CC 02-07-2023 Item No. 18 Consider scheduling a study session to refine research scope regarding Vacancy Tax Written CommunicationsCC 02-07-2023
Item No. 18
Consider scheduling a study
session to refine research
scope regarding placing a
potential vacancy tax ballot
measure in the upcoming
Written Communications
From:Peggy Griffin
To:City Council
Cc:City Clerk
Subject:2023-02-07 CC Mtg Agenda Item 18 - Study Session for Vacancy Tax - YES!
Date:Tuesday, February 7, 2023 12:16:00 AM
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Please include this email as part of the Written Communication for this agenda item.
Dear City Council,
I am in support of having a study session to look into a possible vacancy tax in Cupertino. If one is
considered, I would hope it would apply both to residential (all types) and commercial and not have
very many exemptions. How would the money received be used? Maybe to help with housing the
homeless or go towards subsidizing affordable housing?
Often you hear a business has left Cupertino because the owner of the shopping center ups the
rent. Many of our commercial spaces sit vacant. Are they asking too much?
We have at least one home on our block that sits vacant. It’s been years.
Please consider researching what types of vacancy taxes work.
Peggy Griffin