Steven Scharf
Candidate Statement for Steven Scharf
Occupation: Embedded Systems Engineer
School-overcrowding, traffic congestion, and environmental
degradation have the same underlying cause: unplanned over-
development by developers exploiting the qualities that attracted us to
I've worked for 16 years against the exploitation of Cupertino by
developers. I support sensible growth, with long-term planning, to
ensure that Cupertino grows in accordance with the community’s
values and vision. Sensible growth ensures that development conforms
to the General Plan, is environmentally sound, and pays for
infrastructure, including transportation, schools, and parks. I oppose
developers bypassing California's Environmental Impact Report
requirement with expensive, misleading, ballot initiatives and
I will bring much-needed healthy skepticism to the council,
especially when dealing with developers that have histories of
unfulfilled promises and failed projects. I will ensure that projects that
are approved match what is ultimately built.
By attending City Council meetings for decades, and reading
campaign finance reports, I've identified which council members
legislate on behalf of developers, and which members advocate for
residents. Even when out of office, many former council members are
paid to lobby for developers and against residents; this isn't illegal but
it's unethical. Elect council members that will advocate for Cupertino.