BLD-2023-1704_Re-roof Tear off PolicyCUPERTINO REROOF / TEAR -OFF POLICY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 10300 TORRE AVENUE • (4(IR) 777m,*,,199R • FAX (4()R CUPERTINO, CA 9501 3255 777mmlsl-all • hiii1ffinat@cur)ertino.or i irflVnFRI.RTAND AND AGREE TO THEFOLLOWINGO�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII��� 1. The re -roof project shall comply with all applicable provisions of the 2022 California Codes and Cuperti *NOTE: vil /Solar removed from the existing roof to install new roofing will require a separate permit for panels/system. 2. An inspection request maybe scheduled up to oneSAWEEEW� business d=W-I ay online or call (408) 777-3 8 from 7.e30am-3&@30p (Mon-rfhurs) o "RoofPl the work i no MuniciPal Codes. re -ins tallation of Pvlsola-, scjhedule inspecEions Lbefore there uested ins ection date. Please,Roo TegLpwurr'and r 7.30arn-2,p30pm (Friday) to Sd11edulemspections-0 Y after that phase oil .vood Nail" inspections are "ON CALL" inspections. You must call in on the day of the mspection 11 OAM L,.....��indOW. e buildin inspector should be available withinoneour.ehoursohis service are:10:30am ans completed. Th g nivilhdind 1 1a.00-w300p1n (MonmThurs) and 71OP304o101OP30am and 12:30-230 (F nspection will be given a tworivulill-L a *e 0 Z " I' dinroof Sur- 3.aLC For all reroof inspections, safe ladder access to roofm to "de vided � S must exten to at least 3 � above �edr eld, an or otherwise (htt s: w�"Vedir.ca. ov dosh etools OS-0OlIre.sw h )4. unless handholds are provided. Theladdershall be so placed as to prevent Slipping, or it shall be tied, blo secured to prevent slipping.fastenMshall be -O 'ins ection is re airedAll d-rotted wood shall be replaced � to �S �Pection. All naiLs/ 4. "Roo TeRr I„ ,n,.,.,.,Pd or knocked"dovm prior to this inspection. 5. 6. 710 80 COMPIC1C1�' la:++av ...— -- .0 .0 # t I heathing is ms al e "Roo`�PI woodNa,l" jinspection is reagiLea.*f new Try a I" ; �snn mav be oitted .d I f solid Sheathing is present on ex "Roof Tear -Off' inspection, RooJY�ywavul��« uWr�----- �u„i-r�►";nsvection is re aired if installation of the or metal shingle is required by manufacturer. This is an fisting roo fat time of ON CALL „ inspection, see #2 above for schedulJ[V U U - ing instructionsa shall be applied without first obtaining all required insPt sheatlurig toPerf°mf oequ� d NOTE: NO underlayment or roofing the building mspector. Failure to obtain inspection approvals will result iii removal of allmaterials ecti nw inspections and a re-mspech on fee Will be charged. The re -ins ection fee shall be aid rior to schedul*n another ins12oTo receive �� s ection and a royal shall be obtained from the building inspector when the reroofing �s completeds A Fisra final sign -off, the following items will ye required and ven6 " AQmnne+,�atP nn nondine. _ a, Flat roofs shall have a minimum of'�4' per oo Of S101 r -- ' from approved testing agencies for all pre-manufactuz�ed products used shall be avaIlable on -site to review at time ot b.0 Listines 0 �spectc vents are p ion. Note: Verification of class A fire rating may be requested by building inspec or.ed arrestor installation, double wall flues have not been cut and 1" roof sheath' min• clear��anon of O PV/Bolaprevioin lusly installedantc, Spark _ with water based synthetic latex paint, gutters/downspouts talled, and the required PV/SOlar permit for re -installation. All construction debris is to be removed.. NOTE• Ci of cuperfino does.NOTallowco erroofin or co er archl*tectural materials.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllliiiiiiiiiilllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM.P---P-EW T ce each of the following is true: I am the property owner or authorized agent to act on the property owner's behalf I understand and ae to cornPly W16th the rer00016 C stated above. I understand that smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are required d in accordance with Sec ons 4 and R315 of the 2019 California Residential Code for "Final Builc�in�t" sign off. to be installe IicandAgent: Date:��Si��c ofArP k Rero oJP o licy .2 02 2. doc revised 612 712 02 3 canned Frith am canner