Darcy PaulCandidate Statement of Darcy Paul
Cupertino City Council
Occupation: Attorney (Harvard Law), Cupertino Chamber of
Commerce President, Cupertino Parks and Recreation Commission
Good government means fairness and efficiency, and honest officials who
understand why we must have civil, non- threatening discourse. Cupertino is
home for me and my wife Sharon, and we want our daughters to grow up in a
friendly community with great schools.
As Commission Chair, I've stood for fairness and equality by opening four
new parks so that more residents can enjoy a better quality of life. As Chamber
President, I have helped residents and small businesses receive better services,
and have overseen the publication of two Cupertino Community Directories. As
an attorney, I represented an applicant for permits in Cupertino, and saw how
complicated Cupertino's processes can be. I worked to keep the system fair and
efficient for my client, and will do the same for residents.
I graduated from Harvard for college and law school. I am endorsed by
Cupertino Mayor Gilbert Wong, Parks and Recreation Commission Vice -Chair
Geoffrey Paulsen, and Cupertino Historical Society President Donna Austin (see
www.darcypaul.org for more info).
Accessibility and transparency are priorities. Please reach me by email at
dapaul@darcypaul.org or directly at home at (408) 517 -0977.