CC 07-18-2023 Item No. 8. Highway Safety Improvement Program Grant Funding_Written CommunicationsFrom:David Stillman To:Peggy Griffin Cc:City Clerk; Matt Morley; Pamela Wu; Chad Mosley Subject:RE: 2023-07-18 City Council Meeting Agenda Item8-HSIP Grant for 17 roadway segmentsQ Date:Monday, July 17, 2023 9:35:40 AM Good morning Peggy, please see responses below in red. David Stillman​​​​ Transportation Manager Public Works DavidS@cupertino.org (408) 777-3249 From: Peggy Griffin <griffin@compuserve.com> Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2023 4:35 PM To: David Stillman <DavidS@cupertino.org>; City Council <CityCouncil@cupertino.org> Cc: City Clerk <CityClerk@cupertino.org> Subject: 2023-07-18 City Council Meeting Agenda Item8-HSIP Grant for 17 roadway segmentsQ CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. PLEASE INCLUDE THIS EMAIL AND THE ATTACHMENTS (TOGETHER PLEASE) AS WRITTEN COMMUNICATION FOR THE ABOVE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA ITEM. Dear Director Stillman and City Council, I’d like to congratulate the staff for successfully winning a $3.2M grant for road safety improvements, realizing that the city will need to come up with $356,180 of matching funds. That said, the material for this item needs to include additional information. You are asking the Council to approve the acceptance of a grant that requires matching funds and commit the city to the requirements associated with this commitment. REQUESTS – PLEASE PROVIDE: 1. Provide the map of the 17 roadway segments that are to be improved using this grant. a. I’ve attached the map from page 7of8 of the 6-21-2023 Bike Ped Agenda Item 4 presentation which I’m assuming is the map. This is the only map available. 2. Provide a list of what will be done for each of these 17 roadway segments. Per the staff report, high friction pavement treatment and radar speed feedback signs will be installed. 3. Provide the grant acceptance document containing the requirements. We have not received these from Caltrans; once final documents are received they will be publicly available. QUESTIONS: Q1: Are the only requirements for accepting this grant the following: a. Provide local matching funds of $356,180 b. Bid documents completed by Aug. 30, 2024 c. Project completed by June 30, 2025 Q2: Are there any other requirements? The dates above are not strictly required; staff suggested these dates as milestones to Caltrans. State-mandated milestones are: 1.       The Construction (CON) phase must be allocated by 3/31/2026; and 2.       The project must be completed and closed out by 3/31/2028. There are other requirements related to reporting and invoicing and which are standard for State- administered grants. Q3: What does “bid docs completed” mean exactly? “bid docs” are plans, specifications and estimates. “completed” means ready to bid. a. Does it mean the RFP is posted or sent out? No, it means the documents are completed. b. Does it mean the bidding is closed and a contractor selected? See above Q4: Financing…IMPORTANT a. Does the city receive the money first before expenditures or does the city have to spend the money before it can be reimbursed? The City must spend the money before it is reimbursed. Once work or portion thereof is completed, the City submits an invoice to Caltrans, and receives reimbursement for 90% of the cost. The City invoices Caltrans regularly to ensure our out-of-pocket expenses are not excessive. b. When will the $3.2M be received by the City? When the City invoices for work that has been completed. c. If the money is received before expenditures are made, where will it be placed i.e. which fund? Not applicable a. Will it have a separate, new fund name? b. Will this mean it will appear on the Treasurer’s Monthly Report of receipts, disbursements and balances? Sincerely, Peggy Griffin From:Peggy Griffin To:David Stillman; City Council Cc:City Clerk Subject:2023-07-18 City Council Meeting Agenda Item8-HSIP Grant for 17 roadway segmentsQ Date:Sunday, July 16, 2023 4:35:49 PM Attachments:MAP of 17 Segments-Page 7of8 from 2023-06-21 BikePed ITEM4 A - Presentation.pdf CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. PLEASE INCLUDE THIS EMAIL AND THE ATTACHMENTS (TOGETHER PLEASE) AS WRITTEN COMMUNICATION FOR THE ABOVE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA ITEM. Dear Director Stillman and City Council, I’d like to congratulate the staff for successfully winning a $3.2M grant for road safety improvements, realizing that the city will need to come up with $356,180 of matching funds. That said, the material for this item needs to include additional information. You are asking the Council to approve the acceptance of a grant that requires matching funds and commit the city to the requirements associated with this commitment. REQUESTS – PLEASE PROVIDE: 1. Provide the map of the 17 roadway segments that are to be improved using this grant. a. I’ve attached the map from page 7of8 of the 6-21-2023 Bike Ped Agenda Item 4 presentation which I’m assuming is the map. 2. Provide a list of what will be done for each of these 17 roadway segments. 3. Provide the grant acceptance document containing the requirements. QUESTIONS: Q1: Are the only requirements for accepting this grant the following: a. Provide local matching funds of $356,180 b. Bid documents completed by Aug. 30, 2024 c. Project completed by June 30, 2025 Q2: Are there any other requirements? Q3: What does “bid docs completed” mean exactly? a. Does it mean the RFP is posted or sent out? b. Does it mean the bidding is closed and a contractor selected? Q4: Financing…IMPORTANT a. Does the city receive the money first before expenditures or does the city have to spend the money before it can be reimbursed? b. When will the $3.2M be received by the City? c. If the money is received before expenditures are made, where will it be placed i.e. which fund? a. Will it have a separate, new fund name? b. Will this mean it will appear on the Treasurer’s Monthly Report of receipts, disbursements and balances? Sincerely, Peggy Griffin Roadway Segments –Proposed Locations