CC 06-21-2023 Item No. 1 Memorial Park Specific Plan_ Written Communications (2)CC 06-21-2023
Item #1
Consider the Memorial
Park Specific Plan
Written Communications
From:Ronny Tey
To:City Clerk; Kirsten Squarcia
Cc:City Council; Cupertino City Manager"s Office
Subject:Fw: Keeping the Memorial Park Softball Field
Date:Tuesday, June 20, 2023 8:55:30 PM
Attachments:Softball petition as of June 16, 2023.pdf
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Dear City Clerk,
I noticed that my email dated June 16th (below) was not included in the written communications for the
council meeting Wednesday June 21st evening. Please add this email and its attachment as written
communications for agenda item #1. Thank you.
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Ronny Tey <>
To: <>;
<>; <>;
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2023 at 05:22:50 PM PDT
Subject: Keeping the Memorial Park Softball Field
Dear City Council, City Manager, and Assistant City Manager,
I am submitting the attached petition results for keeping the softball field at Memorial Park. The city
believes that the field is underutilized at a utilization of 15%. It is very different to measure utilization of a
pickleball or tennis court versus a field for a team sport like softball. Tennis or pickleball may have 2-4
players in an hour, but softball is a team sport with at least 20 people on the field for an hour-long game.
With 16 league teams and additional casual users, there are more unique individuals that use the field for
softball than those that use it as a dog-off-leash-area, or those that use most of the other amenities at
Memorial Park
I want to thank Mayor Wei for coming out to the field this morning to meet some of the players that use
the field. Today, Mayor Wei saw 24 men and women play softball on the field with another 8-10 fans in
the stands. We talked about how softball is a game for men and women of all ages with varying levels of
experience and how the Memorial Park softball field is a unique gem for Cupertino and the surrounding
community. There is no other field in the area designed for softball (and with lights!). The field can also
easily be adjusted to be used for youth baseball if we want to further increase its utilization. We share the
field today with dog owners very amicably as the field is mostly fenced in and we very rarely have had to
pick up dog waste from the field. Dog owners are able to use the field any time there is no game.
The Memorial Park softball field is a unique asset to Cupertino that encourages healthy, active lifestyles
for adults and seniors with camaraderie for the players with fans and families often watching in the
stands. It is an asset that may be too easily taken away, but will be very difficult to get back.
I invite other council members and city staff to come out to the field and meet the users of the field. My
friends and I play every Friday morning, and there are league games there Monday, Tuesday, and Friday
nights as well as Thursday mornings for seniors. I am also happy to meet you there at your convenience.
Best regards,
Susan Michael
From:Jean Bedord <>
Sent:Wednesday, June 21, 2023 3:11 PM
To:City Council; Cupertino City Manager's Office
Cc:Rachelle Sander; Susan Michael
Subject:Agenda Item #1: Memorial Park Specific Plan, Council June 21, 2023
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sender and know the content is safe.
Honorable Mayor Wei, Vice Mayor Mohan, and Councilmembers Fruen, Chao and Moore,
I want to commend staff for the excellent work on the Memorial Park Specific Plan conceptual design.
As well as giving my input, I talked with many other actual users of Memorial Park, none of whom
were involved with organized sports. The proposed plan incorporates many of their observations and
desires for the park.
Memorial Park needs to meet the needs of the entire community, particularly our aging population,
not a small group of softball players. This field can be better utilized with the proposed new popular
recreational facilities (1) highly requested pickleball courts, (2) a full-sized basketball court, (3)
fenced DOLA (Dogs Off Leash) area, (4) reservable picnic area with shade, and (5) a new restroom.
I particularly want to applaud the inclusion of senior needs with the Senior Center
expanded/integrated deck/courtyard with access to fitness stations and event lawn for exercise
classes/events. Current access from the Senior Center to the park is abysmal, and flunks ADA
access, so I urge prioritization of this area.
I also support the addition of space along Anton Way to accommodate loading/unloading for events,
providing improved safety and ADA access to the amphitheater. This area can also be used for
food trucks for events, much as the senior center and Quinlan Center provide space.
Overall, this plan is well-done and forward-thinking. I urge you to approve moving forward to the
Schematic Design and Environmental Assessment as quickly as possible. The community has
already spent a lot of time and effort. Let’s move ahead, without further delays.
Warm regards,
Jean Bedord
Cupertino resident
To:City Council
Subject:Memorial park utility of softball field: June 21 agenda item
Date:Wednesday, June 21, 2023 1:42:20 PM
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you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
To members of the Cupertino City council:
I am objecting to the Parks department’s recommendation which calls for the removal of and rebuilding of the
current softball field. Certainly the city has a better use of its resources than to engage in such wasteful demolition
and rebuilding. This is especially harmful for those of us who make good use of the current field. We are generally
older, which matches closely the continued change to Cupertino’s demographics.
I am a past resident of the city but am not currently a resident of Cupertino but we do spend enough money within
your city’s borders to be considered an interested party.
Patrick J. O'Meara
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