Telecommunications Commission
Regular Meeting
February 4,2004
L.T. Guttadauro called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
Commissioners present: L.T. Guttadauro, Steven Ting,David Eggleston,Sal Algeri
Charlon McIntosh
Commissioners absent: None
Staff. hick Kitson,Linda Lagergren
Guests: Linda Grodt,Diane Benedetti,Terry Egan(Cupertino resident)
Introductions were made by the group to the new commissioner, Charloia McIntosh who also
gave a brief history of her background.
1. Sal Algeri made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. David Eggleston seconded the 4
motion.All in favor. Motion passed. Charlon McIntosh abstained.
Oral: Diane Benedetti of.The Better-Part brought a AJeo clip of the council meeting in which
they were presented a proclamation for thl; work that they have done and the WAVE award they
Written: Rick Kitson distributed the invitations to the Commissioner's reception to be held on
Wednesday,February 25`b from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Council Chambers.
2. Update on series of Scene articles— HD►TV—The Commission discussed the topics for the
articles and reviewed the progress to date.
o Article 1 —What is it? Why is it coming about? (L.T. Guttadauro)
• Article 2 — Why do we need it / want it? What are differences, advantages and
disadvantages over existing technology? (Sal Algeri)
o Article 3 -- When do we get it?Who will provide it? (Ernest'Tsui)
• Article 4-- Flow much will it cost? (Steven Ting)
• Article 5—Conclusion (David Eggleston)
Kitson reported that he had not yet received the article from Ernest Tsui. L.T. Guttadauro said
he,would call Ernest and get article#3. Kitson said article #2 will be in the March Scene, with
article #3 in the April Scene and article #4 in the May and finally the conclusion in the June
3. DLRcuss KMVT Strategic Plan -- Doug Broomfield was not at the meeting, so the
Commission decided to continue this item to the March meeting.
4. Wireless Internet access for Plaza and Community Hall—Terry Greene
Kitson reported that not much has happened yet on the wireless internet access for the
Library, however, although it had earlier been cut from the project, it has since been added
back in. Wireless internet access is also planned for the Plaza outside the Library. They
haven't worked out the liability problems, such as privacy and security issues. The
connectivity is a concern. When the proposals come in, the Commission 'nay be asked to
review them.
5. Goals and Workplan for 2004
The Commission discussed ideas and priorities for a workplan for the year. Steve Ting and
David Eggleston resorted on the meeting with Hewlett Packard. At the meeting HP reported
on what they Have to offer in regards to E-services. HP is very i'rappy to arrange another visit
with one of their customers which is the City of Palo Alto. It was suggested that in 2004 the
commission continue to publish articles in the Scene. They will put together a list of articles
and each commissioner can write a portion of the article.
Ting asked Kitson to get the viewer ship data from KA1VT.The Commission said they would
develop questions for the city's bi-annual survey.
2004 Telecommunications Commission Draft Workplan
1. 1.E-Government
2. KMVT Strategic plan and negotiate new agreement
3. Create mission statement for Public Access
4. Provide articles for the Cupertino Scene(100-150 words)
5. E-polling/Develop questions for random dial survey/Scene Survey
Reports from:
5. City of Cupertino— Kitson had nothing to report.
6. Comenst — Kitson reported that we have been working with Comcast. Comcast has tried to
charge us for boxes that we don't own. Comcast's monthly report had not been received. The
Commission asked if a representative from Comcast could come to a future meeting. Rick will
check into it.
7. Activities Calendar. The Commission reviewed the calendar and added the naives of the
Commissioners who will attend the upcoming Mayor's breakfast meetings.
Action Item List- No changes were made to the action item list.
Sal 'f'Sri made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:51 p.m., David Eggleston seconded the
motion Lard the motion passed unanimously.
r '
Linda Lagergren,It mg Secretary L.T. Guttadauro,Chairperson
Telecommunications Commission
Regular Meeting
March 3,2004
L.T.Guttadauro called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Commissioners present: L.T.Guttadauro, Steven Ting,David Eggleston, Charlon McIntosh
Commissioners absent: Sal Algen
Staff hick Kitson,Linda Lagergren
Guests: Linda Grodt,Diane Benedetti,Doug Broomfield,Don Yeager
1. Steven Ting made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. David Eggleston seconded
the motion.All in favor. Motion passed
Oral: Diane Benedetti producer of the Better Part thanked Commissioners L.T. Guttadauro
and David Eggleston and City Manager David Knapp for attending the KMVT 20' anniversary
celebration on February 26".
Linda Grodt distributed two articles to the commissioners, one article on Palo Alto public
access and the other on San Jose public access.
Don Yeager stated he enjoys working at the Mountain View public access studio and
appreciates all the support the City has given. Don said he hoped everyone got a chance to see the
article in the San Jose Mercury Guide on the"On the Move"access show.
Written: Rick Kitson presented to Charlon McIntosh the plaque from the commissioner's
2. Update on series of Scene articles — DDTV—The Commission discussed the topics for the
articles and reviewed the progress to date.
• Article I —What is it? Why is it coming about? (L.T.Guttadauro)
Article 2 — Why do we need it J want it? What are differences, advantages and
disadvantages over existing technology? (Sal Algeri)
® Article 3 -- When do we get it?Who will provide it? (Chalon McIntosh)
® Article 4-- How much will it cost? (Steven Ting)
• Article 5—Conclusion (David Eggleston)
AML Charlon McIntosh completed article three and it will be in the April Scene. Kitson will put
articles 1,2 and 3 on the City's website.
3. Update on wireless ordinance modifications — This item will be continued to a future
4. Finalize Goals and Workplan for 2004 -- The commission discussed the priorities of the
2004 workplan. The commission suggested inviting the candidates who applied for the
Telecommunications Commission to a future meeting.
5. KMVT Strategic Plan -- Doug Broomfield said a regional center is more cost effective.
KMVT is developing a unified channel line-up that will serve Cupertino, Los Altos, and
Mountain View. He felt this option would better serve all three communities in a way that
would provide a maximized 1Pvel of service in a cost-effective manner. Cupertino lost a lot of
community access programmaxg when KMVT took on playback responsibilities in July of
The unified program line-up will carry the same programming to all the cities that KMVT
serves and yet still maintain the ability to cablecast separate programming to separate
commuLdes. Broomfield proposed implementing a pilot program to test the unified schedule
Bloomfield said 2004/05 is a year of planning and 2005/06 will be the year to make changes.
KMVT is looking at fundraising.
Ting asked if programming changes and audience interests had been discussed. Concerns
about program content was discussed.
Eggleston made a motion to approve the concept and implementation of the proposed unified
pilot program schedule, beginning April 1, 2004, for a six-month period and to keep the
commission informed of the progress. McIntosh seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion
Reports from:
6. City of Cupertino— Kitson said the City Council is interested in surveying the community,
primarily about the general plan issues. He asked the commission to develop a question for
the random dial survey.
7. Comeast— Kitson distributed the December and January Contcast reports. Kitson will follow
up with the question the commission had about outages. The outages are not included in the
report. Kitson will send a letter to Comcast asking why the reports have less information than
in previous:months.
Kitson distributed the proposed draft ordinance of the old Heritage franchise.
8. Activities Calendar. The Commission reviewed the calendar and changed some of the
naives of the Commissioners who will attend the upcoming Mayor's breakfast meetings.
L.T. Guttadauro reported on the Mayor's breakfast meeting.
9. Ammon Item List: Commissioners reviewed the action item list. On March 1 8'h David
Eggleston, Steve Ting and Rick Kitson along with HP will visit the City of Palo Alto and see
how they have used HP equipment and software for e-government.
Steven Ting made a motion to adjourn the meting at 9:14 p.m., Charlon seconded the motion
and the motion passed unanimously.
T 'nda Lagergren,ReconW Secretary L.T.Guttadauro, hairperson
Teleconmimfl Wons Commission
Regular Meeting
April 7,2004
L.T. Guttadauro,called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
Commissioners present: L.T. Guttadauro, Steven Ting, David Eggleston, Chcrlon McIntosh
Sal Algeri
Commissioners absent: None
Staf Rick Kitson
Guests: Linda Grodt,Diane Benedetti
1. Ting made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted.McIntosh seconded the motion. All
in favor.Motion passed.
Ora h Linda GGrodt shared a few Comcast articles with the Commission
Written: None
2. Update on series of Scene articles—HDTV—The Commission discussed the topics for the
articles and reviewed the progress to date.
m .Article 1 —What is it? Why is it coming about? (L.T.Guttadauro)
o Article 2 'Why do we need it 1 want it? What are differences, advantages and
disadvantages over existing technology? (Sal Algeri)
o Article 3-- When do we get it?Who will provide it? (Ch8rlon McIntosh)
® Article 4— How much will it cost? (Steven Ting)
• Article 5 Conclusion (David Eggleston)
L.T. Guttadauro said he will e-mail all the completed articles to the group. The Commission
had a general discussion on HDTV.
3. Report on City of Palo Alto Visit —Ting, Eggleston and Guttadm o visited the IT
Department at the City of Palo Alto. Palo Alto's IT Dept. has 37 employees. The department
in sources support for e-government programs. Palo Alto does not have any dramatically
differmt services than other cities. They do not have web casting. The emphasis is on bill
paying services and revenue generating opportunities. They plan to continue to sell their
services, but have no other plans. It was discussed that e-government goals should be
developed for Cupertino. s
4. Refer Public Access KMVT unified channel proposal to Council—This item was tabled.
Reports from:
5. City of Cupertino— No report from Kitson
ti. Comeast— Kitson reported that Comcast had not provided a monthly report. He discussed
the upcoming programming changes.JADE was added to the cable lineup.
7. Activities Calendar. No changes.
8. Action Item List: Added development of e-government goals to list.
Algeri made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 p.m., Eggleston seconded the motion and
the motion passed unanimously. E
Linda Lagergren,RArdfng Secretary L.T.Guttadauro,Chairperson
Telecommunications Commission
Regular Meeting
® May S,2004
L.T. Guttadauro called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
Commissioners present: L.T. Guttadauro,David Eggleston,Charlon McIntosh
Commissioners absent: Steven Ting,Sal Algen
Staff. Rick Kitson,Linda Lagergren,Terry Greene,Nidhi Mathur
Guests: Linda Grodt,
Commis sign took ItRQm#3 and#4 out of order
3. Presentation by Terry Greene (City Architect) on hot zones at City pants — City
.Architect Terry Greene said the objective of the City was to have wireless access in the Civic
Center and the City Cent,-p«:k The County's plan for the Library included wireless access.
The City is providing the hardware, however, because of County cutbacks the County is not
planning at this time to provide wireless access in the Library. It will be designed for the
Library, but not implemented. It is the City's intention to provide wireless access in the Plaza
at this time. The hardware and installation is inexpensive,it's the service that is the expensive
part of the project.
4. Discuss and tour of City website —Nidhi Mathur (City Webmaster) took the Commission
through a tour of the City website and reviewed what we have on it currently and where we
want to go.
1. Eggleston made a motion to approve the minutes the addition of the names of the people who
attended the City of Palo. McIntosh seconded the motion.All in favor.Motion passed.
Oral: None
Written: None
2. Update on series of Scene articles -- HDTV — The Commission discussed the topics for the
articles and reviewed the progress to date.
• Article 1 —What is it? Why is it corning about? (L.T.Guttadauro)
• Article 2 — Why do we need it / want it? What are differences, advantages and
disadvantages over existing technology? (Sal Algeri)
• Article 3 -- When do we get it?Who will provide it? (Charlon McIntosh)
• Article 4— How much will it cost? (Stevens Ting)
• Article 5—Conclusion (David Eggleston)
Eggleston will finish the conclusion article and send it to the Commission for review.
Reports from:
5. City of Cupertino— Kitson distributed the results of the community survey. It is in the same
format as in previous years. The number one reason that people move to Cupertino is for the
education. 87%of the residents are satisfied with the City services. 92%have Internet access
and 75%have high speed or broadband.
b. Comeast— Kitson distributed the March letter and monthly report. The Commission would
dike a Comcast representative to attend a Telecommunication Commission meeting at least
once per year to answer some of their questions.
7. Ac"es Calendar. The date of the CREST awards was corrected to May 19". Charlon
McIntosh reported on the April Mayor's breakfast meeting.
8. Action Item List: No updates.
]Eggleston made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:49 p.m.; McIntosh seconded the motion
and the motion passed unanimously.
-� CC
Linda Lagergren,Re&rdiNg Secretary L.T. Guttadauro, Chairperson
Telecommunications Commission
Regular Meeting
June 2,2004
L.T. Guttadawo=Mad the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
Commissioners present: L.T.Guttadauro,David Eggleston,Charlon McIntosh,Sal Algeri
Steven Ting
Commissioners absent: none
Staff Rick Kitson,Linda Lagergren
Guests: Linda Grodt,Diane Bennedetti
1. McIntosh made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Eggleston seconded the
motion.Ting and Algeri abstained.All in favor.Motion passed
Oral: Alone
Written: An article on Comcast's Virile VOID was distributed. Ting suggested the
Commission put together an article on VOEP instead of concentrating on e-services. The following
topics can be covered in the article:
S What is VOID?
o Who will offer it?
o What quality of service is there?
The article should not be related to a specific carrier. Comcast is not the only one doing VOID. The
Commission suggested inviting a representative from Comcast and possibly at another meeting
inviting a representative from SBC to speak on the subject.
2. Update on series of Scene articles -- HDTV—The Commission discussed the topics for the
articles and reviewed the progress to date.
® Article 1 —What is it? Why is it coming about? (L.T.Guttadauro)
o Article 2 — Why do we neeu it / want it? What are differences, advantages and
disadvantages over existing technology? (Sal Algerl)
o Article 3-- When do we get it?Who will provide it? (Charlon McIntosh)
o Article 4-- How much will it cost? (Steven Ting)
o Article 5—Conclusion (David Eggleston)
Article 3 was published in the June Scene. Article 4 will be in the July Scene. Eggleston will
finish the conclusion article and send it to the Commission for review and then publish it in the
September Scene.
3. E-government services — The Commission questioned if there was money in the budget to
pursue e-government services. They decided it was best to develop an e-government services
plan first. After the plan is completed, and if the City has money in the budget at that time,
then the Commission can pursue the plan. The Commission will spend some time developing
goals and a plan of action for e-government services. Ting will write a vision statement for e-
govemment services.
Reports from.
4. City of Cupertino — Kitson reviewed the status of the proposed budget along with the
proposed cuts and reductions. The Council will approve the final budget at the Council meeting
on June 21. Kitson said Ernest Tsui served as the liaison to the Planning staff and Commission
on the antenna ordinance and placement of antennas in the City. Colin Jung asked who on the
Telecommunications Commission would be taking on this assignment.The Commission agreed
when request come in from the Planning staff or the Planning Commission, the requests can be
forwarded to the Telecommunications Commission and they woulA assign a Commissioner to
the task.
Kitson said he met with KMVT to discuss the new bulletin board format. Kitson distributed
KMVT services outline and showed a video of the sample bulletin board.A question was raised
whether Access could do fundraising and put it on the bulletin board.
5. Comeast— Comcast submitted two monthly reports and the written reports were distributed to
the Commission. There was a concern;about the lack of content in the reports. The Commission
would like their concerns addressed and asked Kitson to invite a Comcast representative tn
attend one of the upcoming meetings.
6. Activities Calendar. No change were made to the calendar. Algeri reported on.-the, May
Mayor's breakfast meeting.
7. Action Item Lists An additional task was added to item 2—Develop vision statement regarding
e-government services..
• s
ADJOLJAtltMiili l •,
Algeri made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:39 p.m.; McIntosh seconded the motion and
the motion passed unanimously.
Linda Lagergren,Rec&4 Secretary L.T.Guttadauro,Chairperson
Telecommunications Commission
Regular Meeting
July 7,2004
L.T. Guttadauro cflled the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Commissioners present: L.T. Guttadauro,David Eggleston,Sal Algeri,Steven Ting
Commissioners absent: Charlon McIntosh
Staff. Rick Kitson,Linda Lagergren
Guests: Linda Grodt,Diane Benedetti
1. Eggleston made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Algeri seconded the motion.
All in favor. Motion passed.
Oral. Diane Bennedetti (Cupertino Senior Television) said that she was interviewed by
Channel 57, Cable Network headline News,and the interview is airing five times per day for a
Written: L.T. Guttadauro distributed a Mercury News(Michael Langberg)article from July 2,
2004. The article was about the increase cost of receivers. An addition of costly digital tuners
will be added to televisions. Between now and July 1, 2005, half of all YV sets shipped with
screens 36"or larger must have a digital tuner.
Rick Kitson distributed a favorable written communication to KMVT.
2. Update on series of Scene articles -- HDTV — The Commission discussed the topics for the
articles and reviewed the progress to date.
• Article 1 —What is it? Why is it coming about? (L.T.Guttadauro)
• Article 2 — Why do we need it / want it? What are differences, advantages and
disadvantages over existing technology? (Sal Algerl)
• Article 3 -- When do we get it?Who will provide it? (Charlon McIntosh)
• Article 4-- How much will it cost? (Steven Ting)
• Article 5—Conclusion (David Eggleston)
Article 4 was published in the July Scene.
Eggleston submitted the conclusion article to be published in the September Scene. Ting made
a comment on the
3. E-government services — Kitson said the City Manager would like the commission to look
at Library e-services. The commission discussed forming a subcommittee and the committee
could conduct a preliminary evaluation of the virtual or e-library feasibility. The commission
agreed to look at this possibility. They had concerns that there should be collaboration
between the Telecommunications Commission and the Library Commission on this subject.
They agreed they needed to see if this is a viable technology for the library, not lose focus on
e-government goals, but also proceed with the City Manager's goal of e-services for the
4. VOIP articles for the Scene — After discussion, the commission agreed they would like to
write some articles for the Scene on VOID. Steven Ting agreed to develop five subject titles
for articles to be published in the Scene on Voice over Internet Protocol.
5. Cancellation of August meeting — Algeri made a motion to cancel the August
Telecommunication Commission meeting. Eggleston seconded the motion. All in favor.
Reports from:
G. City of Cupertino— Kitson presented an overview of the current final budget.
7. Comeast — Kitson distributed communication from Comcast. The commission is still
unhappy with the content of the reports received from Comcast. Kitson will once again invite
Eddie Garcia to the September meeting.
8. Activities Calendar -- Ting reported on the June Mayors breakfast meeting. The Cali Mill
Plaza opening event was added to the calendar.
9. Action Item List — The action item list was updated. Item I (Prepare articles on HDTV for
the Scene)was completed. Two items were added:
a. Identify best current practices in virtual library automation.
b. Develop five titles for Voice Over Internet Protocol articles for the Scene.
Algeri made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m.; Eggleston seconded the motion and
the motion passed unanimously.
Linda Lagergren,R rding Secretary L.T.Guttadauro,Chairperson
Telecommunications Commission
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the regular meeting of the
Telecommunications Commission of the City of Cupertino, California, scheduled- for
Wednesday,August 4,2004,at 7:00 p.m.will be cancelled due to lack of business.
Dated this 22nd day of July,2004.
Linda Lage en,Recordin669ary
Linda.Lagergren, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That she caused the
above Notice to be posted near the door of the Cupertino City Hall located at 10300 Torre
Avenue,Cupertino,California. ! i►
Linda Lagergr en,Recording
Telecommunications Commission
Regular Meeting
September 1,2004
These minutes are brief because the audio tapes of the meeting were blauL
L.T. Guttadauro called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Commissioners present: L.T.Guttadauro,Charlon McIntosh,Sal Algeri, Steven Ting
Commissioners absent: David Eggleston
Staff. Rick Kitson
Guests: Linda Grodt
'h 1. Algeri made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Ting seconded the motion. All in
favor. Motion passed.
..y Oral:
Written: Commission revic;wed the following written communications.
2. June 1 st letter from Comcast
3. June 2nd letter from Comcast&attachment regarding scheduling changes
4. July 9th letter from Comcast&June 2004 monthly service report
5. July 15th letter from City to Comcast regarding May 2004 customer service report
6. July 28th letter from Comcast regarding programming changes
7. August 6th letter from Comcast regarding programming services
8. August 9th letter from Comcast&July 204 monthly service report
9. E-government services— Ting will take the lead on this project.
10. VOIP articles for the Scene—Charlon McIntosh will take the lead on this project.
11. E-Library services
Reports from:
12. City of Cupertino — Kitson reported that the series of articles were completed. Charlon
asked for them to be put on the web.
13. Comcast— Comcast reports were distributed.
14. Activities Calendar-- No changes were mace to the activities calendar.
15. Action Item List—The action item list was updated. Item 2 (Reach agreement with Y.MVT)
was completed. L.T. Guttadauro and Steve Ting will be responsible for Item 3 (Identify best
current practices in virtual library automation).
Three items were added to the list. Rick take the lead on Item 5 (Foliow up on July 151
Comcast monthly report letter),Item b(Invite Eddie Garcia to a meeting for a general update)
and Item 7(Senior discount in new franchise).
The commission adjourned to the next regular meeting on October 6,2004.
Linda Lagergren,Recor&g Vecretary L.T. Guttadauro,Chairperson
Telecommunications Commission
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the regular meeting of the
Telecommunications Commission of the City of Cupertino, California, scheduled for
Wednesday,October 6,2004,at 7:00 p.m.will be cancelled due to lack of quorum.
Dated this 28th day of September,2004.
Linda Lagergren,Recording Secretary
Linda Lagergren, being first duly sworn, deposes and say-,: That she caused the
above Notice to be posted near the door of the Cupertino City Hall located at 10300 Torre
Avenue, Cupertino,California.
Linda Lagergr Recording Secretary
Telecommunications Commission
Regular Meeting
November 3, 2004
Steven Ting called the meeting to order at 7:12 p.m.
Commissioners present: Charlon McIntosh, Steven Ting, Andrew Radle, Eric Klein
L.T. Guttadauro(arrived at 7:18 p.m.)
Staff. Rick Kitson, Linda Lagergren
Guests: Doug Broomfield
Andrew(Andy)Radle and Eric Klein introduct;d themselves to the group.
I. Ting made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. McIntosh seconded the motion. All
in favor. Radle and Klein abstained. Motion passed.
Oral: Doug Broomfield announced that Val Jeffery of the Better Part won a WAVE award
(Western Alliance Video Excellence awards).
Commission took item#11 out of order.
11. KMVT Strategic Plan —Doug Broomfield said the plan was a vision of the KMVT board.
They are happy about bringing Cupertino on board into their regional center. Broomfield
gave a brief description of the plan. KMVT wants to see what is important to each
community and work with the commission and the community. Broomfield said KMVT
would like to bring all the cities together to discuss how they can meet each city's needs.
They would like to get a representative from each city and meet with that group before the
end of the year. A staff person and a representative from the Telecommunications
Commission would sit at the table with KMVT and discuss needs. Broomfield said they
recognize that it is an aggressive plan.
Written: Commission reviewed the following written communications.
2. August I8th letter from Comcast regarding programming adjustments
3. August 23rd letter from Conicast regarding launch of NFL network
4. September 1 st letter from Comcast regarding change in regulatory fee
5. September 9th letter from Comcast regarding programming adjustments
6. September 9th Comeast monthly service report for August 2004
7. October I st letter from Comcast regarding the Hispanic programming package
8. October bth monthly service report for September 2004
9. Update on VOID articles for Scene- Charlon McIntosh will complete the first article on
Voice Over Internet Protocol by the V of January and it will be printed in the February
Scene: The articles will be approximately 500 words. The commission set a deadline of
March or April to determine if this year they want to have a Forum. If they choose to have
one this year,they selected the month of June for it to take place.
The articles were assigned to each of the Commissioners.
VOID Article Series
a. What is VOIP and How does it work?-Charlon McIntosh (February Scene)
b. Advantages and disadvantages of VOID&VOIP or my traditional landline phone,
What's the difference? Eric Klein (March Scene)
c. How do I get VOIP? Andy Radle (April Scene)
d. How much does VOIP cost? Steve Ting (May Scene)
e. Summary L.T. Guttadauro (June Scene)
10. Update on E-Library Services— The City Manager asked the Commission to look at e-
Library services. He wanted to know how we could keep library hours open by using the
internet (virtual library). The subcommittee looked at the library services that the City of
San Jose provides. The County said the Cupertino Library has to fit within the County wide
footprint. However, it was determined that at this time there were no funds available to
pursue this project. The Commission is now looking at a virtual Library. Kitson will set up
a meeting before the end of the year to discuss this fiuther. The meeting will include
himself, Councilmember Lowenthal,City Manager Dave Knapp, and Commissioners Steve
Ting and L.T.Guttadauro.
Reports from:
12. City of Cupertino- No report
13. Comcast- Comcast reports were distributed.
Activities Callendar-- No updates were made.
Action Item List-Six items were added to the Action Item List
KMVT Scene Article-Doug
Letter to Comcast regarding performance-Rick
Comcast performance review-Rick
Letter to Eddie Garcia regarding community notification-Dick
Set up meeting with Richard Lowenthal and Dave Knapp regarding E-Library -
Organize tour of community hall for next Telecommunications Commission meeting
(Dec.meeting) —Rick
Guttadaurm&a a gave report on the Mayor's Breakfast meeting.
.Y g
Ting made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:28 p.m. to the next regularly scheduled
meeting on Wednesday,December 1,2004.Radle seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed
Linda Lagayren,Re&rdiKg Secretary L.T.Guttadauro,Chairperson
s '
Telecommunications Commission
Regular Meeting
December 1,2004
L.T. Guttadauro called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Commissioners present: Steven Ting, Andrew Radle, Eric Klein, L.T. Guttadauro,
Charlor. McIntosh(arrived at 7:1a p.m.)
Staff: Linda Lagergren
Guests: Linda Grodt,Diane Benedetti
1. Andy Radle made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Steve Ting seconded the
motion. All in favor. Motion passed.
x Oral: Linda Gmdt introduced herself to the Commission, distributed a news article on
® Comcast and information on Akimbo.
ice► Diane Benedetti said the Better Part has a new executive producer, Andrea Dorry. Diane also
played a CD of an interview of herself with Jack Hansen of the Comcast Local Edition show.
Charlon will review the current Commission mission statement and revise it to reflect what the
commission is currently doing.
Pete Coglianese gave the commission a tour of the Community Hall and explained all about its high
tech features.
Written: Commission reviewed the following written communications.
2. Comcast monthly service report for October 2004. Two additional Comcast
correspondences were distributed. The Commission again requested someone to come from
Comcast to attend a Commission meeting and explain the Comcast service report. Rick
Kitson will invite Eddie Garcia to the next meeting.
3. Update on VOID articles for Scene— Charlon McIntosh will complete the first article on
Voice Over Internet Protocol by the I" of January, give it to Kitson for review and it will
then be printed in the February Scene. The articles will be approximately 500 words.
Guttadauro asked the Commissioners to forward their articles as soon as possible to the
other Commissioners for review.
VOID Article Series
a. What is VOTP and Flow does it work?—Charlon McIntosh (February Scene)
b. Advantages and disadvantages of VOIP&VOIP or my traditional landline phone,
What's the difference?—Eric Klein (March Scene)
c. How do I get VOIP? Andy Radle (April Scene)
d. How much does VOID cost? Steve Ting (May Scene)
e. Summary L.T. Guttadauro (Jude Scene)
4. Update on E-Library Services — Kitson will set up a meeting with Councilmember
Lowenthal, City Manager Dave Knapp, and Commissioners Steve Ting and L.T.
Guttadauro to discuss this issue. It was noted that the Library sent out a newsletter
regarding online mechanisms offered at the Library, however, it did not address
downloadable books.
5. 1011VT Strategic Plan — Guttadauro asked the Commission to take a look at the KMVT
Strategic Plan and think about who would like to be on the subcommittee.The Commission
n suggested going to the I{MVT facility in January for the next Telecommunications
Commission meeting and include a tour of the facility so they could become more familiar
with the facility. After the tour in January, the Commission at the February meting will
discuss the strategic plan.
Reports from:
6. City of Cupertino — Linda Lagergren announced that the Swearing In Ceremony would
take place on Thursday, December 2nd at 7:30 p.m. in the new Community Hall. She also
noted that there would not be a Mayor's breakfast meting this month. Lagergren said she
would talk to the new Mayor after the Swearing In Ceremony and see what he would like to
do. The first meeting will probably take place in January.
Steven Ting reported on the November Mayor's breakfast meeting. He said Mayor James
gave a brief report on her year as Mayor and also stated that the Commissioners need to be
sensitive to things that they say in .public when they are representing the City. Ting
suggested the Telecommunications Commission collaborate with other Commissions and
possibly attend other Commission meetings where it might be a benefit, such as the Library
Commission or the Planning Commission. Charlon McIntosh said she attended the Teen
Commission and gave a report on the wort{of the Telecommunications Commission.
7. Comcast— Comcast reports were distributed. No staff from Comcast were pYesent.
Activities Calendar -- Ttie discussion on goals and work plan was moved to the February
meeting so the Commissioners could go to KMVT studios for the January meeting.
Action Item List — Item one was updated to delete Sal's name and add Eric's name. Item
number 12 was completed and deleted from the list.
Ting suggested that since four out of the Eve members were all relatively new to the
commission,it made since to nominate Guttadauro for another year.
Ting nominated L.T. Guttadauro for Chair. Radle seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion
L.T. Guttadauro nominated Steven Ting for Vice Chair. Radle seconded the motion. All in
favor. Motion carried.
Radle made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:37 p.m. to the next regularly scheduled
meeting on Wednesday,January 5,2005.Ting seconded the motion. All in favor.Motion passq
Linda Lagergren, g Secretary L.T. Guttadauro,Chairperson