CC 05-16-2023 Item No. 4. City's Investment Policy_Updated Supplemental Report1 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT SUPPLEMENTAL 1 Meeting: May 16, 2023 Agenda Item #4 Subject Consider accepting the City's Investment Policy Recommended Action Adopt Resolution No. 23-054 accepting the City's Investment Policy Background: Staff’s responses to questions received from councilmember are shown in italics. Q1: My recollection is that it had been stated that by the Chandler manager the City had directed the Chandler account to reduce the length of maturity. My understanding was toward a goal of greater liquidity. This is over and beyond how maturity dates are measured. This new strategy does not appear to be mentioned in this agenda item. Can you please explain further? (Councilmember Mohan) Staff response: During the April 24th Audit Committee Meeting, Carlos Oblites from Chandler Asset Management stated that the change in strategy does not require any modifications to the investment policy. Attachments Provided with Original Staff Report: A - Draft Resolution B - Cupertino Investment Policy (Redline) C - Cupertino Investment Policy (Clean) D - Cupertino Investment Policy Statement Review Memo 20230420 5/16/2023 Removed Mayor Wei from list of Councilmembers asking questions.