19-175 Service Order #1 HF&H Consultants, LLC, for Tonnage, Rates, and Process Audits, Policy Guidelines, Hauler RFP Preparation14-115'
MASTERAGREEMENT#: t'!Aa " [5 '23> - IC MADate: 10/15/19
Maximum Compensation: $250,000 MA End Date: 1/3al/2022
Consultant: Firm Name: HF&H Consultants, LLC
Address: 201 N. CiViC Dr., Suite 230 Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Contact: MarvaSheehan Ph: msheehan@hfh-consultants.com
Project Name:
€Description: (simple project description if appropriate)
jZllAttachmexii A: Includes Description of Project, Scope of Service, Schedule of Performance
and Compensation
City Project Management
Managing Department: Public Works
Fiscal/Budget :
Pzoject Manager:Ursula Syrova
Master Agteement Maximum Compensation: $250,000
Total Previously Encumbered to Date: $0.00
Encumbrance this Service Oydex: $49,050
Master Agreement Unencumbeted Balance: $200,950
SO Acc't #: 520-81-801 700-702
Project #:
Pa #:
Env. Programs Managet: (:,i(4,/jJ Date: / 31)4)7924, ,
Appropriation Certification: I hereby certify that an unexpended appropriation is available in the above
fund for the above contract as estimated and that fund are available as of this date of signature
City of Cupertino Master Agreement Service Order - Page 1 of 1
Attachment A: Description, Scope, Schedule, Compensation
Managing Tomorrow"
201 N. Civic Drive, Suite 230
Walnut Creek, California 94596
Telephone: 925/977-6950
December 23, 2019
Ms. Ursula Syrova
Environmental Programs Manager
City of Cupertino
Via email: Ursu)aS@Cupertino.orz
Subject: Task Order for Solid Waste Procurement Planning
Dear Ms. Syrova,
Robert D. Hllton, Emeritus
John W. Farnkopf, PE
Laith B. Ezzet, CMC
Richard J. Simonson, CMC
Marva M. Sheehan, CPA
Robert C. Hilton, CMC
HF&H Consultants, LLC (HF&H) is pleased to provide you with this proposal to assist the City of Cupertino
(City) in planning for the process of procuring solid waste services at the end of the current term with the
City's current franchise hauler. This letter presents our proposed scope of work for the first phase of the
procurement process (Phase 1). The proposed scope of work lists the tasks and activities that HF&H
recommends the City conduct in order to prepare for negotiating a new solid waste franchise agreement.
Please note that, in Phase 1, HF&H will work with staff to develop a recommended approach (RFP vs.
Negotiation with current franchise hauler).
Phase 1: Procurement Planninq
In Phase 1, HF&H will perform the following tasks which are specifically planned and sequenced to develop
consensus through the City, from program staff, through management, and ultimately with the City
Council, about the future policy decisions, business terms, and services that will be a part of the future
franchise agreement. This process will be designed and facilitated by HF&H to thoroughly review the
options the City has in dozens of different areas affecting the solid waste system, consider alternatives to
current practices, and make decisions about how the future system should look. Amon@ the most
important of the policy decisions is the Council's decision to enter into negotiations with the existing
service provider or (<o out to a competitive RFP process. In service of those objectives, HF&H will perform
the following tasks:
1. Develop Design Intake Document for all policy, business term, service, and regulatory compliance
issues for the upcomin@ franchise.
2. Review background documents (e.g. current franchise agreement, disposal agreement, CalRecycle
annual reports and correspondence, hauler reports, etc.) and document current practices in Design
Intake Document.
Managing Tomorrow's Res
Ms. Ursula Syrova
December 23 2019
Page 2 of 3
3. Facilitate up to 16 hours of meetings (2-8 hour days or 4-4 hour sessions) with Solid Waste Program
Staff to discuss key issues and alternatives and complete the Design Recommendation to Senior
4. DocumentProposedDesignforSeniorManagementandCityCouncil(PowerPoint-style).
5. FacilitatelMeeting(upto4hours)withSeniorCityManagementtopresent/discussProposedDesign.
6. Revise Proposed Design based on Senior City Management input.
7. Prepare for and attend 1 City Council Meeting to present Proposed Design and receive City Council
8. Finalize Proposed Design based on City Council input.
Fee Estimate
HF&H proposes to perform this work consistent with the billing arrangements and rates included in our
master services agreement with the City. We estimate that the fees required to peform this scope of
work will not exceed S49,050. Our estimate ofthe hours by person and task are presented below, however
these are only estimates and HF&H respectfully reserves the right to reallocate budget among staff and
tasks within this total not to exceed amount in order to accommodate the ISSUES that arise during the
performance of work, which always varies somewhat from the preliminary estimates.
HF&H anticipates the following schedule for the completion of each task within this scope of work. Our
ability to meet the following schedule is somewhat dependent upon the City's ability to provide
documents timely and availability to participate in the meetings contemplated by this schedule.
Managing Tomorrow's R
Ms. Ursula Syrova
December 23, 2019
Page 3 of 3
Writ . . llnK-iiMRThJQ)l!-l(=Q
1. Develop Design Intake Document January 24, 2020
2. Review B'ackground Documents January 24, 2020
3. Facilitate Planning Meetings February 6, 2020
4. Document Proposed Design February 21, 2020
5. Facilitate Sr. Management Meeting February 27, 2020
6. Revise Proposed Design March 4, 2020
7. Present Design to City Council March 17 2020
8. Finalize Proposed Design March 24 2020
HF&H sincerely appreciates the opportunity to support the City on this important effort. If you have any
questions or concerns regarding this proposal, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at (925) 977-
6959 or rchilton@hfh-consultants.com.
Very truly yours,
Robert C. Hilton, CMC