BLD-2021-0177 BMPIn the Santa Clara Valley, storm drains flow
directly to our local creeks, and on to San
Francisco Bay, with no treatment.
Storm water pollution is a serious problem for
wildlife dependent on our waterways and for
the people who live near polluted streams or
Proper management of construction sites
reduces pollution significantly.
This sheet summarizes the "Best Management
Practices" (BMPs) for storm water pollution
Chapter 9.18
9.18.040 Discharge into the storm drain prohibited
It is unlawful to cause, allow, or permit to be
discharged, any discharge not composed entirely of
stormwater to the storm drain system or to surface waters
or to any location where it would contact or eventually be
transported to surface waters, i nd udi rag flood plain areas,
unless specifically called out in the Municipal Regional
Permit as an exempt or conditionally exempt discharge.
9.18.070 Accidental Discharge
All persons shall notify the Director of Public Works
immediately upon accidentally discharging pollutar>ts of
concern to enable countermeasures to be taken by the City
to minimize damage to storm drains and the receiving
waters. Ir>idal notification shall be followed, Wtfhin five(5)
business days of the date of occurrence, by a detailed
written statement descr1bi rag the causes of the acddential
discharge and the measures being taken to prevent future
occurrences. Such nod ficab on W Il not relieve persons of
iabi Iity for violab ons of this chapter or for any fines imposed
on the City on account thereof under Section 13350 of the
Ca li fomi a Water Code, or for vi dation of Section 5550 of the
Califomia Fish and W1dlifeCode, or any other applicable
provisions of State or Federal laws.
9.18.220 Violation*
Any person who vi d ates any provisi on of this Chapter
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof
shall be punished as provided in Chapter 1.12 of the City of
Cupertino Municipal Code.
Chapter 1.12: General Penalty, Section 1.12.010,
paragraph D, states`:
Unless otherwise specified by this code, an infraction is
punishable by:
1. A fi ne not to exceed $100 for a first vi of ati on
2. A fine not to exceed $200 for a second violation
3. Afine not to exceed $500 for a third violation of
the same chapter within one year.
9.18.240 Civil penalty for illicit discharges'
Any pers on who discharges pollutants, in violation of thi s
Chapter, by the use of 1Ilicit connections shall be civi Ily Ilable
to the City i n a sum not to exceed twenty-five thousand
dollars per day per violation for each day in which such
violation occurs.
*Excerpts - For complete CODE language refer to the
City ofCupertino Municipal Code.
C upertino
Building Dept:
Public Works Dept:
Santa Clara County
Recycling Hotline:
Small Business Hazardous Waste:
4 0 8 - 2 9 9 - 7 3 0 0
Cupertino Sanitary Sewer ❑istr
Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff
Pollution Prevention Prgm
State office of Emergency
1-800-852-7550 (24 hrs)
Report spills to 91 1
and Site
Storm drain Pollution from
Construction Acti m ties
Con strumon sites are carnmon sources of storm
mterpollutfon. Materials and wastes that blow or
wash into a st orm drain- gut ter, or st ree I have a
di rect r n pact on I ocal creeks and the Bay
As a contractor, or site supervisor, owner or
operator of a site. you maybe responsible for
any environmertai damage caused by your
subcontractors or employees.
General Principles
❑ Keep an orderly site a nd a nsure good
housekeeping practices are used.
❑ Maintain equipment properly.
❑ Cover met enais when they are not in use.
❑ Keep met enals away tom streets. storm
drains a nd d rai na ge chan ne s
❑ Ensure dust control water doesn't leave si to
ordischarge to storm dfains
Advance Plan4ng To Prevent Poffution
J Schedule excavation and grating activities
for dry weather periods. Tc reduce soi
erosion. ptanttemporaryvegetationorpbce
oIher erosion a)ntrot s before rain begets- Use
t -te Erosion and S eda77 ent Cc rat 6 Mari ual.
available from -he Regional Water ❑uality
Control Boa rd- as a reference.
J Control the amount of runcff crossing your
site (especial hy durng excavation') by using
b erms or temp orar y or permanen t drat Wage
dtches to divert water flow around the site
Reduce stormNate r runoff vebaties by
constructing temporary check dams orberrrts
where appropriate
Trai n your employees and subcontractors.
The city can prow de brochures about these
issues for you to distribute to wurkem at your
construction site inform you r subcon1re 6tots
about the stomv"er requirements and 1t eir
own responsilbilities. Use Biueparg fora Clean
Bay, a cams tff.iction best management cacti ce s
guide avai table at our Buidin g Dept. counter
Good Ho use keep rig Practices
J ❑esig note one area of the site for auto park) ng-
ve hide refu 6 rxg. a nd rout re a qui patent
mai uena nee. The designa led area sh ouki be %wll
away from streams or storm drain i niets- bermed if
necessary Make major repairsaff site
❑ To prevent of -site tracking of dirt, provide
entrances with slablumd aggregate surfaces. Or
provide a hre wash area.
LJ Keep materials out of the rain — pre�e nit runoff
contamination at the source. Corer exposed piles
cf sal or construction materials with plastic
sheeting or temporary roofs. Befom n rains- sweep
and remove materials from surfaces that drain to
storm drains. creeks. orchannel;
Contain all litter, food wrappers, bottles and
cans -Place lidded trash and recycling bens
around the stte.
�l Clean up leaks, dips and other spills
m medr atel y sot hey do not contaminate sof or
grow rKfvmt er or le aee rest due on paved su rfaces.
Use dry cleanup methods wtenever possible- If
you crust use water. use just enough to keep the
dust down-
:] Cover and maintain dumpsters Place
dun-pde is under roofs or cover with tarps or
plastic sheets ng secured around the outside of the
dump sfer. Never clean out a dumlpster by hosing it
down on the ccnstrutx Ion site.
J Pt ace portable toilets away from dorm drains.
f\hake sure porta'rle toilets are in good workrng
crde r C heck f reouen tly for leaks.
Ma teri alslWa ste Handling
J Practice Source Reduction--mnimze waste
When yo u oride r rna teri al s. Esti mate careful ly.
❑ Recycle excess materials. whenever passitNe.
such as concrete. asphalt. scrap metal sdvertls.
degreasers- cleared vegetation, paper rock. and
w hide ma ntena nce materials such as used oil.
antifreeze- battenes. and tires
_-- for info
J Dispose of all wastes properly. Matenalsthat
cannot be recycled atlas( be taken to an
appropn ate I andFi I I or dispose d of as hazardo us
waste. Never bury vraste matenalsor leave them
in the street orneara creekorstreambed.
LJ In addrtxon to Iccal grading and building permits.
ya u vui i need to obtain coverage under the Slate's
General Construction Activity Storm4�eter Permt it
ycurconstrudicn site's disturbed area totals 5
acres or more. Information on the General Re ant
can be oict aired from the Regional Water ❑ual ity
Cont rd Board. (This cdteria will change to one
acre as of Mar. 2003-)
and Pool
Lands capinglGarden Maintenance
Protect stockpiles anc landscaping materials
from wind and rain by storing 'hem under
tarps of secured clastic sheeting.
J Schedule grading and excavation project;
during dry weather
❑ Use le m pora ry ch e ck dams or ditches to
diver•, runoff awav from storm drains.
J Protect storm drains with sandbags, gravel -
filled bags. straw wattles, or cther sediment
cants cis
Re-veg etatlon is an excellent form of erosion
control for any site.
Li Store pesticides. fertilizers- and other
chemicals indoors or in a shed or storage
tabu net
J Use pesticides sparingly. according to
rnstrt,ctions on the lake Rinseempty
containers, and use rinsewater as product -
Dispose of rinsed. err py containers in the
trash Dispose of unused pesticides as
haza•dous waste
LJ In Cupertin o.resdents with curbsid e recycling
can collect lawn. garden and tree trimmings ir.
yardwaste toters. Yardwaste will be collected
and composted by the city s contractors
Residents are encouraged to compost
yard waste on -site themselves- Or take
Yardwaste to a landfill where it will be
cam Po sted
Landscape contractors should
take clippings and pruning waste
to a landfill that composts yard
waste iBFI-s NY�yby Island and
ZankerRd- landfill are tie nearest).
J Do not blow or rake leaves into
the street.
Storm Drain Pollution
from Landscaping and
Swimming Pool Maintenance
Man y I an d scapi ng: activities expose soils and
increase the likelihood that earth and garden
Chem cats will run off Into the storm drains during
im9aton or when it rants.
Swimming pool water mntairing chbrine and
copper -based algaecides should never be
discharged to storm drams. These chemicals are
toxic b aquatic life.
Pool/Fountain/Spa Maintenance
Draining pools or spas
Whe r its tim a to drain a Poo I, spa, or -ountain
please be stare to call the Cupertino Sanitary
Dislr ict before you start to r fur he r g uica Tice on
flow rate restrictions. backflow prevention, and
ha ndI ng specia cleaning waste {such as acid
wash; Discharce flows shoulc be kept to the low
levels typically possible through a garden hose.
Higher flow rates may be prohibited by local
Nev er discharge pool or spa water to a
street or storm drain: discharge to a
sanitary sewercleanout.
J if possible- when empty ng a pool or spa- let
chlorine drssipa;e for a few days and then
recycleireuse waterby draining it gradually
onto a landscaped area
J ❑o not use copper -based algaecides
Controlalgze w t h chlorine or other
alternatives, such as sodiurr bromide.
Filter Cleaning
J Never clean a filter in the street or near a
storm drain. Rinse cartricge and
diatom acew searth filters onto a dirt area,
and spade filter residue into soil Dispose of
spent diatomaceous earth in the garbage
❑ 1f there is no suitable dirt area. call
Cupenino Sanitary brrnstruction son
disi-hargingfilter backwasn or rinsevwater to
ti-e sanitary sewer.
Earth -Moving
Storm Drain Pollution
from Earth -Moving Activities
Soil excavation and grading operations loosen large
amounts of soil that can flow or blow into storm
trains when handled improperly. Sediments in runoff
can dog storm drains- smother aquatic life. and
cestroy habitats in creeks and the Bay. Effective
erosion control practices reduce the amount of runoff
crossing a site and slow the flow with check d ams or
roughened ground surfaces.
Practices During Construction
J Remove existing vegetation only when
absolutely necessary Plant temporary
vegetation for erosion control on slopes or
where construction is not immediately planned -
Protect downslope drainage courses,
streams, and storm drains with wattles. or
temporary drainage swales Use check dams or
ditches to divert runoff around excavations -
Refer to the Regional Water Quality Control
Boards Erosion and Sediment Control Field
Mann at fo r pro per er os ion a nd sedim ent co ntrol
.] Cover stockpiles and excavated soil with
secured tarp s or pl astic sheeting-
The property owner and the contractor share ultimate responsibility for
the activities that occur on a construction site. You may be held responsible
for any environmental damage caused by your subcontractors or employees.
Painting and
Application of
Solvents and
Storm Drain Pollution from Paints,
Solvents, and Adhesives
All pairits, solvents, and adhesives contain
chemicals that are harmful to wildlife in local
creeks, San Francisco Bay. and the Pacific Ocean.
Toxic chemicals may come from liqu id or solid
products or from cleaning res dues or rags. Paint
material and wastes adhesives and cleaning fluids
should be recycled when possible, or disposed of
properly to prevent these materials from flowing
into storm drains and watercourses -
Handling Paint Products
❑ Keep all liquid paint products aril wastes
away from the gutter, street, and storm
drai ns-
Painting Cleanup
LJ Never clean brushes or rinse paint
containers into street, gutter, storm drain,
French drain, or creek.
❑ Forwater-based paints. paintout brushes to
the extent possible. and rnse into an inside
sink drain that goes to the sanitary sewer
LJ For oil -based paints. paint out brushes to the
extent possible and clean with thinner or
solvent. Filter and reuse b1nners and solvents.
where possible- Dispose of excess liquids and
residue as hazardous waste.
❑ When thoroughly dry. empty paint cans. used
brushes. rags- and drop doths may be
disposed of as garbage
Paint Removal
_j Paint chips and dust from non -hazardous
dry stripping and sarid blasting may be
swept up or collected in plastic drop cloths and
disposed of as trash.
J Chemical paint stripping residue, and chips
and dust from ma rine paints, or paints
containing lead, mercury ortributyl tin must
be disposed of as hazardous wastes. Lead
based paint removal requires a state -certified
J When stripping or cleaning building exteriors
with high-pressure water, block storm drains.
Direct wastewater onto a dirt area and spade
into sal. or. check with Cupertino Sanitary
District to find out if you can mop or vacuum the
wastewater and dispose of it in a sanitary
sewer drain- Sam piing of the wastewater may
be req uired-
❑ Washwater from painted buildings
constructed before 1978 can contain high
amounts of head, evert if paint chips are not
present. Before you begin stripping paint or
cleaning pre -1978 building exteriors with water
under high pressure, test paint for lead by
taking paint scrapings to a local laboratory.
(See Yellow Pages for astate-certified
J If there is loose paint on the building. or it the
paint tests positive for lead. block storm
drains Check with Cupertino Sanitary District
to determine whether you may discharge water
to the san ita ry sewer. or d you must send it
offsite for disposal as hazardous waste
Paint Disposal, Return or D onation
J Dispose of unwanted liquid paint thinners.
solvents. glues. and deaning fluids as
hazardous waste (call the Small Business
Hazardous Waste Prgm- 299-7300).
J Or Return to suppi ier, ( Unopened can s of paint
may be able to be returned. Check with the
vendor regarding its "buy-back" policy.)
J Donate excess paint (cat 12 99-7 300 to donate.)
Roadwork i
General Business Practices
Lj Develop and implement erosionlsediment
control plans for roadway embankments-
❑ Schedule excavation and grading work during
dry weather.
❑ Check for and repair leaking equipment
❑ Pe rform major ectu ipm ent repairs a t
designated areas in your maintenance yard.
whe re cleanu p is ea sier- A void perfo rm ing
equipment repairs at construction sites.
�j When refueling or when vehiclelequipm ent
maintenance must be done on site, designate a
Iota do n away fro m storm drain s an d creeks.
J ❑o not use diesel oil to lubricate equipment
parts or clean equipment
`-j Rec ycle used oil. concrete. broke n a sphalt.
etc. whenever possible. or dispose of properiy-
(www.recyclestuff-com for list of recycling
cam pa nies. y
Asphalt/Concrete Removal
❑ Avoid creating excess dust when breaking asphalt
or concrete.
After breaking up old pavement- be sure to
remove all chunks and pieces. Make sure
br ok en pavem ent d oes not com e i n con tact
with rainfall or runoff
�j W hen making saw cuts- use as little water as
possib le- S hovel or vacua m saw -cut slu rry and
re m ove fro m the site- C over or p rotect sto rm
drain inlets during saw -cutting- Sweep up. and
properly dispose of- all residues
Sweep. never hose down streets to clean Lip
tracked dirt. Use a street sweeper or vacuum
truck. Do not dump vacuumed liquor in storm
drains -
Storm Drain Pollution
from Roadwork
Road pavan g, surfacing, and pavement remova I
happen right in the street. where there are numerous
opportunities for asphalt, saw -cut slurry. or
excavate d m aterial to isle gaily en ter storm drain s-
Extra planning is required to store and dispose of
materials properly and guard against pollution of
storm dra ins creeks. and the Bay.
During Construction
❑ Avoid paving and seal coating in wet
weather, of when rain is forecast, to prevent
fresh materials from contacting stormwater
L] Cover and seal catch basins and manholes
when applying seal coat, slurry seal- -og seal,
or sim filar materials.
❑ Protect drainage ways by using earth dikes -
sand bags. or other controls to divert or trap
and filter runo ff-
❑ Never wash excess material from exposed -
a ggreg ate co nc re to or s im filar trea tm e nts into
a street or storm drain Collect and recycle. or
d ispose to d in a rea.
Cover stockpiles (asphalt. sand. etc-) and
oth er cc nstructio n m ateriais with plastic tarp s.
Protect from rainfall and prevent runoff with
temporary roofs or plastic sheets and berms
❑ Park paving machines over drip pans or
a bsorbe nt m a to rial (cloth. rags. etc. ) to catch
drips when not in use.
❑ Clean up all spills and leaks using "dry'
methods (with absorbent m a ter ials and/or
rags), or dig up. remove. and properly dispose
of contaminated soil-
❑ Collect and recycle or appropriately dispose of
excess abrasive gravel or sand. 777
❑ Avoid over -application by water trucks for dust
control -
Storm Drain Pollution
From Dewate ring Activities
Be sure to call your city's storm water inspector
at 408-472-9907 before discharging water to a
street gutter, ❑ r storm drain. Filtration or diversion
through a basin, tank:, and sediment trap may be
required. Reuse water for dust control, irrigation or
another on -site purpose to the greatest extent
Ch eck fo r Sed im ent or Toxic Polltitan is
❑ Check for odors, discoloration, or an oily sheen
on groundwater.
❑ Ask your city inspector whether the
groundwater must be tested by a certified
❑ Depending on the test results, you maybe
allowed to discharge pumped groundwater to
the storm drain OR you may be required to
discharge to the sanitary sewer or cailect and
haul the water off - site for treatment and
disposal at an approp riate treatment facility-
❑ When discharging to a storm drain, protect the
inlet using a barrier of burlap bags filled with
drain rock, or cover inlet with filter fabric
anchored under the grate.
❑ Contact Cupertino Sanitary District at 253 -707 1
prior to discharging to the sanitary sewer -
Removal of BMP Facilities
The Project Contractor is responsible
for removal of all BMP Facilities
located within the Public Right of Way
upon project final inspection.
Fresh Concrete
and Mortar
Storm Drain Pollution from
Fresh Concrete and Mortar
Fresh concrete and cement -related mortars
thatwas h into lakes, streams, or estuaries
are toxic to fish and the aquatic
environment. Disposing of these materials
to the storm drains or creeks can block
storm drains, causes serious problems, and
is prohibited by law.
General Business Practices
J Wash out concrete mixers only in designated
washout areas in your yard, away from storm
drains and waterways. where the water will flow
into a temporary waste pit in a dirt area- Let
water percolate through soil anddispose of
settled, hardened concrete as garbage.
IlVheneverpossible, recycle washout by
p umpin g back into mixers for reuse
J Wash out chutes onto dirt areas that do not
flow to streets or drains.
LJ Always store both dry and wet materials
under cover, protected from rainfall and runoff
and away from storm drains or waterways.
Protect dry materials from wind
J Secure bags of cement after they are open.
Be sure to keep wind-blown cement powder
away from streets. gutters. storm drains,
rainfall, and runoff.
J Do not use diesel fuel as a lubricanton
concrete forms. tools, or trailers
❑uring Construction
J Don't mix up more fresh concrete or cement
than you will use in a two-hour period.
J Set up and operate small mixers on tarps or
heavy plastic drop cloths-
J When cleaning up after driveway or sidewalk
construction. wash fines onto dirt areas. not
down the driveway orinto the street or storm
J Protect ap plication s of fr es co ncrete and
mortar from ra infa II and runoff until the
m ateria I ha s dr ied
J Wash down exposed aggregate concrete
only when the washwater can (1 ) flow onto a
dirt area. (2) drain onto a bermed surface from
which it can be pumped and disposed of
properly, or (3) be vacuumed from a catchment
created by blo ck in g a storm drain inlet If
necessary, divert runoff with temporary berms
Make sure runoff does not reach gutters or
storm drains.
J When breaking tip pavement, be sure to pick
up all the pieces and dispose of properly
Recycle large chunksof broken concrete. See for info on recyclers-
❑ Never bury waste material Dispose of small
amounts of excess dry concrete- grout. and
mortar in the trash
.J Never dispose of washout into the street.
storm drains, drainage ditches. or streams
Equipm ent
S to rm water P o llu do n
from Heavy Equipment on
C o nstru ctio n S ites
Poorly rn ainta ined veli icles and heavy
equipment that leak fuel, ,it, antifreeze or
other fluids on the construction site are
corn m on sou rces of storm drain polluti❑ n.
Prevent spills and leaks by isolating
equipment from runoff channels, and by
watching for leaks and other maintenance
problems. Remove construction equipment
fro m the site as soo n as possible
Site Planning and Preventive Vehicle
J nesignate one area of :he construction site, welt
away from stream s or storm drain inlets for auto
and equipm ent parkrng refueling and roitine
ve hic le and equipm en. m ainten ante Contain
tti a area with berm s. sand bags. or other
J Maintain all vehicles and heavy equipment
n sp ect frequ enrly for a nd rep air leaks
J Perform m ajor maintenance, repair jobs ano
ve hic le and egi+pni en: w asl•ing off -site, where
clean up ;s a asier
J iryou mus:crain and replace motoroil- radialor
coolant or ether fluids on site use drip pans or
drop cloths to catch drips and spills Collect
all soeni fits ds s lore in sep agate contain ers an d
properly dispose as hazardous waste (recycle
w hen ever aossrbie)
J ❑o not use diesel oil to lubricate equipment
Paris or crea n ecu rp^i en t Use only water for
any onsite clean ing
J C o ver exp o sed fifth w h eel hitch s and tithe r
oily or greasy equipm a nt du rain everts
Spill Cleanup
J Clean up spills immediately
J Never hose down 'dir,.y' pavementor
impermeable surfaces where fluids nave spilled
Use dry cleanup methods',absorbent
rr ater,a Is cat litter a ncror rags) whenever
possible and properrydispose ofabsorbenl
m ateria Is
J sweep up spilled dry materials immediately
N ever atte rn pt to 'w ash them away" with wa to r-
or bury them
J Use as little w ate r as possible fo- dust control.
Ensure wa ter us
ed doesn t leave srit or
discharge to slorm drains
L] Clean up Spills pn dirt area by digging up and
prope-iy disposi-g of con tar-iinated soil
U Call 911 for significant spills
❑ if the spill poses a significant hazard to
human health and safety property or the
environment you m ust also report it to the
State Office of Ern ergency Services.
Small Business
Hazardous Waste
Disposal Prgm
Businesses that generate less
than 27 gallons or 220 pounds
of hazardous waste per month
are eligible to use this program.
Call 408-299-7300
for a quote.
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Santa Cl;ma Vallev
Prrllutitm PrO'l'tttlnn Prnf rain