Wong, GilbertStatement of GILBERT WONG, Candidate for
Member, Cupertino City Council
Occupation: Incumbent Age: 44
Education and Qualifications:
It is an honor and a privilege to serve the residents of Cupertino. In a
recent survey conducted in October, 97% of residents said that they were
satisfied with the services and quality of life in Cupertino. As your Mayor, I am
committed to maintaining this high level of satisfaction.
Cupertino remains strong despite a challenging economic environment.
Our public schools are rated the best in the nation. Apple has announced plans
to break ground on an attractive, environmentally sustainable national
headquarters which will keep jobs in Cupertino. I have balanced the budget,
increased library hours to keep our doors open seven days a week, added two
additional school crossing guards, and designated the funds necessary to
complete the restoration of the Stevens Creek Trail.
Cupertino truly is a place to play, work and live. Through my focus on
accountability, fiscal responsibility and improving dialogue between residents,
businesses and schools, Cupertino will continue to live up to this promise.
Please join Mike Honda, Joe Simitian, Paul Fong, Liz Kniss and Orrin Mahoney
as I respectfully ask for your vote to re -elect Gilbert Wong to the City Council on
November 8th. Feel free to contact me at gilbertswong @gmail.com or