CC Resolution No. 8509 RJ!91f nt'!CJ( tÐ. 8509 A RJ!91fJ'l'ICJ( OF 'DIE Cl'l'Y CXOICIL OP 'DIE Cl'l'Y OF aJP!R1'DÐ APPRJ\TD'Iå C1:II1a'n [)I.VE[ŒIIŒNl' BtlJa( GRANl' <XIfŒACl' BElWEBf 'DIE a:amc OF SAIfrA aARA AM) 'DIE Cl'l'Y OF aJP!R1'DÐ Fœ FISCAL 'n'AR 1991-92 AM) Al11!I:mZI1Ð EXm1l'ICJ( OF AGRDMENl' æmPAS the City of 0JpIrtin0 ~ in the tJrt:m\ Q:IUnty C'O-:{-.AUW n-o-"\ity DIIv8l-1-'-ít Bleck ~ ~..."..-; and æmPAS the DIIpIIrCI8'It of 1Þ.I8ingan! tJrt:m\ D8\II8lo 1 -It ~ an iMivið.lal .......'-_1. lAJb.un the Q:IUnty of santa Clara and participating cities; and æœEAS the City CDJncil hila ~ the ....~:-' ......tl.LaCt and exhibits; 1Df, ~, BE rr RE9ClLV!D that the City CDJncil of the City of 0JpEtinD t..a::eby Imttx:d-. the City IfIMgIIr to --=ute the __.t CXMI1'ing $606,595.20 in ŒIIG ~ fer the ~ JUly 1, 1991 t:hrQugi\ J\Jna 30, 1992 ~ the Q:IUnty of santa Clara and the City of~. PJ"'....... AND Awt'.11:U at a J:9;J""" ...un;, of the City CDJncil of the City of 0Jp8rtin0 this 16~h day of <:øp>ømhø¥ , 1991 1:7¡ the fOllcwinq vote: yæ ,....... . _ of the City n-omr.i 1 AYl!S: lÐES: ABSDfl': ABSrADI: Goldman, Rogers. Sorensen, Szabo, Koppel None None None A:J:J:Øl: APfRMD /s/ Roberta A. Wolfe City C18rk , Deputy /s/ Barb KODDel Maya:', City of 0JpIrtin0 G\~\Cl'YCXNl'l