BLD-2023-2308_Re-roof Tear OffCUPERTINO REROOF / TEAR -OFF POLICY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 10300 TORRE AVENUE • CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 (408) 777-3228 • FAX (408) 777-3333 • buildin-g aacupertino.ora PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 `i 3 )�� .p"—^ `� OWNERNAME: Cir 1 r C- L HONE: - _ —37 E-MAII �/ C` %� 1 < �. [�► 1(1 lG C Ir STREET ADDRESS: /•. ' (,.: h' +ct v I �' C=, STATE, ZIP: FAX CONTRACTOR NAME: L 1 1 LICENSE NUMBER: 1 _. t7 LICENSE TYPE: BUS. LIC. # _SCS COMPANY NA - V 1r�J�' E-MAIL: - / 1L F _c STREET ADDRESS: T� �(,� • �Gt 6 CITY. STATE, ZIP. - • IOU` PHONE: J I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING: 1. The re -roof project shall comply with all applicable provisions of the 2022 California Codes and Cupertino Municipal Codes. 'NOTE: PV/Solar removed from the existing roof to install new roofing will require a separate permit for re -installation of PV/Solar panels/system. 2. An inspection request may be scheduled up to one business day before the requested inspection date. Please schedule inspections online or call (408) 777-3228 from 7:30am-3:30pm (Mon-Thurs) or 7:30am-2:30pm (Friday) to schedule inspections. "Roof Tear-OfP' and "Roof PlMood Nail" inspections are "ON CALL" inspections. You must call in on the day of the inspection ONLY after that phase of the work is completed. The building inspector should be available within one hour. The hours for this service are: 7:30-10:30am and 1:00-3:30pm (Mon-Thurs) and 7:30-10:30am and 12:30-230 (Friday). "Final Building" inspection will be given a two hour window. 3. For all reroof inspections, safe ladder access to roof is to be provided per CAL OSHA requirements (https•//www.dir.ca.gov/dosbJetools/08-001/rega.htm). Ladder side rails must extend to at least 3 ft. above the landing (roof surface) unless handholds are provided. The ladder shall be so placed as to prevent slipping, or it shall be tied, blocked, held, or otherwise secured to prevent slipping. 4. "Roof Tear -Of°' inspection is required. All dry -rotted wood shall be replaced prior to this inspection. All nails/fasteners shall be completely removed or knocked -down prior to this inspection. 5. "Roof Plywood Nail" inspection is required if new solid sheathing is installed. If solid sheathing is present on existing roof at time of "Roof Tear-Ojj°' inspection, "Roof Plywood Nail" inspection may be omitted. 6. "Roof Batten" inspection is required if installation of tile or metal shingle is required by manufacturer. This is an "ON CALL" inspection, see #2 above for scheduling instructions. 7. NOTE: NO underlayment or roofing shall be applied without first obtaining all required inspection/s and documented approvals from the building inspector. Failure to obtain inspection approvals will result in removal of all materials to sheathing to perform required inspections and a re -inspection fee will be charged. The rein erection fee shall be paid prior to scheduling another inspection. 8. A "Final Building" inspection and approval shall be obtained from the building inspector when the reroofing is completed. To receive final sign -off, the following items will be required and verified: a. Flat roofs shall have a minimum of V4' per foot of slope and shall demonstrate no ponding. b. Listings from approved testing agencies for all pre -manufactured products used shall be available on -site to review at time of the inspection. Note: Verification of class "A" fire rating may be requested by building inspector. c. Spark arrestor installation, double wall flues have not been cut and 1" min clearance to roof sheathing, plastic vents are painted with water based synthetic latex paint, gutters/downspouts installed, and verification of NO PV/Sour previously installed and/or the required PV/Solar permit for re -installation. All construction debris is to be removed. NOTE: City of Cupertino does NOT allow copper roofing or copper architectural materials. I certify each of the following is true: I am the property owner or authorized agent to act on the property owner's behalf. I understand and agree to comply with the reroof policy stated above. I understand that smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are required to be installed in accordance with �Sections �R31144 and R315 f the 2019 California Residential Code for "Final Buildin4" sign off. Signature of Applicant/Agent: - " ' 1 Date: L' ' L ReroofPolicv 2022.doc revised 61271202: ('fl