Cupertino Public Facilities Corp Bylaws" ' tn 'liiifflfflil')'-" "" ' "' "-
13031-5 JHHd:BDQ:ram 04/30/86
Offlces and Seal
Sectlon 1. Offlces. The prlnclpa1 offlce of the Corporatlon for the
trBnsa busThall be Clty Hall, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertlno,
Ca11fornla 95014. The Board of D1rectors may, hovever, fix and change from
time to tlme the prlncipa1 offlce from one 1ocation to another by notlng the
change of address in the mlnutes of the meeLlng of the Board of Dlrectors at
vhlch the address vas fixed or changed. The fixlng or changlng of such
address shall not be deemed an *yendment to these By1avs.
Sectlon 2. Seal. The Corporatlon shal1 have a seal, consisting of
two (2trlrc1es h'!th the vords 'Cupertino Pub1ic Facllities
Corporatlon,' vith the date of incorporatlon of this Corporation.
Sectlnh 1, Povers. Subject to the 1imitations of the Artic1es of
Incorporation of this Corporation, thr terms of these By1a'-is, and the 1avs
of the State of California, the povers of this Corporation shall be vested
in and exercised by and its property controlled and its affairs conduc:ed by
the Board of Directors.
Section 2. Number. The Ccrporation shall have five (5) Directors.
Directors are co11ectively to be xncivn as the Board of Directors. The
number of Directors may !:ie changed by a By-lav or aniendment t!iereo5 du1y
adopted 5} the Board of Direc!ors.
Section 3. Se1ection, Tenure of Office and Vacancies. The rhembers of
the City Council of the City of Cupertino, California (the "City") shall
constitute the Board of Directors of the Corporation, and each member of the
City Ccunc'i1 of the City shal1 be and remain a member of the Board of
Directors af the Corporatlon for so long as such member remains a rneiber of
the City Council of the City. The Hayor of the City sha11 sit as Chairman
of the Board cf Directors.
Section 4. Compensation. Direciors sha11 serve vithout compensation
but each Director may be reimbursed nis or her necessary and actual
expenses, inc'ludfng travel incident to hfs services as Director, pursbant to
resolutlon of the Board of Dlrectors.
decllne sald relmbursement.
Any Dlrector may e1ect@ hver, to
Sectlon 5. Orgamzatlori ?4eetlnqs. Irmiedlately rolloylnq the annua?
meeting of the Board of Dlrectors or any specla1 meetlng of the Board of
Dfrectors at vhlch Dlrectors shal'l have been elected, the Dlrectors shall
meet for the purpose of organlz'ing the Board, the e1ectlon of officers and
the transactlori or su:h buslness as may come before the meetlng. Pendlng
such orgarrlzatlon meetlng, all offlcers of the Corporatlon shall hold over,
except any offjcer requlred by lav or these By1aws to be a Dlrector and vho
does not qualjfy as a Director. A Director e1ected at such meetlng of the
Board of Directors sha11 forthvlth become a merriber of the Board of Dlrectors
for purposes of such organ1zatlon.
In the event such an organlzat1ona1 meetlng sha11 not be held
itmiedlate1y fo11ovfng such meeting of the Board of Directors, lt shall
thereafter be he1d at the next regu1ar meeting or at a speclal rneetlng and
notice thereof sha11 be glven in the manner provlded ln Section 9 of thls
Artic1e for notice of speclal meetings.
Sectlon 6. Reqular and Orqanlzatfonal Meetinqs. Regular meetlngs of
the Board of Directors sha11 be held at such time as the Board may flx by
resolution from time to time: provided, hovever, that at least one regular
meeting shall be he1d each year and such meetings sha11, in al1 respects,
conform to provisions of the Ralph M. Brovn Act, being Sections 54950
through 54961 of the Government Code of the State of Ca1ifornia (the "Brown
No notice of any organizational meeting of the Board of Directors,
he1d irnmediate1y fo11oving the annua1 meeting of the Board of Directors or
on or after any special meeting of the Board of Directors sha11 have been
elected, need be given; provided, that if such an organizational meeting is
not held immediately folloving such meeting of the Board of Direciors, then
notice thereof shal1 be given in a manner provided in Section 9 of this
Article, in the same manner as notice of specia1 meetings.
Section 7. Special Meetinqs. Special meetings of the Board of
Directors shall be cal1ed, noticed and he1d in accordance with the
provisions of Section 54956 of the Brown Act.
Section 8. . A quorum shall consist of a majority of the
members of the Board of Directors unless a greater number is expressly
required by statute, by the Artic1es of Incorporation of this Corporation,
or by these Bylaws. Every act or decision done or made by a majority of the
Directors present at a meeting du1y held at which a quorum is present, shal1
be the act of the Board of Directors.
Section 9. Order of Busir;ess. The order oF business at the regular
meeting of the Board of Directors and, so far as possib1e, at a1l other
meetfngs of the BoarrJ of Directors, shall be essentially as follows, except
as otherwise determined by the Directors at such meeting:
(a) Report on the number of Directors present in person in order
to determine the existence of a quorum.
(b) Readlng of the notlce of the meetlng arid proof or the
de1lvery or malllng ther'eof, or the valver or valvers of
notlce of the meetlng then flled@ as the case may be.
(c) Readlng of unapproved minutes of prevlous meetlngs of the
Board of Dlrectors and the taklng or actlon vlth respect to
approval thereof.
(d) Presentation and conslderatlon of reports of officers and
(e) E1ectlon of Directors.
(f) Unfinished buslness.
(g) Hem business.
(h) Adjournment.
Section 10. Resiqnatiori and Removal of Directors. Any Dfrector of
this (,orporation may resign at any ttme by giving vrftten notice to the
President or to the Board of Directors; prov5r:Jed, hoyever, ln the event of
such resignation, such Director's position sria11 remaln vacant unti1 a nev
City Counci1 member is elected to fi11 such Director's position as Clty
Council member, Such resignation shall take effect at the tiw: specified
therein, and, un1ess otherwise specified therein, the acceptance of such
resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective. Any Director may
be removed by the Board of Directors at any regu?ar meetfng or at any
special meeting of the Board of Directors, the notice of whic!"i, among other
things, indicates that the removal of one or more Directors identified
therein sha11 be considered at such meeting by reason of such Directors' (l)
unexcused absence for four consecutive meetings of the Board of Directors,
or (2) commission of any act vhich tends to discredit the Corporation.
Section 11. Non1iabi1iiy for Debts. The private prop=rty of the
Directors sha11 be exempt from execution or other liabilfty for any de5ts,
1iabi1ities or ob1igations of the Corporation and no Dfrector shali ba
1iable or resp:insib'le for any debts, 1iabi1ities or obligations of the
Section 12. Indemnity by Corporation for Litiqation Exr,enses of
Offlcer, Direc".or or Emp1oyee. Should any Director, officer or employee of
the Corporation be sued, either a1orie or vith others, because he is or vas a
director, officer or eiployee of the Corporation, in any proceeding arts'ing
out of his a11eged misfeasance or nonfeasance in the performance of his
duties or out of any a11eged wrongfq? act against the Corporation or by the
Corporation, indemnity rcr his reasonable eypenses, including attorneys'
fees incurred in the defense of the proceedir)s, may be assessed against the
Corporation, its receiver, or its director by the court in the same or a
separat= proceeding if the person sued acted in gocd faith and ir, a ffianr!er
such person reasonably be1ieved to be in the besi ihterests of the
Corporation and, in the case of a crimina1 prsc=eding, had no reasonable
cause to be11eve the conduct of such person yas unlawfvl The aiount M
SuCh i ndemni t} Shal1 be SO mtJ Ch Of the expe 'l SeS, inC luding at tar neJ S ' feeS *
fnCurred lri the defense Of the prOCetdlq, 8S the COurt deterf!in!S and FINDS
to be reasonable.
Sectlon 1. Officers. The officers of the Corporatfon shall be a
Presldent, a Vlce nt, a Secretary, a treasurer and such other
@fflcers as the Board of Directors may appolnt. !hen the dutles do rxt
confHct, one person, other than th= Presldent, may hold more than one of
these offices. The Corporatlon may also have, at the dlscretlon of the
Board of Directors, one or more addltlona1 Vlce Presldents, one or more
Asslstant Secretarles, and one or more Asslstant Treasurers,
Sectlon 2. Electfon of Officers. The offfcers of the Corporatfon
shall be chosen by and shal1 serve at the pleasure of ti;= Board of Dlrectors
arid each sha11 hold offlce unti1 he sha1l resign or shal1 be removed or
othervise dlsquallfied to serve or hls successor sha'!1 be elected and
quallfled to serve; except that the Treasurer of the Corporation sha11 be
the Director of Finance of the City
Section 3. Subordinate Officers. The Baard of Directors may elect or
authortze the appointment of such other officers than those hereinr.bove
mentioned as the business of the Corpriration may require, each of vhcm sha11
ho1d office for such period, have such authority and perform such duties as
are provided in these Bylavs, or as the Board of Dtrectorq from time to tfme
may authorize or determine.
5B(tion 4, Removal of Officers. Any officer may be removed, elther
with or hithout cause, by a majority cf the Directors then in office at any
regu1ar or special meeting of the Board, or, exceot ln the case of ar;
officer chosen by the Board of Directors, by any officers upon vhom sucS
power of removal may be conferred by the Board of Directors. Shou1d a
vacancy occur in any office as a result of daath, "esiqnation, removal,
disqualification or any other cause, the Board of Directors may de1egate the
powers and duties of such office to any officers or to any Directors cntil
such time as a successor far said office has been =1ected and appointed.
Section 5. President. The President shal1 preside at al1 aeetings of
the Board of Directors and exercise and perform such oiher posers and duties
as may be from time to time assigned to him by the Board of Directors or be
prescribed by the Bylaws.
The Presideht sha11 also be the chief corp-irate officer of the
Corporatiori and shall, subject to the control of the Board or Directors,
have genera? supervision, direction and control of the business anJ officers
of the Corporation. He shal1 preside at al1 meetings of the Board of
Directors. He sha11 be ex officio rnem!:ier of all standing cormiit:ees, and
Snal? havP the gereral povers and dutieS Of management usua11y VeSted in the
office of President of a corporation and shall have such other pCiser> and
duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors or by these By)avs.
Section 6. Vice Prtslderil In the ab:erice or dlsablllty or th
Prtildent, the Vfce President, or the V1ce Presldenti In order or theft
ranks al f4xea by the toaro or 01rectors* or ir not ranked, the vic@
Preildent deslgnated by the BOard Or Dlrectori* shati perform a?1 trie dutie!
Of the President and Vheri SCI 8Ctlr< Shall haV! , , tse prrverS or aZ be
%ubjeCt tO a1't Of the rettr"lCtlOns utxn the Preildent. The Vlce PRESIDENTS
$Hall tlaVe %uCh Other pO'aerS and perfofi'n PauCh Other dutleS AS e!4y rrOffl tfffie
to tlme be prescrlbed ror them, r=spectlvely, by the Board or Directors cr
Sectlon 7. . The Secretary shall keep or cause to be kept a
book o at the prlnclpa1 offlce or at such other place as the 8aard
of Dlrectors may order, or all meetlngs of the Directors, vlth the tm arid
place of holdlngl vhether regolar or speclal, and 1 € ipecla1, hov
authoSzedi the notlce thereof glven. the names of those present at
Dlrectors' meetings and the thereol The Secretary :ha11 glve
or cause :o be qlven notice of arl meetlngs of the Board of Dfrectors of the
Corporatlon, shall keep the corporate records ln sure custody and shall have
such other povers and perf'ors such other dutlcs as may be prescrlbed by the
b..iard of Dlrectors or these 6ylavs.
Section B. Treasurer. The Treasurer sM1l keep and malhtaln or cause
ta be kept and mairotained adequate and correct amourits of its assets,
lla5iHtles, recelpts, dfstiursements, gains and 'losses. The boks of
accouht shal1 at al1 times be open to inspection by any Director. The
Treasurer shal1 deposit all rnonies and ott,er veluables lri the nar:e am to
the credit of the Corporation in such depositorles as may be designated by
the Directors. He sha11 dlsburse the funds of the Ccirporatlon AS shall be
ordered by the Board of Directors, shall render to the Presldent and the
Directors vhenever they shaH request lt, an account of all of his
transactions as Treasurer and of the financia'i condltton of the Corporatlon,
sha1l take proper vouchers for al1 disburseri,nts of the funds of the
Corporation, and shall have such other pover= and perform such other dutfes
as may be prescribed tiy the Board of Direr.Lors or by these Bylass.
Section 9. Assistant Secretartes ant; Assistant Treasurers. The
Assistarit Secretaries and the Assistant Treasurers in the craer of their
seniority as specified by the Directors shal1, iri the abseqce or disability
or the Secretary or the Treasurer, respectively, perforr: the da!ies arc
exercise the povers of the Secretary or Treasurer ara' shaN perform such
duties as the Board of Directors shal1 prescribe.
Objects arid %rpases
5ecjion 1. Nature of Objects and Pur(.:ises- The 5u5in@55 of 1hi5
Corporation is to be operated and cortducteu in she prorr+o:iori of its objects
and purposes as set forth in Article II cf iis Artic?ps of Incorgoration.
Section 2. Dis olcttion. The Corporatiori rriay the dissolved :)ya vote sir
the Directors, or by the action of :he Board of Directors in ac:ordarce vith
the provisions of Califorr.i4 1av. r")On the disso1ution or nin0ir.g up of
thls Corporatlori@ and after payment or provlsion for payment, all debts arc
llabmtleS, the assets Of thl$ Corporation Shall tie dl$trltiuted tO the
(lty, If for any reason the Clty lx unablp or unvllllng to accept the
assets or the Corporatlon, sald assets vll1 be dlstrlbuted to the Federal
Goverrwnt: to a state or local government ror pub?lc purposes: or to a
nonproflt fund, foundation, or corporatlon vhlch ls crganlzed and operated
for charltable pqrposes and vhlch has estabHshed lts tax-exempt status
under Sectlon 50.(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) of the fnterna1 tevenue Code of 1954*
as amended.
taxation pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(',) of the Interna1 Revenue
Code of 1954, as amended, and from State taxation, upon comp?lance vlth the
provlslons of Callfornla 1av re1atlng to merger and conso11datlon
General Provlsions
Section 1. Payment of ?4oney, Siqriatiires. A11 checks, drafts or other
orders for payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness issued
in the name of or payable to the Corporatfon and any and all securitles
ovned by or held by the Corporation requlring signature for transfer sha11
be signed or endorsed by such person or persons and in such manner as from
time to time shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
Sec'.ion 2. Execution oF Contracts. The Board of Directors, except as
in the Bylavs othervise provided, may authorize any officer or offfcers,
agent or agents, to enter into any contract or execute any contract or
execute any instrument in the name of and on beha1f of the Corporatton and
such authority may be genera7 or confined to spec5f5c instances and unless
so authorized by the Board of Directors, no offfcer, agerit or emp1oyee sha11
have any pcver or authority to bind the Corporation by any contract or
engagement or to pledge its credit or to render it liati1e for any purpose or
in any amount.
Section 3. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the Corporation shal1
commence on 'bf1e 1st day of Ju1y of each year and sha11 end on the 30th day
of June of the next succeeding year.
Section 4. Annual Audit. The affairs and financial condition of the
Corporation shal1 be audtted annually at the end of each fiscal year
'commencing hith fiscal year 1985-1986 by an independent certified public
accountant se1ecied by the Board of Directors and a vritten report of such
audit and appropriate financial statements sha11 (:re submitted to the E'oard
of Directors prior to the next regu1ar tneeting of '.he Board of Directors of
the Corporation fol1owing the completion of svch audit. Additional audits
anay be authorized as considered necessary or desirab1e by the Board cf
Exempt Actlvltle$
Notvlthstanding any other provfflons of these 8y1avs, no CHrector,
oFflcer, employee or represeritatlve or thls Corporatlon shal1 take ar.y
actlon or carry on any actfvlty by or on behalf or the Corporatlon not
permltted to be taken or carrled on by an organlzatlon exempt under Secllon
501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) or the Internal Revenue Code or 1954@ as amermed, and
the Regulatlons proailgated thereunder as they nov exlst or as they may
hereafter be amended.
Amendment to Bylavs
These Bylavs
may be amended by rnajorlty vote of the Coard of
ADOPTED b} thP ;Qar'd Of Dlrectors Of ihe Cupertlno Pub1ic Facilltles
Corporptlon on Jun'.= 2, 1986.
I, the underslgned, do hereby certlfy:
1. That I an the duly elected and actlng Secretary of the Cupertlr+o
Publlc Facl11tles Corporatlon, a Callfornla nonproflt publlc beneflt
corporatlon; and
2. T%at the foregoing By1avs constltute a full, true and corpect copy
of the Bylavs of sald Corporatlon ln ful1 force and effect as of tri; date
IN fflfTNESS kHEREOF, I have hereunto subscr'lbed my native thls
I / l/ , y
JUN O ':' tga:s
ARTICL[S OF INCORPORATIaN a'a "a fil d!b!;e
The name of thls corporatfon ls the Cupertlno Publlc Facl11tles
A. This corporatlon ls a nonproflt publlc benefft corporatlon and ls
not organlzed for the private galn of any person. It ls orgarvlz=d under the
Nonprofit Publlc Benefit Corporat'ion Lay for charitab1e purposes.
B. lhe purposes for vhich this corporation is formed are:
(1) The specific and primary purposes for vhtch this corporation
is formed are:
a. To render financial asststan:e to the City of Cupertino,
State of California (the "City"), by financlng, refinancing,
acquiring, constructlng, improving, leasing and sel1ing
buildings, bui1ding improvements, equipment, e1ectrical,
vater, sever, road and other pubjic improvements, larr's, and
any other real or personal property for the benefit of
residents of the City and surrounding areas.
b, To acquire by lease, purchase or otherwise, rea1 or persona1
property or any iriterest therein; to construct, reconstruct,
modify, add to, improve or othervise acquire or equip
buildings, structures or improvements and (by sale, lease,
sublease, leaseback, gift or othervise) make any part or all
of any such real or personal property available to or for the
benefit of the residents of the C5'.y.
c, To promote the comn good and genera1 welfare of the
residents of the City, and the governmental enterprises in
the City and surrounding areas by the acquisition of the real
and personal property as hereinabove described.
d, To borrov the necessary funds to pay thp cost of financirig,
refinancing, acquiring, constructing, replacing,
estab1ishing, improving, maintaining, equippirg and operating
such properties and facilities for the herein described
purposes, the indebtedness for hhich borrowed money may, but
* J T
need not, be evldenced by secur'ltles or thls corporatlori or
any klnd or character 'Issued at any one or ryre tlms, vhlch
may be elther unsecured or secured by any aortgage, trust
deed, oledge, encumbrance or other llen upon any part or ail
or the properlles and assets at any tlme then or thereaftera
owned or acqulred by thls corporatlon.
e. To recelve 11mlted ora condltiona1 glfts or grants ln trust,
j , or by vay of testamentary devlses, bequests or
grants ln trust, or othemse, funds of ail klnds lncludlng
property, both rea1, personal and mixed, vhether prlnclpa: or
lncome, tangjb1e ar Intangtb1e, present or future, vested or
contlngent, ln order tc' carry on the purposes of thls
(2) The general purposes and povers are to have and exercfse a?l
rlghts and powers riov or hereafter conferred on nonproflt corporatloqs under
the 1avs of the State of Callrornja; provfded, hovevar, that this
corporatlon shal1 not, except to an lnsubstantlal degree, engage in any
actlvltles or exercise any powers that are not ln furtherance of the
specific and primary pvrposes of thls corporation; provlded, further, that
this corporation shall not have the poyer to, and shal1 not, do any act or
conduct any activity, plan, scheme, design or course of conduct vhich in ar,y
vay conflicts vith Sections 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) of the Interial Reve;iue
Code of 1954, as amended, arid regu1ations promu1gated pursuant to such
Sections as they nov exist or as they may hereafter be amended.
The name and address in the State cif Ca1ifornia of this rorporatlon's
initla1 agent for service of process is:
Sr. Blaine Snyder
Director of Finance
City of Cupertfrio
1C1300 Torre Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
7tl@ County in the State of California vhere the principle
offices for the transaction off the business of this ccrporation
is Santa Clara County,
The property of this corporatioq is irrevocabiy dedicated to
charitable purposes and no part of the net in:ome or assets of th'!s
corporation shall ever inure to the benefit of any director, officer or
member thereof or to the benefit of any private person.
A. Thls corporatlon ls organized and operated by a group of publlc
splrlted cftlzens exclusfve?y for chat-ftab?e purposes vltltfn the meaning or
Sectlon 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code or 1954@ as amended.
B. Notv'lthstandlng any other provlslon of these Artlcles, thls
corporatlon shall not carry on any other actlvltles not pertltted to be
carrled on by a corporatlon exempt form federal lncome tax under Sectlon
501(c)(4) of the 7nternal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended,
C. No su!;istantla1 part cf the activftles of thls corporatlon shall
conslst of carrylng on propaganda, or othervise attemptlng to lnfluence
legfs1at1on, and this corrioratlon shal! not partlclpate or intervene ln any
po11tlca1 campaign (inc1uding the pub11shlng or dlstrlbutlon of statements)
on behalf of any candldate for po11tlcal offlce.
A. Diyring the continuance of
of its assets to the Unfted States
any po11tical subdivision thereof,
corporation vhich is organized and
social ve?fare purpose and vhich has
Section 501(c)(3) or 5C)1(c)(4) of
this corporatlon, ft rnay dls'!.rlbute any
of Arnerfca, the State of Callfornla, or
to a nonprofit fund, foundation or
operated exc1usive1y for charltable or
established lts tax-exempt status under
the Interna1 Revenue Code or 1954, as
B. Upon the dissolution or vinding up of this corporation, its assets
remaining after payment of, or provision made for the payment of, all debts
and liabilities of this corporation, shan be distributed to the United
States of America, the State of California, or any political subdivision
thereof, or to a nonprofit fund, fcundation or corporation vhich is
organized and operated exc1usive1y for charitable or social ve1fare purposes
and vhlch has estab1'ished its tax-exempt status under Sectiori 501(c)(3) or
501(c)(4) of the Interna1 Revenue Code of 1954, as amended.
IN NITNESS WER[OF, the umerslgned, belng the lncorporator of thts
corporatlon, has executed these Artlcles of Incorporatlon, th'ls 30th day of
f4ay, 19%.
erlan D. Quln Incorporator
The underslgned, as sole lncorporator or thls publlc beneflt
corporatlon, took the belov stated actlon on June 2, 1986, at 7:00 p.m., at
the offlces of the Clty of Cupertlno, Callfornla pursuant to Sectlon 5134 of
the Callfornla Corporations Code (or the purpose of electing lnltlal
dlrectors and settfng the tlme and p1ace for the organ!zatlonal ryetlng.
It vas noted that th= Artlcles of rncorporatlon yre duly flled vlth
the Secretary of State of Ca11fornla earller on June 2, 1986 and that
corporatlori number vas asslgned to thls corporatfon,
RESOLVED, that the fol1ovlng persons be selected as the in!tla1
dlrectors of the corporation:
John H. Gatto
Philip N. Johnson
John J. Plungy, Jr.
Barbara A. Rogers
!i. Reed Sparks
BE IT FURTHEP RESOLVED, that the organlzationa1 rneetlng of the
corporation be helci on June 2, 1986, at 7:00, at the offices of the
City of Cupertino, Californla, and that the notlce of such meeting sent to
the in4tlal directors and other interested persons by Mr. Blaine Snyder, 1s
hereby approved and ratified.
A11 further organizational matters being left for the nev directors to
take actlon upon, the meeting vas adjourned,
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