Agenda/Actions , CC-794A City of CUpertino City Hall Council QJamber 10300 Torre Avenue (408) 252-4505 ~ Adjoorned Regular Meeting of the City Cooncil August 1, 1990 7:00 p.m. CALL 'It> ORDER ORAL CX!HJNICATIOOS '!his portion of the meet:!n;¡- is reserved for persons wishin;r to address the council on any matter not on the agema. Speakers are limited to three minutes. In most cases, state law will prohibit the Cooncil iran making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agen:1a. 1. Resolution No. 8186: "A Resolution of the City Cooncil of the City of CUpertino Declar:!n;¡- its Intention to oräer Vacation of a Portion of Felton Way Located South of Kizwin Iane as Provided in Section 8320 et seq. of the streets and Highways QJde of the state of California, Fixin;¡- Tboe and Place for Public Hear:!n;¡- and Providin;¡- for Notice 'Ihereof. " 2. Request from Santa Clara Ballpark Joint Powers Authority (JPA) for review of ballpark financ:!n;¡- pJ;~ and new joint powers agreement authoriz:!n;¡- specific tax:!n;¡- authority to the JPA. 3. Consideration of plao=m""11t of a measure on the November 6, 1990 ballot for a utility users tax (gas, electricity, and telep¡one) or an excise tax ($65 per residence/$65 per E!IIQ?loyee) . (a) First reading of Ordinance No. 1534: "An Ordinance of the City Camcil of the City of CUpertino Pl.'-t'U"':!n;¡- the Imposition of a utility Users Excise Tax and oräer:!n;¡- the Sumi ....ion of a Prcp:Jsition 'Iherefor to the Electorate of the City." (b) First reading of Ordinance No. 1535: "An Ordinance of the City Cooncil of the City of CUpertino Prcp:Js:!n;¡- the Imposition of an Excise Tax for the Availability and Privilege of Use of Certain ~cipal Facilities and oräer:!n;¡- the Sumi....ion of a Prcp:Jsition 'Iherefor to the Electorate of the City." (c) Resolution No. 8187: "A Resolution of the City Cooncil of the City of CUpertino Establ:ishin3' a Youth Sports Reselve Fund." ADJOORNMENr: to August 2, 1990 if 1'eCeSO;>!II'y for first reading of ordinance(s); otherwise, to regular meet:!n;¡- of August 6. ************************************** *'IHESE ARE Fœ S'I2'.FF :INR:R4ATICIl * *QŒ.H AND ARE IÐr '!HE OFFICIAL roBLIC * *RECut<u * **************************AAA*AA.****** axJNCIL ACl'IONS AND STAFF RESroNSIBILITY ADJOORNED RmJIAR MEm'ING OF 'IHE aJPER1'INO CITY CXXJNCIL AUGUST 1, 1990 10300 'roRRE AVENUE 7:00 P.M. Acrenda Item No. 1. Resolution No. 8186, intention to order vacation of portion of Felton Way. CIA Adopted. SIR FW prepare report and post, ex:: schedule for September 4, publish, notify interested parties and agencies. 2. santa Clara Ballpark JPA - Resolution No. 8191 express:!n;¡- suppo:tt for JPA effort, not authoriz:!n;¡- tax measure in November for proposed ballpark. CIA Adopted resolution amen::!ed to state that Council would support in principal if election were held in March, 1991 or somet:iJne after that and is Coonty-wide. SIR ex:: process, notify interested parties. 3. Consideration of placement of measure on November 6, 1990 ballot, utility users tax - Ordinance No. 1534 - PlVlJUO':!n;¡- iltposition of tax. CIA eoroucted first readin::J of ordinance, scheduled secorrl readin;¡- for 1\JJqust 9. SIR ex:: process, schedule meet:!n;¡-, all ñønh... note. Resolution No. 8187 establishing Youth Sports Reserve Fun:1. CIA Adopted. SIR ex:: process, Dir. of P&R note. Adjournment CIA AdjOUD'1ed to regular meet:!n;¡- of 1\JJqust 6.