CC 09-19-2023 Item No. 3. July 18, 2023 Minutes_Written Communications1
Lauren Sapudar
From:Peggy Griffin <>
Sent:Tuesday, September 19, 2023 1:42 PM
To:City Council; Kirsten Squarcia
Cc:City Clerk
Subject:2023-09-19 City Council Meeting-Agenda Item3 DRAFT Minutes for July 18, 2023 CC Mtg - 3
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Dear City Clerk Squarcia and City Council,
I think the minutes for the July 18, 2023 City Council meeƟng, Agenda Item 13, SB403 are missing 4 pieces of vital
1) the total number of speakers who wanted to speak
a. Total number of speakers who wanted to speak was 145 (98 blue cards and 47 hands raised on Zoom =
145 speakers).
2) the total amount of Ɵme alloƩed for the item and the exact amount of Ɵme each speaker was allowed to speak.
a. Mayor Wei alloƩed 90 minutes total for public comment on this item with each speaker allowed 1
b. This acƟon knowingly disregarded 55 people’s desire to speak and provide input BUT IN ACTUALITY 65
people could not speak!
3) the total who actually spoke
a. Only 80 people (54 in Community Hall, 26 on Zoom) were allowed to speak which is only 55% of the
4) the 2 disrupƟons that occurred,
a. one by a member of the public right aŌer Mayor Wei closed public comment and
b. one by the City AƩorney near the end of the City Council meeƟng.
Without this informaƟon, the minutes imply that everyone who wanted to speak, spoke, which is not the case! Errors can
be made by omission and I believe omiƫng this informaƟon is an error that needs to be corrected.
To address #1 and #2
Page 7, 2nd paragraph from boƩom currently reads:
“Mayor Wei asked everyone who wanted to speak to submit their blue cards and/or raise their hands. There were 145
speakers. Mayor Wei reduced the Ɵme alloƩed for public comment to 90 minutes with 60 minutes for Community Hall
speakers and 30 minutes for Zoom speakers. Each speaker allowed 1 minute and consolidaƟon of Ɵme among speakers
was allowed.”
Without this informaƟon, the minutes imply that everyone who wanted to speak, spoke, which is not the case! Errors can
be made by omission and I believe omiƫng this informaƟon is an error that needs to be corrected.
To address #3 and #4a
Page 9, 2nd paragraph from boƩom currently reads:
“65 speakers were not allowed to speak. City AƩorney Jensen quieted a disrupƟon when a member of the public whose
son was not allowed to speak became upset.”
To address #4b
Page 10, 2nd paragraph from boƩom currently reads:
“City AƩorney Jensen packed up his bags making it difficult for both the public, Councilmembers and staff to hear.
Nothing was done to stop it.”
Thank you.
Peggy Griffin
Lauren Sapudar
From:Kitty Moore
Sent:Tuesday, September 19, 2023 1:22 PM
To:Kirsten Squarcia; City Clerk
Subject:Written Communications Item 3 Minutes September 19, 2023 Please Pull
Dear City Clerk,
I request to pull the September 19, 2023 City Council Consent Agenda Item 3, which is the July 18, 2023 City
Council meeƟng minutes and submit the following WriƩen CommunicaƟons edit requests to more completely
reflect the meeƟng record.
Please see the July 18, 2023 page 7, Item 13 MeeƟng Minutes which state:
“Mayor Wei opened the public comment period and the following people spoke. Mayor Wei reduced
the time allotted for public comment and allowed for consolidation of time among speakers.”
I have two edit requests shown below:
1. Please have the minutes reflect that 145 people requested to speak and that the total Ɵme alloƩed did
not allow dozens of speakers to be heard. Only about 82 individuals were given an opportunity to
To accomplish that, the above quoted minutes could be edited like this:
Mayor Wei opened the public comment period, 145 people requested to speak and the following people spoke. Mayor Wei reduced the total time allotted for public comment to 90 minutes, reduced the speaker time from 3 minutes to one minute, and allowed for consolidation of time among speakers. The following 82 people were provided time to speak:
2. I would also like the minutes to include and reflect that:
Milind Makwana, a member of the public, spoke without being recognized requesting his son be allowed
to speak, because he had not been called on due to the truncated speaker time. Mr. Makwana’s request
went unanswered, and he received a warning by staff.
I think it would be appropriate to also adjourn the meeting in remembrance of Milind Makwana, community
member and volunteer, who passed away after the conclusion of the July 18, 2023 meeting. I have not seen
policy on this process and am including a link from the City of Mill Valley regarding their remembrance
adjournment protocol:
Thank you very much for your consideration,
Kitty Moore
Kitty Moore
City Council
(408) 777-1389