D-916 Quitclaim Deed and Authorization for Underground Water Rights, 10312 North Blaney Ave, APN 316-31-040RECORDING REQUESTED BY: City of Cupertino WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: City Clerlc's Office City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avertue Cupertino, CA 95014-3255 NO FEE IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOV. CODE 27383 25412932 Regina Qlcomeridras Santa Clara County Clerk-Recorder 12/e7/2el22 11-17 QM Titles: 1 Pages: 7 Fees : $e. (%!l Tax;7,' ISE IIIIN,'!r?'l:!Xllll!?!":If,UK31)'lr:!i!f'i':'i((4f4'#mlll), €1111 (SPACE ABOVE THIS tINE FOR RECORDER'S USE) QUITCLAIM DEED AND AUTHORIZATION FOR UNDERGROUND WATER RIGHTS APN 316-31-040 10312 North Blaney Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 0 0riginal [1 Conformed Copy QUITCLAIM DF,ED AND AUTHORIZATION FOR tTNIIED.C-ROKTNn WATER RIGHTS APN 316-31-040 10312 North Blaney Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 Vikram Chowdiah and Archana Somasekhara Chowdiah, husband and wife as community properly with right of survivorship, hereinafter referred to as the "GRANTOR", tis day of 3 D 3 u%c , 202}hereby grants, bargains, assigns, conveys, remises, releases and forever quitclaims unto the CITY OF CUPERTINO, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "GRANTEE", its successors and assigns, all the rights, titles, interests, estates, claims and demands, both at law and in equity, and as well in possession as in expectancy of the GRANTOR as owner of that certain real property situate in the County of Santa Clara, State of Califomia, and specifically described as follows: SEE ATT ACHED EXHIBIT "A" The right to pump, take or otherwise extract water from the underground basin or any underground strata in the Santa Clara Valley for beneficial use upon the lands overlying said underground basin, and GRANTOR hereby irrevocably authorized GRANTEE, its successors and assigns, on behalf of the GRANTOR and its successors in ownership of overlying lands in the lot to take from the underground basin within the lot miy and all water which the owner or owners of said overlying lands may be entitled to take for beneficial use on said lands and to supply such water to such owner or owners or others as a public utility; provided, however, that nothing contained in this instrument shall be deemed to authorize GRANTBE to enter upon any of the lot delineated upon the above described legal description or to authorize GRANTEE to make any withdrawal of water which will result in damage to any building or stucture erected upon the lot. This assignment, conveyance and authorization is made for the benefit lot within the above described legal description and shall bind the owner of the lot(s) within the legal description. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, GRANTOR has executed this instent the day and year first above written. GRANTOR: Vikram Chowdiah Owner Archana Somasekhara Chowdiah Owner SEE ATTACHED cAIAFORNIA rqoarARIZATION CITY OF CUPERTINO: Director of Pu ic Workj 3 Butgeuh 'l' 4 13b 126)'Z- (Acknowledgment and Notarial Seal Attached) "NO FEE" City of Cupertino CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE is hereby given in order to comply with the provisions ofSection 27281 of the Government Code. Jhis is to cer615r that the interest in real properff conveyed by the deed or grant dated-lUV'it="7Qy ';LDL'?- fromVikramChowdiahandArchanaSomasekharaChowdiah,husband and wife as communaty property with right of survivorship, to the City of Cupertino, a municipal corporation, is hereby accepted by the undersigned on behalf of the City Couni of the City of Cupertino pursuant to authorit5r confetred by Resolution No. 11-175 of the City Council adopted on October 4, 2011,and the grantee consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. Dated: if/e/2p2 L By: EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description ForAPN/Parcel In(s): 316-31-040 THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN BELOW IS SITUATED IN THE CITY OF CUPERTINO, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIAAND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PORTION OF LOT 37, AS SHOWN UPON THAT CERTAIN MAP ENTITLED "MONTE VISTA:', WHICH MAP WAS FILED FOR RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ON JuLY 20, 1906 IN BOOK L OF MAPS, AT PAGE 43, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAI[) LOT 37 IN BLANEY AVENUE AND RUNNING THENCE SOUTH Oo 21' 41" EAST ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 37, A DISTANCE OF 125.37 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE: THENCE NORTH 89o 35' 45" EAST AND PARALLEL WITH THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 37 A DISTANCE OF i34.00 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE; THENCE NORTH O" 21' 41" AND PARALLEL TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 37, 125.37 FEET TO A POINT IN THE NORTHERLY LINE THEREOF: THENCE SOUTH 89o 35' 45" WEST ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT 37, 134.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notar5rpublicor other officer completingthis certificateverffles onlythe identityofthe individualwho signed the documentto which this certUacate is attached, and notthe tnithfulnesg, accuracy, or validity ofthat document. State of California r countyor Sari+a_ rlma_ l'()n77)n@3o4_>gbaoreme,s:reuri'ltatyYu ,NotarvPublic. ' (Here inserk name and title of the offit,er) ' personallyappeared V;khAm ehoDdia,k aiAimoJm'iarekAara rAobiio*h- - - - - - - - -+ - - - - - - - 7 - - -/ + 0% # I Wthheowpirthinovedin'sotummeeonnt'anedbaacskn'soowfsleahdgsfeadcftoo'meevth'daetnhcee/fsoheb/e0'heepxeerscou'swhehOssameneainm2s:areubasucth"boriedze'odcapacity@andthatby signature@)ntheinstnumenttheperso4ortheenhtyuponbehalfof ', which the perso4cted,he"sx'eceur/t!e' e instmment. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is tnue and correct. ' J SEUNG EUN ru " " l WITNESS my hand and official seal. 5J COMM. #2309.549 z zz5" NotaryPublic-California "oh_ ,,,-,,,,, I __ _ _ MyCosmam.maExcpiarerasOcoct.un2%',2023? SignatureofNotaryPublic ""'y"'a" - '- '-" - '- - '- - o ' o - ' - ' 1. . 10 &Y J ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM I Any acknowledgment completed in CaHforrAa must contain verbiage exadly m DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT appears akve in the wtary section or a separate acbowledgment f:irm must be properly completed and attached 70 that d:rcument. The 071/11 erception /S g a dOCument ts tO be reCOrded Outside ofCalfirnia. In SuCh fnStanCes, anJ alteniattw (Title or desc,ph.On ofa,ache, arc CnO acmawreagmem verorage as may oe printea oii siicii a aocument so long m theyerbiage aoes not require the notary to ao something that = megar pr a notary = California (i.e. certfping the authorized capacity d the sig;ner). Pleme check the (Titla or degc,ph.On of attached do cument can,. ued) aOCumenE Car€JullJJOr proper nOtarlal WOralng ana attach thlJr jam g required. N umber Of Pages Doc ument Date @ State and County informatton must be the State and County where the dociunentsigner(s) personally appeared before the notary public for aahowledgment. * Date of notarization must be the date that the signer(s) personally appeared whfch must also be the same date the acknowledgment is completed. (8ddiq0BBI jB{Ol'zBii0B) s Thf) notary publi(i must pit hie Or her natna all it appea!N Within hi8 0r her commisgionfollowedbyucomrnaandthenyour title(notarypublic). s 'Mnt the name(s) of document signer(s) who personally appear at the time of notarization. aCAPACITY CLAn'D BY THE SIGNER ' "aa"ate "e cDffeot s'g" orPl" fo"aa b'l "oss'g off"on"t fo"' (i.e. CjIndividual(s) he/she/is/am)orcirclingthecorrectforms.Failuretocortectlyindicatethisinformation may lead to rejection of documentrecording. [] Corporate Officer * The notary seal impression must be cleu and photogt'apffiauy reproducible. hnpresston must not cover text or lines. If seal imprassion smudges, r>seal if a (Title) sufficient area permits, othemige complete a dtfferen% acknowledgment fomi. z p artner(s) @ Signature of the notary pubHc must match the s!gnature on file with the office ofthe county clerk. [1 Attorney-in-Fact <* Adational infortnation is not required but could help to engure this []Trustee(s) acknowledgmentisnotmigusedorattachedtoadifferentdocument Cj Other 4* vIndcica!e titla or typ.e o!attached doyument, niunb.er of p.ages. and da.te. . "? lnalCat6 tne capacn)T cralfflea (}7 tn6 signer. 11 ttle claitned Oapatiit)/ i8 a corporate officer, indicate the title (i.e. CEO, CFO, Secretary). * Securely atbat,h thts dociunerit to the signed document I NotarySemca I I CALIFORNIA ALL-PUR_POSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document towhicb this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of Califoiia Countyof Santa Clara On November 8- 2022 before me, Lauren Sapudar , Notary Public, (Here insert naine and title of the officer) personally appeared Ma'kheW Mor'e'/ t who proved to me on the basis of satisfactoiy evidence to be the g(s) whose I(s) ;eJ:re subscribed tothe within instrument and acknowledged to me thatahe/they executed the same in @/her/their authorizedc@(ies), and that by@/her/their(s) On the instrument th4(s), or the entity upon behalf ofwhichtheffls) acted, executedtheinstrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJ[_JRY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. J & @b & & & & ai a a & ,& @h @q 4 LxuRENSAPUDAR )WITNESS my hand and official seal. 32 M No'sa'n,PuCbllakraacCoau"nfo,r"a N% Commission # zogxzi -(zj;)(yl, i MyComm.ExpiresJun28,2026$// (,Cl /y . (Nota, Seal) aa ffi - sa z ffl &Si!hire gifNotaryPublic * * ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR COA4PLETING THIS FORM Any aclmowledgrnent completed in Calif;ornia must contain verbiage exactly asDESCRIPTION OF TaHE ATTACHED DOCkJA4ENT appears above in the notary section or a separate aclcnowledgmentforrn wrst beproperly completed and attached to that document. The only exception is if adocument is to be recorded outside of California. In such instances. any alternative (Ti,eordesc,ph.Onofa,acheddoc,nenO aclmowledgrnent verbiage (7S may be printed on such a document so long m theverbiage does not require the notary to do something that is illegal for a notary in Cald'ornia (r.e. cerfifiring the authorized capacity of the signer). Please checlc the (Title or desc,ph.on ofattached doculnent con hn' ued) document carefidly for proper notarial wording and attach this forrn ij'required. * State and County infonnation must be the State and County where the docutnentNumberofPages DocumentDate signer(s)personallyappearedbeforethenotarypublicforacknowledgment. * Date of notaiation inust be the date that the sigiier(s) personally appeared which must also be the saine date the acknowledg+nent is coinpleted. (Additional infonnation) ii The notary public must pit bis or her nauie as it appears within his or her coinmission followed by a comma and then your title (notaiy public). * Pit the name(s) of document signer(s) who personally appear at the tiine of notarization. C APACITY CL AIMED By THE SIGNER * Indicate the correct singular or plural forms by crossing off incorrect fomis (i.e.€ Individual (s) he/sheAhey,- is /ffi ) or circling the correct fot'ins. Failure to correctly indicate thisinfonnation may lead to rejection of docuinent recording.[] Corporate Officer * The notary seal iinpression inust be clear and photographically reproducible. hnpression must not cover text or lines. If seal iinpression smudges, re-seal if a(Title) sufficient area pennitS, OtherWiSe complete a different acknowledginent fonn.[:j Partner(s) * Signature of the notaiy public inust match the signature on file with the office ofthe county clerk.[1 Attorney-in-Fact '/ Additional infonnation is not required but could help tO enSWe this0 Trustee(s) acknowledgnient is not niisused or attached to a different docun'ient. €Other a> hidicatetitleortypeofattacheddocument,numberofpagesanddate. ':" Indicate the capacity claimed by the signer. lf the claiined capacity is a corporate officer, indicate the title (i.e. CEO, CFO, Secretaiy). * Securely attach this docu+nent to the signed document C 2004-201g PioLink Sigiiing Seivice. Inc. 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