D-915 Quitclaim Deed and Authorization for Underground Water Rights, 10459 Bonny Drive, APN 359-13-016RECORDING REQUESTED BY: City of Cupertino WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: City Clerk's Office City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014-3255 NO FEE IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOV. CODE 27383 25412931 Regina Qlcomendras Santa Clara Courity - Clerk-Recorder 12/D7/22122 11 17 QM Titles: I Pages : 7 Fees : Sel. Oel Total : :%J))O (SPACE ABOVE THIS TJNE FOR RECORDER'S USE) QUITCLAIM DEED AND AUTHORIZATION FOR UNDERGROUND WATER RIGHTS APN 359-13-016 10459 Bonny Drive, Cupertino, CA 95014 € Original [1 Conformed Copy QUITCLAIM DEED AND AUTHORIZATION FOR UNDERGROUND WATER RIGHTS APN 359-13-016 10459 Bonny Drive, Cupertino, CA 95014 Alden Chee Ho Wong and Grace Sytin Sliili, liusband and wife as joint tenants, hereinafter referred to as tlie "GRANTOR" this l I day of Oc'M & ev' 2022, hereby grants, bargains, assigns, conveys, remises, releases and forever qriitclaims unto the CITY OF CUPERTINO, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "GRANTEE" its successors and aSsigns, all tlie riglits, titles, interests, estates, clain'is aiid demands, botli at law and in equity, and as well in possession as in expectancy of the GRANTOR as owner of tliat certain real property situate in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, and specifically described as follows: SEE ATT ACHED EXHIBIT "A" Tlie riglit to pump, take or otherwise extract water from tlie underground basin or any rinderground strata in tlie Santa Clara Valley for beneficial rise upon tlie lands overlying said underground basin, and GRANTOR hereby irrevocably authorized GRANTEE, its successors and assigns, on belialf of the GRANTOR and its successors in ownersliip of overlying lands in the lot to take from tlie underground basin within tlie lot any and all water whicli the owner or owners of said overlying lands may be entitled to take for beneficial use on said lands and to supply sucli water to sucli owner or owners or others as a public utility; provided, however, that notliing contained in tliis instrument shall be deemed to authorize GRANTEE to enter upon any of the lot delineated upon the above described legal description or to authorize GRANTEE to make any withdrawal of water wliich will result in damage to any building or stx'ucture erected upon tlie lot. Tliis assigrunent, conveyance and authorization is made for tlie benefit lot within tlie above described legal description and sliall bind the owner of tlie lot(s) within tlie legal description. IJN WITNESS WHEREOF, GRANTOR has executed tliis insti'ument tlie day and year first above written. CITY OF CUPERTINO: -7,f-(, Director of Public Works GRANTOR: Alden Cliee Ho Wong Owner Grace Sytin Shih Owner (Acla'iowledgment and Notarial Seal Attaclied) "NO FEE" City of Cupertino CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE is hereby given in order to comply witli tlie provisions of Sectioi'i27281 of the Government Code. This is to certify that tlie interest in real property conveyed by tlie deed or grant dated Oc4eA@ (7, 2oZaZ- from Alden Chee Ho Wong and Grace Sytin Sl, husband and wife as joint tenants, to the City of Cupertino, a municipal corporation, is liereby accepted by tlie undersigned on behalf of the City Council of the City of Cupertino prirsuant to autliority conferred by Resolution No. 11-175 of the City Council adopted on October 4, 2011, and the grantee consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. Dafed: {IE7/zgzz By: Matt Morley Public Works EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description For; 359-13-016 THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN BELOW IS SITUATED IN THE CITY OF CUPERTINO, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, ST ATE OF CALIFORNIA AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ALL OF LOT 3, AS SHOWN UPON THAT CERTAIN MAP ENTITLED, "TRACT N0. 3640 PARADISE WEST ADDITION", WHICH MAP WAS FILED FOR RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, ST ATE OF CALIFORNIA, ON JANUARY 8, 1964 IN BOOK 171 0F MAPS, AT PAGE 36. (I:AI,IFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notai7 public or other officer completing tliis certificate verifies only tlie ideiXity of tlie individual wlio signed tlie document to which this certificate is attached, and not tlie truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of tliat document. ' State of Califoi'nia ' Corintyof 31 b On H((7(t> beforeme, A'!- Phi J )fn)Hyia ,NotaryPublic,(Here insert +iame and title of tlie off'icer) personattyappeareaCyolf'n&'lqqJ4!"enm.,c,f";&l'u0? wlio proved to me on tlie basis of satisfactoiy evidence to be tlie person(s) whose nan'ie(s)-ih/are subscribed to the witliin instrument and acknowledged to me tliat lhey executed the same in l/their arithorized capacity_ and tliat by hlieir signature(s) on tlie instrument the person(s), or the entity ripon behalf of whicli tlie person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of Califomia tliat tlie foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand a7, r@""@'@":,'747,V'?acALe s""'t s aANTAC(ARAC,OUNff. j# My@iiiikmlllllAlanj& "4 I .-=-!m- ';:a'-o':"-""""""""" . I ,i ,i I? Y Al)DITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM .4riy acknowledgment completed iri Califnrnitr musl contain verhiage evactiv ({.'l DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT trppem's trbo*ie in rhe normy secti+m or (I separate at_'knowledgment 7orm nwsr l)(' ' ?v.+-i-',,, u ,,! k-.t+-hO,:-i,,' ;:,'J::,':a;,:':l:,:":.,:'I:..;l:::;g;:,::',',::":':,:;,;:,',,:",:ti:,..,':,,,','i,.: %l - (Title or des :ription O,-affa ;lled d-Ocumell,) atxnomecrgmenr sierorage as ma_v be prmrea on sut'ir tr ootvment So tong zis the sierliiage does rynt r'equire 7/1(! notary to dnsnmetMng rliar is illegal 7ar ri nnrar'ir iri9- u,,t=/.,,,.i tu,,*,,-L',,=,k=, C=ld-(-=-="-"h=-'h-==-l-='-'ti-==-P/==-=-/-/-/- l (Title-ot" ges;,,ip,4 of aa -ttach' ;d d;c-u+rient call," ,,ued) ) " j (lOclllllellr C'm'ellllly lOl'pl'Oper IlOr(Ll'ull ll'OT'(llng all(l (lit(ICII TITLE jOl'nl lf l'e(llliT'e(1. Nllnlber of Pages f DOcunlem Date 1 * Ssl.:ualtlee%(sn)dpCelo;Oiinitayllyinfaoprpneiaa:.ieodnbienfu0s;ebtheeilli1eOtSaliyaiepuabnldlcCf0oluiaictyi1wOhwelie'ediglimeednotcui'ncnt ii Datc of notarization inust bc tlic datc tliat thc signcr(s) pcrsonally appcai'cd wl'iicli inust also bc tlic sainc datc tlic acknowlcdgincnt is coinplctcd. (,4ddi(i01131 11l[(illl'lB(i@(l) * Thc notaty public must pl'tiX 111S or licr namC as tt appcat'S witliin lus Of' }icr cominissioi'i followed by a coinma and tlien your title (notai'y priblic). * Print thc tqamc(s) of documcnt signcr(s) wlio personally appcar at tlic tiinc of notarization. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER ffl Indicate tlie correct singrilar or plural forins by crossing off incorrect forins (i.e. € IndiVidlla, (s) he/s)ic/t-hey. is /es;e ) or circling thc corrcct forms. Failurc to coi'rcctly indicatc tlusinforination inaylcad to rcjcction of documcnt rccordmg. 0 Corporate Officer * Tlic notai'y scal iinprcssion IllllSt bc clcar and p}iotograpliically rcprodriciblc. Iinprcssion inust not covcr tcxt or lincs. lf scal iinprcssion snuidgcs, rc-sca} if a (Title) sufficient area pei-mits, otlieiwise complete a differeni acknowledg-ment form. € paltlle,.(S) * Signatui'e of the notaty public must matcli the signatui'e on file witli tlie office of' ilie county clerk. € A(IOrlleY-ill-Fact ii> Additional information is not required but could lielp to ellSul'e this [3 Tiustee(s) acknowlcdgincm is not inisusca or attachcd to a diffcrcm documcm. € ()t11el. o> Indicate title 01' type of attaclied document, number of pages and date. - *;* IlldlCate tile Cal)aClty claimed by the Slgiler. Ir the claimed capacity iS a corporatc ofriccr, indicatc tlic titlc (i.c. CEO, CFO, Sccrctai'y). s Securely attacli tliis document to tlie signed document C!001-2[)15%iLkSignmgServne.lnc-.lllRightiReiei'vediiaivivlheProLinkcoin-NatiunriaideNot.ir)-Sen-ice CALIFOR_NIA ALL-PUR_POSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of Califoinia Countyof SantaClara On NOVember 8i 2022 before me, Lauren sapudar , Notary Public, (Here insert naine and title of the officer) personally appeared Maii"ew MOrle)/s who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be then(s) whose e(s4/are subscribed to the within instniment and acknowledged to me that @she/they executed the same in@s/her/their authorized (ieS), and that bydiD/her/their re(s) onthe instrument the (S), orthe entity upon behalfof wich the gs) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJ[_JRY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. I ofNotamryyPuhbhacna and official seal. (Notary'i.ea}) 4!, *.%t . eMy" a " ICoC'omtoSJ'mma'rynmtu:abls'usCpE:IloI:la,nreas#'A:&cJ2ou4unDioi'An:,o38Rrl2,2'a,26' !t.wx' *i fl2b'tj'L'-- Signahird * * ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM Any aclmowledgment completed in California must contain verbiage exactly as DESCRIPTION OF TaHE ATTACHED DOC{_JMENT appears above in the notary sectiorr or a separate aclcnowledgment form musr be properly completed and attached to that document. The only exception is if a document is to be recorded outside of California. In such instances, any alternative - (Title or description ofattached docuinent) acli:nowledgment verbiage as may be prrnted on such a document so long as the verbiage does wt require the notary to do something that is illegal for a notary in Califr:irnia (i.e. certifying the authorized ctrpac% of the signed. Please checlc the (Title or descriph'on ofa ttached document con hn' ued) docurnent carefidly for proper notarial wording and attach this form g'required. * State and County infonnation inust be the State and County where the docuinent NumberofPages- DocumenIDa'e signer(s)personallyappearedbeforethenotarypublicforacknowledgment. ii Date of notanzation must be the date that the signer(s) personally appeared which must also be the same date the acknowledgment is coinpleted. (Additional information) * The notary public must pit his or her name as it appears within his or her cominission followed by a coinina and then your title (notary public). * Pit the name(s) of document signer(s) who personally appear at the tiirie of notanzation. CAPACITY CLAaMED BY THE SIGNER " d'ca'e 'e coffec' s'g"' or r'l'al fo""s bY c'oss'g off 'coff"c' fonns ("e' €Individual(s) be/sheAhey,-is/as)orcirclingthecorrectfonns.Failuretocorrectlyindicatethisinfonnation may lead to rejection of document recording. [1 Corporate Officer * The notaiy seal impression must be cscar and photographically reproducible. hnpression nust not cover text or lines. If seal itnpression sinudges, re-seal if a (Title) sufficient area pennits, otherwise complete a different acknowledg+nent fonn. € Partner(s) @ Signature of the notaiy public must match the signahire on file with the office of the county clerk. € Attorney-in-Fact *} Additional information is not required but could help to enSlu'e this OTrustee(s) acknowledgmentisnotinisusedorattachedtoadifferentdocuinent. [] Other *:* Indicate title Or type of attached document, number of pages and date. <* IndiCate the CapaCity Claimed by the Signerl If the Claimed CapaCity iS a corporate officer, indicate the title (i.e. CEO, CFO, Secretary). * Securely attach this document to the signed document C2004-2014PtoLinkSigningService,Inc -AIIRighttReieivedwwvrTheProLinkcom-NatiomvideNoiarySeriaice