CC 10-10-2023 Item No. 5. F - Sister and Friendship CIty Policies and Protocols From Other CA CitiesA Policy of the Sister Cities Committee of the City of Santa Cruz 1 Friendship and Sister City Adoption Policy Sharing experiences and knowledge between the City of Santa Cruz and its Friendship and Sister Cities is a source of mutual enrichment. Successful Friendship and Sister City relationships promote peace and understanding by fostering mutual respect and cooperation between individuals and communities. They enhance the quality of life for citizens of both cities. The intent of this document is to define the circumstances, criteria, and processes to nominate and adopt Friendship Cities and recommend to the Santa Cruz City Council the adoption of Sister Cities. Additionally, a process to reconsider existing relationships is outlined. Mission and Purpose The City of Santa Cruz desires to establish relationships with towns and localities abroad to provide opportunities to build friendships, learn about other cultures, and foster international understanding. To this end, the City of Santa Cruz has established the Santa Cruz Sister Cities Committee (“Committee”), a volunteer group of ordinary citizens who, with the support of local elected officials and local organizations, form long-term relationships with people and organizations in cities abroad. Through people-to- people relationships, the Committee pursues activities and exchanges in thematic areas that are important to both communities, including municipal, business, trade, educational, and cultural exchanges. I. Defining Friendship and Sister Cities A. A Friendship City is a designated relationship, where both cities have the opportunity to explore the potential for becoming Sister Cities. Both cities enter into an agreement to develop and strengthen relationships through a variety of activities, including but not limited to: • Youth programs/exchanges • Visitor exchanges • Cultural and business exchanges • School affiliations/pen pals (adult & children) • Humanitarian projects B. A Sister City relationship is a broad-based, long-term partnership between two communities in two countries. This relationship is officially recognized after the mayor or highest elected official or (or if elections do not take place, the highest appointed official) from both communities sign an agreement. A city can have multiple Sister Cities, with community involvement by volunteers, civic organizations, nonprofits, municipal governments, the private sector, and others. Exchange possibilities are as described above for Friendship Cities. II. Friendship and Sister City Selection Criteria & Process A. Selection Criteria: Friendship and Sister Cities should ideally meet three sets of criteria: • Criteria related to structural similarities associated with compatibility; • Pre-existing or easily developed constituencies; and • Geographic balance. A Policy of the Sister Cities Committee of the City of Santa Cruz Friendship and Sister City Adoption Policy Page 2 of 8 These criteria are described below. 1. Structural Similarities: Potential Friendship and Sister Cities should ideally share certain structural commonalities with the City of Santa Cruz to better ensure compatibility and hence the circumstances needed for a long-lived and thriving relationship. These structural criteria include: • Population size • Key industries • Geographic characteristics • Institutions of higher learning • Similar values, such as tolerance and respect for the environment • Similar goals for their Sister Cities program For the City of Santa Cruz, a comparable city would be a university town of about 60,000 people located near the ocean or other large body of water with a municipal wharf or working harbor and served principally by tourism, technology, and agricultural industries. While successful relationships are based, in part, on shared experiences that derive from structural similarities, the City of Santa Cruz should not insist on an exact match. In evaluating structural criteria, the Committee should look for cities that share most, or all, of the above criteria. 2. Existing or easily developed constituencies: The City of Santa Cruz should enter into Friendship and Sister City relationships only with cities for which community support exists or can readily be developed. Support can take many forms. For example: • Expatriate and ethnic ties • Art and cultural relationships and exchanges • Educational linkages, including alumni ties • Service organization activities • Economic and business relationships • Youth organization activities In choosing a Friendship or Sister City, the Committee should take cognizance of the number, variety, and depth of relationships between the City of Santa Cruz and that city that already exist and the level of community support in both cities for the relationship. The more existing ties, the stronger the relationship will likely prove to be and the greater the likelihood that relationship will successfully transition to, or be, a Sister City. In the absence of a preexisting base, the potential to develop a broad base of community support can and should be considered. However, given that the Santa Cruz Sister Cities Committee is a volunteer organization, the Committee should give preference to cities which already have local constituencies and community support in both cities. The Committee should avoid entering into Friendship or Sister City relationships with cities where it will be difficult to develop support among the community and the burden of such support will fall primarily on the Committee members. A Policy of the Sister Cities Committee of the City of Santa Cruz Friendship and Sister City Adoption Policy Page 3 of 8 3. Geographic Balance: The Committee should seek geographic balance for its Friendship Cities. Ideally, selected cities should be spread out across the globe rather than clustered in one geographic region. Currently, the City of Santa Cruz has Sister and Friendship Cities dispersed as follows: I. North/Central America: • Jinotepe, Nicaragua II. South America: • Puerto la Cruz, Venezuela III. Europe: • Sestri Levante, Italy • Alushta, Crimean Peninsula • Biarritz, France IV. Africa: • None currently V. Oceania • None currently VI. Asia: • Shingu, Japan Future Friendship and Sister Cities would ideally be located in South America, Africa, and/or Oceania for geographic balance and a truly global network. B. Process for Adding a Friendship City: The Santa Cruz Sister Cities Committee will frequently be faced with requests to establish Sister City relationships with cities abroad. As a rule, the Committee should seek to preserve quality over quantity. Committee members’ time and energy are limited, and should be focused on preserving, deepening, and expanding already existing Sister City and Friendship City relationships. However, excellent matches will come along, and the Committee should be prepared to identify them. The following process will help the Committee do so. 1. Upon receiving a request to establish a Friendship or Sister City relationship, the Committee shall seek a volunteer champion from the Committee membership to actively shepherd the request through the Committee’s process. The champion will be a volunteer position only—neither the Chair nor the Committee can name a champion who has not volunteered. If such a volunteer is not identified from the Committee membership, the Friendship or Sister City request will not proceed. The Parks and Recreation staff liaison cannot fulfill this responsibility. 2. Requests for establishing Friendship or Sister City relationships may originate from other cities, members of the public, or Committee members. 3. When possible, Santa Cruz and the candidate Friendship/Sister City should exchange delegations or have other social or community exchanges prior to a formal designation in order to explore and determine all initial exchange possibilities. A Policy of the Sister Cities Committee of the City of Santa Cruz Friendship and Sister City Adoption Policy Page 4 of 8 4. Prior to adoption as a Friendship City, the champion will prepare a written report for the Committee to include: a. A profile of the city under consideration that details the structural characteristics of the city (population size, geographic location, presence of universities, key industries). Moreover, the profile should also detail the languages spoken in the area, give a brief introduction to the structure of the local government, provide a short history of the area, and describe any logistical challenges to travelling to and from the city under consideration. b. A profile of the existing or likely constituencies for the Friendship City candidate in Santa Cruz. c. A profile of the existing or likely constituencies in the city under consideration. d. A description of potential focus areas for activities and exchanges with the Friendship City candidate, including a delineation of those potential activities and exchanges. This section of the report should describe how entering into a Friendship City relationship will benefit both cities. e. Once the report is complete, the champion will request the staff liaison and/or Committee Chair to put the report’s delivery on the next Committee agenda and formally notify the City Council of this proposal. f. At a subsequent Committee meeting, the Committee will vote on whether or not to adopt the candidate city as a Friendship City; provided, that, if the City Council objects to such designation within 45 days of notification, the city will not become a Friendship City. C. Capacity 1. Ceiling: There can be a maximum of two (2) Friendship Cities at a time. 2. Length of Friendship City Status: The default is that Friendship City status runs for a two-year term. 3. Possibility of Extending or Shortening Term: The Committee at its option may extend the Friendship City status for an additional year or may decide to consider a transition to Sister City status before the completion of a Friendship City term. 4. Informal Relationship: It is intended that Friendship City status be informal and need not be reported to Sister Cities International. A Policy of the Sister Cities Committee of the City of Santa Cruz Friendship and Sister City Adoption Policy Page 5 of 8 III. Sister City Selection Criteria & Process Selection Criteria Before the conclusion of the Friendship City term, the city may be advanced to candidacy for Sister City status based on the totality of community and Committee support for such advancement and the interest expressed by the Friendship City in becoming a Sister City. It is expected but not required that a city will be a Friendship City prior to adoption as a Sister City and that, in addition to the criteria detailed in Section II, to become a Sister City a city will meet the following additional criterion: 1. At least one bilateral exchange of delegations has occurred after Friendship City status had been granted. That is, a delegation from the friendship city will have visited Santa Cruz, and a delegation from Santa Cruz will have visited the Friendship City, or at least two virtual “visits” or exchanges will have occurred. 2. One or more participating Committee members will have done the following: a. Presented to the full Committee before a delegation departs or a virtual meeting occurs an outline of what they hope to learn and accomplish from the delegation or exchange. b. Solicited questions from Committee members to be investigated during the delegation or exchange. c. Reported their findings to the Committee and made recommendations. A. Process: Based on the above criterion the Committee may consider recommending a city to the City Council for Sister City status. While the city is being considered for Sister City status, its Friendship City status will be automatically renewed until the process is completed. The process for granting Sister City status is as follows: 1. Prior to the end of any Friendship City term, the chair of the subcommittee for the Friendship City seeking Sister City status will prepare a report, and deliver the report to the staff liaison and/or Committee Chair for provision to the Committee, that informs the members of the Santa Cruz Sister Cities Committee of the current scope of the relationship and its potential for growth. The report will contain at a minimum the following information: a. A profile of the city under consideration that details the structural characteristics of the city (population size, geographic location, presence of universities, key industries). Moreover, the profile should also detail the languages spoken in the area, give a brief introduction to the structure of the local government, provide a short history of the area, and describe any logistical challenges to travelling to and from the city under consideration. b. A detailed profile of the existing constituencies for the sister city candidate in Santa Cruz. A profile of likely future constituencies should also be provided if the subcommittee intends to involve more segments of the community in the relationship. A Policy of the Sister Cities Committee of the City of Santa Cruz Friendship and Sister City Adoption Policy Page 6 of 8 c. A detailed profile of the existing constituencies for making Santa Cruz a sister city in the city under consideration. A profile of likely future constituencies should also be provided if the subcommittee knows of it counterpart’s plans to expand the relationship to other communities in the candidate city or if the subcommittee has plans to reach out to other community groups in the candidate city. d. A description of the activities and exchanges that have occurred already involving the sister city candidate. This section should not only include a description of the inbound and outbound delegations, but also descriptions of other activities and exchanges in which the two cities have engaged. e. A description of the activities and exchanges that are anticipated for the next five years. With regard to exchanges, the five-year plan should provide a realistic description of their type, frequency, and method. f. A description of how a permanent relationship will be of mutual benefit. g. A recommendation for or against Sister City status. 1. At the same time the report is delivered, the chair of the subcommittee will request the staff liaison and/or Committee Chair to put the status of the city on the next Committee agenda. 2. The Committee will hear and discuss the report at the next Committee meeting if possible and may either vote on whether to recommend to the City Council to advance the city to Sister City status, may request further information or may determine to hold such vote at a subsequent Committee meeting. 3. If not previously voted on, at a subsequent committee meeting, the Committee will vote on whether to recommend to the City Council to advance that city to Sister City status. 4. In the event the Committee votes to recommend to the City Council to advance a city to Sister City status, the Committee Chair or subcommittee chair (or other designated Committee member) will notify the City Council of such vote and will be responsible for working with the City Council to advance the candidacy of the city. If the City Council votes in favor of making the City a Sister City, the subcommittee chair (or other designated Committee member) will be responsible for (i) putting in place a formal agreement between the City of Santa Cruz and the Sister City which must be signed by the mayor or other highest elected official (or if no election, the highest appointed official) of both cities and (ii) forwarding such agreement to Sister Cities International. 5. In the event the Committee or the City Council votes not to advance a city to Sister City status, then any Friendship City status will expire at the end of the original term (or earlier if so voted by the Committee) and the city no longer will be a Friendship City. If such Friendship City status has been reported to Sister Cities International, the Chair or subcommittee chair shall notify Sister Cities A Policy of the Sister Cities Committee of the City of Santa Cruz Friendship and Sister City Adoption Policy Page 7 of 8 International of the termination of the Friendship City status. IV. Active, Inactive, and Emeritus Sister Cities A. The activity level of our relationships will vary: While active relationships with all Sister Cities would be ideal, the reality is that some relationships will become dormant. To deal with this situation, the Santa Cruz Sister Cities Committee needs a mechanism for distinguishing between active and inactive relationships. Sister Cities International has such a mechanism: inactive sister cities can be formally transitioned to an emeritus status or Sister City status can be terminated. B. “Inactive” Status. For our Committee’s purposes, an intermediate step between active and emeritus is added: “Inactive” status. This step would be an informal inactive status which Sister Cities International would not be informed about. It would be for our Committee’s use only. In practice, the Committee should deem those Sister Cities for which there have been no or very limited interactions for 3 years to be Inactive. The Committee may also deem a city to be Inactive if there are other extenuating circumstances that make Inactive status advisable or necessary. All cities that are deemed Inactive can be managed by one Committee member who will report on the status of the relationship at least once per year or more frequently if significant interactions are restarted or the extenuating circumstances no longer apply. Once made Inactive, a city can return to active status, but until then, they will be less of an administrative burden on the Committee. C. Website. In distinguishing between active and Inactive Sister Cities, the Committee’s online presence (City website, Facebook page) can list the active relationships as our Sister Cities and include a section mentioning our Inactive Sister Cities. By doing so, the Committee can identify its active relationships while also ensuring that Inactive cities remain visible to the community for those who might be inspired to help us restore these dormant relationships. The website also may, but is not required to, list cities that are in Friendship City or Emeritus status. D. Emeritus Status. Sister Cities for which there have not been any significant interaction for a total of five years, or which have been in Inactive status for at least two years, or if there are other extenuating circumstances that make Emeritus status advisable, can be considered for formal emeritus status. The Committee periodically should evaluate whether to recommend to the City Council to place any Sister City which meets such criteria into Emeritus status. 1. In the event the Committee votes to recommend to the City Council to place a Sister City into Emeritus status, the Committee Chair or subcommittee chair (or other designated Committee member) will notify the City Council of such vote and will be responsible for working with the City Council to place such Sister City into Emeritus status, including obtaining a letter from the mayor or highest elected official of Santa Cruz to the Sister City indicating that Santa Cruz considers the relationship dormant and wishes to change its status to Emeritus. In such case, a copy of such letter will be sent to Sister Cities International to inform of this change in status. A Policy of the Sister Cities Committee of the City of Santa Cruz Friendship and Sister City Adoption Policy Page 8 of 8 2. In the event the Committee or City Council votes not to place such Sister City into Emeritus status, the Sister City will continue to be a Sister City. E. Re-Evaluation of Emeritus Status. While a Sister City is in Emeritus status, the Committee periodically may evaluate whether that Sister City should remain in Emeritus status or alternatively should be removed from Emeritus status because either (1) the Committee votes to revive the Sister City relationship or (2) the Committee votes to terminate the Sister Cities status entirely. 1. In the event the Committee votes either to revive or terminate the relationship, the Committee will designate a Committee member to work with the City Council either to revive such relationship or to terminate it respectively, including obtaining a letter from the mayor or highest elected official of Santa Cruz to the Sister City indicating that Santa Cruz wishes to end the emeritus relationship and either revive the Sister City relationship or terminate it respectively. In either event, the Chair or subcommittee chair shall notify Sister Cities International of the revival or termination (if required to so notify) of the Emeritus Sister City status. 2. In the event the Committee or City Council votes not to change a city’s Emeritus status, the city will continue to be an Emeritus Sister City. Last revised by City Council: April 26, 2022 March 22, 2016 ATTEST: X Tremain Hedden-Jones Secretary to the Committee The Sister Cities Committee Welcomes You to this Meeting and Invites Your Participation. Laura Ciravolo, Leo Jed, Andrei Kiktev, Heerei Park, Tom Stelling, Isabelle Tuncer, and Anita Wood; Linda Snook (Vice Chair) and Michele Peregrin (Chair). Staff Liaison: Tony Elliot Secretary: Tremain Hedden-Jones Visit the City’s Web Site at www.cityofsantacruz.com with links including City Advisory Body Meeting Agendas and Minutes, advisory body information and the Santa Cruz Municipal Code. The City of Santa Cruz does not discriminate against persons with disabilities. Out of consideration for people with chemical sensitivities, we ask that you attend fragrance free. If you wish to attend this public meeting and will require assistance such as an interpreter for American Sign Language, Spanish, or other special equipment, please call the Parks and Recreation Department at 420-5270 at least three days in advance so that we can arrange for such special assistance. The Cal-Relay system number: 1-800-735- 2922. Please contact City staff prior to the meeting if you have questions about agenda items. The public input period is best used to present your views on an issue. SUGGESTIONS FOR SPEAKERS ATMEETINGS Prepare your comments beforehand for the most efficient use of your time; avoid repetition. If you are speaking about an item on the agenda, stay on the issue being considered by the advisory body. Relax – there’s no need to be nervous. The advisory body truly wants to hear your comments and ideas. It does not expect a “professional” presentation. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS If you wish to speak to the Sister Cities Committee about an item not on the agenda, you should do so under “Oral Communications.” □A maximum of 10 minutes will be set aside for members of the public to address theadvisory body on any item not on the agenda. □Presentations will ordinarily be limited to three minutes. Priority will be given to individuals who did not speak at the previous meeting’s Oral Communications. □Individuals may not speak more than once during Oral Communications. □All speakers must address the entire body, and will not be permitted to engage in dialogue.□The advisory body may not take action on oral communications, but may direct that the issuediscussed be agendized for a future meeting. Speakers are requested to sign the sheet placed near the speaker’s stand so that their names may be accurately recorded in the Minutes of the meeting CONSENT AGENDA All items appearing on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine and will be acted upon in one motion. Specific items may be removed by members of the advisory body or public for separate consideration and discussion. THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION WILL AID YOU IN UNDERSTANDING THE PROCE-DURES BY WHICH THE SISTER CITIES COMMITTEE CONDUCTS ITS BUSINESS: GENERAL MEETING CONDUCT While the advisory body is in session, all persons shall preserve order and decorum. Any person making personal, impertinent, or slanderous remarks, or becoming boisterous or otherwise disrupting the meeting shall be barred by the presiding officer from further attendance at said meeting unless permission for continued attendance is granted by a majority vote of the advisory body. Every member of the public and every advisory body member desiring to speak shall address the presiding officer, and upon recognition by the presiding officer, shall confine comments to the question under debate, avoiding all indecorous language and references to personalities and abiding by the following rules of civil debate: a)We may disagree, but we will be respectful of one another. b)All comments will be directed to the issue at hand. c) Personal attacks should be avoided. ORDER OF GENERAL BUSINESS □The Chair announces the item. □Staff presents the staff report and answers immediate member questions. Public Comment – three minutes; maximum total time may be set by the presiding officer. □Advisory body deliberation and action. ORDER OF PUBLIC HEARINGS □The Chair announces the item. □Staff presents the staff report and answers immediate member questions. Applicant Presentation – twenty minutes; time may be revised by the presiding officer. If an appeal, Appellant Presentation (if not the applicant) – twenty minutes; time may be revised by the presiding officer. □If the applicant is the appellant, the presiding officer may provide twenty minutes to one organizedgroup in opposition to an appeal. Public Comment – three minutes; maximum total time may be set by the presiding officer. □Advisory body deliberation and action. ANNOUNCEMENTS The Chair or Members may make announcements of general interest to other Members or members of the public. These announcements may include, but not be limited to meeting schedule information, meetings of general community interest, or other general information. No written material will be presented, no recommendations will be made, and no actions will be taken, although the advisory body may direct staff to report back with regard to an item that is the subject of an item for future discussion at a regular or special meeting. INFORMATION ITEMS Information Items may be provided on an agenda. No action may be taken on Information Items; however, advisory body members may request that Information Items be placed on a future agenda for discussion and action. Public comment will be welcome on any Information Item. Time limits will be established by the Chair. COMMITTEE REPORTS Any member of this advisory body sitting on a subcommittee, or another advisory body, may provide a brief oral report as an update. A summary of such report will be presented in the minutes, if no written material is presented. No action may be taken unless properly agendized. Public comment will be welcome on any oral report. Time limits will be established by the Chair. COMMUNICATIONS TO COUNCIL All resolutions and recommendations adopted by the advisory body and addressed to the City Council shall be delivered to the Mayor or City Manager as soon as possible, and at least by the next Mayor’s Department Head agenda review meeting. If the action requests Council action, the item will be placed on a future City Council agenda, or a reply will be sent back to the advisory body with an appropriate response at the discretion of the Mayor, with a copy to the Councilmembers. (Council Policy 5.14) Inc. ARTICLES OF INCOR PORATION OF SOUTH SAN FR.J:..NCISCO SISTER CITY, INC. "r .l. • '11469371_ ENDORSED F \t"~of Statll tn the::~ of CQ\ifvff\icl JUL 1 31983 fMlC\\ fONG EU. Secretary of St.atl Les\le Glenn Dep~ The name of this corporation is South San Francisco Sister City, II. A. This corporation is a non-profit putlic benefit corporat i on and is not organized for the private gain of any person. It is organized under the Non -prof~t Public Benefit Corporation Law for charitable purposes. B. The speci fic purpose of this corporation i s to promo te inter- national understanding between the Cit y of South San Francisco and a foreign city. III. The name and address in the State of California of this corpor a- tion's initial age~t for s e rvi ce of process is: Alvaro A. Bettucchi, 609 Rocca Avenue, South S an F ra ~cisco , Califo rnia. IV. A. This cor porat ion is organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes wi thin the meaning of Section 50l(cj (3 ) of the Internal Revenue Cod e. B. No substantial p a rt of the activities of this corporation shall consist of carrying on propaganda, er othe rwise attempting to influenc~ legislation, and the corpor at ion s hall not ?articipate or intervene in any political campaign (including the publishing or distribution of statements) on behalf of any candidate for public office. v . The property of this corporatio~ is irrevocablv dedicated to charitable purposes and no p art o f the net income o~ assets of this corporation sha ll e v er inure to the benefit of any director, officer or member th er eof or to the benefit of any private person . l. -------- Upon the dissolution or winding up of the corporation , its assets remaining after payment, or p rovisi on fo~ paymen t , of a ll debts and liabilities of this corporat i on shall be dist ri buted to a non-profit f und, fo undation or corporation which is organized and operated exclusiv el y for char i tab le purposes a nd which h a s established its tax exempt statu s under Se~tion 501(c ) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Dated: May _j_j__ __ , 1983. :di~ / __ / j~~~ --Alva~. Bettucchi, Incorporator I hereby dec l are that I a~ the person who executed the foregoing Articles of Inco rpora tion , whic h execution is my act and deed. c::~/2=~---; ~lvaro A. Bettucchi, Incorporator 2. South San Francisco Sister Cities Association 400 Grand Avenue South San Francisco California 94080 Now, Therefore let it be resolved by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco that it hereby approves its responsibilities for the City of South San Francisco Sister City Program as follows: 1. Requests to establish new sister city relationships shall be reviewed by the Sister City Association and if found acceptable shall be recommended to the City Council for approval; 2. For visiting delegations a welcome at City Hall by the Mayor and a tour of city facilities. Provide transportation from the airport and within South San Francisco; 3. Host dinner for Sister City Official visitors; 4. Participate in a gift exchange with a standardized package of items assembled and updated as needed; 5. Provide Sister City International dues for the local Sister City Association; 6. Permit use of city facilities for meeting and events as necessary and available; 7. In the event that a Councilmember is requested to travel to a Sister City, the costs for such a trip will be provided by a consortium of appropriate community organizations and/or businesses or Councilmember may also pay his or her own travel costs, but no city funds are to be expended on travel. 8. Provide annual funding for the Sister City Program not to exceed $--------- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco that the responsibilities of the Sister City Association of the City of South San Francisco will be as follows: 1. Foster and promote exchanges within the realm of education, culture, sports, peace and understanding to facilitate long lasting and rich relationships. 2. Meet and receive for and on behalf of the City, any and all representatives of Sister Cities who may officially visit the City as part of the Sister City Program. 3. Plan, arrange for and sponsor public breakfasts, lunches and dinners at which said official representatives may be formally received. Members of the public will always be invited and welcome to participate. The costs for such breakfasts, lunches and dinners for the official representatives will be borne by the Association. Members and the public will pay their own costs. 4. Help celebrate holidays or special days of our Sister Cities with events or joining events to commemorate such days. • ' -, 5. The Association agrees to make available for examination by City, all ledgers, invoices, cancelled checks or other documents representing financial transactions during the term hereof; Bakersfield Sister City c/o Office of the Mayor 1600 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield Sister City Project Corporation PROTOCOL FOR ACQUIRING A SISTER CITY INTRODUCTION: A Sister City is an official Bakersfield City affiliation established with an international city to develop long-term civic and people-to-people relationships, promote global cooperation and cultural understanding, and stimulate economic development. The relationship requires approval by the City Council, a signed formal agreement between the Mayor and the top official of the proposed sister city, and recognition by Sister Cities International, the non-profit organization that registers and coordinates Sister City affiliations between cities in the U.S. and cities worldwide. While a Sister City relationship involves official recognition by the City of Bakersfield, Sister City activities are promoted and managed by the Board of Directors of the Bakersfield Sister City Project Corporation, a non-profit, all volunteer organization that receives no funding from the City of Bakersfield. The following guidelines govern the management of Sister City programs, including the criteria for selection and the proposal process for establishing a new Sister City relationship. CRITERIA FOR SELECTION: The City of Bakersfield and Bakersfield Sister City Project Corporation will consider the following criteria, suggested by Sister Cities International, when determining the appropriateness of a proposed Sister City relationship: 1. Compatibility of the proposed Sister City with regard to population, colleges and universities, arts and culture institutions, community organizations, and economic base. 2. Opportunity for mutually beneficial cultural and educational exchanges and program activities between community-based organizations. 3. Demonstrated interest and commitment by a broad-based Bakersfield community group to develop cultural, educational, and community exchanges, and to raise funds to ensure long-term program support. 4. A civic or official group/committee organized in the prospective Sister City with the intent to plan and develop ongoing Sister City programs with the Bakersfield group. 5. Support by the municipal government of the proposed city for developing a Sister City relationship with the City of Bakersfield. 6. If the proposed city already has a Sister City in the U.S., Sister Cities International requires a cooperative agreement with both the proposed Sister City and any of its Sister City affiliates. Bakersfield Sister City c/o Office of the Mayor 1600 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 INITIAL STEPS: 1. FORM A SISTER CITY COMMITTEE: Form a committee of citizens from Bakersfield to explore the idea of finding a Sister City in the nation of your choice. Remember: the committee must be formed first before approaching the BSCPC board of directors. The committee must be able to show: a. Broad community support for the proposed relationship. b. Committed members who will be available to plan and host exchanges with the Sister City. c. Financial support for the proposed relationship. d. A clear understanding of the mission and goals of the Bakersfield Sister City program. e. A detailed plan for your Sister City Committee that will include: i. Names of all members of your committee, including the name and contact information for the committee chair. ii. A mission statement for your committee. iii. Specific objectives for this relationship (e.g.: cultural exchanges, economic development, health services, etc.) iv. Proposed budget. 2. CONTACT BAKERSFIELD SISTER CITY PROJECT CORPORATION: Once the committee has been formed, your committee chair or his/her designee will be invited to attend the meetings of the BSCPC board of directors. The board will serve in an advisory capacity, but your committee must contact the country’s consulate and/or Sister City’s International for advice/recommendations for a possible Sister City. THE PROPOSAL PROCESS: This process can be quite lengthy and varies from city to city, but generally it includes the following steps: 1. Paying an exploratory visit to the potential Sister City. You should carry with you documents that designate your group as an official delegation from the City of Bakersfield. 2. Contacting the officials in the potential Sister City and inviting them to visit Bakersfield. (This invitation should be proffered through the Office of the Mayor of Bakersfield.) 3. If both cities are interested in forming a Sister City relationship, then they must work together to formulate and write an affiliation agreement (Memorandum of Understanding or MOU). This process also takes time and generally includes: a. Verification that the proposed city has a viable Sister City Committee in place, including who will serve on this committee and what its relationship to the city will be. b. Approval of this relationship by the Bakersfield City Council (and possibly by a counterpart in the proposed city). c. Signing of a letter of intent to form a Sister City relationship by Sister City Committee members and/or government officials from both cities. d. Formal delegation visits to and from the proposed Sister City. These delegations should include Sister City committee members, BSCPC board members, and city officials. e. Writing of the final MOU to be reviewed and approved by the committees of both cities, and to be signed by government officials of each city. (The mayor of Bakersfield has signed all MOUs in the past. Generally these signings are done at ceremonies. Often the letter of intent is signed in one city, and the MOU in the other.) 4. Once the MOU has been signed, the Sister City Committee may appoint a member to the BSCPC board of directors. This member will have all the rights and privileges of any elected member of the board. Friendship Cities Program Policy Purpose To provide guidelines for the establishment of a friendship city relationship. Policy Statement The Friendship Cities Program is a way for the City to initiate relationships — on a municipal government to municipal government basis — with international cities on a less formal basis than through an official sister city relationship. Friendship city engagement with foreign municipalities will foster increased global cooperation and communication at the municipal level for the benefit of participating cities. The program allows the City to form flexible ties with international cities without having to apply the more formal process proscribed under the guidelines of Sister Cities International. The primary goal of a friendship city relationship is to open lines of communication between the City of Irvine and the friendship city. The Program is designed to establish an informal relationship between the City of Irvine and participating international cities creating an atmosphere of goodwill. Friendship city relationships may include the exchange of correspondence between Mayors, City Councilmembers and other community leaders regarding areas of mutual interest. While funding limitations may preclude travel or more formal program activities, the Friendship Cities Program provides the opportunity to initiate information exchanges and the ability to generate community interest and support. Procedures 1. The Friendship Cities Program is coordinated and managed through the City’s Multicultural Affairs Office. 2. The purpose of Irvine’s Friendship Cities Program is to create opportunities for the City of Irvine to establish ongoing communication with municipal governments to learn from one another. Friendship Cities Program Policy Page 2 of 3 3. Selection and adoption of friendship cities shall be based upon, but not limited to the following: a. Careful consideration of Irvine’s current and prospective ties to the country; relevant political, cultural and economic issues; and an appraisal of the benefits that would accrue from the friendship relationship. b. Ensuring that the informal friendship relationship does not conflict with the rules of Sister Cities International. c. Support from individuals, groups, or organizations in the Irvine community with a demonstrated interest in the friendship relationship. d. Strong consideration will be given to cities comparable to Irvine in areas such as population, culture, and business. 4. Multicultural organizations are encouraged to bring forward friendship city proposals for City Council consideration. All proposals shall be processed through the Multicultural Affairs Office. 5. A friendship city proposal will require sponsorship and recommendation by a member of the City Council. 6. Proposed friendship city agreements must be approved by City Council action prior to enactment and signature. 7. Any proposed agreement will include a termination clause allowing the City of Irvine to terminate the agreement, in whole or in part, when such action is deemed to be in the City’s interest. 8. City of Irvine funding for the Friendship Cities Program shall be limited to the following: a. Visitors’ gifts, City staff time to coordinate meetings for visiting dignitaries with City Council and City staff, and securing appropriate City facilities for such meetings. b. Any additional cost beyond that referenced above, including costs for travel by City representatives to friendship cities, shall require separate and formal City Council approval. Friendship Cities Program Policy Page 3 of 3 9. The City Manager shall have authority to develop and implement administrative policies and practices deemed necessary to support City Council approved friendship city agreements. 10. All friendship city relationships must be documented by a Friendship City Agreement between both cities. The Friendship City Agreement must be approved by City Council and signed by the Mayors of both cities in order to be valid. The proposed Friendship City Agreement shall include the following provisions: a. Adhering to the principle of equality and mutual benefit, both cities will strive to learn from one another through information sharing opportunities to promote prosperity and quality of life. b. City officials, relevant City departments, and interested community members and organizations, may periodically keep in contact for the convenience of discussing topics of mutual interest. c. The Friendship City Agreement may be terminated, in whole or in part, when such action is deemed appropriate by either city to be in its best interest. Menlo Park Friendship City Protocols and Checklist Initiating and Responding to Communications (letters, emails, etc.): • Jim Cogan and staff will manage communications. • The Mayor and/or the Sister City Committee Chair will sign “official” letters. Mayors/ City Council Members Visiting other Cities: • We should provide the senior official a nice gift, and smaller gifts may be given to a target group of visitors as appropriate (see gift list sample ideas above). • Transportation: Jon Cogan and staff will arrange transportation for the group to and from the airport and for the below events and meals. Note: Deleon Realty may like to donate a bus for the group. • Hotel: o If possible, secure a sponsored room for the mayor and key members of the delegation. If a donated room is not available, the City should cover the cost of the visiting mayor’s room and breakfast.  Note: Previously, the Marriott Residence Inn provided a complimentary room for the visiting Mayor.  Jeff Pollock has indicated that he is also interested in donating a room to the mayor, once his hotel is open. o The City may choose to provide additional rooms for key members of the visiting delegation or help that delegation find convenient rooms that are discounted or available reasonable rate. • Entertainment/ Events: o Schedule will be managed by Jim Cogan and staff, with input from the Friendship Committee/ City Council o Take them on a tour of: Facebook, Boot-up, Downtown, Stanford, Hillview Middle School, etc. o Tree Plantings o Menlo Ballet o MA Band o Choirs • Dinners: o Intimate Event: One dinner with the City Council and appropriate staff. o Larger event: One dinner or cocktail party that is open to the public, Chamber of Commerce, Historical Society, staff, etc. o Lunches with appropriate representatives from the City Staff, Chamber of Commerce, Head of Menlo College, Council Members, etc. o Possible venues: Trellis, Left Bank, Restaurant 3000, Stanford Hotel, maybe BBC, LB Steakhouse, Allied Arts • Publicity: o We need to make a Menlo Park City CD. o Develop and release a press release each time a government visits us o Make interviews available, if there is interest. o Remember to include information about any sponsors for the visit. Mayors/ City Council Members Visiting other Cities: • Jim Cogan and staff can help liaise with the foreign city’s office to arrange logistics, as appropriate. • Gifts s/he may bring: Chrystal Box with city logo on top (from Occasions), Menlo Park gift pens, Golf shirts with Menlo Park logo, T-shirts from MA and/or Menlo College (possibly donated), Menlo Park hats, Historical Association book about Menlo Park, Menlo Park CD • Prepare a report of the trip for the Sister City Committee and City Council. Private Citizen Visits to MP: • Jim Cogan and staff will call the City Council and Friendship Commission to give them the option of meeting the citizens for coffee or to meet as appropriate. • No gifts are expected to be exchanged. Private Citizens Visiting from MP: • Private citizens will visit as individual private citizens, and not representing the City of Menlo Park in any way, unless authorized by the City Council and/or Friendship Committee. • If so authorized, Jim Cogan and staff can help make the appropriate introductions for the group or individual. Business and/or Economic Development Visits to MP: • Jim Cogan and staff will call the City Council and Friendship Commission to give them the option of meeting the business people for coffee or to meet as appropriate. • Jim Cogan and staff can communicate with the visiting parties to determine their needs and interests and make the appropriate introductions for them (see the list of events below for possible activities). • Jim Cogan’s office, The City Council or Sister City Commission may choose to host a dinner or lunch for the visitors. • No gifts are expected to be exchanged. Business/ Economic Development Visits from MP: • The person(s) organizing the visit may choose to contact Jim Cogan and staff, who will let the City Council and Friendship Commission know of the visit. • Such people or groups may represent their business or industry. If authorized by the Sister City Committee or City Council, such a person or group may represent the City. • If requested and appropriate, Jim Cogan and staff can help make the appropriate introductions. MP Students visiting other cities: • Essay contest about why they want to go to that country - with someone from the Chamber, Council and Embassy (or other, as appropriate) judging. o Note: These essays will also be used to help place the students with the appropriate family. o Include t-shirt size with the essay, so staff doesn’t have to follow up with them for this information later. • Each family pays for the flight to the country, and a small gift for the family. o Note: Ladera travel provided discount tickets to Japan previously. • There should be three adults to 10 children chaperoned the trip. • At least one student position should have the airfare and spending money sponsored, so that all may attend. o May contact the Boys & Girls Club will help find a student to go on the trip • The Parents must provide the following documents to Jim Cogan’s office at least 2 weeks before the trip: o MUST be notarized (Cogan has a draft copy of these):  Permission to travel by BOTH parents  Permission to allow medical treatment in an emergency o Proof of health insurance o Photo copy of the child’s passport information page o Permission for the City to use photographs of the children • Jim Cogan’s office should make a copy of all of these documents and provide them to the lead adult, so that s/he can carry them throughout the trip. • At least two weeks before the trip begins, Jim’s staff, the lead adult and/or Sister City Committee should hold a pre-travel gathering for both the students and their parents with cultural training, packing suggestions, “get to know you” conversations, etc. o A City notary should attend the gathering to sign the required travel documents, as listed above. o Provide the children with t-shirts for the trip that should be worn when travelling internationally for easy identification. • Each student should bring pocket money (about $50-$100) for souvenirs and snacks. Foreign students visiting MP: • Request the following papers from visiting students be sent to Jim Cogan’s office: o Proof of health insurance o Permission to allow medical treatment in an emergency • Secure a bus for transportation (Note: Bus was donated by Deleon Realty). • Host families drop off and pick up visitors from one location in the morning and evening. • Secure donations for museums, events, etc. as available. If not possible, the Committee can elect to purchase some of the tickets, as appropriate and budgeted. • If needed, source host families through the (Stanford Intercultural Institute), churches, and schools (in their email newsletters), etc. • Families provide breakfast for the students. • One day is unplanned, with the host family to determine, organize and execute that activity for the guests • The hosts, sponsors and City cover all student activities and meals. • The last evening should have a large dinner for the visitors, host families, Council, and Sister City Committee. • The City should provide each member of the student delegation with a small gift to remember the trip. • Publicity: o We need to make a Menlo Park City CD. o Develop and release a press release each time a government visits us o Make interviews available, if there is interest. o Remember to include information about any sponsors for the visit. CITY COUNCIL POLICY SUBJECT: SISTER CITY ACTIVITIES NO.: A-14 PURPOSE: To establish a policy governing the City of Mountain View's (City's) responsibilities relating to sister city activities. POLICY: 1. The City supports the sister city concept and its goal of strengthening global understanding between the peoples of the United States and other nations. 2. The City acknowledges that the Sister City Affiliation of Mountain View nonprofit organization (Affiliation) has primary responsibility for the implementation of sister city programs and events in Mountain View. 3. The City will support the Affiliation in its sister city activities as follows: a. The City Manager shall designate a City staff member to serve as the City's liaison regarding sister city activities. b. The City staff liaison will assume primary responsibility for coordinating and conducting all activities and events (e.g., meetings with City officials, receptions, tours, etc.) for visits by city officials from sister cities. For these official events, the City may request that the Affiliation provide some level of support to the City's efforts. c. The City staff liaison will act in a support capacity to the Affiliation as it assumes primary responsibility for the planning and execution of activities and events for visits of other delegations. d. The City will provide file cabinet space for storage of archival information. e. The City will provide reasonable postage, facsimile, copying and/ or printing support for sister city events in which the City is participating. f. The City will provide the use of available City facilities (with the exception of the Center for the Performing Arts) at no cost to the Affiliation for sister city-related activities. Page 1 of 3 CITY COUNCIL POLICY SUBJECT: SISTER CITY ACTIVITIES NO.: A-14 4. A budget request shall be submitted by the City staff liaison annually detailing proposed sister city-related expenditures and funding levels for the upcoming year. This budget request shall be reviewed by the City Council during its annual City budget review and adoption process. 5. No City funds shall be directly provided to the Affiliation to support their general operating expenses. 6. City funds shall only be expended with the approval of the City Manager or his/her designee. 7. City funds shall be expended only for the following sister city-related expenses: a. One-half of the food costs for the annual sister city dinner. No City funds will be used to offset the cost of alcoholic beverages, entertainment, equipment rental or other expenses related to the event. b. Dues/membership costs associated with the City's membership in Town Affiliation Associations International. Membership/ dues cost for the Affiliation will be the responsibility of the Affiliation. c. City gifts, which will be presented to sister city representatives (student, business or government) during their visit to the City of Mountain View, or presented by representatives of Mountain View during their trips to sister cities. City gifts and visit support activities will be provided to sister city visitors as follows: (1) An individual visiting from a sister city, but not part of any formal or informal delegation will receive: a City pin; a City information packet; and an invitation to meet with the City staff liaison and/ or Mayor. (2) Groups visiting from a sister city, but not city government officers or members of the visiting sister city committee will receive: City pins; a welcoming gift (to be determined by the City staff under the direction Page 2 of 3 CITY COUNCIL POLICY SUBJECT: SISTER CITY ACTIVITIES NO.: A-14 of the City Manager); City information packet; a meeting with the Mayor or his/her designee; a tour of the City; and an informal reception sponsored by the City. (3) Visiting sister city committee and/ or student exchange groups will receive: City pins, a welcoming gift; City information packets; a meeting with the Mayor or his/her designee; a tour of the City; an informal reception sponsored by the City; and attendance to an event or activity (as determined by the City Manager), with the costs underwritten by the City (e.g., tickets to a Shoreline Amphitheatre event). (4) Visiting representatives from a sister city government will receive: City pins; a welcoming gift; City information packets; a meeting with the Mayor or his/her designee; attendance to an event or activity, with the costs underwritten by the City; and a luncheon or dinner hosted by the City. d. Any other expenses approved by the City Manager or his/her designee. 8. As new sister city relationships are requested, the City shall coordinate its effort with the Affiliation to formalize a relationship with a new sister city. The new sister city relationship must be formalized by the adoption of a City Council resolution. Such resolutions shall identify the areas of common interest and activities which both parties wish to pursue through their sister city relationship (e.g., student exchange program, artistic and cultural exchanges, economic development outreach activities, sports team exchanges, etc.). Revised: November 12, 1991, Resolution No. 15334 Effective Date: August 20, 1991, Resolution No. 15307 CNLPOL A14-601CP Page 3 of 3 PSCC_Affiliation_Policy.doc 1 of 2 Rev: 12/2007 PASADENA SISTER CITIES COMMITTEE SISTER CITY AFFILIATION POLICY 1. POLICY It is the policy of PSCC that any group wanting to form an affiliation with a foreign city must register first with Sister Cities International and then follow the procedures set forth below. 2. PROCEDURES 2.1 There shall be evidence of the desire for a Proposed Affiliation (PA) by both parties including correspondence from the proposed city to the effect of wanting to join with Pasadena as a sister city and an indication of official and/or citizen support for the PA. 2.2 There shall be visits between cities followed by continuous contacts, both unofficial and official. 2.3 Acceptance for the PA shall be indicated by people joining or expressing interest in joining PSCC. 2.4 Strong commitment shall be shown to the development and maintenance of a successful affiliation including corporate and/or cultural support. 2.5 A member of PSCC shall be appointed subcommittee chair and given responsibility for all matters dealing with a PA. This person should be an active member of PSCC. The newly formed subcommittee members shall have: 1. A clear understanding of sister city relationships and purpose of affiliations (see attached Sister Cities International affiliations policy and procedure statements). 2. The ability to generate at least ten new members to the PSCC. 3. Several experienced members who can assist the endeavors of the subcommittee. 4. Preliminary commitments, where possible, for support in hosting, cultural and business exchanges, fund raising, student exchanges, etc. 2.6 The subcommittee shall take the lead role presenting the PA to the community. 1. Both parties must bear in mind the SCI ideals of people-to-people associations. 2. The subcommittee should attempt to gain media coverage to promote the affiliation. PSCC_Affiliation_Policy.doc 2 of 2 Rev: 12/2007 2.7 An “action plan” shall be developed setting forth each step toward a formal presentation for PSCC’s executive committee and general membership, and should include such items as: 1. Similarities to Pasadena in light of cultural, physical and social aspects of the PA (i.e. size, location, population, educational and cultural facilities, aspects of economy, etc.). 2. The potential for student and citizen exchanges. 3. The potential funding sources. 2.8 A formal written report shall then be prepared for the Executive Committee of PSCC. The report will include: 1. Items 2.1 through 2.7, as applicable. 2. Photographs and contact names from the PA. 3. Any other non-PSCC local support for the PA. 4. List of all cities reviewed for the PA. 2.9 After the EC has reviewed the report, it shall be distributed to the active general membership with the EC’s recommendation. The distribution will take place 10 days before the general membership meeting date. The general membership will then discuss and vote on the proposed affiliation. 2.10 If the PA is approved by PSCC general membership, the proposal will then be presented to the city council. 2.11 If the PA is adopted, the selected city and Pasadena shall make arrangements for an exchange of official delegations for the purpose of acceptance and signing ceremonies in each city. 1. These official delegations shall include mayor, council members, city manager, PSCC President, and any other community members who wish to attend. 2. The new affiliation shall have comparable city officials in their delegation. October 23, 2017 Page 1 City of Redwood City Sister City and Friendship City Guidelines Definitions Sister City: A Sister City is an official relationship established between the City of Redwood City and a city in another country to develop long-term civic and people-to-people linkages and promote the exchange of cultural, educational, economic and social information with international communities that have interests and characteristics similar to Redwood City’s. Friendship City: A Friendship City is a relationship established between the City of Redwood City and a city in another country that may serve as the first stage in establishing a new Sister City relationship. City officials or staff and interested community members or organizations from the City of Redwood City and its Friendship Cities may periodically keep in contact for the purpose of discussing topics of mutual interest. Purpose Sister City and Friendship City relationships are most effective when interested residents in the community work with interested residents in another city to promote communication and understanding among people of different nations and cultures, and when identifiable resident groups or associations can maintain connections over many years despite changes of involved residents. The City of Redwood City (“Redwood City” or “City”) works collaboratively with Redwood City International (“RCI”), a local charitable nonprofit organization, to support the Sister City and Friendship City Programs. RCI is committed to promoting Sister City relationships between the City and its Sister Cities by hosting Sister City delegations, interns and other visitors; promoting international understanding as a member of Sister City International, the non-profit membership organization which registers and coordinates Sister City linkages between communities in the U.S. and cities worldwide; and advancing educational, cultural, and artistic awareness. The City of Redwood City has established the following guidelines for the Sister City and Friendship City Programs. Sister City Selection Proposal/Approval Procedures Prior to the City initiating or responding to a formal request for a proposed Sister City affiliation, RCI and/or the community sponsoring organization interested in establishing a Sister City affiliation must meet with Redwood City staff to present an overview of the proposed Sister City and program goals. In cooperation with an identifiable resident group or association in the proposed Sister City, RCI and/or and the community sponsoring organization must prepare and submit the following to the City: October 23, 2017 Page 2 · A detailed demographic profile of the proposed Sister City. · Documentation of broad-based community support – a list of volunteers, professionals or other organizations in Redwood City and the proposed Sister City that are committed to supporting the program and responding in a timely fashion to each other. · A preliminary program plan that outlines objectives and funding sources, including planned activities for the first year of the relationship. · A budget for the first year of activities showing funds, volunteer resources, and/or commitments to contribute materials, services, or time and plans for on-going financial and organizational support. A Sister City proposal will require recommendation by a member of the City Council. Establishing a Sister City relationship requires approval by the City Council, a signed formal agreement between the Mayor and the top official of the proposed Sister City, and recognition by Sister Cities International. Selection Guidelines: Selection of a Sister City shall be based upon, but not limited to, the following guidelines: · A city chosen for a Sister City affiliation should be located in a country that has established diplomatic relations with the United States. There should be the potential for genuine people- to-people contact; communication and visitation should be able to occur freely in both directions. · The proposed Sister City should be similar in population size, and/or role in the region, and/or have cultural, educational, socio-economic, governmental, or other tangible features in common with Redwood City, making it an appropriate Sister City. · There should exist in Redwood City an identifiable resident group or association which favors the proposed affiliation and intends to pursue a meaningful program after the relationship is established. The group should be in a position to organize and finance its own activities over the long term as the City cannot give assurance of financial backing. · A similar identifiable resident group or association should exist in the proposed Sister City, with a clear indication of intent to carry out active mutual programs. · The municipal government of the proposed Sister City should demonstrate support for establishing and developing a Sister City affiliation with Redwood City. Friendship Cities Proposal/Approval Procedures Prior to the City initiating or responding to a request for a proposed Friendship City affiliation, RCI and/or the community sponsoring organization interested in establishing a Friendship City affiliation will meet with Redwood City staff to present an overview of the proposed Friendship City. In cooperation with an identifiable resident group or association in the proposed Friendship City, RCI and/or and the community sponsoring organization must prepare and submit the following to the City: • A detailed demographic profile of the proposed Friendship City. October 23, 2017 Page 3 • Documentation of community support – a list of volunteers, professionals or other organizations in Redwood City and the proposed Friendship City committed to supporting the program and responding in a timely fashion to each other. A Friendship City proposal will require recommendation by a member of Redwood City’s City Council. Establishing a Friendship City requires approval by the City Council and signed Letters of Recognition exchanged between the Mayor and the top official of the proposed Friendship City. Selection Guidelines: Selection of a Friendship City shall be based upon, but not limited to, the following guidelines: · A city chosen for a Friendship City affiliation should be located in a country that has established diplomatic relations with the United States. · Consideration should be given to developing connections with cities in countries that do not already have a Sister City or Friendship City relationship with Redwood City. · Consideration should be given to cities comparable to Redwood City in areas such as population size, culture, business interests, and community characteristics. · There should exist in Redwood City an identifiable resident group or association which favors the proposed affiliation and intends to pursue a meaningful program after the relationship is established. · A similar identifiable resident group or association should exist in the proposed Friendship City, with a clear indication of intent to carry out active mutual programs. · The proposed Friendship City should have support from individuals, groups, or organizations in the Redwood City community with a demonstrated interest in maintaining the Friendship City relationship. RCI Recognition and Responsibilities The City recognizes RCI as a volunteer-led organization that guides the development of established Sister City and Friendship City relationships and supports their missions in the areas of cultural, educational, governmental, and economic relationships. The City works with RCI to evaluate proposed Sister City and Friendship City affiliations. Because Sister City and Friendship City relationships are agreements between two municipal governments and involve official recognition and participation by the City of Redwood City, the City Council has final approval over all proposed affiliations. Sister City and Friendship City activities in the community are promoted, planned, managed and implemented by RCI and are not dependent on City funding. Redwood City International Responsibilities: · Independently identify, manage, and implement those activities related to the Sister City and Friendship City Programs as RCI may select which support Sister City or Friendship City affiliations. October 23, 2017 Page 4 · Recognizing that Sister Cities and Friendship Cities regularly prefer direct contact with City staff and recognizing that RCI has no ready communication mechanism or facilities, support City staff to maintain communication with the affiliate Sister City and Friendship City. · Prepare an annual work plan detailing RCI activities and corresponding timelines for the upcoming year. · Where possible, work with City staff at least two months in advance in arranging official city promotional gifts and meetings for foreign delegations. For local groups traveling abroad and bringing City gifts, similar notice is required. · When agreed upon, reimburse City advances for event, meeting and activity expenses (cost of food, drinks, and materials) no later than 30 days after the event/activity takes place. City funds may not be used to pay for alcoholic beverages. · Manage communications with Sister Cities International and fund annual membership dues. · Prepare and distribute meeting agendas and minutes to RCI members in accordance with RCI Bylaws. · Maintain 501(c)(3) status. In the event the City receives a request to affiliate with a new Sister City or Friendship City from another local community sponsoring organization, that community sponsoring organization will follow the Sister City and Friendship City Guidelines. City Responsibilities Establishing and supporting new Sister City and Friendship City affiliations requires a significant commitment by the City and will be dependent on the availability of City staff and other public resources that will be necessary to help develop and sustain a successful city-to-city relationship. Coordinated through the City Manager’s Office, the City will support the Sister City and Friendship City Programs by: · Providing for set-up and complimentary access to City facilities for Sister City and Friendship City events. Sister City or Friendship City delegations, RCI, and community sponsoring organizations should contact City staff at least 60 days in advance for any formal visits, events, and meetings. Refreshments may be provided for meetings and activities when deemed appropriate. When agreed upon, the City may advance payment for event, meeting and activity expenses (cost of food, drinks, and materials). If RCI or a community sponsoring organization has agreed to pay for event, meeting or activity expenses, the sponsor will reimburse any City advances no later than 30 days after the event/activity takes place. City funds may not be used to pay for alcoholic beverages. · Providing access to postage, fax, copying and printing equipment to RCI and community sponsoring organizations for support for Sister City and Friendship City events in which the City is participating. · Providing the use of meeting room space at no cost to RCI and community sponsoring organizations for related activities. · Providing modest official City promotional gift items typically given at community events to government representatives from visiting countries, such as City t-shirts, pens, reusable bags, and lapel pins. October 23, 2017 Page 5 City staff resources are limited and will typically involve extending or receiving invitations from Sister Cities and Friendship Cities, annual correspondence from the Mayor/City Council, and limited support for visits by the Mayor, Vice Mayor or Councilmembers to Sister Cities and Friendship Cities (e.g. official City letters, visas, and formal gifts). Additional City staff support may be provided at the discretion of the City Manager. City Official Visits to Sister and Friendship Cities and Associated Travel Expenses When the Mayor, Vice Mayor or Councilmember initiates a request to visit a Sister City or Friendship City, such request will be made in writing to the City Council, including the proposed itinerary, how the travel and expenses will be funded, and other assistance the City will be asked to provide (i.e. gifts to be presented by the Mayor, Vice Mayor or Councilmember). RCI and community sponsoring organizations may also make recommendations to the City Council, including a recommended budget for the visit. If approved by the City Council, the Mayor will send appropriate correspondence to the top official of the Sister City or Friendship City. When an invitation is received from a Sister City or Friendship City for Redwood City officials to visit that city, the City Council shall review the invitation or request, including any travel-related expenses offered by the Sister City or Friendship City. The City Council may also consider recommendations from RCI and the community sponsoring organization regarding who will represent the City and how the travel and expenses will be funded. The total number of people travelling on behalf of the City may be limited at the request of the host city in order to manage host city resources required to support the delegation. Normally, travel for Sister City and Friendship City programs will be paid by the individual participant, but may also be funded by the sponsoring community organization or by the host city, unless use of City funds is authorized in advance by the City Council. If necessary, City Councilmembers may use their annual individual training and professional development budget to pay for travel expenses related to the Sister City and Friendship City programs. Should the travel expenses exceed a City Councilmember’s annual individual training and professional development budget, City Council approval is required for use of additional City funds. Travel expenses provided as a gift (not funded by the individual or through City funds) may be subject to applicable Fair Political Practices Commission and Government Code reporting requirements. The City will not fund travel nor reimburse for travel or lodging expenses for Sister City and Friendship City visitors coming to Redwood City. RCI or any sponsoring community organization may choose to sponsor lodging and expenses for visiting delegations, with the understanding that reciprocal accommodations may occur when a Redwood City delegation visits in the future to the Sister City. Gifts An exchange of promotional and formal gifts is typical of visits to Sister Cities and Friendship Cities, and from delegations that visit Redwood City. Modest official promotional gifts may be funded by the City. Additional gifts presented to members of a Sister City or Friendship City delegation are the responsibility October 23, 2017 Page 6 of RCI or the community sponsoring organization. RCI or a sponsoring community organization may choose to provide formal gifts according to their internal budget and approval processes. Gifts or memorabilia presented to a representative of the City of Redwood City which are intended for the City become the property of the City and shall be displayed at a City facility or distributed at the City’s discretion. Gifts or memorabilia intended for and received by individual City Councilmembers or City employees are subject to applicable Fair Political Practices Commission and Government Code reporting requirements. Terminating a Sister City or Friendship City Affiliation or Placing a Sister City on Emeritus Status Sister City affiliations are meant to be long-standing official city linkages that involve extensive community participation beyond government. For a variety of reasons, a Sister City relationship may lose community interest and support, and the City of Redwood City or the Sister City may opt to place the relationship into emeritus status or to terminate the Sister City relationship. If a Sister City affiliation is inactive for a period of three years or longer, or if there is a lack of community support through RCI or the community sponsoring organization for the Sister City relationship to continue, the City may initiate the process to place the relationship into emeritus status or to terminate the Sister City affiliation with the Sister City and inform Sister Cities International. The Mayor or his or her designee will send a letter to the Mayor or lead representative of the Sister City to express the City’s intent to end the Sister City affiliation or place the Sister City affiliation on hold in emeritus status. The Mayor or their designee will then notify Sister Cities International that the Sister City affiliation with the City in question has ended or is placed in emeritus status. Sister Cities International will decertify the Sister City affiliation or place the Sister City affiliation on emeritus status. A Friendship City affiliation may be terminated when such action is deemed appropriate by either city. The Mayor or their designee will send a letter to the Mayor or lead representative of the Friendship City to express the City’s intent to end the Friendship City affiliation. CURRENTCURRENT CITY OF SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA COUNCIL POLICY SUBJECT: SISTER CITY PROGRAM TRAVEL BY COUNCIL MEMBERS POLICY NO.: 000 -14 EFFECTIVE DATE: September 26, 1972 BACKGROUND: The Sister City program originated in 1958 as a result of a request of President Eisenhower for cities to participate as part of his program on international relations for the purpose of aiding in the development of mutual understanding between cities of free countries. One facet of the program was furthering economic and cultural cooperation and interchange between the participating entities. The City of San Diego established its first Sister City relationship with Yokohama, Japan, on March 11, 1958, to achieve the above-stated objective through the sponsorship of cultural exchanges and goodwill visits. Since that date, at the recommendation and with concurrence of the International Affairs Board, The City of San Diego has established additional sister City ties with the cities of Leon in the Republic of Mexico on July 29, 1969, and Cavite City in the Philippine Islands on September 11, 1969, to provide a continuing program of international municipal interchange which will be mutually beneficial to good relations and understanding. PURPOSE : It is the intention of the City Council to provide by this policy a set of uniform guidelines to govern travel by Council members in furthering the objectives of the Sister City program of The City of San Diego and to establish procedures for processing authorization to travel and reimbursement of expenses incurred therein. POLICY : 1. It is the policy of The City of San Diego that all travel in connection with the Sister City program shall be in furtherance of the stated objectives of said program as set forth in the Council actions establishing the Sister City relationships. 2. Authorization of Sister City travel and appropriation of sufficient funds to cover the authorized trips shall be accomplished as part of the annual budgetary process and shall be included in the annual travel program. Justification for travel should contain specific objectives to be achieved by the requested trip. 3. The Council shall have the discretion, upon approval of said Sister City travel, to determine an appropriate number of days to be allocated to the requested trip and shall appropriate funds sufficient to cover first class round-trip travel costs to the designated Sister City for the Council member, plus a reasonable per diem allowance to defray expenses during the official visit. 4. The Council shall select from among its members those persons who shall be authorized to perform Sister City travel. The procedure for selection shall be determined by the Council and designation of specific representatives shall be made during budget sessions, giving CP-000 -14 Page 1 of 2 CURRENTCURRENT CITY OF SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA COUNCIL POLICY consideration to seniority, availability, and other criteria as established from time to time by the Council. 5. In the event the Council member selected desires to take additional vacation and perform further travel in conjunction with a Sister City trip, authorization for such absence shall be effected by separate formal resolution of the Council. No funds shall be appropriated nor shall any expenses be incurred or reimbursed by The City of San Diego for such additional travel by any Council member. HISTORY : Adopted by Resolution R-206597 09/26/1972 CP-000 -14 Page 2 of 2 Reso No. 161-18 (CM) C:\Users\legistar\AppData\Local\Temp\BCL Technologies\easyPDF 8\@BCL@745CD742\@BCL@745CD742.docx ri 10/4/2018 7:55:57 PM AJS ______ MDH ______ 1 RESOLUTION NO.__________ (CM) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WATSONVILLE ESTABLISHING COUNCIL SISTER CITY POLICY IN THE CITY OF WATSONVILLE WHEREAS,it is in the best interest of the residents of the City of Watsonville to promote peace, understanding, and prosperity through people-to-people relationships, cultural understanding, cultural exchange, and sharing arts, education, trade, agricultural practices and customs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WATSONVILLE, CALIFORNIA, AS FOLLOWS: That the Council hereby establishes the following Sister-City Policy to be followed by staff and members of the Council until changed or terminated. That the Council will consider requests to establish new sister city relationships only when such requests from another United States or foreign city are sponsored by a local, organized group which demonstrates an interest and ability to establish and maintain an active relationship with the proposed sister city over a substantial period of time by regular communication and bi-lateral visits by Watsonville and the proposed sister city. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Council hereby adopts the following policies about participation in City recognized sister city activities. 1. That a sister city relationships shall be established and may be terminated only by Council resolution. 161-18 5151 ---- Reso No. 161-18 (CM) C:\Users\legistar\AppData\Local\Temp\BCL Technologies\easyPDF 8\@BCL@745CD742\@BCL@745CD742.docx bvf 10/4/2018 7:55:57 PM 2 2. That a sister city relationship may be established only when the Council finds that an identified local, organized sponsoring group of individuals agree to promote and manage the relationship, demonstrate the capacity to be and remains the primary means of communication and remain financially responsible throughout the period of the sister city relationship. 3. That the sister city relationship shall be terminated by Council action unless a sponsoring group satisfies Policy 2 above. 4. That the sponsoring group shall organize and actively participate in bi- lateral meaningful mutual meetings or exchange visits with the sister city. 5. That a request for sister city relationship shall be approved only upon demonstrated good cause supported by a written document describing the benefits to such a relationship, any duties of the sister city and the City of Watsonville, and a request from the proposed sister city. 6. That each sponsoring group shall be responsible for all costs of a visit to the sister city, but not limited to accommodations, meals, tours, and travel. 7. That City staff and elected or appointed officials may participate in a sister city program providing it shall be at no expense to the City. 8. That no City funds shall be used for sister city expenses, including but not limited to transportation, lodging, or travel related meals. 9. That all sister city funds from the City shall require an application from the sponsoring sister city committee and appropriation in the City budget process. No such funds may be used for transportation, meals or lodging. ---- Reso No. 161-18 (CM) C:\Users\legistar\AppData\Local\Temp\BCL Technologies\easyPDF 8\@BCL@745CD742\@BCL@745CD742.docx bvf 10/4/2018 7:55:57 PM 3 10. That the Council encourages sister city activities and that funding occur through a 501(c)3 non-profit charitable corporation and that the public be encouraged to participate in and contribute to promote cultural and economic relationships with sister cities. 11. That each member of a sister city delegation shall comply, to the extent applicable, with the Political Reform Act and regulations promulgated thereunder, particularly Chapter 9.5 (Ethics) of Division 61 and in particular, Section 18944 “Payments Made to an Agency for Use by Agency Officials.” 12. That each member of a sister city delegation shall comply, to the extent applicable, with the Political Reform Act and regulations promulgated thereunder, particularly Chapter 9.5 (Ethics) of Division 62 and in particular, Section 18950.1 “Exception: Payments for Travel Made in Conjunction with Official Agency Business.” 13. That each member shall also comply, to the extent applicable, with Watsonville’s Election Campaign Contribution Control Ordinance found in Chapter 6 of Title 1 of the Watsonville Municipal Code. 14. That travel with family members or partners shall be paid by the family members. 15. That the City Clerk shall be notified at least two months in advance of any planned visit to Watsonville to best accommodate visitors and travelers. The sponsoring committee shall submit to the City Clerk within fifteen (15) days an itemized report of all expenses incurred and source of payment related to the sister city event. 1 2 California Code of Regulations 18930 et seq 2 ibid Reso No. 161-18 (CM) C:\Users\legistar\AppData\Local\Temp\BCL Technologies\easyPDF 8\@BCL@745CD742\@BCL@745CD742.docx bvf 10/4/2018 7:55:57 PM 4 16. That sister city visits by City officials in their capacity as mayor, mayor pro tem or members of the Council shall be limited so as to include the Mayor and no more than two Council members so as to not burden any sister city and to encourage participation by members of the community. 17. That the Mayor (or if the Mayor declines, then the Mayor pro tem) have first-priority in the City’s delegation. Two additional Council members may be designated as part of the delegation, in order of seniority (time served on Council and if there is a tie, then in alphabetical order by last name). If the Mayor (or Mayor pro tem) or Council member is unable or otherwise declines to attend, then the next senior Council member (determined in the same manner) becomes eligible. It is the policy of the Council that a Council member who has visited a sister city within the last twelve months (measured back from the date of the proposed new visit) not be included in a second visit to a sister city until twelve months have passed since the return. 18. That members of the official sister-city delegation shall be designated only in this way. 19. That the formation of a sister city relationship shall not imply or express approval or disapproval of the politics or government practices of elected or appointed officials, policies, cultural practices, or conduct of the sister community, which may run contrary to the politics, policies, cultural practices, or actions of the City of Watsonville or the Council. 20. That participants in sister city exchanges may express their personal First Amendment political, cultural, religious, or other beliefs while participating in sister city --- Reso No. 161-18 (CM) C:\Users\legistar\AppData\Local\Temp\BCL Technologies\easyPDF 8\@BCL@745CD742\@BCL@745CD742.docx bvf 10/4/2018 7:55:57 PM 5 programs, however sister city relationships and activities are intended to be nonpartisan, non-denominational, and inclusive of all races, cultures and ethnicities. 21. That the members of an official City of Watsonville delegation are encouraged to have robust, informed discussions while travelling and participating as part of the sister city program however no member of the delegation may speak for the City or the Council unless and except through resolution or motion at a noticed public meeting. 22. That the City Clerk shall be responsible for the direction, management, or administration of sister city activities. ************************************ --- The foregoing resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of the 4 City of Watsonville, held on the_± day of October, 2018, by Member Hernandez , who moved its adoption, which motion being duly seconded by Member Coffman- Gomez , was upon roll call carried and the resolution adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ATTEST: Rfi~ !2 d2 15. ~ oJr .., Date Bilicich, Coffman-Gomez, Dutra, Garcia, Gonzalez, Hernandez, Hurst ************************************ I, Beatriz Vazquez Flores, City Clerk of the City of Watsonville, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 161-18 (CM) was duly and regularly passed and adopted by the Watsonville City Council at a meeting thereof held on the ~ day of October , 2018, and that the foregoing is a full, true a d correct copy of said Resolution. Reso No. 161-18 (CM) P:\COUNCIL\2018\100918\Sister City Policy.docx bvf 10/10/2018 9:13:01 AM Date ez lores, City Clerk tfe;o 10. ~01r -.7 6