Telecommunications Commission
Regular Meeting
January S,2003
Chair Ernest Tsui called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
Commissioners present: L.T.Guttadauro,Ernest Tsui,David Eggleston
Commissioners absent: Sal Algeri
Staff: Rick Kitson,Linda Lagergren,Colin Jung
Guests: Bob Haber,Linda Grodt,Diane Benncdetti
This item was continued for lack of a quorum.
Written: Kitson reported that he received a letter from Cupertino High School for the
educational grant request. Cupertino High School confirmed they have digital camcorders available to
do the project and they are still willing to do the project with the reduced funding. Lynbrook responded
verbally that they would be able to make the project work with the adjusted amount. The City has not
received a formal letter from Lynbrook with this information. The Commission wants compliance
from Lynbrook in writing by the next meeting.
Activities Calendar. The note next to the January commission meeting was deleted. No other
changes were made to the Activities Calendar.
Action Item List: Tsui will write one more article for the Scene. Kitson reported that we now
have all the back dated monthly reports from AT&T as of November, 2002. Kitson has made changes
to the Educational Grant paperwork and will distribute it at the next meeting. Commission agreed to
add an action item requesting a letter be submitted from Lynbrook stating that unless they meet the
requirements, the grant will be rescinded. An additional action item was added regarding the status of
DSL in Cupertino.
Status report from Colin Jung on the Wireless Master Plan—Colin presented a draft report
to the Commission on the Wireless Master Plan. He stated management has reviewed the draft and a
few changes have been made. The City had not yet released it to the consultant. After the changes are
made it will be submitted to the Planning Commission and then to City Council.
Eggleston asked if there were any pending requests for permits. Jung stated there were two
pending requests. One is at the Cypress Hotel and the other at Stevens Creek and Miller.
'Goals and Workplan for 2003 — After discussion, commission had consensus on the
following work plan for 2003.
1. Engage in joint project with Planning Commission to implement wireless facilities Master Plan
for City, including siting and design of aerial facilities within the antenna ordinance.
2. Continue to monitor citywide AT&T broadband performance standards through review of
periodic technical reports.
3. Generate informational forum and video.
4. Provide articles for the Cupertino Scene with current status of telecommunications services in
Cupertino(100-150 words).
5. Negotiate Heritage Cable franchise renewal.
Reports from:
City of Cupertino: Kitson proposed an alternative meeting schedule for commissioners.
Attendance has been a problem for a number of commissioners this year because of their work
schedules. Commissioners could meet quarterly or bi-monthly instead of monthly. After discussion the
commission agreed to keep the monthly schedule for now,change the date of the February meeting and
bring this item back for discussion in February.
AT&T: No report.
De Anza College: Haber reported Access Channel 15 was closed from December 19
through January 6 for production and editing. All production and training schedules were published to
the website and mailed out to access producers. They have hired a new graphic designer to help keep
the bulletin board announcements and website up to date.
Guttadauro made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. to February 19. Eggleston
seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
• v
City Clerk Chairpemsed'Yi��-9re=
Telecommunications Commission
Regular Meeting
February 19,2003
Chair Ernest Tsui callc-,i meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Commissioners present: Ernest Tsui,David Eggleston,Sal Algeri,Steven Ting
Commissioners absent: L.T. Guttadauro
Staff Rich Kitson,Linda Lagergren,Colin Jung
Guests: Linda Grodt,Eddie Garcia
Tsui made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Algen seconded the motion. All in
favor. Eggleston and Ting abstained.Motion passed.
Eggleston made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Tsui seconded the motion. All
in favor.Algeri and Ting abstained.Motion passed.
Reports from:
Comeast (formerly AT&T): Eddie Garcia, Director of Government Affairs did not have a
formal presentation, but gave a brief overview on the transition that has made over the years from TCI
to AT&T and now Comcast. He reported that the Comcast Call Centers would be coming back in the
local area. By next year a call center will be located in Livermore.and Concord with a third one
possibly in Morgan Hill or Salinas. Garcia gave some brief background information on the Comcast
Oral: New commissioner Steven Ting introduced himself to the group.
Written: Kitson distributed a letter from Comcast Cable to the City stating that the process of
re-branding will begin February 14. The Comcast name will begin to be seen on trucks, building signs
and it will in ads and other communications materials from the company.
Colin Jung, Senior Planner, reviewed wireless communications facilities. Colin said he worked with
Sal Algeri and Ernest Tsui and took the Wireless Master Plan and turned it into a good plan. Jung said
the document would be distributed to the telecommunications industry. All changes suggested by the
Telecommunications Commission have been included in the plan.
The Telecommunications Commission will p.-epare a cover letter stating why they support this
document and make a recommendation to the Planning Commission.
Tsui mentioned that Algeri made some great recommendations on this document
Activities Calendar. A commissioner was signed to attend the Mayor's tea each month.
Action Item List: Item number three was completed — Lynbrook sent a letter stating they
would still be We to do the project with the reduced fiending. Eggleston has sent an e-mail to Leon
Beaucham, however he has not been able to make contact with him to let him know that the
commission is looking for a map of the DSL coverage area in Cupertino.
Discuss and set dates for fixture Commission mugs — At the last commission meeting
there was a general concern that the first Wednesday of each month was not a good date to meet.
However after a brief discussion,there was consensus by the commission to keep the meetings on the
first Wednesday of each month.The commission asked Kitson to check if a commissioner was unable
to attend the meeting in person, if they could call in by phone. Kitson said he would check with the
City Clerk and City Attorney.
Review and adopt 2003 Telecommunications Commission Workplan.
1. r'ngage in joint project with Planning Commission to implement wireless facilities Master Plan
for City,including siting and design of aerial facilities within the antenna ordinance.
2. Continue to monitor citywide Comcast broadband performance standards through review of
periodic technical reports.
3. Generate informational forum and video.
4. Provide articles for the Cupertino Scene with cva9rent status of telecommunications services in
Cupertino(100-150 words).
5. Status of DSL in Cupertino.
6. Negotiate Heritage Cable franchise renewal.
Eggleston made a motion to adopt the 2003 workplan. Aigeri seconded the motion. All in favor.
Motion passed unanimously.
Discuss topic for upcoming Informational Forum — It was suggested that having an
informational event at the Art & Wine festival or some other community event might draw a larger
audience. Another suggestion was to do a forum on the Wireless Master Plan and get Kxeines &
Kreines to participate. The commission said the focus needs to be on Cupertino and how Cupertino
will benefit. It was suggested that after the City Council adopts the master plan, then the conunission
could pursue planning a forum on that topic.
Reports from:
City of Cupertino: Kitson distributed to all the commissioners the Commissioner's handbook
for their review.
De Anna College: No report.
Algeri submitted a written report of the Commission's accomplishments for 2002.
Algeri made a motion that the commission not meet in two weeks which is the first Wednesday of
March,but rather meet in six weeks on April 2°d. Eggleston seconded the motion.All in favor.
Eggleston made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 p.m.Ting seconded the motion and the
motion passed unanimously.
]Linda I.agergren,Deco ecretary Chairperson
Toiecommuideadons Commission
NOTICE IS HEREBY GPVEN that the regular meeting of the
Telecommunications Commission of the City of Cupertino, California, scheduled for
Wednesday,March 5,2003,at 7:00 p.m.will be cancelled due to lack of business.
Dated tb;7 20th day of February,2003.
Linda Lagergcen,kea&ding Secretary
Linda Lagergren, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That she caused the
above Notice to be posted now the door of the Cupertino City Hall located at 10300 Torre
Linda LagaVeK leecording Secretary
ftAW an Regded Pepe,
Telecommunications Commission
Regular Meeting
April 2,2003
Chair Ernest Tsui calf the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
Commissioners present: Ernest Tsui,Sal Algeri,Steven Ting
Commissioners absent: L.T.Guttadauro,David Eggleston
Staff: Rick Kitson,Linda Lagergran,Colin Jung,David Knapp
Guests: Linda Grodt,John Heather,Barbara Bartchenfeld,Dan Morales,Diane DiBennedetto
Algeri made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Ting seconded the motion. All in
favor.Motion passed.
City Manager David Knapp attended the Commission meeting and requested input on the
Commission's role. Knapp said in the future he would also be including a Commission section in his
annual report. The Telecommunications Commission is a very specific charge and very technical and
the City couldn't have afforded to hire people with this kind of expertise.
The following items were addressed and the commission hopes to see progress in these areas:
Franchise renewal
Educational Grants
Continue CODA Program(Cupertino Outstanding Producers Award)
Liaison between City and Comcast
Informational articles in the Scene
Educational Forums
E-Government Plan(including an electronic method to apply for commissions)
Wireless Services
Wireless Master Plan
Additional comments from Commissioners:
Good support from staff
Feel isolated from Council and would like to be linked closer to Council
Oral: Linda Grodt distributed articles from San Jose and Campbell on cable franchises. She
said she attended the Producers meeting and a discussion took place regarding the negotiations between
the City and De Anza. There was some confusion on what was taking place.
Barbara Bartschenfeld stated that several Community Access produ-ers planned to
attend the City Council meeting.
Dan Morales asked if the Commission had received his grant request. Staff said we had
not received it,but if he could get a copy to us we would be happy to put it on the next agenda.
Kitson reported on the status of the negotiations between the City and De Anza on
public access. Kitson said when the City was first approached by De Anza it was stated that De Anza
couldn't work under the current contract. The City would need to contribute more for the same level of
service. With the current budget constraints,the City cannot provide any more financially. Discussions
a*e continuing. Both De Anza and the City want to have public access. Kitson said he would continue
t j report any progress on this topic.
Written: A thank you note from Charles Johnson for receipt of the public access grant was
included in the Commissioner's packets.
Wireless Master Plan -- Colin Jung reported on the progress of the Wireless Master Plan.
Andrew Rattner of Ridge Communications(representing Verizon Wireless)was in attendance. Rattner
said he read the ordinance and had some minor comments.
Jung said drafts of the Wireless Master Plan had been sent to the private industry and Verizon
had been the only one to respond. Jung said he needed to get the Telecommunications Commissions
response to the plan. The Telecommunications Commission will send a recommendation to the
Planning Commission and then the Planning Commission will forward a recommendation to City
Discuss ideas for topics for upcoming Informational Forum — Commission agreed to
continue this item.
Public Access Grant Request form John Heather—The Commission was concerned that the
grant was for advertising costs ;For a celebration and not a production program. Heather said they were
going to tape the celebration and turn it into a taped show. The Commission said according to the
guidelines the grant could defray costs of production fees. The Commission recommended that John
Heather come back with specific costs of producing the program and the Commission would consider
it at that time. No action was taken.
Comcast Internet Cable Rates > Comcast Report— Kitson distributed a letter from Comcast
on the fee increases. The fee increases are actually part of the new bundling of services. He also
distributed the Comcast customer service report. For the first time in months Comcast has met the 90%
requirement of calls answered within 30 seconds.
Reports from:
City of Cupertino—Kitson indicated that the transfer of ownership language is our francluse
agreement is very weak. We will be changing that language.
Ike Am College—No report
Activities Calendar. The date of the CREST Awards ceremony was changed from the 15�h of
May to the 16s'of May.
Action Item List: Two items were added to the Action Item List.
1. Write article after implementation of EF'M on what residents can do to improve
cellular coverage.
2. Clarify the Producer Grant language.
Algeri made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:40 p.m. Ting seconded the motion and the
motion passed unanimously.
Linda Lagergren,Recording Secretary Chairperson
Teleeommunications Commission
Regular Meeting
May 7,2003
Chair Ernest Tsui called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Commissioners present: Ernest Tsui, Sal Algeri, Steven Ting, L.T. Guttadauro, David
Conunissioners absent: None
Stafd Rick Kitson,Colin Jung
Guests: Linda Grodt,Ron Moore,Andrew Rattner
Algeri made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Ting seconded the motion.
Guttadauro abstained.All in favor. Motion passed.
Written: Commission asked that a letter be sent to Comcast regarding the inaccurate
information in the last monthly service report. A letter was sent from the City Manager to Comcast on
April 30t'regarding the franchise renewal agreement and the lack of response from the letter of March
18'". Commission discussed Comcast service. There were questions regarding the portability of
numbers between the cable phone and SBC.
Report on Wireless Master Plan -- Colin Jung reported on the progress of the Wireless
]Master Plan. The Planning Commission will review it in the next four to six weeks. Kitson will prepare
a cover letter from the Telecommunications Commission to the Planning Commission as part of the
recommendation. The letter will cover policy 6.5. The Commission will add review of the Master Plan
to their workplan.
Algeri made a motion to remove policy 6.5 from the Wireless Master Plan. Guttadauro
seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The Commission asked to be notified when Lie
Wireless Master Plan went before the City Council.
The Commission agreed to take grant requests out of order.
Public Access Grant Request from Ronald Moore—After reviewing the grant request,Algeri
made a motion to accept the grant as requested for$372. Guttadauro seconded the motion and it passed
Public Access Grant Request from Natasba Levitan — After reviewing the grant request,
Algeri made a motion to accept the grant wi.h the omission of$30 for food for the crew. The grant is
reduced to$89. Guttadauro seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Public Access Grant Request from Dan Morales — Dan Morales requested this item be
placed on the agenda,however,he never submitted the request and therefore it was not discussed.
Discuss topics for upcoming Informational Forum — The Commission suggested several
topics for the forum — HDTV, Wireless Master Plan Antennas and E-Service,/E-Govenuent. The
Commission decided not to pursue the Antenna topic. Guttadauro will research the HDTV topic and
Ting will bring back information on E-Services and both will outline concepts for the Informational
Public Access Funding—Kitson stated that an agreement is being negotiated between De Anza
q and the City to continue services.
Commission agreed to continue E-Government Plan RFP, Selection of Antenna Ordinance Work
Group and Wireless Services Discussion to the June agenda.
Reports from:
City of Cupertino—No report
Comcast No report
De Anza College--No report
Activities Calendar. No changes.
Action Item List: Two items were added to the Action Item List.
1. Add Steve Ting to Telecommunications page on the website.
2. Eggleston will write article for Scene on DSL access.
Commission adjourned the meeting at 9:05 p.m.
Linda Lagergren, riling Secretary Chairperson
Telecommunications Commission
Regular Meeting
June 4,2003
Chair Ernest Tsui called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Commissioners present: Ernest Tsui,Sal Algeri,Steven Ting,David Eggleston,
L.T.G'uttadauro(7:52 p.m.)
Commissioners absent: None
Staff: Rick Kitson,Linda Lagergren
Guests: Linda Grodt,Ron&Ruth Moore,Diane Benedetti
i. Algeri made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Ting seconded the motion. Guttadauro
abstained.All in favor. Motion passed.
Oral: None
Written: None
City of Cupertino Report was taken out of order
Reports from:
7. City of Cupertino — Kitson reported on the new fiscal year budget. He stated that all previously
applied for grant applications have been approved, but all grants for the next fiscal year have been
cut from the budget. The 4 h of July fireworks display has been cancelled in lieu of paying for
Sunday Library hours. The City is negotiating an agreement with Mountain View Community
Television for use of their facilities for public access.
Commission agreed to take Public Access Grant application out of order.
3. Public Access Grant Request from Ronald Moore — After reviewing the grant request from
Ronald Moore for The Better Part„ Cupertino Senior TV Productions Group, for $1,000, the
commission did not recommend approval. The Better Part wanted to purchase a computer editing
station valued at $2,694. They did not have the balance of the funds needed to purchase the
equipment, but wanted to hold the money until enough funds were raised. The guest was denied.
2. Discuss topics for upcoming Informational Forum -- Guttadauro suggested an informational
forum on HDTV. The question posed was whether we could draw the appropriate experts for the
forum. The Commission determined they needed someone from Comcast to represent the local
provider. They would also need someone to speak about the equipment and a suggestion was to get
a representative from Intel. Lastly, a representative was needed who could speak about
programming/broadcasting,a content provider.
• Ernest will contact Intel regarding equipment.
• Steve and Dave will work on contacting the local provider.
• L.T. will contact a content provider.
The commission decided they were not ready to roll out a Forum at this time on E-government
4. Select Antenna Ordinance Work Group— This item was continued to the August meeting.
5. Wireless Service Discussion — This item was continued to the August meeting.
6. Discuss cancellation of July meeting —After a brief discussion, Algeri made a motion to cancel
the July meeting.Eggleston seconded the motion and it passed unanimously
g. Comcast—No report
9. De Anza College—No report
10. Activities Calendar. The Mayor's tea was cancelled for the month of July and August. The
educational grants were deleted from the calendar.
11. Action Item List: No changes.
Algeri made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 p.m. Eggleston seconded the motion and
the motion passed unanimously.
Linda Lagergren, Recokinj Secretary Chairperson ��
Telecommunications Commission
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the regular meeting of the
Te?ecommunications Commission of the City of Cupertino, California, scheduled for
Wednesday,July 2,2003,at 7:00 p.m.will be cancelled due to lack of business.
Dated this 5th day of June,2003.
Linda Lagergren,Reo g Secretary
Linda Lagergren, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That she caused the
above Notice to be posted near the door of the Cupertino City Fall located at 10300 Torre
Avenue, Cupertino,California.
Linda Lagergren,R erretary
Printed on Recycled Paper
Telecommunications Commission
Regular Meeting
August 6,2003
Chair Ernest Tsui called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m.
Commissioners present: Ernest Tsu:,,Sal Algeri,Steven Ting,David Eggleston,
L.T. Guttadauro
Commissioners absent: None
Staff: Rick Kitson,Linda Lagergren
Guests: Linda Grodt,Doug Broomfield,Don Yeager
1. Algeri made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Ting seconded the motion. All in favor.
Motion passed.
Oral: Don Yeager thanked the Commission, City Council and staff for their efforts to secure
the production facility in Mountain View for use by the access p oducers. He said he regretted not
being able to bring Linda Walker over as the spokesperson for Able Cable.
Linda Grodt said she spent the last two weeks of September finishing the last Silicon Kids show
on the National Association of Student Councils Conference.
Written: None
The Commission took item#6 out of order.
6. Public Access Agreement — Kitson thanked the Commission,De Anza College and the public
access producers for their efforts in the public access agreement endeavor. It was a very
difficult fiscal situation for De Anza and the City was in a very difficult budget year. Kitson
briefly reviewed the agreement with the Commission. The City is very pleased to be working
with I{MVT who has a reputation for very good programming. The agreement was approved by
City Council. Doug Broomfield mentioned that KMVT is looking at a regional approach. They
have taken on Los Altos and Cupertino and are looking at Sunnyvale, Santa Clara,and Milpitas.
The Commission expressed an interest in touring KMVT station. Rick Kitson will send out an
e-mail with proposed dates for a tour.
3. Status of Planning Commission's review on July 28'd of the wireless master plan — Tsui and
Algeri attended the Planning Commission meeting of July 280'. Colin Jung reviewed the wireless
master plan with the Commission and Algeri and Tsui were on hand to explain and answer
questions. The Planning Commission voted to delete Item 6.5 as recommended by the
Telecommunications Commission. There was a lot of discussion at the Planning Commission
regarding safety issues which led to discussion about public noticing and education. Ting suggested
a plan be developed to educate the general public on the wireless ordinance and that this be added
to the Commission's work plan.
4. Select Antenna Ordinance Work Group — Algeri and Tsui volunteered to act as the
subcommittee to review the antenna ordinance.
5. Wireless Services Discussion — This item was continued to the September meeting. (It will be
referred to as E-Services on the next agenda.)
2. Discuss topics for upcoming Informational Forum —HDTV —After a lengthy discussion on the
difficulty the commissioners were having trying to contact the appropriate people from Comcast
and Intel to put this forum together, it was the consensus of the Commission to do instead a series
of Scene articles on HDTV. Guttadauro will prepare an outline of suggested topics for this series:
• Why
• Hardware
• Programming
• Delivery
Reports from:
7. City of Cupertino — Kitson distributed three handouts 1) Communications Law Update on
franchise fees and intereet cable services, 2) Comcast programming changes 3) June Comcast
monthly report
8. Comcast—No report
10. Activities Calendar. Updates included assigning Ernest Tsui to attend the October 21't Mayor's
Tea, L.T. Guttadauro will attend the November 18'h Mayor's Tea and David Eggleston will attend
the December meeting with the Mayor.
11. Action Item List: Items 2 and 4 were combined (Write article for Scene and Write article after
implementation of EFM on what residents can do to improve cellular coverage) Item S was
completed (Clarify the producer grant language)and Item 7 was also completed and deleted off the
list(Write article for Scene on DSL access.)An item was added to the action item list—Outline of
topics for Scene.
Guttadauro made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:03 p.m.,Algeri seconded the motion and
the motion passed unanimously.
Linda l agergren,j66Vdid Secretary Ernest'Tsui,Chairperson -76103
S rsC4L.-k
Telecommunications Commission
Regular Meeting
September 3,2003
Vice Chair L.T.Guttadauro called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
Commissioners present: L.T. Guttadauro, Sal Algeri, Steven"Ting,David Eggleston,
Commissioners absent: Ernest Tsui
Staff: Rick Kitson,Linda Lagergren
Guests: Linda Grodt,Eric Moyer(MetroFi)
1. Algeri made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Eggleston seconded the motion. All in
favor. Motion passed.
Oral: Linda Grodt said she entered the WAVE awards. This year the ceremony will be in
Written: None
2. Update on series of Scene articles—HDTV—Guttadauro reviewed the suggested topics for
the articles. The Commission each took a topic and will prepare an outline by the October
• Article 1 —What is it? Why is it coming about? (L.T. Guttadauro)
• .'Article 2 — Why do we need it / want it? What are differences, advantages and
disadvantages over existing technology? (Sal Algeri)
• Article 3 -- When do we get it?Who will provide it? (Ernest Tsui)
o Article 4— How much will it cost? (Steven'Ping)
• Article 5—Conclusion (David Eggleston)
3. MetroFi—Business Overview — Rick Kitson said he was contacted by MetroFi a month ago
and they are interested in coming to Cupertino. Eric Moyer, VP of Operations, attended the
meeting and reviewed the business plan for MetroFi. The target is to provide service to the
residents and City of Cupertino, not the business environment. Kitson said the City would
continue discussions with MetroFi.
4. Discuss E-Services—Ting said we need to involve experts that are providing the e-services. He
contacted Apple and HP. Ting and Eggleston met with HP repres-.,ntatives and in the next few
weeks will meet again to further these discussions. They will also be meeting with Mike
Foulkes of Apple. Within two weeks after discussions with HP and Apple,Ting will prepare an
outline and bring it to the next commission meeting.
Reports from:
5. City of Cupertino— No report.
6. Co®cast — No report. Kitson said we haven't received the Comcast monthly reports on a
regular basis. iuvy did consent to merging the two franchise agreements. The entire franchise
agreement would expire in 2010 and negotiations would begin in 2007.
7. Activities Calendar. No changes.
8. Action Item List: Item 3 was deleted(Status of DSL in Cupertino). Ting mentioned that after
the blackout on the east coast,he thought it was important to get the word out to our residents
that in a blackout residents should have a phone that is hard wired because portable phones(not
cellular) do not operate without electricity. Ernest Tsui and Steven Ting said they met with the
reporter of the Sing Tao Daily regarding the Wireless Master Plan.
Algeri made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:41 p.m., Eggleston seconded the motion and
the motion passed unanimously.
Linda Lagergren, Recording Secretary L.T.Guttadauro, Vice Chairperson
Telecommunications Commission
Regular Meeting
October 1, 2003
Ernest Tsui called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
Commissioners present: L.T. Guttadauro, Steven Ting,David Eggleston,Ernest Tsui
Commissioners absent: Sal Algeri
Staff: Linda Lagergren
Guests: Linda Grodt,Diane Benedetti
1. David Eggleston made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. L.T. Guttadauro seconded
the motion. All in favor. Motion passed.
Oral: Diane Benedetti of the Senior TV Productions that produces the Better Part said that
they have been at the Mountain View TV Studio since August and love it there. She said the staff are
very helpful and all worries have been eased about the move. She is however concerned about the
future of public access. She has concerns about the amount of programming that is being telecast and
worries that people won't watch if there is dead air space. She asked staff to provide her with a copy of
the contract the city holds with the Mountain View TV studio. The Commission also requested a copy
of the contract.
Written: L.T. Guttadauro reviewed with the Commission a wireless article from the Courier
titled "Can You Hear Me Now?"
2. Update on series of Scene articles -- HDTV—The Commission discussed the topics for the
articles and reviewed the progress to date.
• Article 1 —What is it? Why is it coming about? (L.T. Guttadauro)
• Article 2 — Why do we need it / want it? What are differences, advantages and
disadvantages over existing technology? (Sal Algeri)
• Article 3 -- When do we get it?Who will provide it? (Ernest Tsui)
• Article 4-- How much will it cost? (Steven Ting)
• Article 5—Conclusion (David Eggleston)
L.T. Guttadauro reviewed the FCC article on HDTV that he had e-mailed to the commission.
He will check with Rick to see if the City can get permission to re-print sections of the article
for the Scene.
It was mentioned the FCC article did not address why we need HDTV and the cost. It
covers mostly programming issues. It is a general awareness piece. The digital technology may
be what people are interested in. The cost would really vary.
Guttadauro and Algeri will bring a draft of Articles 1 and 2 to the November meeting,
for publication in the December and January Scene. Tsui, Ting and Eggleston will bring a draft
of articles 3,4 and 5 to the December meeting for publication in the February, March and April
Ting said he would provide a few links for reference of the Microsoft Media Center.
3. Discussion regarding the wireless ordinance modifications - The commission agreed to
read the ordinance, send changes or edits to Kitson and Lagergren and be prepared to discuss
any modifications at the November meeting. Lagergren said she would e-mail a soft copy to all
the commissioners.
Deports from:
4. City of Cupertino-
Two City Council Candidate Forums scheduled
a. Next Wednesday, October 8 h Candidates Forum Hosted by Rotary and Chamber of
Commerce at QCC- 12 noon(there is a charge)
b. Wednesday, October 22id - City Council Chambers Hosted by League of Women
Council Candidates are Deborah Barrett,Richard Lowenthal,Kris Wang,Ron Moore
5. Activities Calendar. The October 25' Cupertino Senior TV celebration was added to the
calendar. The celebration will take place at the Senior Center from 3 to 5 p.m. The WAVE
awards ceremony will take place in Denver this year.
Ting reported on the Mayor's tea.
6. Action Item List: Tsui said he would complete the articles (Wireless radiation and
Implementation of EFM) for the Scene by October 8a' for the November Scene. Two items
were added to the action item list. Item #- -Guttadauro and Algeri will prepare articles 1 & 2
for November l y` meeting for the December and January Scene. Item #6 - Tsui, Ting and
Eggleston will prepare articles 3, 4, and 5 by December V meeting for the February, March and
April Scene.
Eggleston made a motion to adjoum the meeting at 8:30 p.m., Ting seconded the motion and
the motion.passed unanimously.
Linda Lagergren, Recording Secretary Viee Chairperson
Emu F-7Vt�
Telecommunications Commission
Regular Meeting
November 5, 2003
Ernest Tsui called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.
Commissioners present: L.T. Guttadauro, Steven Ting, David Eggleston, Ernest Tsui, Sal
Commissioners absent: None
Staff: Rick Kitson, Linda Lagergren
Guests: Linda Grodt,Diane Bennedetti
1. Guttadauro made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Eggleston seconded the motion.
All in favor. Motion passed.
Oral: Linda Grodt announced that the Silicon Kids show, "Conference at Monta Vista"was a
finalist in the documentary category of the WAVE awards. The awards will take place in Denver on
November 15.
Diane Bennedetti announced that the "55 .Alive' show was a finalist in the senior category in
the WAVE awards.
L.T. Guttadauro said fie attended the Senior Television 20'h anniversary celebration and it was a
great event.
Ernest Tsui reported on the Mayor's tea with the Commissioners.
The commission requested that Tent' Greene, City Architect, attend one of the commission
meetings to discuss the wireless internet access outside the Library.
Written: None
2. Update on series of Scene articles-- HDTV—The Commission discussed the topics for the
articles and reviewed the progress to date.
• Article 1 —What is it? Why is it coming about? (L.T.Guttadauro)
• Article 2 — Why do we need it / want it? What are differences, advantages and
disadvantages over existing technology`? (Sal Algeri)
• Article 3 -- When do we get it?Who will provide it? (Ernest Tsui)
Article 4-- How much will it cost? (Steven Ting)
• Article 5 -Conclusion (David Eggleston)
Rick Kitson thanked the commission for the articles they submitted on HDTV and wireless
AML Sal Algeri will submit article#2 for the December meeting.
Ernest Tsui will submit article#3 for the December meeting.
Steve Ting and David Eggleston will submit articles#4 and#5 by the January meeting.
Rick will e-mail articles to the entire commission.
3. Discussion regarding the wireless ordinance modifications — After discussion, the
Commission agreed to wait until Colin Jung did a first pass of the wireless ordinance and then
review his comments. Tsui highlighted the sections he thought the Commission should
concentrate on. The commission agreed to contact Colin Jung with any other items they felt
should be included.
4. Review T agreement — Diane Bennedetti spoke to the commission and stated she is
really enjoying,the new studio in Mountain View,however,her concern was the large amount
of non-programming. She would like to see more programming on the channel. Kitson said
we have not received any complaints from residents regarding the lack of programming. We
can invite Doug Broomfield from KMVT to a commission meting to answer questions about
the dead air time and see if he can propose suggestions,without adding costs to the City.
Reports from:
5. City of Cupertino— None
6. Comeast— Kitson said he has contacted Comcast, but they have not returned his calls. Kitson
distributed corre-zpondence from Comcast.
7. Activities Calendar. No changes or updates
8. Action Item List: Items 1, 2, 3 and 4 were completed and deleted from the Action Item list.
one item was added: Put Scene articles on the Telecommunications Commission website. Rick
Kitson is responsible for this item.
Algeri made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:36 p.m.,Guttadauro seconded the motion and
the motion passed unanimously.
Linda Lagergren,Reco ng lecretarY Ernest Tsui,C ai rson
Telecommunications Commission
Regular Meeting
December 3, 2003
Ernest Tsui called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m.
Commissioners present: L.T. Guttadauro, Steven Ting,David Eggleston, Ernest Tsui,
Sal Algeri
Commissioners absent: None
Staff. Rick Kitson,Linda Lagergren
Guests: Linda Grodt,Bob Allen,.Diane Benedetti,Doug Broomfield
1. L.T. Guttadauro made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Sal Algeri seconded the
motion. All in favor. Motion passed.
Oral: Linda Grodt distributed several news articles regarding Comcast Cable. Grodt also
mentioned that a Silicon Kids program was a finalist in the WAVE awards, however, the program did
not win.
Diane Benedetti of The Better Part won a WAVE award for the 55 Alive update.
Doug Broomfield said"On The Move"was also a winner of a WAVE award.
Kitson suggested we announce the winners at future council meeting.
L.T. Guttadauro reported en the Mayor's Tea. Ernest Tsui will attend the next Mayor's
Breakfast meeting.
Written: None
2. Update on series of Scene articles— HDTV—The Commission discussed the topics for the
articles and reviewed the progress to date.
• Article 1 —What is it? Why is it coming about? (L.T.Guttadauro)
• Article 2 — Why do we need. it / want it? What are differences, advantages and
disadvantages over existing technology? (Sal Algeri)
• Article 3 -- When do we get it?Who will provide it? (Ernest Tsui)
• Article 4-- How much will it cost? (Steven Ting)
• Article 5 - Conclusion (David Eggleston)
L.T. Guttadauro presented the first article at the November meeting. Sal Algeri prepared
the second article. Ernest Tsui will prepare the third article before his term expires.
Articles 4 and 5 will be prepared by Steven Ting and David Eggleston by the January
3. Discussion regarding the wireless ordinance modifications— This item was continued to a
future meeting. It will be delayed until Colin Jung prepares the proposed changes for the
Commissioners review.
4. Discuss KMVT programming—Doug Broomfield — Kitson said everyone is interested in
doing as much as can be done for public access. The City is pleased with the agreement we
have with KMVT. It is a one-year contract. There are opportunities for growth. Everyone is
interested in what these opportunities might be. Dead time on the station is an issue for
Doug Bloomfield said they are close to being limited to capacity at this time, however,they
are exploring the use of extra equipment for playback. A possibility is beefing up the bulletin
board and listing community events is a possibility. KMVT wants to keep the unique sense
and feel for each community instead of a regional feel. The regional aspect has to work with
all six communities.Unified is the way to go,but still give it a unique way and feel.KMVT is
in the process of putting together a 5-year strategic plan.
The commission asked if they could get a copy of the 5-year plan when it is completed. Ting
said the question we need to look at is do we have enough viewers to justify the higher cost of
more airtime on the channel. We need to survey the residents on-line or in the Scene to see
what the number of viewers. KMVT will forward the survey results to Kitson and then on to
the Commission.
Reports from:
5. City of Cupertino — Dick Kitson thanked Ernest Tsui for his 10 years of service on the
,Telecommunications Commission and presented him with a proclamation.
6. Comcast— Kitson distributed a letter from Comcast.
7. Activities Calendar. Mayor's meeting with commissioners changed from an afternoon tea to a
breakfast meeting. The meetings will be held on the third Tuesday of each month and the first
one will be December I&at 7:15 a.m.A new calendar will be prepared for 2004.
8, Action Item List: No changes were made to the action item list.
Sal Algeri nominated L.T. Guttadauro for Chair. Ernest Tsui seconded the motion. All in favor.
Motion carried.
L.T. Guttadauro nominated Steven Ting for Vice Chair. Ernest Tsui seconded the motion. All
in favor. Motion carried.
Algeri made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:32"p.m.,Guttadauro seconded the motion and
the motion passed unanimously.
Linda Lagergren,11,00fding Secretary L.T.Guttadauro,Chairperson