CC 10-17-2023 Item No. 5 Stevens Creek Blvd - Calabazas Storm Drain_Written CommunicationsCC 10-17-2023
Item #5
Stevens Creek Blvd/Calabazas
Creek Storm Drain Repair
Emergency Work Status Report
Written Communications
From:Kitty Moore
To:Pamela Wu; Kirsten Squarcia; City Clerk
Cc:Chad Mosley
Subject:Agenda Item 5 Written Communications and Questions
Date:Sunday, October 15, 2023 6:02:29 PM
RE City Council Agenda Item 5, October 17, 2023
Dear City Manager and City Clerk,
Please pull item 5 from Consent. My questions are also submitted to Staff below, and this email is
provided for submission for Written Communications.
The continuation of the Stevens Creek Boulevard/Calabazas Creek Storm Drain Repair Emergency
Work Status Report is missing details to authorize the continuation. The requested information
should be easy to provide given this is an unusual “emergency” circumstance and the cause would
have been documented, however the Staff Reports do not provide the evidence of the damage or
extent of the project. I respectfully submit the following questions and requests for information:
Please provide the extent of 54” Corrugated pipe replacement – how many linear feet and
what will it be replaced with? Please send the plan set to Council.
How will the existing crushed pipe be replaced in simple terms?
What was the in-house cost estimate?
Why do we prefer to avoid emergency replacements?
Is further replacement imminent? Is more of this pipe expected to fail? If not, why not?
Why did it fail? Age? Rust? Any speculation?
What hydrologic area fed this pipe (there should be a hydrology study which determined the
initial 54” CMP size)? Has that area changed?
Was this pipe designed for a 10-year storm or a 100-year storm. (What has Cupertino been
designing the storm drain system to?). The last City Council meeting indicated our storm
drains are designed to a 10-year storm, I want to verify this.
Please provide the photographs showing the damage to the pipe which may have led to this
emergency status. Why is it imminent danger?
When was the 54” CMP installed? As we are aware, these fail over time.
Thank you,
Kitty Moore
Kitty Moore
City Council
(408) 777-1389