CC 07-25-2023 Item No. 1 6th Cycle Housing Element Update_Late Written CommunicationsCC 07-25-2023 Written Communications Item No. 1 6th Cycle Housing Element Update From:S B To:City Attorney"s Office; City Council; City Clerk Subject:Is there an issue with time today? Date:Tuesday, July 25, 2023 5:38:54 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello Mr Jensen, What is the hurry today? Why are you trying to prevent council member Liang from asking questions! Please be patient, a lot of residents do like the questions that council members Liang Chao and Kitty Moore ask! We would prefer if all council members would pay attention and ask the correct questions, instead of simply agreeing to everything the staff presents. Speaking for myself, a resident like many others to whom the Council must pay attention Regards Sashi Sent from my iPhone From:S B To:City Council; City Clerk Cc:City Attorney"s Office; Cupertino City Manager"s Office Subject:Housing element Date:Tuesday, July 25, 2023 4:18:56 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello Mayor and Members of the City Council, My name is Sashi Begur, and I am a 26-year resident of Cupertino. I care deeply about issues of affordable housing and the quality of life here in Cupertino. The housing element submitted by the previous council was a well thought out and a sensible plan. The Tier 1 Plan was ambitious and catered to all income levels. I believe this city council must not waste any more time and accept the Tier 1 plan. The 16-page feedback from HCD seems to ask for more details, rather than asking Cupertino to start from scratch. I encourage the current council to use the great work done by the previous council as the Tier 1. The current Housing element plan developed by the previous council works because: --[if !supportLists]-->- <!--[endif]-->It is based upon the general plan guidelines, and we need local control not someone else sitting somewhere else forcing traffic, overcrowding of schools, and requiring us to pay for parking. --[if !supportLists]-->- <!--[endif]-->All the bills Sacramento claims addresses affordable housing were created to only support big developers with money from outside of the US, to take away our local control, and make housing more expensive. --[if !supportLists]-->- <!--[endif]-->The positive potential of Tier 1 is to ensure that the neighborhoods are livable, including all pipeline projects as we cannot control who builds and when, as we saw with the Vallco plan, the expiry date was conveniently changed. --[if !supportLists]-->- <!--[endif]-->Build it and they will come was a movie, it is fiction, we cannot build housing and hope the public transit will catch up, it does not work that way. Build retail so that we can work to them, not all of us ride bikes, we don’t want to be discriminated. --[if !supportLists]-->- <!--[endif]-->To meet the needs of De Anza Students, teachers, new families, seniors and low wage workers, the city council must accept the Tier 1 as is and find “out of box thinking”, by providing tax benefits to those who provide BM rents, whether it is apartment buildings or individuals. --[if !supportLists]-->- <!--[endif]-->We all deserve nice, sustainable, public spaces where we can live in a vibrant community, we don’t want to create a New York or San Francisco right here in Cupertino. Please accept all the pipeline projects, we cannot have SB35 without all the units included, and accept Tier 1, HCD is only asking for more details, it did not ask us to start from scratch. regards Sashi From:Alison Cingolani To:Cupertino City Manager"s Office; City Clerk; City Council; Hung Wei; Sheila Mohan; Liang Chao; J.R. Fruen; Kitty Moore Cc:Mathew Reed Subject:Housing Element Study Session, Agenda Item 1 Date:Tuesday, July 25, 2023 4:09:30 PM Attachments:image001.png CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Mayor Wei, Vice Mayor Mohan, and Councilmembers Fruen, Chao, and Moore: We appreciate the work of staff in developing the presentation for tonight’s Housing Element study session, but wish to express concern about two sections of the presentation. 1. Slide 37 of the presentation mischaracterizes the scope of HCD’s review letter as “general in nature” and asking for “more analysis in several areas.” In fact, HCD’s letter states that the Draft Housing Element has failed to provide adequate analysis in almost any area, including fair housing, housing needs, past housing element effectiveness, sites in the site inventory, or governmental and nongovernmental constraints. HCD is unable to provide more specific feedback without a complete analysis to serve as a basis for designing programs that effectively respond to Cupertino’s housing needs. Repeatedly, HCD’s review letter states that “the element requires a complete analysis. Depending upon the results of that analysis, the City must revise or add or modify goals and actions.” In other jurisdictions that have received HCD review letters requiring more analysis, subsequent review letters have then been able to respond with greater specificity to the policies and programs included in the Draft Housing Element. While we believe it is wise of staff to prepare Council for multiple further revisions, we believe that both Council and the public deserve a clear view of the work that lies ahead. 2. On slide 38, Council is asked to identify “priority housing policy areas among” six required components of the Housing Element, many of which are deeply interrelated, such as affirmatively furthering fair housing, addressing constraints, and assisting lower-income households. Council should direct staff to address all required components of the Housing Element with urgency and commitment to addressing the housing needs of the full range of Cupertino’s residents and workers, identified through extensive community engagement and understood through robust analysis. The 6th Cycle Housing Element process is a unique opportunity to fully assess housing needs in Cupertino and to identify new tools and sites to address these needs and remove constraints on housing development. This process is also an opportunity to engage deliberately with the full community, especially those who represent populations that have been historically excluded and are at risk of displacement, to share their housing needs. This unique opportunity is one that is required to adhere to the clear legal guidance as outlined by HCD in multiple documents interpreting state law. This is not a simple process, and we appreciate the work that Cupertino staff, elected and appointed representatives, and members of the community have done over the last 12-14 months. As you know, the expectations for this process are high, and jurisdictions throughout the state have struggled to generate compliant housing elements for this cycle. SV@Home values its partnership with the City of Cupertino and is pleased to have the opportunity to provide feedback on the Housing Element and the update process. We welcome the opportunity to engage in an ongoing dialogue as the Draft Housing Element moves through cycles of review and revision, with the shared goal of addressing the City’s urgent housing need by boosting production of homes at all income levels, preserving existing affordable homes, and protecting the families in them. Best, Alison Cingolani Policy Manager|SV@Home 408.785.0531 I alison@siliconvalleyathome.org Silicon Valley Is Home. Join our Houser Movement. Become a member! 350 W Julian St. #5, San José, CA 95110 Website Facebook LinkedIn Twitter From:Peggy Griffin To:City Council; Luke Connolly Cc:City Clerk Subject:2023-07-25 City Council Meeting Item1 - Housing Element Update - SUGGESTIONS/SITE SELECTION Date:Tuesday, July 25, 2023 7:35:34 PM Attachments:REV2 7-25-2023 CC Item1-HE Update Peggys Slides.pdf CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear City Council and Luke Connolly, Attached is a copy of the slides I presented at the meeting for Item 1 Housing Element Update tonight. Please take these suggestions into consideration. Thank you! Sincerely, Peggy Griffin PRESERVE OUR EXISTING RETAIL CENTERS  DO NOT add any more retail centers to HE site list  EXCLUDE the retail centers below from AB2011 (submit exclusion paperwork). WHY? As density increases, we want to  Avoid creaƟng food deserts  Prevent any more retail leakage  Preserve what liƩle exisƟng diversified tax revenue we have RETAIL CENTERS TO PRESERVE 1. Shopping Center at Stevens Creek & De Anza Blvd (Starbucks, Home Goods, TJ Max, Party City, etc.) 2. Target Shopping Center on Stevens Creek (Target, The Habit, Paris Baguette, etc.) 3. Whole Foods on Stevens Creek 4. Safeway Shopping Center on Homestead (Safeway, Ross, Michael's, Fed Ex, Chipotle, Rite Aid, Star One, Starbucks, etc.) 5. Main Street on Stevens Creek 6. Neighborhood Center (N. Blaney and Homestead) 7. Marketplace on Stevens Creek (Daiso, Marukai Market and many restaurants/stores) 8. Loree Center on Stevens Creek 9. Homestead Crossing (Peets, subway, Trader Joes) parts in Cupertino 10. Shopping Center at McClellan and De Anza (Ranch 99) 11. Shopping Center at Steven’s Creek and Stelling (Panda Express, Tasty Pizza) 12. Retail center with JoAnn Fabrics and Chuckee Cheese 13. United Furniture site NOTE Loosing 2 shopping centers (Tier1):  Shopping Center at Homestead and Stelling (Homestead Bowl, McDonalds, Local Cafe, Siam Station)  Shopping Center at Bollinger Rd & S. Blaney PIPELINE PROJECT - VALLCO SB35 – keep all 2402 units  SB35 project includes both sides!  A lot can happen in 8 years! o Look how fast the west side was “cleaned up”. o Reducing the units by 900-1000 units is 37.5% of the total which is arbitrary. o The east side total residenƟal sq footage is 25% of the total sq footage Consider adding sites  Tier 2 sites  Along Bandley Drive from Alves to Mariani as requested by Marina Lobbyist.  Add AB2011 Monta Vista sites and Bubb Rd sites Do not add  AB2011 Retail Centers or any addiƟonal retail centers listed above  AB2011 gas staƟons due to contaminaƟon issues; they provide a service  ExisƟng apartments – they would displace and are currently our “affordable housing”  ExisƟng assisted living/senior/disabled housing Be conservaƟve. Do not add more than is needed due to AB2011 issue Geographically distribute sites across the city