BLD-2021-0177 Asbestos Acknowledgment Letter ASB118064NOTE: This form is not intended as verification of either the completeness of your original notification or of its compliance with BAAQMD Regulation 11-2. If you have any questions regarding this matter please contact an Air Quality Technician (415-749-4762, asbestosjobs@baaqmd.gov). Please include your Asbestos Application Number and Invoice Number for any correspondence with the District. GILBERT FERNANDEZ 1821 S BASCOM AVE # 258 CAMPBELL, CA 95008-2309 Invoice No.: T122711 The Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) acknowledges receipt of your payment and your Asbestos Removal or Demolition Plan described as: 10408 Sterling Blvd Cupertino ca (Demolition) ASB118064 Location Information: STERLING BLVD CUPERTINO CA 10408 Sterling Blvd Cupertino, CA 95014-3832 Job Start Date: February 4, 2021 Job Completion Date: February 17, 2021 If there are any changes to any aspect of the submitted Job Notification, including the starting or completion dates, changes in Contractor or waste disposal site, you must inform the District per Section 401.5 of Regulation 11-2. ASBESTOS JOB NOTIFICATION REVISIONS REVISIONS TO ONLINE JOB NOTIFICATIONS For online submitted Job Notifications, revisions to Job information must be made online using the following steps: 1.Log into your BAAQMD account at asbestos.baaqmd.gov 2.Go to the My Asbestos Job Notification list. 3.Click on the specific Job Notification to view the summary. 4.Click on the "Change Asbestos Job Details" button If you have trouble accessing your account online, or have questions regarding changes on Job Details, contact 415-749-4762. 375 Beale Street, Suite 600 - San Francisco, CA 94105 - (415) 771.6000 - WWW.BAAQMD.GOV January 30, 2021 January 30, 2021