6-26-20 Bid Opening - Sports Center Seismic Retrofit ProjectThe Cupertino Courier
c/o Bay Area News Group
4 N. 2nd Street, Suite 800
San Jose, CA 95113
State of California
County of Santa Clara
FILE NO. Bid - Sports Center
I am a citizen of the United States. I am over the age of eighteen
years and I am not a party to or interested in the above entitled
matter. I am the Legal Advertising Clerk of the printer and publisher
of the Cupertino Courier, a newspaper published in the English
language in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of
I declare that the Cupertino Courier is a newspaper of general
circulation as defined by the laws of the State of California as
determined by court decree dated November 13, 1956, Case
Number 100637. Said decree states that the Cupertino Courier is
adjudged to be a newspaper of general circulation for the City of
Cupertino, County of Santa Clara and State of California. Said
order has not been revoked.
declare that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy,
has been published in each regular and entire issue of said
newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following
dates, to wit:
I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is
true and correct.
Dated: June 26, 2020
Public Notice Advertising Clerk
Legal No. 0006494093
mid A ptome. The i;ltp o1 Cupertino ('City') will accept sealed
bids for ifs5poais Center Seismic Reenof■t Project C'Proleet*}, tfyl ar
before Tuesday, tiny 7, 2412A, at 2�40 p-m. An bids must be submi ted
In PUF rormatnollr,e at https,//ayFs,cagerkmo.org/bidmaragement
/rndex.asp. mldders may login to Inne applicaWa using the same
email address and paSEWard used Waccess bidding documents. To
submit a bid, open Elie Sports Colter Seismic Re"Fit Prafeet fo[U&
th and click an e a2trwic 5ubmissepl tab. It ig sleongly
McWn ended E1111t bidders femfliarize rhehuelves with the web
n%kLatf�rr prig ep the bid date. Make Burl 0 Ipllpw &EI bed
irtgtruCtirin$ and inUlhrde 31I regUi"d Fp7M. Submitting a bid
el"hepnically Can take mor@ time Dean antkjga#ed dopeWiny pn
the 5cope or the bud aAd khO ampunk of inlnrmakinrr the Ord is
requesting, go pime e11gw P,tpvgfi Rhine Lo submit ypirr bid by thg
see d dcadlir,�_ Bids. fn�r pbreugmsa and oat suhmllted b sire
d uNuw sill ul sikifta ly b4?a►eee#h br clh ystem adnreit will
I PrpjLCt hrfpro►Stion,
LIKOOa Arid 0*$CdPti0n. TI* Prot'00 i5 locAtO at 211.L1
OnS Creak Mud, Cupurtrrq, CA M14 *.r*jKt 1"Ati0m;?. 0e4 iS
:ribed dS fellow&:
pn*ct involvos a voluntary seismic upgrede on the existing
its �Cntur building- The Condttt wetl ei Ong We s0lrth &nd the
Standing OolunwhS 0Dng ties nOrth will be &EQnr,ytrangthuri0
r3xttrnailly ftpplied adhored FRP minforeing_ The cant rete walI
be comr-ed o,h both exteric}r and interior surfabcs- Tht contra¢
mnswill be wrapped On a;11 four sides. To arlbw this npplitatiun,
king amhNetural Oments and finishes within the area of
mantaika will be removed too expose #be Conu4te Surfac4 s,
1 archikeawml dements And finish2S that are impacted by this
natter% will bu restored upon Completion- In additiao. this
ect will also include nccessibility irnproverrlents.
L2'lima for Compretlem The project nwrst be completed within 90
calendar days fi Gmi the start date set forth in the Notice to Proceed.
M--anticipates them the work will begin on or about SW4ririber S.
r but the anticird start date is provided salefy for
convenience and is neither certain or binding.
3.3 Esllmated oast. The estimated raars#ruation-cost is$1LQ0W=
3. License and ReloWirathm Requlremetrts.
3.1. Lleerrsv. This Project requires a valid caftinia mrtractor5
Incense for the follawitegalasslfecatlart(3}: I-69rreral Bupdrng.
941 GIR Reglstra[ion, Ci mar not accept a Bid Proposal irom or
enter Into #]Ma Cant%% wEth a Mder, without proof that the bldder
Is registered with the Callfomla Department of Industrial Relations
( DIW to perform PPeelIbllc work pursuant W Labor Cade sectlan
172%5, sutrleat to- Ilmlted fe9aiex0ept1Dns,
L Contract Dacumerrts. The plans, wpeclflaatlons, hld lorms avid
contfact dDcurnertts far ore Prolert, and any addenda thereto
("Contract Dacuments-) are avallabLe In electronic form ants, and
nlay he do-ni%aded from C s webslte under "open Bids" at.,
ht#pg-{{ePpplrpGr#ioq-p,-[1/bi rnarr90rnCr`tfendexiiSpx and may
also be available from a Ideal or regkrnal plan moan or trade
5. Old Sectvft. The SW Proposal must be acconpaJNed by bid
secwlty of Len percent of the maximum 1316 amount, In the corm of
a casatller's of certified check made payable to Cl#v ar a hld bond
executed by a surety ticensetl to do huseness n the State of
C�iliforrlia on the Bit Band form Included wUh the Contract
D cumenLs. The hid security must guarantee Utat within ten dais
after City Issues the Notice at Award, the successfuller ON bldd
e%erute the Contract and submit the payment and performaace
hond5 and Insurance certificates antl endorsements and any ether
submittals as eequired by Um Contract Documents and spenried in
the Notice of A,war6-
6. PrxwailorgWageRequirernents
&I Uenrro6 PUrsuaftt to California Labor OxEegecl.lon 1724 et
thf$ Project is subject to the prevailing wage repuiremanis
applicab a to. the IgCfltity in which the 111nrk iS to he pee'forrn@d for
each craft, Clas&ificetinn or ty$e K)f vrorker needed to pWF1)rn5 the
Wnrk, including employo payments for health anp w4 tHar(;
peasion,imcation, apprenticeship and gimilarpurpOSQ&
G2 fJt eS. These pprrevailing ritt�g are. on Pike with the City dto
suailable online at 3r V/11/1www rr ca gov1DLSR. E h COeltrdCiOr
and SuUentr&! ter must piny no IOS& thsh the Spe)CiPied rate& W all
workers ertlployW to-+. irk pfh the Proj(�t. The %ChedWIO Of yer df4)m
w&" iS based upon A wgrkirk� day pf QW chows- The rate for
Rolifty antl pvortihiq work artistbC z%tIMSt ieMe tend one-half.
f 3 4'amplian#M Thy CorrtTMd will be SUB to "Mol121n4C merN-
leirlmy �110 Cnf&i;Q 00 b1r the MR. under Labor Code setfioM
L P¢rforrmanoc and PAym4nk fondv: the successrul bkWr will be
rc�qui7ed to 3dovidlh porfornra=0 and payment bands, ta1ch far
10o9S of the �.On#rlact price. as further specified ,n the C rhtraUt
9, 5ubstilt0on atSewrWu& SLbstiitution pf appropriate m+ curitios in
lieu of ratentko amar nb from pragrkss payrnen� ed
is permitt
underg+ublic Cantrs mtCodeectyon NMIR
9, 5ubwntratctor List, Each Suboorrtractw must be registered with
the UPR to perform work on rrtrblic protects. Each bidder must
submit a compieted Subcontractor list form with its laid -Pia34L,
including the name, location of the place of business, Caliur"ni;
contractor ticense number. DIR registration number, and peraeMe
age of the Wank to he performed (based on the base bid price) for
each 5ubcorrtractw that will perform Work or service or fabricate
or install work for the prime contractor in excess of ane,half of 196
of the bid Price ar, for construcxion of streets and highways, 3iobw
{whichever is greater), Usthe SUbMrtractor list form included
with the Contract DaCLlment5.
1# Sl�eorltraGtor lhnit. The prime contractdr is required to- self-per-
101111"ienrr "a, �r urc rrs r uii urr rr�lcLr� ex r.,..r nPe4u ieu i',
the InstracdGmto Bitdders-
11. SIMM' CDhf -MMes A blathers' Mr4eretrce will NOT be held,
L2. Instnmi m to Bidders. All bidders should careiulry review the
Instraatlans tq Bldders for more detalled InfonmatlGn before
suhml#Ing a Bld Proposal- The deflnlGans piovJded Fn Article I of
the General Conditlons apply to all of the Cantraa Doi u=erts, as
defined thereia4lnrAudln9 thI5NaRce Iirolting OWs,
PUBLISH 6{W20 CU N649400-1 luue2k2-020