TICC 03-01-2023
Regular Meeting
March 1, 2023, 7:00 p.m.
Meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm
Commissioners Present: Mukesh Garg, Rajaram Soundararajan, Eliza Du, Prabir
Mohanty, Emma Shearin
Commissioners Absent: None
Staff Present: Teri Gerhardt, GIS Manager
Nidhi Mathur, Applications Manager
Guest Speakers: Tom Chin, Emergency Manager
Captain Neil Valenzuela, West Division, Santa Clara County
Sheriff’s Office
1. Subject: Approve the January 11, 2023, special meeting minutes.
Chair Garg made a motion to approve the January 11, 2023, special meeting minutes with
the following amendments:
Under Approval of Minutes, revised to note 3‐1.
Under new business, revised to note, Vice Chair Bollineni recommended adding flashing U‐
turn electronic signaling to busy intersections for the safety of pedestrians and better traffic
Commissioner Shearin second the motion.
Motion passes unanimously.
This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on
any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes a person. In most
cases, state law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a
matter not listed on the agenda.
A. Former Commissioner Bollineni spoke requesting a revision to Draft Minutes dated
January 11, 2023.
2. Written Communications received from Councilmember Chao regarding
3. Recognize former Commissioner Bollineni for his years of service to TICC
Chair Garg opened the floor for recognition of former Commissioner Bollineni.
Commissioner Soundararajan followed and expressed his appreciation in collaborating for
the Senior Center Cyber Security presentation event.
Commissioner Du added she enjoyed collaborating with Commissioner Bollineni when
working on the Fiber Master Plan.
The Commission concluded by applauding.
4. Subject: Elect Chair and vice Chair positions
Commissioner Du made a motion to nominate Commissioner Mohanty for Chair.
Commissioner Soundararajan made a motion to re‐elect Chair Garg.
Commissioner Shearin seconded Commissioner Soundararajan’s motion to re‐elect Chair
Motion passes unanimously.
Commissioner Du made a motion to nominate Commissioner Mohanty for Vice Chair.
Commissioner Mohanty second the motion.
Motion fails with Chair Garg and Commissioner Soundararajan voting no and
Commissioner Shearin abstaining.
Chair Garg made a motion to nominate Commissioner Soundararajan for Vice Chair, and
further summarized contributions and years in Commission as supporting facts.
Commissioner Soundararajan second the motion and summarized his contributions to the
Motion carries unanimously.
5. Subject: Receive presentation on License Plate Recognition
Tom Chin, Emergency Manager, carried out the Presentation on file in the Commissions
Captain Valenzuela was present representing the Sheriff’s Office.
• Review Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) Item on City Work Program
• What does ALPR do and not do?
• Policy Development
• Feedback
Emergency Manager Chin noted ALPR was ranked as Item number 35 in the FY23 City
Work Program. The budget for this pilot is $60k and includes the estimate for
approximately 20 cameras and installations costs.
Seven specific tasks that were assigned to ALPR as part of approval are detailed below ‐
City Work Program Details:
1. Research Automated License Plate Reader (ALPR) systems.
2. Research state laws, privacy concerns, and regulations related to ALPR
3. Compare fixed location, mobile (in‐car), and portable (trailer ALPRs)
4. Identify outreach and engagement strategies used by other jurisdictions using
5. Assess locations for fixed ALPR in Cupertino
6. Estimate ALPR costs for installation, monitoring, and maintenance (Consider:
Cameras, LPR, Safe‐Exchange Zone, Pilot cameras in a residential area, and
commercial developments Research best practices from other similar jurisdictions)
7. In partnership with the County Sheriff, install ALPR devices for the automated
detection of license plates. This data will only be for official law enforcement
purposes, including identifying stolen or wanted vehicles, stolen license plates and
missing persons. It may also be used to gather information related to active
warrants, homeland security, electronic surveillance, suspect interdiction, and stolen
property recovery.
Emergency Manager Chin highlighted the purpose of ALPR is to solely detect License
Plates, Vehicles, specific to the vehicle Make and Model.
Mr. Chin reiterated ALPR will not detect facial recognition, people, gender, and Race.
Staff continued presentation discussing what does ALPR Do and Not Do, summarized
• Captures a still photo of each passing vehicle on the street
• License plate is compared with National Crime Information Center (NCIC) for:
• Stolen & felony vehicles, stolen plates
• Amber & Silver alerts
• Daytime images capture color, body style, and other details
• Nighttime images generally capture license plate only
• System uses the shape of taillights to determine vehicle make
Policy Development
Chief Technology Officer Mitchell walked into meeting.
Staff stated a City Policy will be developed, in compliance with County laws and will
prohibit use of ALPR for Immigration enforcement, traffic enforcement, harassment or
intimidation, usage based solely on a protected class (i.e., Race, sex, religion), and Personal
Data is used for law enforcement purposes only. Data is owned by the contract cities, with
the agency acting as operators, and is never sold to 3rd parties.
Access Policy: All system access requires a valid reason which is stored indefinitely in an
audit trail.
Emergency Manager Chin relayed City staff will evaluate ALPR placement in partnership
with the Sheriff’s Office and will propose locations for public input.
Integration with Private Systems: The City will evaluate integrating with data from private
ALPR systems.
To Use ALPR, the County of Santa Clara requires:
• All ALPR data is confidential and not public information
• “Search Reason” for each search will be made available to the public in a
transparency portal
• Every search is permanently recorded and connected to the specific user
• Data cannot be used for immigration purposes
• Outside agencies request for a search will be recorded in detail on the system
Emergency Manager Chin concluded the presentation by requesting feedback on the
• Guidance on the Placement of ALPR cameras
• General use of ALPR cameras
• Integration of privately owned ALPR cameras (ex. HOAs)
The Commission discussed information and asked questions.
The Commission thanked Emergency Manager Chin and Captain Valenzuela for the
informative presentation.
6. Volunteer request for Commissioners to assist with user research and testing of
the City’s Website redesign project.
Applications Manager Mathur discussed the request summarized below‐
The City of Cupertino is currently working on the redesign of the city website. The City is
looking for volunteers who can assist with the user research and testing of the City website.
This exercise will help the City to understand how the current website is meeting the user
needs. Staff is asking for volunteers to sign up and contribute a small portion of their time
(approximately 20 minutes) to take part in an exercise or two that produce quantitative
results. Volunteers can also provide open feedback, which will generate useful data and
inform the City staff of key gaps on the current website design and navigation
Commissioners volunteered.
7. Subject: Receive presentation on GIS Overview of City Business Processes
Commissioner Mohanty requested to table this item to the May meeting. Commissioner
Shearin second the motion.
Motion passes unanimously.
8. Discuss TICC FY23‐24 Work Program Proposal Recommendations
Chief Technology Officer informed the Commission the recommended FY24 Work Program
Proposals were not included as part of the FY23‐25 Council Goals and Priorities.
9. Subject: Review TICC FY22‐23 Work Program
Updates were provided.
License Plate Recognition: In partnership with the County Sheriff, install LPR devices for
the automated detection of license plates. This data will only be for official law enforcement
purposes, including identifying stolen or wanted vehicles, stolen license plates and missing
persons. It may also be used to gather information related to active warrants, homeland
security, electronic surveillance, suspect interdiction, and stolen property recovery.
Cybersecurity: Provide education on cybersecurity to City residents, guests, and businesses.
A subcommittee was formed consisting of Commissioners Soundararajan ad Du.
Climate Monitoring and Noise Measurement: The project is completed.
Scope: Installing sensors to monitor Pollution and Noise Environments in the area adjacent
to Lehigh and Stevens Creek Quarry. Each location has two sensors, to monitor noise and
air quality levels.
10. Subject: Receive Subcommittee Report on Cyber Security Education from
Commissioners Soundararajan and Du.
Commissioner Soundararajan provided an update. He mentioned reaching out to Subject
Matter Experts to recruit for the Commissions Cyber Security event. The event will be
carried out as a panel/presentation format.
For reference, the Four objectives of this CWP item are:
Retain Security Professionals to carry out informative Presentation and Panel
Provide Informative links on website
Present the informative educational content via social media (i.e. a Reel)
Competition by kids on various cybersecurity issues
Chief Technology Officer Mitchel suggested the Subcommittee meet with the potential
panelists to plan event based on availability.
The Commission thanked Commissioners Soundararajan and Du for the update.
11. Subject: Receive Commissioner Report from the Mayor’s Meeting
Commissioner Du provided an update.
12. Subject: Review Activities Calendar
The Commission reviewed the schedule for upcoming Mayors Meetings:
13. Subject: Review Action Items List
The Commission reviewed Action Items list.
14. Subject: Commissioner Updates
General comments provided.
Chair Garg adjourned the meeting at 9:20 pm.
/s/ Marilyn Pavlov /s/ Mukesh Garg
__________________________________ ________________________________
Marilyn Pavlov, Secretary Mukesh Garg, Chair