D-927 Quitclaim Deed and Authorization for Underground Water Rights, 10132 Prado Vista Drive, Cupoertino, CA APN 342-14-094RECORDING REQUESTED BY:
City of Cupertino
City Clerk's Office
City of Cupertino
10300 Torre Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014-3255
Reg i na Q 1 comendras
Santa Clara County - Clerk-Recorder
e5/12/2el23 12 16 QM
Titles: 1 Pages : 7
Fees : $el. DO
APN 342-14-094
10132 Prado Vista Drive, Cupertino, CA 95014
[1 0riginal
0 Conformed Copy
APN 342-14-094
10132 Prado Vista Drive, Cupertino, CA 95014
CHOK J. CHIA, Tnistee of the Survivor's Trust under the CHIA-CHIN LIVING
REVOCABLE TRUST as to a 3% interest, and CHOK J. CHIA, Trustee of the Bypass Trust
under the CHIA-CHIN LIVING REVOCABLE TRUST as to a 97% interest, hereinafter
CUPERTINO, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "GRANTEE" its
successors and assigns, all the rights, titles, interests, estates, claims and demands, both at
law and in equity, and as wen in possession as * expectancy of the GRANTOR as owner
of that certain real property situate in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, and
specificany described as fonows:
The right to pump, take or otherwise extract water from the underground basin or any
underground strata in the Santa Clara Valley for beneficial use upon the lands overlying
said unaerground basin, and GRANTOR hereby irrevocably authorized GRANTEE, its
successors and assigns, On behalf of the GRANTOR and its successors in ownership of
overlying lands in the lot to take from the iu'iderground basin within the lot any and an
water which the owner or owners of said overlying lands may be entitled to take for
beneficial use on said lands and to supply such water to such owner or owners or others
as a public utility; provided, however, that nothing contained in this instent shall be
deemed to authorize GRANTEE to enter upon any of the lot delineated upon the above
described legal description or to authorize GRANTEE to make any withdrawal of water
which will result in damage to any building or stnicture erected upon the lot.
This assignment, conveyance and authorization is made for the benefit lot within
the above described legal description and shall bind the owner of the lot(s) within the
Iegal description.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, GRANTOR has executed this instnunent the day and
year first above written.
Chad Mosley "
Interim Director of Public Works & City Engineer
Public Works Department
(Acknowledgment and Notarial Seal Attached)
City of Cupertiito
CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE is hereby given in order to comply with the
provisions of Section 27281 of the Govemment Code.
the CHIA-CHIN LIVING REVOCABLE TRUST as to a 3% interest, aitd CHOK J. CHIA,
Trustee of the Bypass Trust under the CHIA-CHIN LIVING REVOCABLE TRUST as to a
97% interest to the City of Cupertino, a municipal corporation, is hereby accepted by the
undersigned on behalf of the City Council of the City of Cupertino pursuant to authority
conferred by Resolution No. 11-175 of the City Council adopted on October 4, 2011, and
the grantee consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer.
Dated: %r, % ?5, 16'3
i ' /t
Chad Mosley
Interim Director of Public Works & City Engineer
Public Works Department
'The following described real property in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara,
State of California:
ALL OF LOT 3, in Block 4, as shown upon that certain Map entitled, "TRACT N0. 1034
Carolyn Gardens Unit No. 2," which Map was filed for record in the office of the Recorder
of The County of Santa Clara, State of Califomia, on October 22, 1952 in Book 40 of Maps,
at page(s) 8.
APN 342-14-094
A notary public or other officer completing thts certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to
which this certificate is attached, and not the truttfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document.
State of California
County of CCh Ciccra
On02)Qk')'A3before-ea&'-"j'-t'Q(neE"[neanatiueortiieo'icer) ,NotaryPublic,
personallyappeare4ffilCaJ'a(!xVC"CL !
who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person% whose name(75 is/ade subscribed to
the within instnunent and acknowledged to me that he/s0/tMy executed the same in his/her/their authorized
capacity(id, and that by his/h[r/th@r signahire(s) on the instrument the person(!), or the entity upon behalf of
which the person(sJ acted, executed the instument.
I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph
is true and correct.
'== =------ andandofficialseal. !*=-s.-" ,'t=4T,=i=:il,'f,,y,:,,"i1)J) ) Commlsslan#2<07967 (
1, / (Not Seal) i'L' . z"zy Ciomm_. Ex_olris %Jun.i4.202ys !
Signahire of Notary Pub
* *
Any acknowled5pnent completed in California must contain verbiage exactly as
RDvE.StCRIP,(TIONuopiMTcTAAW{_JMENT Q, paprpopeea::yacboo:npeleintedtheanndotaaryttacsehcetdiontoorthaa:depoacuramteenatcknThoewlOendgnlyieexnctefop::onnm,.uss:fbae-44 UyyL (i8'(I{%hal8J"")" daOcb(:'lioml:lnef;gSmtOenb::eerCbOiargdeedaOsllm(S.1deb\pCra:nlf:erdnolanIsnucShllCahdlnOSfanmCeenS;asonJlOanlfgerarlsahthl'ee
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€ Pa itner(s) * Signahire of the notary public must match the signature on file with the office of
the county clerk.
_ h :mttosrtneee<yscin-Fact "" Aacdknd'o"wonle'dg'mnfeonrtmisatn'ootnm'issunsoe'd orerqautt'aecdhebdut'o caoduifflderheenltpdokocumenesnut.re 's
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A notary public or other officer completi_ng this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to
which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document.
State of California
County of Santa Clara
@B Ort'/ 2_r, 2-c_b'2j beforeme, KirstenSquarcia ,NotaryPublic,
(Here insert name and title of the officer)
personallyappeared a" a [ /"-"{y
who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(g)' whose name§ jgare subscribed to
the within instrutnent and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized
capacity%), and that by %er/their signature(4 ot'the instrument the persop, or th';ntity upon behalf of
which the personJ acted, executed the instrument.
I certify under PENALTY OF PERJ[_JRY under the laws of the State of California that the foregomg paragraph
is true and correct.
,sSmyhandandoff,l,alseal, i@MJyNcCpm,iEp,-IiqDl;;:,52ola,J6i_ .& - ,.,.,....,.
Signa'&e of Notary Public - "- ' ("'a'y aca'
IP ?
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