CC 06-21-2023 Oral CommunicationsCC 06-21-2023
Written Communications
From:Rhoda Fry
To:City Clerk; City Council
Subject:City Council June 21 - non-agenda comment - stop wasting money
Date:Wednesday, June 21, 2023 12:07:44 PM
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Dear City Council,
I was surprised to have received a survey on making changes to the City website.
Given the current economic conditions, not just with the CDTFA but in general, it is a waste of the
public's money to redo the City website.
The CDTFA issue is huge. And we have issues moving forward with the economy - - - Santa Clara County just
made huge cuts to their budget.
It is stunning that our City is not doing the same.
I am happy with the current website.
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!
Here is a chart that I put together showing how Cupertino compared with neighboring cities with per capita
income. You can see that Cupertino has consistently been ahead of other cities. And during COVID,
Cupertino’s sales-tax revenues boomed while others retreated. And now we know that we will be having a
severe decline in sales-tax revenues. I’ve provided another chart that shows just a 40% decline - - - imagine
what 70% would look like.
Now here’s an example of what the chart looks like at 40% of current – and that number is extremely
optimistic, because we’ve been told much higher numbers.