CC 04-13-23 Item #6 Budget Forecast_Supplemental Report1 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT SUPPLEMENTAL 1 Meeting: April 13, 2023 Agenda Item #6 Subject Consider the FY 2023-24 10-Year Budget Forecast Informational Update presentation. Recommended Action: Receive the FY 2023-24 10-Year Budget Forecast Informational Update presentation. Background: Staff’s responses to questions received from councilmembers are shown in italics. Q1-Q7: Councilmember question (Chao) Q1: This 10-year forecast item has only one presentation and no other supporting materials. Please provide all public documents related to the CDTFA audit to give background information. Staff response: All documents related to the CDTFA audit are confidential. The audit takes place between the CDTFA and the taxpayer. The City is not involved in the audit process. Q2: Please provide a staff report with timeline of the CDTFA audit process. When was the city notified of the audit? What exactly was audited? Who is doing the audit? What CDTFA has sent to the city? Staff response: A timeline is provided in slide 5 of the presentation. A taxpayer in the City is being audited. The name of the taxpayer is confidential. The audit looks at sales tax revenue reported by the taxpayer to the CDTFA. The audit is conducted by the CDTFA. The City has received two confidential letters from the CDTFA. Q3: What other cities have been audited? What triggered such an audit? Is this a routine audit or is it by complaint? Staff response: Audits are confidential, and we do not have information of other cities being 2 audited. We do not know what triggered the audit. The CDTFA regularly audits sales tax receipts as part of the duties and responsibilities of the department. Q4: Whenever we do any forecast and consider measures to change anything, we should also look back 10 years to see what the expenditures and revenues were for the past 10 years or more. Please provide past information too.? Staff response: This information can be found in the City’s Financial Transparency Portal at www.cupertino.org/opengov Data can be found going back to fiscal year 2008-09. Q5: As I have mentioned in the other email responding to a resident's suggestion, please make a list of all existing/ongoing CIP and other capital projects and categorize them into "necessary", "nice to have", "planning for the future" or any category you see fit. We need to first examine our current committed projects. Staff response: The question is unrelated to the agenda item. Budget-related questions will be addressed when the City Manager’s proposed budget is considered by Council. Q6: In the same email, I have requested a list of all existing contracts & agreements and upcoming contracts so we can categorize them into "necessary", "nice to have", "planning for the future" or any category you see fit. Staff response: The question is unrelated to the agenda item. The administration of the budget after adoption is in the City Managers powers and responsibilities under Municipal Code section 2.28.040. Q7: I think this is a start of the budget discussion, but we do need more background data to have a meaningful discussion on how we should adjust what we do to live within our means so that our budget is substantiable. Staff response: Staff agrees. This presentation is intended to give City Council and the community the most up to date information. Time is needed to gather additional information. This information along with recommendations for budget reductions and service level impacts will be included in the FY2023-24 Proposed Budget and presented at the Proposed Budget Study Session on May 17, 2023.