FAC 11-03-2021 (Joint Special Meeting with LIB) CITY OF CUPERTINO LIBRARY COMMISSION AND FINE ARTS COMMISSION Teleconference Joint Special Meeting Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 6:30 p.m. MINUTES CALL TO ORDER At 6:31 p.m., Library Commission Chair Pan called the meeting to order via remote teleconference. ROLL CALL Library Commissioners: Qin Pan, Rahul Vasanth, Liyan Zhao, Sheela Sreekanth, Archana Panda Fine Arts Commissioners: Janki Chokshi, Satish Tare, Diana Matley, Esha Rao City/County Staff: Joanne Magrini, Roger Lee, Dianne Thompson, Susan Michael, Kevin Khuu, Rachelle Sander, Kelsey Christian, Molly James Presenters: Eillish Cullen, Jay Manzo Absent: Sudha Kasamsetty ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None NEW BUSINESS 1. Subject: Update on the Donor Wall and Art Wall in the Courtyard of the Cupertino Library Recommended Action: Receive an update on the Donor Wall and Art Wall in the courtyard of the Cupertino Library. Dianne Thompson, Assistant City Manager, greeted the Commissioners and thanked them for their work and time on this project. Also thanked the guest speakers, Eillish Cullen and Jay Manzo, and Susan Michael, Capital Improvements Manager, for their work and efforts. Susan presented an update to the Commissions on the construction of the Library Expansion. Eillish presented to the Commissions, highlighting the themes and inspirations used for the Donor Wall and Art Wall. Also presented on the color thesis, design study including light mockups, and daytime and nighttime renderings for both projects. Fine Arts Commission Vice Chair Chokshi praised the designs for both projects. Fine Arts Commissioner Matley praised the work and design for the projects. Susan thanked Eillish and Jay for their work on the projects. Library Commission Vice Chair Vasanth thanked City staff, Eillish, Library Commission Chair Pan, and former Library Commissioner Amanda Wo for their work on the project. Library Commission Chair Pan praised the designs and thanked both Eillish and Susan for their efforts on these projects. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Pan adjourned the meeting 6:54 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by, Kevin Khuu, Management Analyst Minutes approved by the Library Commission at their 12/01/21 meeting Minutes approved by the Fine Arts Commission at their 11/22/21 meeting