410 Statement of Organization Recipient Committee - Amendment 8-13-18 ,�j �� � � � �$ ��� � � � � ��s � � ` � � �; � � g�� Statement of Organization �;` oate S�mP ; � � . , Recipient Committee ����- E � � �� � ; � �; i ' • ' Statement Type ��nitial �� � ��#� � }� ��� °� � 0 Amendment ❑ Termination—See Part�� � � � For Official Use Only � Not yet qualified � � � °� d8 06 2018 � � �Date qualfied as committee � / —/—/ � ���'������ ��'� ��� �� � Date qualified as committee Dafe of termination � � 06 � 2018 �_� �� ' ��� 1 D. Number � � � 1. Conimrttee;lnformatittn ' 1408420 2. Treasurer and Qtlier Pr�ricipal t}fficers' �- � . (ff appGcableJ � � , _ _ NAMEOFCOMMITTEE NFME OP TREASURER � � Liang Ghaa for Cupertino City Council 201$ Joan Lawler Chin Eric Schaefer GOUNTY OF�OMICILE 1URIS�ICTION WHERE COM MITTEE IS AGTI VE NAME OG PRINCIPAL OFfICER(S) Santa Gara upertino, City of STREET ADORESS{NO P.O.eOX) ��TM STATE ZIP COOE AREA CODE/PHONE Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. 3: Verificat�on . , ,�� . _ �.,, � ,..� �_ -=-- �.� _ . � . _. � � ___- � : ; _ : � : _ � ; -; � . , : � 1 have used all reasonable diligence in preparing this statement and to the best of my knowledge the information cantained herein is true and complete. 1 certify under penalty af perjury under the laws of the State ORSTATEMEASUREPftOPONEM Executed on gy DATE StGNATURE OF CONTROLLING OFfICEHOLDER,CANDIDA7E,OR SiATE MEASURE PROPONER'T Executed on gy DATE SIGNATURE OF CONTROILING OFFICEHOLDER,CANDIDATE,OR STATE MEASURE PROPONEN7 FPPt Form 410{FebruaryJ2018) FPPC Advice:advice@fppc_ca_gov(866J275-3772j www fppc.ca.gov ♦ � i � Statement of Organizatian � • - Recipient Committee Page 2 INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE 1.0.NUMBER COMMITTEE NAME �yO�Y�iQ Liang Chao for Cupertino City Councii 2418 • Atl committees must list the financial institution where the campaign bank account is Iocated. AREA CODEJPHONE BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER NAME OF FItJANC1ALiN5TITUTIQN Weiis Fargo t17Y STATE ZIP CODE _ _ ..� � Typ�O��Otltl't'�i'Ett'� Contplete�tFie�aFP{icahle seciians_ _ . R • List the,name af each controlling offiteholder,candidate,or state measure proponent. If candidate or ofFiceho{der controlled,also list the elective office sought or held,and district nurnber,if any,and the year of the 2lection. • List the political party with which each officeholder or candidate is affiliated or check"nonpartisan." Stating"No party preference"is acceptable. • If thl5 CO[11Rtlttee a[t5 jointly with another controlled committee,list the name and identification number of the other controlled committee. pAR7Y ELECTIV E OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD YEAR OF ELECT�ON CHECXONE NAME OF CANDIDATE/OPFICEHOLDERJSTATE MEASURE PROPONENT (INCIUDE DISTRICT NUMBER IE APPUCABLE} Nonpartisan Pafisan {list politiCa(pafty 6elOw) Liang-Fang Chao Cupertino City Councif 2o�s C]✓ [� Nonpartisan Partisan (list politica)party below ❑ � !:}1# , -- ■ Primarily formed to support or oppose specific candidates or measures in a single election. List below: iiii ` �� + CANDIDATE{5}OFFICE SDUGHT OR HELD OR MEASURE(5)JURISDICTION CANDIDATE(5)NAME OR MEASURE(5)FULLTITLE ONCLUDE BAIIOT NO.OR IETTER) ((NCLUDE DISTRICT NO.,CITY OR COUNTY,AS APPtICABLE) CHECK ONE IF A RECALL,57ATE"RECAtI"IN fRONT OF THE OEFICEHOIDER'S NAME. SUPPORT OPPOSE ❑ ❑ $UPPORT OPP�OSE ❑ FPPC Form 410(February/2018) FPPC Advice:advice@fppGca-gov{866J275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov