CC 03-21-2023 Item No. 8. I-280 Trail Name Change_Desk Item
Meeting: March 21, 2021
Agenda Item #8
Consider adoption of a Resolution approving Tamien Innu (Tamien Trail) as the
officially recognized trail name for the I‐280 Trail.
Recommended Action
Conduct a public hearing and adopt Resolution No. 23‐xxxx (Attachment A)
approving Tamien Innu as the officially recognized trail name for the I‐280 Trail.
Staff’s responses to questions received from councilmember are shown in italics.
Q1: I have one more question of the Trail Naming item. I noticed that these are the
methods used for the survey:
Outreach Methodology:
• City‐wide mailer
• Items of Interest
• Cupertino SR2S Newsletter
• Social Media
• E‐Notification
Is there a ball park figure of how much it cost for the survey? (Wei)
Staff response:
The city‐wide mailer cost $7,128.36.
Folgers Graphics Printer $3,039.13
USPS Postage $4089.23
Total $7128.36
The cost of eNews, Items of Interest, Newsletters, and social media are free. Staff cannot
quantify the time it took to post on various outreach sites or research and create the survey.