Impartial Analysis :' .' '. '. ..... . :" ,:.......~:j:.: ......"..'.:-'...."'....."","iiI'.; ..".T.:"..~."-'·-i..·;;.;,....,.'!f'>.,,..\'·'·';·A.i¡·..·~~.:'.\''',..~-¡V,....:!··.-~',··~ , _ , " ,._.\ ')\,'" ..,.^.,..Þ:¡I'~I,;..'-\.~ \'c:v',t.:r.¡t;..~t'4~~=~~~·I1if"Æ~·· -,' ',.t. ,~,:,~ '. .. .'" . '" . ",. ., .,' . '..' "_~»ít·~-~' .':' .". __--::.:.....'..,...:,... ..," ..., ..,,'., ...., ".,.... " ." \ ," : ,_ ' .,. '," \. ,,'..., '. '.....n.. .,<."'-<r;;. ',>'. ":;','~:f,:,::,<.. :,::::.--.'., __. ....' '''-:.' .~.. ."" ~.:.",,-:.;~_ .';";:.;'-'." ::' . ,.,'-. ...,.,':.....". :..'~,.,'t:~· "'. ,.". ':-"1";' . ". "·_:r.:":" :.. .':'. _ . _ .. '''., .', ..... ~ \0 "' ,',' .~.' 'I . /¡.."\ ~ ' . -,... ~Ii" .;0 , ~'?; ,<~';,::,J:, ~-,~~ :.'-; IV~ .,¡'" .. ,< ~ ".",.', .. ';,,,--,,;' . ,,' .~, . OJ .- MEASURE T ~ A,'lMNSIS. 'lh.i.s nœsuJ:8 seeks voter awroval for the acx¡;uisition ;m:l preservation of the pxq>erty Jcncwn as BlaC\d:)erry Fam for open space, as well as the acquisition of the Fì.CULÄJt Older ElementarY School site ani the ooristruc:tio."1 of p.¡blic recreation facilities thereOn to insure the presezvation of the land as p.¡blic open space. 'lhe ocst of theSe acquisitions ani facilities is estjmated to be twenty-five million dollarS which will be finaneed by the general :furd of the City of 0Jpertin0 at an annual cost of a¡;:proxbnately 2.3 million dollars per year aver a twenty-five year period. To au;ment the qeneral :furd of the City of 0Jpertin0, this 1IIØ"""U:S alsO seeks voter awroval for.the iDp:Isition of an electric, gas, ani tele¡;tlone utility user excise tax at a rate J'X)t to' exceed 2.40% of the ¡nonthly bills for said utility services. 'lhe ~" of the propœed tax will be depOSited. into the qeneral ~ of the City of 0Jpertin0, b.1t will. J'X)t be levied until the City cooncil haS c::camæooed the initial legal action roœ"F""Y to insure the acquisition ani preservation of BlackbenY Fa..'>"III or other open-space areas within the city of cupertiro. Exempted frail the tax are resic:Jential ser;.rice users of sh:ty-five years or older, reliqioos orqanizations, ;m:l public agencies. 'Iha tax will be autanatically repealed twenty-five ya¡u:s after it is first :Urposed. rurrently the city of 0Jpertin0 haS enterEd into written aqr:eeœnts with respect: to the purch2Isa of BlaCl<berrY Fam ani the FL=.:t,t Older ElementaJ:Y School site oontinJeI1l: upon the passage of this measure· Chsxles Kilian City Attorney, City of CupErtino