CC Resolution No. 8592 RESOllJTIW ID. 8592 A RESOllJTIW OF THE CITY CXXJNCIL OF THE CITY OF aJPERI'IID ADOPl'nG A DISABILITY DISCRIMINATIW POLICY AND <XMPIAINT PROCEOORE WHEREAS, the City of CUpertino is required to be in cx:upliance with Title I of the AIœricans with Disabilities Act (ADA) effective January 26, 1992; and WHEREAS, in order to croply with inrnediate requirements of the ADA the City ßUlSt (1) find reasonable aCu.aIllUÙdtions whenever possible to a¡ploy the disabled 'NOrker or the qualified individual with a disability applying for alployment, (2) designate a exmpliance officer and (3) adopt a croplaint procedure; and WHEREAS, the Disability Discrimination Policy and eœplaint Procedure, attached hereto as Exhibit "An and made part hereof by reference meets the requirerænts to put the City of CUpertino into exmpliance with ADA; NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of CUpertino hereby adopts the Disability Discrimination Policy and eœplaint Procedure . PASSED AND AOOPl'ED at City of CUpertino this following vote: vote Manbers of the City Council a regular neeting of the City Council of the 3rd day of Februarv, 1992, by the AYES: Dean, Goldman, Szabo, Sorensen NOES: None ABSENT: Koppel ABSTAIN: None ATlEST: APPRO\IED: /s/ Dorothv Cornelius City Clerk /s/ Lauralee Sorensen Mayor, City of CUpertino DISABILITY DISCRIMINATIOO FOLlCY AND a::MPIAINl' PROCEI:XJRE I. FURFOSE 'Ihe pw:pose of this policy is: to prohibit am elbninate any discrbnination in enployment against a qualified in:lividual with a disability; to define what constitutes "disability"; to define who is a "qualified in:lividual with a disability"; to define discrbnination on the basis of disability; am to establish a procedure for investigatin;J am resolvin;J intemal disability discrbnination CCIIplaints. II. FOLlCY Discrbnination on the basis of disability against an applicant or an enployee who is a qualified in:lividual with a disability, by a supervisor, management enployee, or coworker is not conloned am will not be tolerated. 'Ibis policy applies to the job application process and to all terms am corx:litions of enployment including, but not limited to, hirin;J, plaoerœnt, pI'Cll'OOtion, disciplinaJ:y action, layoff, recall, transfer, leave of absence, ccttpeI'1Sðtion am training. All complaints of discrbnination on the basis of disability will be pronq:>t1y am objectively investigated. Disciplinary action up to and inc:ludin;J termination will be instituted for behavior described in the definition of discrbnination on the basis of disability set forth below. Arrr retaliation against a person for filin;J a discrbnination charge or making a discrbnination CCIIIplaint is proh.ibited. III. DEFINITIONS A. Disability ~IDisability" is: (1) a physical or mental iJTIpai.nœnt that substantially limits one .or mre major life activity; or (2) havin;J a record of such an iJTIpainnent; or (3) bein;J regarded as havin;J such an iJTIpai.nœnt. "EXHIBIT A" Disability Discrimination Policy am CoI1tJlaint Procedure Page 2 1. Physical or Mental Impainnents Physical or mental ilrpa.inœnts include, but are not limited to: vision, speech am hearing ilrpainnents; ellDtional disturbance am mental illness; seizure disorders; mental retardation; orthopedic and neuromotor disabilities; learning disabilities; diabetes; heart disease; nervous conditions; cancer; asthma; Hepatitis B; HIV infection; am drug addition if the addict has successfully CCIlTpleted or is participating in a rehabilitation program am no lo~er uses illegal drugs. The following conditions are not physical or mental ilrpainnents: transvestism; illegal drug use; horrosexuality and bisexuality; compulsive gambling, kleptomania; pyromania; pedophilia; exhibitionism; and voyeurism; pregnancy; height; weight; eye color; hair color; left-handedness; po'{erty; lack of education; a prison record; am poor judgment or quick tenper if not symptams of a mental or physiological disorder. 2. SUbstantial Limitation of Major Life Activities An irdividual is disabled if he or she has a physical or mental ilrpainnent that (a) rerxiers him or her unable to perfonn a major life activity, or that (b) substantially limits the condition, manner or duration under which he or she can perform a particular major life activity in camparison to other people. Major life activities are functions such as caring for oneself, perfol1llÌIq manual tasks, walkirq, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning am workirxJ. In determining whether physical or mental ilrpainnent substantially limits the condition, manner or duration under which an irdividual can perfonn a particular major life activity in camparison to other people, the following factors shall be considered: a. the nature am seVerity of the ilrpainnent; b. the duration or ~ duration of the ilrpainnent; am c. the pennanent or 10n:J-tenn ilrpact (or ~ ilrpact) of or resulting fran the ilrpainnent. Disability Discrimination R>1icy an:1 Conplaint Procedure Page 3 In deteD1Ù.ning whether a physical or mental iIrpai.J:1nent substantially limits an iIxtividual with respect to the major life activity of ''work:irq'', the following factors should be considered: a. the geographical area to which the iIxtividual has reasonable a=ess'; b. the job from which the individual has been disqualified because of an iIrpai.J:1nent an:1 the number and types of jobs within that geographical area utilizing similar training, knowledge, skills or abilities from which the individual is also disqualified because of the iIrpai.J:1nent; arrljor c. the number and types of other jobs within that geographical area not utilizing similar training, knowledge, skills or abilities (to the jab fran which disqualified) from which the individual is also disqualified because of the iIrpai.J:1nent (broad range of jobs in various classes). 3. Having a Record of I1Tplirment An iIxtividual is disabled if he or she have a history of having an impairment that substantially limits the performance of a major life activity; or has been diagnosed, correctly or incorrectly, as having such an iIrpaiment. 4. Regarded as Having a Disability An iIxtividual is disabled if he or she is treated or perceived as having an iIrpaiment that substantially limits major life activities, although no such iIrpaiment exists. B. Qualified Irrlividual with a Disability A "qualified iIxtividual with a disability" is a person who (1) satisfies the job related requirements for the position, an:1 (2) can perform the "essential functions" of the position despite their disability, or who (3) with "reasonable accommodation" can perform the essential functions of the position. Disability Discrllnination Policy arx:1 Calrplaint Procedure . Page 4 1. satisfied Job-Related Requirements The first step is to determine whether the disabled in:lividual satisfied the job-related requirelœnts of the position. Satisfyirq. the job-related requirelœnts of the position means that the disabled in:lividual possesses the appropriate educational backgrourrl, employment experience, skills, arx:1 license required for the position. 2. Essential Factors '!he secon:l step is to detennine whether the in:lividual can perform the essential functions of the position despite their disability. Essential functions are the fun:1amental duties of a position. Marginal or peripheral functions of a position are not essential functions. A function may be essential because: a. the reason the position exists is to perform that function; b. of the limited number of employees available among whom the perfonnance of that job function can be distributed; arx:1 c. it is highly f;õpecialized and requires specific expertise or skill to perfonu. '!he follCMirq factors shall be considered in deteJ:1nining whether a function is essential: the agency's judgement as to which functions are essential; written job descriptions; the amount of time spent on the job perfoJ:1!lin;J the function; the consequences of not requirirq the perfonnance of the function; the teIms of a collective bargaining agreeIæl1t or MJU; arx:1 the work experience of past arx:1 present incumbents in the position. 3. ~,.,ólation If the in:lividual cannot perfonu the essential functions despite their disability, the third step is to determine whether reasonable accommodation would enable the individual to perform the essential functions of the position. Disability Discrimination Policy am Complaint Pr=edure . Page 5 ~,",Ldation is any c:han;¡e in the work enviromnent or in the way things are customarily done that enables a disabled individual to enjoy equal employment opportunities. Accomm::rlation JTeanS JOOdifications or adjustJænts: a. to a job application process to enable an individual with a disability to be amsidered for the position; b. to the work environment in which a position is perfo:med so that a disabled person can perform the essential functions of the position; am c. that enable disabled individuals to enjoy equal benefits and privileges of employment as other similarly situated employees without disabilities enjoy. Accommodation includes making existing facilities am equipment used by employees readily accessible to am usable by individuals with disabilities. Accomm::rlation applies to: all employment decisions am to the job application process ; all seJ:Vices am programs provided in connection with employment; non-work facilities provided by the agency to all employees; am k:nown disabilities only. ~1",.:.Jð.tion is not required if: it eliminates essential functions of a position fran the disabled individual's job; or adjustJænts or JOOdifications requested are prilnarily for the benefit of the disabled individual. Disability Discriroination Policy and COITplaint Procedure . Page 6 4. Urrlue Hardship Agency will not provide an a...........'.,....Jation that :iJrposes an "undue hardship" on the operation of the agency's business. Urrlue hardship maans significant difficulty or expense incurred in the provision of a=rnroodation. Urrlue hardship includes but is not limited to financial difficulty. Undue hardship refers to any a=rnroodation that would be un:iuly costly, extensive, substantial or disruptive, or that would fun:1amentally alter the nature or operation of the business. Whether a particular· a~loJation will ÍI\1;JOSe an undue hardship is detennined on a case-by-case basis. '!he follow:in;J factors will be considered in det:enninirq whether an accomm:x1ation would create an undue hardship: the nature and cost of the acconunodation: the f:i11ancial resources of the agency: the number of employees: and the type of operations of the agency, includi.ng the composition and functions of its workforce. 5. Det:enninirq the Appropriate A...u.Ju.,odation If a qualified individual with a disability requests the provisi~ of a reasonable a.............,oJation, the agency shall engage ~n an infonnal, interactive process with the disabled person which identifies the precise limitations resulting from the disability and the potential a=rnroodations that could overcane those limitations. The acconunodation process shall generally involve five steps. First, the agency shall analyze the particular job at issue and detennine its purpose and essential functions. Second, the agency shall consult with the disabled individual to ascertain the precise job-related limitations inposed by the individual's disability. 'Ihird, the agency shall consult with the disabled individual to identify potential a.............,odations. Fourth, the agency shall assess the effectiveness of each potential acc::amrodation with regard to enabl:in;J the individual to perform the essential functions of the position. Finally, the agency shall consider the preference of the individual to be accommodated and select and implement the acconunodation that is most appropriate for both the employee and the agency. Disability Discrimination Policy arrl Complaint Procedure Page 7 C. Discrimination on the Basis of Disability Discrimination on the basis of disability n-eans: to limit, segregate, or classify a job applicant or employee in a way that may adversely affect opportunities or status because of the applicant's or enployee's disability; to participate in a contract which could subject an applicant or employee with a disability to discrimination; to use any standards, criteria or method of administration which could have the effect of discriminating on the basis of disability; to deny equal jobs or benefits because of a disability ; to fail to make reasonable aCCCl!1ll'Qdations to known physical or mental limitations of an otherwise qualified irdividual unless it can be shown that the au..;u¡I.......Jation would impose an W'Xiue hardship; to use a selection criteria which exclude disabled person unless the criteria is jOb-related and consistent with business necessity; arrl to fail to use enployment tests in a manner that ensures that the test results accurately reflect the applicant's or enployee's skills or aptitude for a particular job. N. o::MPI.AJNl' 1. A job applicant or enployee who believes he or she has been discriminated against on the basis of disability may make a written complaint as soon as possible after the incident to: (a) complainant's immediate supervisor; (b) complainant's depart¡rent head; or (c) the Assistant to the City Manager who has been designated to coordinate agency's efforts to comply wi th federal and state laws concerning employment discrimination on the basis of disability. In order to facilitate the investigation, the complainant is encouraged to submit the complaint within 30 days of the alleged incident(s). Where reasonable circumstances prevent the filing of the complaint within this time period, complaints received after this time period may be accepted. Disability Discrilnination Policy arrl eonplaint Procedure Page 8 2. '!he conplaint shall include: a description of the offen:lin:J behavior(s) or violations; date(s), t:iroe(s) arrl location(s) of incident(s); name(s) of alleqed offen:ier(s); name(s) of witnesses, if any; arrl remedy desired. 3. Complainant's inunediate supervisor or deparbnent head shall refer all conplaints received to the Assistant to the City Manager . 4. Upon receipt of a conplaint, the Assistant to the City Manager shall investigate all charges. '!he investigation shall include interviews with: (a) the conplainant; (b) the person(s) alleqedly engaged in discrilnination, arrl (c) any other person believed to have relevant knowledge concemirg the conplaint. 5. Upon conpletion of the investigation, the Assistant to the City Manager shall review the infoI1Ilation gathered through the investigation to detennine whether the alleged conduct =nstitutes discrilnination, givin;¡ =nsic1eration to all factual infoI1Ilation, the totality of the circumstances, includin;J the nature of the alleged discrilninatory =rr:iuct arrl the =ntext in which the alleged incidents cx::curred. 6. '!he Assistant to the City Manager shall then prepare a written report settin;¡ forth the results of the investigation and the detennination as to whether discrilnination cx::curred. '!he results of the investigation shall be =nveyed to appropriate persons includin;J to the ·conplainant, the person(s) alleqedly engaged in discrilnination, the supervisor, arrl the deparbnent head. 7. If it is determined that discrilnination cx::curred, swift arrl appropriate disciplinary action will be cammensurate with the severity arx:!¡or frequency of the offense. 8. Reasonable steps shall be taken to protect the victim arrl other potential victiIns fran further discrilnination. 9. Reasonable steps shall be taken to protect the victim from retaliation as a result of c:cmum.micatin;¡ the conplaint. disbitypolicy(Iœ-2)