501 Candidate Intention Statement - AmendmentCandidate Intention Statepient 17,5
Check One: [i Initial
NAME OF CANOIbATE (Last, FiMt, Middle lhftlal)
Orrin Mahbhev
RAmendmeni (Ep,.l,) ) rang date on original form.
have been 3/23/18
FAX NUMBER (olitlanal) E-MML (Optional)
L.Jstate (Compla* Part 9J
Qi[tY Qourity P Multl-County: 2010
(NaMu PT PAulp-Cmumy Junodiapon) Mor of Millon)
2. SWR Ciandidato Expendittli,re, Limit StAtement,
(CMPE140 and ,081SMS candidates, Judge9, 14*1al candidefos, and candidates kr 10681 oft do not pot iplate 1�art ,}
(Yew of ,— Pffmarylgenerdl election Spaclol/ronoff alecoon
own) (year of 862�—n)
(Chwk one tiox)
1 accept the voluntary, expenditure ceiling for the eloc
torl stdtleo. above.
[3100 not accept the voluntary expenditure ceiling for the pW!Qn Mated
0 1 did one exceed the expenditure ceiling in the primary or spiociel @1deo obri
H held on: and I accept the voluntary expenditure ceiling for
the geral or special run-off election,
(Me* ff apoodble)
On --J—, I C6htrlbPted personal funds In experts of the expenditure ceiling for the election stated above.
lvo r I c a t'i o n,
I certify under penalty of perjury under the laWs of the State
IFPPC iForm 401 (Jan/2016)
FPPC Advice; adviceftipc.ce,gov (066/275-3772)