPPOSE COMNEITT�E NAME I.D.NU�ABER NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIUAT[ OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD ❑ SUPPORT ❑ OPPOSE NAN1E OF TREASURER C04�ITROLLGD COM�7ITTEF_? �q�,9E OF OFFICE310LDER�OR GAhJDIDATE OFFICE SOUGH7 OR NELU ❑ YES ❑ �O L�. SUPPORT ❑ OE'POSE COMMITTEE ADDRESS STREE i ADDRESS (NO P.O.BOX) CIT'f STATE 7_IP CODE F,REA CODElPHONE d�dt�cfa o:�c�tanu�lion sheets if necessary FP�C Forrre 46o d1an�20Il6) �PPC�doe'sceo�dvice(��fp��.ca.�c�m(�66/275-3772) ww�✓�vv.fppe.c�.gov �a� �� � ����6����.� 5,�������� ,�'amuunts rna,y Lroe rounded SUMMARY pAGE � � f¢a�w+i�olc�allary. StaYemani covers perioc0 �'��r �y `�l i�- SI.����CQ6'�I� Pi�'��° ��, f r;.,� }�1�� ��.�� � � i frotn 01/01/20�6 4' ,,t;�:� � �� � w through d9�24/2016 page � of 27 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF EILER I.D.NUMBER ROD SINKS FOR CITY COUNCIL 2016 1387675 CoE�c�r��. �olaaonn C� C�9enc�a,r 1(�ar sd.a�rnary for CanciicCate� Contributicsr�s Re�eivec! TOTALTHISPERIOD CALEfvDARYEAR (FROMATTACFiEDSCI-IFCJl1LES) TOTALTODATE Runnireg in �oth the State Prirnary+ and 21 617.00 21,617.00 ('�neral Eiectfimi�� 1. Monetary Contributions................................................... scneduie.a,Line 3 $ ' o � O 1/1 through 6/30 7i� co Date 2. Loans Received................................................................ sonPdUte t�,L.ine 3 ,� 21,617.00 21,61?.00 20. Contributions 3. SUE3TOTAL CASH COIV7RIBUTIONS.............................. Add Lines�+2 $ S Received $ $ . 1,129.39 1,129.39 4. Nonmonetary Contrabutions............................................ soneauie c,Line 3 � 21. Expenditures 5. 70TALCOP�97RIFiU1IOP�lSR�CEIVED....................................AddC.ines3+4 $ ��,746.39 � 22,746.��J - Made � $ ExpemlditUl'�S �U9�f��: Expenditure Limit Summary for State 6. Payrnents Pvfade................................................................ scnedule E,Line 4 $ 1,995.50 � 1,995.50 Cand'ac➢ates 7. LOat1S hll8d8....................................................................... Schedule H,Line 3 Q 0 1 �95.50 1,995.50 � 22• Cusnulative Gxpendituees Polade* 8. SUBTOTAL CASH F'AYMENTS.......................................... Add�ines 6+7 $ � $ (If Subject 4o Voluntary Expenditure Limit) 9. Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills)..........................................sonedu�e F�r�e s � � Date ot Election Total to Date 10. Nonmonetary Adjustment.........................................................s�neduie c,L.ine 3 1,129.39 1,i 29.39 (mm/dd/yy) 11. TOTAL EXPE�IDITUFZES MADE........................................Add�ines a+s i 10 $ 3.124.89 � 3,1?_4.89 ----J--J -- $ Curreret Cash ��ka�fem _ , �r�t --�—�-- � 12. Beginning Cash Balance............................ Pre��ous summary Page,Line 16 $ � To calculate Columrr B, 13. Cash Receipts......:.................................................... Colurnn A,Line 3 above 2j,617.00 add amounts in Collunn A to the corresponding *Amounts in this section may be di�ferent from amounts �4. Miscellaneous oncreases to Cash.................................. scneaurE i,�ine a 0 amounts from Colurnn B , reported in Column B. 15. Cash Pa ments........................ ................ Column,4,Line 8 above 1,995•�0 of your last report. Some Y ���••••�••••�•-� amounts in Colamn A niay . 16. ENDiNG CASH�ALfaJdCE ..................Add�ines 12+�3+14,then sublract Lrne 15 � ��'�,E21.50 be nec�ative figures that . : should be subtracted from If this is a fermination statement,Lirie 16 must be zero. previous perie�d airiounts. If �: this is the first report beiny 17. LOAP! GUARAN7EES RECEIVED................................ schedule B,f�art 2 $ 0 filed for this calendar year, ' oniy carry over the amounts ' ��o�h �c�t�ia��{��t� ar�c� O�#�t���i�� f��b�� r�om�.����2,�,and 9(�` ; 0 any) ; 18. C�Sh EqulVr�lenks................................................ See instructions on reverse $ i 1 J. OU�Sfalldilly D8b�5.............................. Add Lrne 2+L.ine 9 in Column B above $ ____._.—__.______.___—.o ' FPPC FOY1'tt 460(1dt1/2016� ; FPPC pc9vi�e:advice@f�pc.ca.gov(86G/275-3772} evtraw.fppc.ca.g�v ��.:����',�&.9�� ,�^� . � ,� ' R:� r��ao,��,w�I ,&R,ar,ci�9��4 _....._ nQ���araera@ aasver;s�a�a�'scacE d �, � 7 SCI-IE�L� .M n �`�r7�a,r i� � �!' �'�, ��,�.�� � ������� ���-��r��a�,��6���;� ���°����:.�� .� ��� ¢�a�,--- o�io�l�e��� : � ��,e� --- �tiL.. tFa�'oaa�l� 0�/��'/l01 ra` �ag�__`r_r.�a_.. '�7 s��iNSTrlucrioras oN��vr_t�sr ------- ---_----._.._.---....-----..____-- ___..� Nf1ME OF FILER Y.D.NUMdER ROD SVRf9�� FC�R CITY C��.I�JClL?_t�16 ���'��7� . p FULI_NAMF,STREE-TADDRCSb ANDiERP1.0.�u�MciFR) . _ CONTi'�IC3U*O . CON"I"Ri[il)TOR EF A" s�3DiViLU,qL,EPITF_I� AR�iOU�V'r CUMUI_f�YIVG l-O DA'fE PER ELECiIOt�! raTE '�` C�CG�Jf-'4lli'�N AND Et�l!'i_OY�l� RF_CEIVEi� iH15 CAL.E�ID�1Ft YEA(� TO DA7E I�[,QMMff"iFE ALbU CN REC�IVED ���� pr's«F-i_�nr i_oveo,eNreR NAr�� PERIOU {JAN.1-DEG.39) (IF RE(1UIRED) OF HUSINESS) �OC1 ��Gltc.� �IND � 07/08/2016 ❑P� ��jY�a� C;�a��er�ino �_,106.�0 2,1+J6.00 ❑scc Viviara Euz�n4 ��N�� ❑co�� E=f�tirec� 100.00 07/94/20�6 ��P-�,, ❑scc Jir� �Nallcer ��No � � ❑co��� rr,Ydr�.�� 100.00 100.00 100.00 07/20/2016 ❑PN [=J scc Patrici�ShowaEt�r ��ivo F=ra��;��vat�r 07/?_3/201� ❑�i-y- d�istric:� ❑scc Tara L M�a�tis�-8V9ilius ����� f,;aus+cii�ryert�ber 07/23/2016 ❑o-r� '� y ❑�rr ❑scc ���3T��AL� 2,556.0� � � ��h�c�uie A��r���aary "Contributor Codes 1. Arnount received th,is pe�-io�-iterr��ze�i rnor�etary co��ri�id.��ions. w�-indoviduao (dnclude all Schedule A subtotais.)................. .......................................................� ��,9:31.00 COM—�otherfthan PTY or SCC) .................................. , . , . . 2,6$6.Q0 07H—Other(e.g.,business entrty) 2. l��ount receeved this persod-a�nit�enozcd snone��ry c�¢��robu�i�ros of l�ss�9�ar� $10� ...........................$ P�cv-Pooiticai�arry 3. �ot�l rnonet��`y cC�ntribUtio�s reCeiv�d fth9S c�eried. scc-smail Contributor committee (�dd Laa�+�s '9 and 2.. �nter h�r� an�9 c�r�tha� S�srnrr�� �'�c.�e C�acaa�ra f�, �..a��� '�. ....`����,�, �_-- 2�,�17.i?�J ' � ., ' r� - �,> , ).................. �p�����r�a�o ba�n/�o�.$) ��6���,cRviee:admie�C�fppc.r.a.gov��66/27�-3772� aesem�en�ftin�r r�anv �Ctl�C�l��� /�C ��l,.�il�IrlUc��1�6�! �i�l���� d�r�aun�s rra�y be a•oa�e��dE� SCtiEDULE A (CONT.) (�U�"1G'1��i'� GOC1�CibP�fB0�1S I�f'CC'Rt/�C� 4a v�ho!e c£ol{ars. Statemero4 cawers�pezioc6 ,; �s'�o�,' � 01/0�/2016 � � -, �il • , firarn �, i 4heauqh 09/24/2016 p�ge 5 of 27 . NAME OF FILER I.D.NUMBER �OQ SINN<� FOR CITY COUNCIL 2016 13$7675 DATE FULL NAME,STRFETADDRESS AND Z.IP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR �F AN INDIVIDUAL,ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (iF coMnnirTee,n�so eNreR i o.NUMseR� CODF * vCCUPAT90N AND EIVIPLOYER RECEIVED THIS GALENUAR YEAR TO DA"fE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED,ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN.1-DEC.31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) �o�H Fremont Union High 250.00 250.U0 250.00 CupertPr�o, C�i 95014 �PTY School District ❑scc ❑coM T�ri Cluster Consulting Inc. 150.00 150.00 150.00 Cupertir�a, CA 95014 ❑OTH ❑P1Y ❑SCC ���� n/a 150.00 150.00 150.00 Cup�rfino, CA 95014 ❑OTH ❑PTY ❑SCC U coM VMWARE 250.Q0 250.00 250.00 Los Altos, CA 94U24 ❑OTH ❑PTY ❑SCC ❑coM nla 100.00 100.00 100.00 Cupertino, CA 95014 ���F� ❑PTY ❑SCC S9�f-7�TO�A�L$ 900.00 I � `Contributor Codes IND—Inaividual COtVI—Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCCj OTH—Uther(e.g.,business entity) P7Y—Politic�!Pariy FPPC Form 45Q(.lan/2016) SCC—Smal{Contributor Committee - , FPPC Advite:�dt!ice c+�¢p�pc.ca.got��866/275-3772; v,ev✓tiw.fp�vr..r:a.gav .��.'e�:�q��i.9�� ,� ��.d�►��8�'�Q.��"@�q+�'9Cti ���."�'��i .nAevao���a4s;aru�yr Bz�c ra�daRT�r,:'s,:eJ SC:t-9F�l1LEA (CONT.) ��1��.°��9� '�r��1�0"���.9"��t3��� �"ffi�'���'9/�� �a��rG�r.-�P�;�l�q4za,ti-:,. SYatesr��ra�r.oaer�.g��rn��u "`` ��� , �' LL �' " � � �roraa 01/0 t/2U 16 "�?;", rn� tV�rougiB 09/2�i/2016 �,a�� s _ of 2'7 �lAPJIE OF FILER I.D.Nl1M8ER Fi�.1D SIiVK� FOf� �ETl°'CI�LBn1�PL 2()E6 13�37675 pATf_ F(JLL NAME,S7h'E�i ADDF2FSS AND 7_IP CODF OF C(� CONTRISUTOr IF/�tJ INbIVIUi1AL.ENT�R ,�NtOUPJ'f CUMULATlVF_.YO DATE PER EI_ECTION " - NTRIF3U fOli UCCUP/�'I�iON Af�iD EMF'LOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR 70 DATE RECEIVED QF COMMIl7FE,AI_SO FNTER I.D.NUMBER) CODE. '�P (�F S�LFEP�iPI.OY�D,EN7ER NAM� �0�_�0(a(� (,1AN.1-f3FC.31) (IF RELIUIRED) oF�usiuess� 6'heflip Pfil�c��r �°�D �f�fir��d 07/24/20i 6 ❑p�-Y ❑SCG �ichard Lovv�n4hal ��N� c�tir�d �I/24/2016 ❑07 H . ❑P�� ❑scc �ouglas �3oEirig ���� Car�sa.�it�n� 07/24/2016 ❑oTH ❑wzx r--�5�� irmgard La�r�ntz �sN� r�tir�;rd 250.00 �7/24/2016 � ❑o�r� ❑���v ❑sc� Gail Nord�,y �lB�� horr�ern�ker 07/24/2016 ❑OTH ❑PTY ❑:�CC: SU��'Oi"AL$ 1,r300.00 ( � ''Cc�ntributor Codes IND-Individual COVV�-Recipient Commiftee (other than PTY or SCC) OTFI-Other(e.g.,busin�ess enfify) P�fY-I'olitical Party SCC -Small Contributor Committee fPP�:Foprn 450(Jaro/20Z6) ����;���ac�:������e�¢���.��.��v(���/za5-sa�zy ' � ��p,��.���c.��.�o� �C�3@dlE�� � `�.o�lltlrl�.lr��l�� ������ Arnvun4:s�ei�say be rounded SCHEDl1LE A (CONT.) �C3tl@t�� �nw+#r•ihm s#6�p�� FZe��f�A�t�I da wh�(s do9lars. Statement covers�eriad i� s , #rorn 01/0 Z/2016 � _ � 0 ' through 09/24/2016 page � of_27 tJAME OF FILER I.D.NUMBER ROD SINKS FOR CITY COUNCIL`2016 1387675 i CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL,ENTER AMOUNT CU��IULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION DATE FULI._�AME,STRF_ET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR OGCUPATIdP�AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENUAR YEAR 7U DATE RECEIVED QF COMMII'TEE,ALSO ENTER I.D.NUMBER) CODE * (�F SELFEMPLOYED,ENTER NAME OF BUSINESS) PERIOD (JAN.1-DEC.31) (IF REQUIREC) �ooN Trimble Navigation 250.00 250.00 250.00 Cupei�tino, CA 95014 �P-n. ❑scc ���M 250.00 250.00 250.00 Cupertino, GA 95U14 n oTH ❑PTY ' ❑SCC ❑cor.� none 100.C�0 100.00 100.00 Cupertino, CA 95014 ❑OTH ❑PTY ❑SCC �C�� juniper neiworks 250.00 250.00 25C1.00 cupertino, CA 95014 ❑OTH ❑PTY ❑SCC ����'� none �50.00 150.00 �50.00 Cupertino, CA 95014 ❑c�r� ❑r�nr ❑scc S9.lBTCJT�eL.$ 1,000.00 , I ' 'Contributor Codes IND-Individual COM�-Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH-Ofher(e.g.,business entify) PTY-Political Party FPPC Form 460(Jarr/20A6) SCC-Small Contributor Committee , FPPC,Adrr�ce:advice@f�apc.c�.go�a(856/275-3772) vuv�e�+.tppr..tia.gmaa bJ���"&�����'"�" .�� ����#�9�`�����J��'���d;��� ����Z.-�"�� ��t���u�aan��r-iti��r�a�r�Qa�¢¢�u:x� S �HEP�VJLE A (CG�NT.) �t991�'���'�° �..�D�'��°��D9�@����� ����.°9'!��'I� �a�bw�aai�c§a�98;n�rs. a���Q�r���e�Y��ver�gaa�ricaeJ ,,;z�.�vqr�r,�,, �,.',, �M�.���� ��,� a,���� w��� �� � • � firorrM1 0"&/01/?_01�a �+ " t�secaucyh ��/2�/201� �,��e_ £3 of 27 NAME OF FILER I.C�.NUUIBER FiO� SiNK� FOR �ITY CC.�I��JGIL 2fl�6 �38�G75 ���. _DATE... _ FULL NAME,J..... ...,., , .., . � c C ONTRIP:;UI'OR iFA�!INCIVICsUAL,�NT�:R ANIGUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION TRL�TADDRESS AND .7_IP COD�OF CONTRIBUTOR � * OCCU�'Al"{0�7 AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENUAR YEAR TO DATE RECENED (IF COMMITTFE,ALSO ENTER I.D.NUMHER) CODE (IF uC]_F-P_MPLOYED,cNTF_R NAh7F I oF eusiNess) �'ERIOD (JAN.1 -DEC.31) (IF REQUIRED) l�avid M St�rns ���� 4��tired 07/�0/2016 ��Y ❑s�c Vivek Karr�ataki �i�D Erterpris�;o4rchifee�t 100.00 07/30/2016 ❑oT� ❑Pl'Y ❑SCC JamPs �fuleya Fa��'a� uneral�l�y�d 07/30/201 f ❑or�-i ❑PTY ❑SCC Sririivas K�t�varapu ��N� '�"�chnology ex�cuti�a� 07/30/2016 ❑��.�. ❑scc Gearge D�nise ��N� �'roperty �danager 150.00 07/31/2016 ❑oTo� ❑PT`d ❑SC� -- --- ___ 1 � ��1����'��-� 650.00 *Contrubutor Codes IND--Individual COM—Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTI-i—Other(e.g.,business enfity) !'TY--6'oiitical f-'arty SCC—Smali Contribu4or Committee FPPC Form 460(.9an/20a6) _ - �9��'C d!e@sr's��:a�eric�@�ppc.ca.�oer(fif��/275-3F��.) �ar�w.fppc.ca.gzav �C�l�C�U�� �, ��f��itEtl�l�'�f��9 ��i��'�� �r�o�ant�sra�y be rounded SC!�CDULE A (CONT.) �Of.��tal'� �43f.���'O�UtlOt1S ��'C�'QV�l�-'� i�vrFsoie cloBBars. Statem�nt covers period "."�': '�' , I grorra Oi/Qi/2016 W ., � � througli Qg�24/2016 page_ 9 ofi 27__ NAME OF FILER I.D.NUMBER ROD SINKS �OR CITY CQUNCIL 2016 1387675 DATE FULL NANlE,STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUA�,ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE,ALSO ENTER I.U.NUMBER) CODE * OCCUPATION ANC1 GMPLOYER RECEIVED 1'F-IIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF-EMPLOI'ED,ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN.1-DEC.31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) ��'�� Santa Clara Valley Water 250.00 250.00 250.00 Saratoga, CA 95070 �PTY District ❑scc �CO� SSRL Smart Systems 100.00 100.00 100.00 Cupertino, CA 95014 �°�, Technologies LLC ❑scc ���� Nvidia 150.00 150.00 150.00 Cupertino, CA 95014 ❑OTH ❑PTY ❑SCC ❑coM Cobham 150.00 150.00 150.00 cupertino, CA 95014 ❑OTH ❑PTY ❑SCC �C�� Lockheeu Martin 100.00 100.00 100.00 Cupertino, CA 95014 ❑�TH ❑PN ❑SCC S13B1'OTA�$ 750.00 � I 'Contributor Codes IND—Individual COivl—Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) UTH—Other(e.g.,business entity) P1Y—Political Party FPPC;Forrn 450{1ar�/201fi) SCC—Small Con4ributor Committee FFnC lAr.ivic�:ad�.�iceC�d��rpc.�a.gov(a65J2T5-3772� wwaw,fpp�.c��.gov ��:��d�l.��� ,� ��r�Ld��ICI�,��`����3 ����`�� a�¢rtaesr��;�r�a��p P��:�c�a�r��9�::c:� sc�e�u��,a �conrr.} �f���'`���"� ���"��"��C8��9C)�(9� �'a�.��4���d'�� @u��r0�c�l���r�N9a�e,. tiNatesa2�4s�8�cu�seu��paeriace �, , , �,1 , f � �,i ,:Y'��r',�';�' e � ���� 01/03/�OiC� � p . YGIPQAU(�FO 0�/2.�/2016 ����_ 1.0 _ og 27 NAN9E OF FILER I.D.NUMBER ROD SI�1KS �C)S� C;I-f-Y�,O�JNC`�2016 13�37675 _ . CONTRIE3�70S� IF AN I�1D1�/I(]IiAL,ENTF_R i ACv10UNT CUNfULA�7IVE TO DATE PFR ELECTION DATc �ULI_f�3ANIE,STREET ADURESS AND ZIP CODE t�F CONTRIBUTOR K OCCUF�ATION AND EMPLOYER � RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVF_D QF COMMITTL-F_,AI..SO ENTER I.D.NUMBER) CODL. (IF SELF-EMRLOYFD,ENTFR NAIUE {��RIOD (JAN.1-D[C.31) QF RFQUIRED) OF BUSINC=:55) John E3artas ���n Es�gir�eer 08/02/2016 ��� ❑scc �3ernard Mur�hy ��N� �'roc�arerv�ent dir�ctor 08/(�3/2016 �aT� ❑��v ❑scc �arah Subeciar-Chad�vick ��Nn C�C� 08/03/2016 ❑OTH ❑P�Y ❑SCC Ken Y�:w �s�'� NI.�. ��3/11/2016 �� ❑�TFi L��l�r ❑scc Jea�n� Bradford ���'� NBanagernent�ons�eltant 08/17/2016 �P�, Gonsulting ❑scc �U���-���L� �,3o�.n0 f I "Contributor Codes IND—Individual COM—Recipient�ommittee (other than PYY ar SCC) OTH—Otner(e.g., business entity) PTY—Political P�riy SCC—Small Coniributor Committee FPFC Fa�ran 46�3(Jan/'2016) ��'���c�wice:adveee�fp�c.ca.�c�v(�6F/2�5-337�) v�avuvv.fp ps.sa.g�ea ��hE'l�l��� �, ��OPl�lt�l��1$l��i ��"���'$� ,E,+,re3oaants may�be ra�uirdec� SGHEI�ULE A (CONT.) MOIIGtc']{"� �OI��t"If3UtlOtl� ��'��''EW�� to vrhole dc�l0ars. 5taterezent covers periad � .. „ �� firorrs 01/�1/2016 • " �' � � thro�agh� l�9/24/2016 page 1.1 ofi 27-- NAME OF FILER I.D.NUMBER ROD SINI<S FOR CITY COIJhICIL 2016 1387675 CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL,ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION DATE FULL NAME,STREET ADDRFSS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTQR * OC.CUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR l"O DATE RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE,ALSG ENT[R L0.NUPA6ER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED,ENTFR NAME PERIOD (JAN.1-DEC.31) QF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) �OTH Sierra Tea 150.00 150.00 �50.00 Cupertino, CA 95014 �P�. ❑scc ��O� 100.00 100.00 �00.00 Cupertino, CA 95014 ❑OTH ❑PTY U SCC ���� At&T 500.00 500.00 500.00 Emeryville, CA 94608 ❑OTH ❑PTY ❑SCC ���� 100.00 100.00 100.00 Saratoga, CA 95070 �pN ❑scc ���� Netf�ix 100.U0 10Q.00 100.00 Cupertino, CA 950�4 �aT�� ❑PTY ❑SCC 5�3�TO1`Ai_� 950.00 � � 'Contributor Codes IND—fndividual COM—Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH—Other(e.g.,�usiness enfity) PTY—P�lotical Pa�ty FPPC Form 460(Jan/z016) SCC—Smafl Contributur Committee FE�WC l8��rice:advice[�°fppc.ca.g�v�8G5/'�75-33"72) onaa.�tnr.f p pc.c a.gc��r ��„'D�6"9�'%���� � ��r������9c�'��a�;��'�" ��'��Y��� t�,aro�ossr�9�rsr€p�:�k��.,��n�avu.ta:r{ SCHE:�U�EA (CONT.) �S�I"����t"� �.�Y��P��'b'�����"9� ��';��"���'� h�+�rtsa�Ye c1�9N�o��. ag�8�4r��na c�ade:r�p��riad ^,ar�c.r�t� ' / P� ' � �.• 6 frorn 01/0�/2016 "� " • � 2�rr�dae�h O�i�4/2016 �,a�� 12 og_27 NAME OF l=1LF_R I.D.NUMBER EiO� �9�1iCS �C9R �IY`�( C�OUR�CIL 20��6 3387675 � CONTRIHUTOR �F��'rtJDIUl6)UE\I_:ENTER AMOUNT CUNtiUTATIVE TO DATE PER El_ECTiON DATE FULL NAN'E�_,STREET AC)DRESS AND LIP CODF JF CONTRI�U'I"OM2 OCC4JPA"flGN ANU F_ji9PLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED QF COMMITTEE,ALSO ENTEft I.D.NUMBER) CODE * (!F SLLF-EMPL.O`(ED,FNY[R NFlME PERIOD (JAN.1 -DEC.31) (IF REQUIRED) OF HUSMES:i) I Jeff Moe ���� �o�v. �ntr�preneLar 08/21/2016 �p�Y Sc�ftr�var� ❑scc StephPn Fiar�ey ��N� �I 1"aC9S�lOY��IYE011 GOIISUI$�lllt 0$/21/2016 ❑OTH ❑P��' ❑SCC Lavurence Dean ���`�� F�etirec9 08/22/2016 ❑OTH ❑pn ❑S�� Dorothy A Stow ��N� F3etired �8/23!20�96 ❑P7Y ❑SCC 6Vlarjorie Mancuso ��ND Invesfor 08/24/2016 ❑oTo-� ❑�� ❑s�c �1981'CDi",4�$ �I,050.00 I .-- � *ConYributor Codes IiVU—Individual COM—Recipient Committee (other than P"fY or SCC) OTN—Otner(e.g., business entity) . PLY—Poli2ical Party SCC—Srnaii�;ontribu4ar Committee FI�PC forrro 460�.Ean/2016) . , �PR�:r��Eesice:a�6saice@fppc.��.;�v Q866B��5-3772, vvuvau.fppc.c�.gc�� ��[�1e(�d,B�� ll� ��OC�$66'88rf�E$1C�11 ������ p,mou�nts rraay he t�ouraded SCHEDULE A (CONT.) �DE�e�aC�/ ��?�l�rE�3l.��i011� ��C�EWeC� to whole dollars. Statemen4 covePs perBod � � • � �e,.a�, 01/01/2016 ��` 4hraugh 09/24/2016 page�3_ of_ 27 NAME OF FILER I.D.NUMBEft ROD SINKS FOR CITY COUNC;EL 2016 1387675 DATE FULL NAME,STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL,ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMNITTEE,A150 F_NTER I.D.NIiMBER) CODE * OCCUPATION AND EPJIPLOYER RECEI\�ED TI-IIS CALENUAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SEIF-EMPIOYEQ,ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN.1-DEC.31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) �oT� 250.00 25U.00 250.00 Cupertino, CR a5014 �p-n. ❑scc n�oM Oracle 100.00 100.00 100.00 Cupertino, CA 95014 ❑orH ❑PTY ❑SCC ❑coM 120.00 120.00 120.00 Cupertino, CA 95014 ❑OTH ❑PTY ❑SCC ���� 250.00 250.00 250.00 Cupertino, CA 95014 ❑OTH ❑PTY ❑SCC ❑coM self 200.00 200.00 2QO.Od San Jose, CFi 95136 L�OTH ❑PTY ❑SCC StJ�TOTA�.$ 920.00 � I 'Contributor Codes IND—Individual COP�i—Recipient Comniittee (other than PTY or SCC) O"fH—Other(e.g.,business entity) PTY--Pofitical Party FPPC Forrn 46�d(Jan/2Q16) SCC—Small Contributor Committe� f6�IPC�advice:advice(,Ngp�rc.c�.gav(�56/275-3772) � � v�,+wv�r.fwpc.ea.gov a�C��4.9�A� � ���CM�I�Y��+�l��� �A!.C�1���� � :�G1Y4c,pi.BClRS Y'➢4kA�W3�.'P6J�B'tC$aSC'� SCf-�E�7ULEA (CONT.) ��i��,.''���' �iCa6�t�"1��'����'�1�i �,������°�� ����rvinr�3�41catl9�a�:�. ----�ta't��nen��a�wr:a-v�reriod � �� � , � ��,��,,�� i�������o ��r��i �u�� � trmrra 01/(��/�01�; � r� �,. � !t� � ' � �. ., u �..� t�r�nesyh 09/24/20�6 �ag�, 1`�—_ of 27 NAME OF FIL�R I.D.NUPABER 6�C�D SINi<S �OR CBT'�°C�OUNC;I!_2016 �3�376�5 C�AI"E .p=ULL NAME,ST . CONTF2iBl1TOf� �F A�d I�lDI\/IP�UAL,�vl-�R � ANiOUNT CUMUI.ATIVF_TO DATE PER ELEClION REETADDRESS ANQ ZI9�COD�OF CONTRICiUrOR * OCCUPATIOV AND F_MPLOYER � RECEIVL=D TNIS CALENDAR YEAY2 TO DATE RECEIVED QF COMMITTEE,AL50 FNTFH I.D.NUMBER) CODE (�p SFLF-F_MPLOYEb,FNTER NAIN[E PERIOD (JAN.1—DEC.31) QF REQUIRED) OF BUSWESS) I Juanota& Dor�ald Potter �°'�� F��fi��d ' 08/31/2016 ��-�, ❑scc C�ary �ttinger ��ta� �ngi��eer 08/31/201� U�-rH ❑PTY ❑;�GC Annie 8�0 �on�� f�eaBtor 08/31/2016 n o7�H ❑PTv ❑scc V�J�i�ing Lee �3 o�a �eacher 09/01/2t71 fs' ❑ai v ❑sc�: Amy Migcdal ����' Retired � 09/02/2016 ���� ❑�Tv ❑scc 5tJ�3�'�3�'e4C.$ �1,750.00 I J 'Contributor Codes IND—Individual COM—Recipient Committee (other than Pl'Y or SCC) OT�f—Other(e.y.,husiness entity) P-CY—E'oiitical�'arty SCC—SmaH Contributor Committee FPPC Forra�460(7an/2016) , F�e�e���us�z:�e,8�e¢ee@f�ape.ea.gcav dB66/2753a72j vu�,+�a.fp pr..r.a.gov ��hedule a4 (���n�dr�t���i�n �h���� ,4rraount,s�aay��s�rour��e�' iCFiEDULE A (CONT.) �01���afP�/ �'..CDII�Clr3f.l�ldil� �.@CGl�E'�'f� ta whole mieilars. Statement covers perioti � , , � .;"Q ), � „ ���� 01/01/2016 � � � • � tteraugh 09/24/2016 pa�e__ 15 of 27_ NAME OF FILER I.D.NUMEiER F�OD SINKS FC�R CITY CC�UNCI!_2016 1387675 i � CONTRIBUTOR IFAN INDIVIDUAL,E�TER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION DATE FULL�AME,STREETADDRESS AhD ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR * pCCUPP,YION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED fIF COMMITTEE,ALSO FNTE_R LU.NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYED,ENTER NAMe pERIOD (JAN.1-DEC.31) (IF REQUfRED) OF BUSINESS) �OTH 100.00 10Q.00 �Q0.00 Cupe��tino, C�,��014 ❑PTY ❑scc ❑coM Actoan Corporation 200.00 200.00 200.00 Cupeitino, CA 95014 n oTH ❑PTY LJ SCC ❑coM self 300.00 300.00 300.00 Los Altos, CA 94024 ❑OTH ❑PTY ❑scc �C�M N/A 100.00 100.00 100.U0 Cupertino, CA 95014 ���H ❑PTY ❑SCC [=1 oTta p Cupertino, Cf�950�4 �PrY Officer ❑scc 1 SItE�Tf��,�6_� 900.00 ` � 'Contributor Codes IND—Individual COM—Recipient Comrr�ittez (other than PTY or SGC) OTH—Other(e.g.,business entity} PTY—Political Farty FPPC Form 460(!an/2d16) SCC—5mall Coniributor Commit[ee FPPC�qd�ace:advice@fpq�c.ca.gov(S66/275-3772) wusrv�a.fi�o p c.ca.gov ���'����.1�� � ��>��'�"�d�"�f�:9��W��"� �������'� ,�Krec��arb'�s�Ka�,�u�es�� �-a_uab�w��<rc� ------ -- ---- bt F�FDtJ�E�� (�^'.3Ri-�.) ��`99f����1"�° �C�B'1�9"N�lI����ID�� ��8m�"l���:� 4a�v�uE�r�vR�; r4a�98ti�c.�.� Wt�'t�er��r��ra�v�srs p�:ria�ed I�6';i';�' �� ���r �� ��� �i����,�u����� � d � ' 6rcerra {'l1/O 1/20"B h � ' , thrz�a�gh U9/��/21��� �,�ge— 16 °� 27 — NAME OF FILER I.D.NUMDER �'Oi� SBh�K� �O� LITY �C�9Jl��C9L�016 03�3761� _ _ _.. . ._. . _ _ _ .. _ _. . ... ._. . .. __. __. _ .. _. . _ _ _ ...., __ _. , i � CON Y'l�IBi.}"fQR �'".`�'F'�if�lf)t\lID9JHL,F=NT�-R APv9OlJPdT CUMULATIVL i`O DATF PER F�LECTION DATE Fl1LL NP,1�9E,STRF_C-TA(]�1RFSS r�hD Zli CODt=OF CONTRi6lJTOR pL�;�y���-�ON!-�ND EMPLOYER RECEIV�D THIS CALENDAR'YEAR TO UATE RECEIVED QF COMMITfFF,ALSO E�ITER L0.NUMBE:R) COD�F � (IF StLF-f°MPI..OYED,SNTER NAMI- �+�RIOU �.IAN.1-D�C.:31, QF REQUIRF_Dj OP f3U£JNESS) '�. �'au1�a VV�IIi� ���° S�lf-�rnpir�yed 09/�0/2016 & ❑�-�H , ❑sc� Phyllbs Sin6cs ���� r�tir�r� 20Q.00 09/14/2016 ❑or� ❑��rv ❑Scc ��y �{Oe�g ���D dv9F.dic�l C�ac�or 300.00 09/i 4/2016 nor¢i t=-taa_�nr����a�n ❑PTY ❑SCC __ �1l"&�T C�li�ornia E�apBoye� Pcsliter.�.e! �-7��� a9/17/20�6 Acti�an �c�exz�a�i��e�, !D t�9F31170 ❑c`��'9 50�.00 50U.U0 500.00 �scc Vijay 8srani �°�� ��C) 09/9 7/2016 L�oT� ❑P�rv ❑scc �uk��'t��'A�� 1,350.00 f � `Contributor Cocfes IND—Individual COP�—Recipi�nt Cornmittee (ott�er than PTY or 5CC) OTH—Other(e.g.,busir��ss entity) P�Y--�'oio4ical P�rfi,� SCC—Small Conkributry-Cornmittee FWPC:�orrri 4612(1an/2016) �P�C Ad�e'sa�c:�a�ea'ss�«��pWe.ea.��or($55/275-3772) v,m�w.fp�c.ca.goor �Cfl�C�l.b�� �e (�.rOC1��P�1.9c��la°t"1 ��'9����� Am�sanS�ss�ay t�c re���rc1e�S SCHE�tJLE A (COhlT.) Monefa�ry �ontri��z�ir�n� �e�eiv�c� 4o w1�r,6e dr�99ar�. S�atement covers�eriad ..� . I iram Oi/01/20i6 � " ` • � ' th�rough 09/24/2016 pa�� 17 of 2� -- _ _ _ __ ' _ NAME OF FILER I.D.NUMBER ROD SINKS FOR C!�"Y COUIVC6L 2016 13876�5 DATE F�ILL NAME,STREETADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF Cf�NTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR �FAN INDIVIDUAL,ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTiON RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE,AlSO ENTER I.D.�U69BER) CODE * UCCUPATION AND EP�iPLOYER REC[IVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DA7E (IF SELF-EMPLOYED,ENTER N.4ME PERIOD (JAN.1-DEC.31) (IF REOUIRED) OF BUSINESS) ❑coM �rxan Technologies 100.00 100.OQ 100.�0 Cupertino, CA 95014 C P�. ❑scc ❑cor�n �rirnbie �9aviga�ion 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 Sunnyvale, C�94087 ❑OTH ❑PTY ❑SCC ❑coM Dionex Corporation 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 San Jos�, CA 95129 ❑OTH ❑PTY ❑SCC ���� 100.OQ 100.00 1 UU.UO LOS AItOS, C/�J4022 ❑OTH ❑PTY ❑5CC ❑coM RPT, Irac. 150.00 150.00 150.00 Cupertino, CH 95014 ❑orH L j PTY ❑SCC �9�BT'G�T,�,�..$ 2,850.00 I i 'Contribulor Codes IND—Individual COA4—Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) UTH—Other(e.g.,business entity) PTY—Political P�rty FPPC Form 460(Jan/20�6) SCC—Sm�zll Contributor Corrunittee _ E�F°C Advice:ad�rice@fppc.ca.gov(£SG6/275-377�� wwvd.i y�pc.ca.gav ,� ` a ,�,�,i� �,� �+�,,�'��'�-'�:��..��� 6� �'�a���"�"�98'����.��'$'�9'A �,�H���.�',�'�� ah�a�ei�a.�r7�:�,k�a��,,rCi�� rr.xss�;e�.�A �t,H�l�I�LLA (Co,�lL} ��9"��'�:��",�' ���'°I��'8�a�'����� �4����ad'��:� �c��tfl�,�afl� t8n&da�a��."�. ����erai�r�g co�o�rY�a�r9a��d ',� �,� �v;p �� �� 1 P � • � ���,�, 01/�31/2�➢16 m� " �hrmur�h 09/��-/2U16 �agw 1� og._2I LD.NUMBER tJAME OF FII_ER ROD �I�JK� t=lJ�i G9TY�COUi�9C(1..2�id� 13d7675 , _ _ . _ _ CONTRIBiS"fO�t I!=AfV iIJJIViUUAL.EPJTE'R AN�CIUNT CUPe9ULA7VVE TO DE\TE PER ELECT'ION D{1T� FULL N,Ati9E,STR�t=7/aDDRFSS A1Ji�ZIP Cl7DE OF t;liNTl�lBL170F: pCCIiPAYiUiV A{VD E�v1PLOYF_R RECEIVED THIS GALENDAR YEAR TO DAl"E RECEIVED (i`COMMI"i7EF_,ALSO ENTFR I.U.NUMf3.F.R) COD� * (�r:?cl_F-�BAPLOVED.EMTESR NAME. or-RusiNrss� �'r=2�OD (JAN.1 -�EC.39) QF RF_QUIRED) Vardy Sht�ir� f�e�� ��asir��ss t`�wner 200.00 09/22/2016 ��-�Y ❑SCc ❑��� ❑co�v� ❑���-�+ ❑P�Y ❑scz; ❑i�r� ❑co�n ❑o�rH ❑a�X ❑scc ❑�rv� [_�co�n ❑o�r�� ❑�'iv ❑SC�C ❑Ii�D ❑CflPvl ❑07H ❑PTY ❑SCC ����-����� �o0.ou i 1 "ContribuYor Co�ies i�lD—Individual COM—Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH—Oth�r(e.g.,b�asiness entii,y) PTY--Poli4icai I'�rty SL:C—Small Contributor Cornmittse f-PPC Form 460(Jan/2016) � �F£�Pf:�dvice:ar�erk�e�x fgspac.�a.�ov(�66/275-3772) +rwe�eow.$p��.ca.gow Amounts�r+�°be roundac➢ S' HEDULE B PART 1 �Ch4��l�G � -- �e`�C� � tcr v�hois do4Bars. Staterea�ret covePs perdod , � r�cf lT d r'�'� � L.O�C9S R:EC�iF�P�C� 01/01/2016 '��� � �";� {„s � ; trom , ` ,� t �,.�^� _ `_(+ SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through OJ/24/2016 page 1� of 27 NAME OF FILER I.D.NUMBER ROD SINKS FOR GITY COUNCIL 2016 1387675 IF AN INDIVIDUAL,ENTER �a� ��d (ti) (d� (e� �t� �g� ` FULL NAME,STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OUTSTANDING AMOUNT qMOUNT PAID OUTSTANDING INTEREST ORIGINAL CUMULATIVE OF LENDER OCCUPA`FON AN�D UMPLOYER �3ALANCE RECEIVED THIS OR FORGIVEN BA�'NCF AT pAID T!-IIS AMOUNT OF CONTRIEUT'IONS (IF COMMITTEE,HL50 ENTER i.D.NUMBER) NAIAE OF BUSINESS) BEGINNING i HIS pEF:IOD �-H!S PERIOD� CLOSE OF THIS PERIOD LOkN TO DATE PERiOD PERIOD ❑ PAID CALENDAR YEHR $ $ __% $ $ RATF_ ❑ FOkGIVEN PER EL.ECTIOtd" 5 S g � � DATEDUE DATEINCURRED t❑ IND ❑ COM ❑ OTH ❑ PTY ❑ SCC ❑ PAIO CALENDAR YEAR g 5 % S $ RAT[ ❑ FORGIVEN PER ELECTION*" $ 3 $ $ $ t❑ IND ❑ COM ❑ O fH ❑ PTY r j SCC DATE DUE DATE INCURRED ❑ PAID CALENDAR YEAF2 $ � --% $ $ HAT'E ❑ FORGIVEN PER E�ECTION1A � y g $ 8 t❑ IND ❑ COM ❑ OTH ❑ PTY ❑ SCC DATE DUE DATE INCURRED �UBrO��LS $ $ $ $ I (Enter(e)ori achedule � ���rre�r� ScheduleF_,Line3) 1. Loar�s received this period....................................................................................................................$ n (Total Column (h) plias unitemized loans of B�ss than �100.) tcontributo�codes � p � p CQM�I Reci�p ent Commiitee 2. Loans aid or for iver�this eriod.........................................................................................................$ � (To4al Column (c) plus loans uneier$100 paici or fargiveri.) (other than PTY or SCC�) (Include loans paid by a third party that are aiso it�mized on Schediale A.) oT�H-ott,er(e.9.,business entity) PTY—Political Pariy 3. f�et chan e this eriod. �ukaYp•�c�t Line 2 fron� Line 1. ........................NEI� � (l SCC—Small Contributor Commitcee J P � � } ...................................... Enter the net here and on the Summary Page, Column�, I..ICIB 2. (Alaybeanegativenumber) � Amounts forgiven or paid by another party also must be r2por�ed on Scliedule A. FPPC Form 460(Jan/2E�16) "' ff reqi�ired. k�PC Advice:advic�('a�fippc.ca.gov(856/"L75-377�) www.fppc.ca.gov �y SC!-if=��IJLE L3-P,�jRT 2 �P6'�i��-'�+t-�1.3�� s� — k�'"`r�d'� � a`,�v�oun�t>i�tt�ay�F.iey�� r^��:�; 2o w3ua(s.a�u@darw �taY�:rnen#cov�ers period ��: i� '� :, ���, i' , �..Qd13 �19�!'�I�I�OY� � • � �re��n O 1/01/2016 � � .� SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE thrau2jh a9/24/2016 p��� 20 �¢ 27 PlAME OF FILER � I.D.NUMBER ROU SIRI4(S FC�R CII�Y C��JP�lClL 2016 i;i8'"1675 . F F COMMITfBUE ALO50 ENTER I�D NUM ERD � ... . �ONCODE�...� � ......� iF AN INDIVlDU�,L,�N 1 ER ..�. ...� � � .. � . .. � .. �.. . ..� . . . .. GI)AROi�TFED.. ... TO DATE � .. .�UU S ANDING 1 OR OCCIJPATICIN A,�1D EMh�I OY�hZ LOn� ('UNiUL.ATIVF � (IFSELF-EMPLOYED EPIi[R THIS PERIOD TO DATE NAMG Uf BUSINF55) ��I�JD LEPiDEf2 CALENDAR YEAR ❑COM g ❑OTH UATE PER ELECTION I�P� (IF REQUIRED) ❑SCC 3 ❑IND CAI.ENDAR YEAR LENDER ❑conn s n�TF� PER EIECTION OAiE (IF REqUIRFD) ❑PTY ❑SCC s CALENDAR YEAR ���D LENDER ❑COM g ❑OTH DATE PER ELEC'iION C]PTY (1F;�EQUIRED) ❑SCC S ❑IND LENDER CALENDAR YEAR ❑COi�il S u O fH DATE PER ELECTION (IF REQIIIRED) n Pn ❑S�� � Erfter on I $u6T�"�'��. � Q Summary Page, + line 17 only. I FPPC Form 46/3(Jan/2016) FPAC Adwice:advice�afppc.ca.goer�86K/275-3772) wwuw.fppc.ca.gov �������� � dsoveuui�?:S Pi'l�j�r1�f�US'ii:�EtP SCHEDULE C ft0 er�°hao9e delEaf5. �(�E1C11�P1�t1C�+ �`oUl1�Pf�f.ttlOrlr"a �����lI�C� Staterroentcoversperiocd `��I � �� � � trom 01/O 1/2016 • " ' through 09/24/2016 P��e 21 _ of 27_ SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON R�VERSE NAME OF FILER I.D.NUMBER F�OD SINKS FOa CITY CO�JhICIL 2016 1387675 RE�CEIVED ZIP CODE OF CO TRDBUTOR NC, CONCODE�O� flCCUPAIlOIN A�ND EPv!PLO F R GOODS OR SEORVIOCES FAIR MARKET CA ENDAAR YE R PER ELECTION FULL NAME,., ( SELF-EMPLOYED,ENTER VALUE (IF REQUIRED) (IF COMMITTEE,ALSO ENTER I.D.NUMBER) NAME OF BUSINESS) (JAN 1-DEC 31) �COM for campaign 954.07 954.Q7 �`'���� San Francisco, CA 94111 �OTH kick-aff event ❑PrY ❑scc ��a� Trimble Navigation ; Meeting food; 150.32 150.32 �50.32 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 �P�, Office suppfies ❑SCC ❑IND ❑CUM ❑OTH ❑P-r,� ❑scc ❑IND ❑COM ❑OTH ❑PTY ❑SCC , Attach additional informafion on appropri�fiefy labeled continuafion sheets. SUBTOTAL$ 1,104.39 ! ��('lE',�l.Eeg (; �l{C431'41�8'`�/ "Cantributor C�des 1. Amount received this perioci-itemized nanmonetary contributic�ns. ir�a- mdividuai (Include all Schedule G s�abtofiais.).......................................................................................................................$ 1,104.39 COM—Recipient Committee (other fhan PTY or SCC) 2. Amc�un� received�his periad-unit�rnized rronrrionetary coratributions of less than �'V 00 ..................................$ z5.00 Ul-H—Other(e.g.,business entiiy) PTY—Political Pa�ty 3. lofial nonmoneYary contributians received tl�is peritid. scc-smau contributor committee (Add Lines '! and 2. Enter here and on fhe Sumt�na 6'a e, Column A, Lir►Ps 4 and 10. 1 C?T�e� � �������9 ry g . )..................... FPPC Form 46U{Jan/2016} FP�'C�dvBce:advice�lfppc.ca.guv Q�66/2%5-3772j wv�e�w.fppc.ca.gcz�r �c�������� �D SC:HEDiJL�D __._.._---.---..._ F@ "fi�."''..:.,,. � ��1,�4'�"0B�'°3��"j� �� �3����Q�����'�:'� �c�araaAn�s r-ru>��p �a��raubaal::�4 ------,�P.at��nxeaa$�.av�rs pecs�eJ � m ta uarEaoV�:rleaEG�r v.. I � , ����c�rtoa�c�l��p����a� �t�a�r �r�� 0�/(l1/20�16 0 - , �����ss�����, f�����ar�� ��ad ��r������e�� thr�aegV� 09/`�'4/2016 p��� 22 of 27_ , SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON ftEVERSE NAM�OF f-ILER I.D.NUYv16ER �3�1� SiNKS F�OFi C�B-fY GO�!{�dCl�. 2016 1337�75 . . . .. . _. . ,.��,�w,�.W�a„�.. ����a,�.�.�.�,u,�d��..u.��p.�� . . ... CUfNULATIV�TO DATE; PER�LECTION DATE NAME OF CANDIDATE,OFFICE,AND DI57RICT,OR TYPE OF PAYPv1[�T DESCRIPTION qMOUNT THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO bATE �AEASURE NUMBEP,OR LEl"TF_R AND JURISDICTlOi�, (IF-Ri=C1UIf1Ea) a�ERIOD (JAN.t-DL=C.3t) (iF Rec]UIRED) OR C{7fv1iv11TTEE � [� titoneYary Contribution L] Nonmonetary Contribution [1 Inclepencier�i � Support � Op�ose b�xpenditi.are ❑ Monetary Contribution [,� Nonmonetary Contribution � lndependent �] Support � Uppose Expendizure � ��onetary Car�tribu�ion �� Nrinmonetary C:ontribut.ior, [� Indep2nd�r�t ❑ Support ❑ Oppose Expenditur� �i��T�9Ts�L $ 0 � 1 �ch��d�al� � �urr�rna� 1. Itemized contributions and ind��Oendent expendotures made this periad. (Inc9ud� all Sch�c��ole f] s�ab�otass.)........................................................$ o 2. Uni�emized c�,ntributions �an�i independent expendi�ure� rm�de t.his �eriod csf us�d�r$100......................... ........................ $ U ................................... 3. �ofial contr�butaons a�d inde��nderat exp�nd'otures rn�de thAs p�rioc�. ��er�d �ines 1 �nd 2. C?a �ar�t�nt�r c�n fhe Sdamrn�ry !'age.)........... �'0�',AL.. � � �����a����o c,��e2o�6� �P��G�d�+i�e:axdw�a:��ipy��.cv.ga�r�e(�CEi/275-37'72) v�r�au.fppt.ca.gov SCHEDULE E �������� � �t�riaunt�may ba rnun�e� S4atemer�4 cavers period �; � _ •' � 4o whole clalia�rs. � „ � d • 1 Paym�r►ts Macie o��a�i�o�� � �� � fram through 09/24/20�i6 page 23 _ o� 27 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSF hlAME OF FILER I.D.tJUPJIBEf2 ROD SINKS FOR CITY COUNCIL 2016 1387675 COD�S: ff one of the fiolfav�ri:�g codes accurately c�escril�e� the paymenf, yau rnay erit�r the code. Ofherwise, describe the payme�nt. CMP campaign p�raphernalia/misc. MBR member communications F�AD radio airtirne and production costs CNS campaign consuitants MTG meetings and appearances RFD returned contributions CTB contribution(explain nonmonetary}' OFC office expenses SA� campaign workers'salaries CVC civic donations PET petition circulating TEL t.v.or cable airtime and production costs FIL candiciate filing/ballot fees PHO phone banks TRC candidate travel,ladging,and meals FND fundraising events POL poffing and survey research TRS staff/spouse travel,lodging,and meals IND indepenaent expenditure supporiingloppasing others(erplein)* POS postage,delivery and messenger services TSF transfer beYvti�een committees of 4he same candidate(sponsor LEG legal defiense PFt.O professional sen�ices(legal,accounting} VOT voter registration LIT campaign literature and mailings PRT print ads WEB information technology costs(intemet,e-maii) NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE (IF COMMITTEE,ALSO ENTF_R I.D.NUMBER) CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID CMP 813.65 f'lano, TX 75074 �IT 4�T8.50 San Jose, CA 95110 220.92 San Jose, California 95131 *Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D. SlJEETO�AL$ 1,513.07 Schedut� E ��nnm��o 1. Itemized payments rraacie this p�riod. (Incl€�de all Schedule E s�blotals.)............................................................................................................. $ �I,828.32 2. Unitemized payments made this period of under y100.................................................................................................. 167.15 ........................................$ 0 3. Total interest paid this period on ioans. (Enter amourot from ScPiedule �3, Part 1, �c�lumn (e).).............................................................................. $ 4. Tota9 � merrts mad�fihss eric�d. Ra1d Liries 1, 2, ana� 3. En4er here and on fhe .�urnrnarv Pa �, Colubr�d�a A, Line G. Td�TP�L $ j,995.�Q p Y {� � - � g )........................... FPPC Form�60(1an/ZQ16) Fi�FC Advice:advice a�6ppc.c�.gov(866/275-3772) v�v,rw.f�apc.ca.guu sc�sc�u����c��v-r.3 ���"����39� � s�,�rtiaar.oAi�s rr�a:ay�ac�•c�H.aaau��� i �i , � , i , Sta��aruenR rayva�os� ��:��a�8 ���r ���'��, 2,�' � g ,`' ���r����e���A�a� ������� ko i�rhr�i�c6rnp6:��r;4; y� �� �� ��.� � ���r��s�rt� �a�� d�-i���a�i2a s�T �� a ��� _ ffrp�, �:�,:."_�.,:_.`..�::i,� $hrau+�ly 09/24/2016 ����_ 24_ of.27_ SEE INSTf��1CTIONS ON REVERSE , NAME OF FILER . I.D.NUIVIBER RC�f� SBf�KS FOF� �Gl�fY CC711R9�IL 201� 13�76�5 G�P���: Ef or�e o� the fo9lowirug �od�� �cc+ar�tely cJescribes �6�e p�yment, yc�u r-n�y e:r��er �he ��de. Oth�rJvi��, d�scrib� the payra�enY. CrVIN carn�aign paraphernalia/misc. �JI�3R merrobes-comm�.anic�tians F2AC3 radio airtirr�e and producRion costs CNS campaign consultants M�fG mee�ings and ap�a�rances RFD returned contributions C7'� cont�-it�ution(explain r�anmonetary)" OFC a�fficc:expensc:s �AL campaign�vr�rl<ers'salaries CVC civic dranations �'�� petition c:irculaliny T9�L t.v.ar cable airtirne and production casts Fil_ candidate fling/ballot fees I'E�J �hone banks Tl�C c�ndidate travel,lodying,ancl meals FNL� f�indraisiny events !'OL poiling�nd survey res�:�rcl� TRS staTf/spouse tr�vel,lodging,and meals IND independent expenditure supporting/opposing others(explain)` PCS postage,delivery and rnessenger services TSF fransfer between committees of the same candidate/sponsor LEG legai defense P�20 profess�onal servic�s(legal,accounking) VOT vnter registration LIT campaign literat�ore and mailir�gs F'RT prisit ads WEB i��forma4ion dechnolagy costs(internet,e-mai9) . _ „ NAME AND ADL�RESS OF PAYEE C;ODE OR DESCRIPTION O�PAYMENT AMOU�IT PAID (IF COMMIiTEE,ALSO FNTER I.D.NUMflER) �IUeIIc�St IC1C. Santa�lara Ca�unty R�gistrar of 1Joters Voter c9ata *Payments that are coretributions or indep�e�etent expenditures must also be surnrv�arized on Schedulc L�. ��������-� 315.25 FPFC Fsar��b6�D�9ae���016y F�'�°�C 6�de�oc�:�a�v'sce�@ffppc.ca.gr�u�(8�6/275-377�) SCHEDULEF r�.mount�zna�p be rou!�ded �chedule F SRat�:merat cov�rs neria�l Y e °" � t�eroh�G�du9EaT_>. 0 � Accra�e� Expen�es (Un�aaic� �mll�� from 01/01/20�6 •'` thPougta 09/24/20i 6 ���e 25 of_ 27 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAC�IE OF FILER I.D.NUA/IBER ROD SINKS FOR CITY COUf�9CiL 2016 1387675 CUDE s: If one of the following codes accu�ately describes the payment, you rnay enter the code. Utherwise, describe the payment. CMP campaign paraphernalia/misc. fJiBR member c�mmunications RAD radio airtime and production costs CNS carnpaign consult�n4s A�TG rneetings and appearances RFQ retumed conYributions CTB contribution(explain nonmonetary}' dFC office expenses SAL campaig�workers'salaries CVC civic donations PET petition circulating TEL t.v.or cable airtime and production costs FIL candidate filing/ballot fees PFlO phone banks TRC candidate travei,lodging,and meals FND fundraising events POL polling and suruey research TRS staff/spoiase travel,lodging,and rneafs IhD independent expenditure supportinglopposiny others(expiain)` POS postage,delivery and messenger services TSF transfer between committees of the same candidate/sponsor LE� legal defense PRU professional services(legal,accounting) VOT voter registration LIT carr�paign likerature ai7d mailings PR-f print ads WEB information technology costs(intemet,e-mail) NAME AND ADDRESS OF CREDITOR CODE OR (a), tb� �c) (d) OUTSTAfvDiNG P.MOUNT INCURRED AMOUNT PAID OUTSTANDING (IF COMMI'IZ'EE,AlSO ENTER I.D.NUMBER) DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT gAL.ANCE BEGINNING 7HIS PERIOD THIS PERIOD 6ALANCE AT CLOSE OF THIS PERIOD (AI_SQ REFORT ON E) OF THIS PERIOD "Paymenis that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be 51��YQT��$ $ Q $ 0 � � $ o summarized on Schedule D. ��f��dule �' ���e�1ar�' 1. Tatal accrued expenses incurreci this period. (Include all Schsdule F, Coiumn (b) sub�totals far o accrued expenses of$100 or more, plus total unitemized accrued expenses under$100.)..............................................91�CUFtR�D TOT�LS $ 2. l"otal accrued expenses paid this peric�d. (Includ� ail Schedufe f=, CoOumra (c) subtotals for payments on � accrued expenses of$900 or rrrore, plus totai usiitemized paymenPs on accrued expenses under�100.)...................................PAl13 TOT�4LS $ 3. Nef change this periad. (Sub4ract Lir�e 2 frorn Li�ne '�. Ent�r the difFerence here ��ci on the Summary Pac�e, Column A, Line 9.)........................................................................................................................................................................... �ET� 0 ����� � May be a neyative number FPPC Forrn 460(Jan/2016) �PPC��dr�oce:z�c�Wir.e@fppc.ca.�ov Q'86f�'275-3772) SCHE�ULE N ��h�a�ul� � ���,���;����� � ������,�� ���,�,��,�„�������,�, �� �,,����, ������,,,��„ tl�aacoasra��rn;a�r kae r�v�.sre�#e.c9 �ta4eruoera4 ccs��as��rea�d I �� �y ter c�S�c�@�a�s�l9ars. �. ���,�� • ��D �.���� ���� �� ��k������` ��,�� o-sio�i2o�i� ; '{ � � w SEE INSTRUCTIOE�IS ON REVERSE dhrouc�Ba 09/24/2_0 E� �,��� 26 Off _?_7 NAMG OF FII_ER I.�.NUWil3ER F�O� SINKS �C?W�� C!�'Y CC9U�l�9L�016 1387675 FULLNAME.STRF_EfADDRESSAND_IPCODE IFANIfJDIVIDUAEMP,I.OYER �U�ST�NDWCU AMOUNT REpqyn��vr �QaLANCDF�T O�TERFS (� (g' �� ��� Qcl ��y� ( � - UR _ T OR6GINAL CUMUL.ATIVE Cl�RE(,IPIENT OCCUPATION AND �3qLAUCC s_pANCD l H!5 RE(,�1V'�D AMOUP�J�'OF LOl4NS (IF SFLF-EMPLOYED,ENiCR Fj[_G�NIVII�G TE"'lIS fUFtrIVENESS CLOSE OF THIS QF COMNITTL=�,AL50 ENTER I.D.NUPo70ER) NAME OF BUSINE55) ��-�a�fl� THlS PERIU'D' LOAN CO UR'TE PERIOD - PERIOD ❑ PAID CALENDAR YEAR $ �u % � $ RA"fE ❑ F6RGIVCN PER ELECTIOPI** $ $ $ $ 5 DA'fE DUE DATE INCURI2ED ❑ P�ID CALENDAR YEAR $ � ------% $ $ ❑ FOP,C3IV�N �7� PER[LECTION"" �--------------- � a -- � s DATF_DUE OATEINCURRC-D '�Loans that are co�tributions to another canderlate or commitiee must also be sumrna�ized on Schedule D. Loans Forgiven reiust also be reported on 5chedule E. °'���"�"����6�� �' � � a� (Enfer(e}on Schedule I,Line 3) �checlur� F� SL��rnary 1. Loans made thos period.....................................................................................................................................................$ � (Yotai CUlaa�nn (R�� p��as ur�it�mizea� 0oaols of{e�s �han .�'o"i00.} "*Ef tl�ec��ais-ed 2. Payme�ts received on loans............................................................................................................................................$ n (Total Co9uinn (c) plus uniteinized payrnents of less �han $100.) 3. f�efi ehan�e thws pe�iod. (���te��t Ldne 2 frnn� Li�� '9.).............................................................................................�IET $ n (Enter the n�t h�r� and on the Si�mrra�ry E'ag�, Coi��m��, L.8f1C' 7.� (Maybeanegativenumber) F������m uso(���/z�a�) G'FPC,�,dvwc�:acSe�ic��'�Fpps.�ea.�ov($66/2�r-3372) a�asas�v.�f�s pc.ca.�oro 5cheduie ! A�Q��ts rriay be raunded SCHEDUI_E I I��6SC����6�@�'A�tS �I'�lC1"����� �O C�S�! ta vfhmle dm9l�rs. Stat�men4 covers pereod �� "��� � �' • � ��n " �carn 01/01/2016 �` ��'t� vti �,<r through 09/24/2016 page_2� of 27 SEF.INSTRUCTIQhS O�I REVERSE NAPJE OF FILER I.D.NUIViBER ROD SINKS FOFi CITY G�IJN�IL 2016 1387G75 DATE FULL NAME AND ADDRESS OF SOtJRCE DESCRIPTION OF RFCEIPT AMOUNT OF F2ECENED QF COMMIT�EEl,ALSO EN'iGR I.O.NL1NElER) INCf�FASE TO CASH Attach additional information on appropriatelylabeted continuation sheets. S�J���Z��-$ 0 �Cd'1��t.iSP. � �E.Oi11i'1'l�f'�t 1. Itemized increases to cash this �eriod. ...........................................................................................................................$ d 2. lJnitemized irrcr�ases to cash of urr�ler�i100 this �erioci. .......................................................................... 0 ......................$ 3. 1bt�i of all ii�sieres� ��eceivec� this �eeiod an loaros rr�ade t� others. (5chedcalc: H, �olurro� (e).) .......................................$ o 4. 7otal miscellaneous increases to casf�this period. (Add Lines 1, 2, and 3. Enter here and on the Summary �'aae, Line �4.� .................... .. ��7`��. b 0 ....................................................................................................... FPPC Form 460�Aan/2015) FPPC Rdvice:advice@fppc.ca.gov(8�i&/275-�772)