Argument in Favor
Argument/Rebuttal Form
Election Date: November 6, 200 1 Measure: Garden Gate
Jurisdiction: Garden Gate, an unincor orated are of Santa Clara County to be annexed
ARGUMENT IN FA vOlf to t e City of Cupertino
Fifty years ago Garden Gate was a new development of single family homes in a quiet
rural setting. Today, the orchards are gone and Garden Gate is surrounded by the homes
and businesses of Cupertino. Garden Gate children attend schools in the City, families
enjoy City parks, and parents shop and work in City· stores and businesses. But Garden
Gate remains an unincorporated "County Pocket" in the very heart of Cupertino. Both
older and newer residents are now saying, "it's time to vote for annexation and become
real citizens of Cupertino."
Santa Clara. County actively supports the annexation of Garden Gate saying that they can
no longer provide services that the residents need and deserve. "Annexation would make
local governments more accessible and responsive to residents," they declare.
Annexation will provide better neighborhood services including: long term financing for
school crossing guards; regular traffic enforcement and attention to special traffic
problems; street sweeping and maintenance of street trees; street lighting at no cost; free
garden compost; attention to abandoned structures and eyesores that decrease property
values. Local government will be much more responsive to Garden Gate concerns.
Tax rates in the City and County are the same. Property taxes will not increase. No
,annexation fee will be charged by Cupertino in the event of a successful election.
Otherwise, the fee for property owners seeking annexation will be $2,700.
Annexation will not affect the size of homes that can be built Both the City and County
permit up to a 45% floor area ratio. The City has a design review for two-story homes
that will maintain the character and diversity of the neighborhood and provide
. ëonsideration for the privacy of adjacent neighbors.
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The undersigned author(s) of the argumen~avibf/against ballot measure
(circle one) (letter)
election for the Garden Gate, an unincorporated area of Santa Clara
Loun~y ~o De annexea ~o cne ~1ty ot ~upert1no
(name of jurisdiction)
hereby state that such argument is true and correct to the best
~¡ AUG - 3 2001 JJ
By GS·
(Elections Code § 9600)
at the
(title of election)
b h Id November 6, 2001
to e e on
(date of election)
knowledge and belief.
(his / her I their)
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Title to Appear on Argument
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Print Name as Signed @Female
ArgumentlRebuttal Form
Election Date: November 6, 2001 Measure: Garden Gate
Juri~ction: Garden Gate, an unincorporated area of Santa Clara County to be annexed
ARGUMENTINFAVOR to the City of Cupertino
Fifty years ago Garden Gate was a new development of single family homes in a quiet
rural setting. Today, the orchards are gone and Garden Gate is surrounded by the homes
and businesses of Cupertino. Garden Gate children attend schools in the City, families
enjoy City parks, and parents shop and work in City· stores and businesses. But Garden
Gate remains an unincorporated "County Pocket" in the very heart of Cupertino. Both
older and newer residents are now saying, "it's time to vote for annexation and become
real citizens of Cupertino."
Santa Clara County actively supports the annexation of Garden Gate saying that they can
no longer provide services that the residents need and deserve. "Annexation would make
local governments more accessible and responsive to residents," they declare.
Annexation will provide better neighborhood services including: long term financing for
school crossing guards; regular traffic enforcement and attention to special traffic
problems; street sweeping and lliaintenance of street trees; street lighting at no cost; free
garden compost; attention to abandoned structures and eyesores that decrease property
values. Local government will be much more responsive to Garden Gate concerns.
Tax rates in the City and County are the same. Property taxes will not increase. No
annexation fee will be charged by Cupertino in the event of a successful election.
Otherwise, the fee for property owners seeking annexation will be $2,700.
Annexation will not affect the size of homes that can be built. Both the City and County
permit up to a 45% floor area ratio. The City has a design review for two-story homes
that will maintain the character and diversity of the neighborhood and provide
consideration for the privacy of adjacent neighbors.