DRC 07-21-05 Design Review Committee July 21,2005 Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 777-3308 APPROVED ITEM MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE HELD ON JULY 21, 2005 ROLL CALL Committee Members present: Marty Miller Chairperson Lisa Giefer, Commissioner Committee Members absent: None Staff present: Alex Stanford, Gary Chao, Piu Ghosh Staff absent: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: POSTPONEMENTSjREMOV AL FROM CALENDAR: 3. R-2005-10, RM-2005-09; Tameyasu Anayama, 21887 Wilson Court Request removal from calendar. ORAL COMMUNICATION: CONSENT CALENDAR: None PUBLIC HEARING: 1. Application: Applicant: Location: EXC-2005-12 Alan Ford (E. Hoffman Enterprises) 19960 Stevens Creek Blvd. Sign Exception for a letter height of 24 inches, which exceeds the maximum letter height of 18 inches. Design Review Committee decision final unless appealed. 2 Design Review Committee July 21,2005 Staff Presentation: Alex Stanford, Planning Intern, briefly described sign exception. Staff believes that the sign does not compromise the intent of the sign ordinance and recommends approval. The applicant explained that the sign was a corporate logo change. MOTION: SECOND: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: VOTE: Commissioner Giefer moved to approve EXC-2005-12. Chairperson Miller None None 2-0 2. Application: Applicant: Location: R-2005-18 Baldev Jandu 10276 Orange Avenue Residential Design Review for a 2,027 square foot first and second story addition to an existing 810 square foot residence and an exception for a reduced side yard setback on the first floor to 5 feet on both sides. Design Review Committee decision final unless appealed. Continued from the July 7, 2005 meeting. Staff Presentation: Piu Ghosh, Assistant Planner, briefly described the application and the privacy protection plan. The applicant is proposing to plant Italian Cypresses. Staff recommends approval. Commissioner Giefer clarified that in addition to privacy, her primary concern was about safety and the whether or not the Fire Department could get to the back of the property to put out any potential fires. Gary Chao, Associate Planner, explained that the Fire Department only requires 3 feet of clearance and that the plans will be reviewed by the Fire Department when they are submitted for building permit. Discussion continued regarding the placement of the Italian Cypress trees and setbacks. Chairperson Miller asked if this would be a precedent in the neighborhood. Ms. Ghosh answered yes because a lot of the lots in Monta Vista are currently sub-standard. Discussion continued regarding the Rl Ordinance change regarding setbacks. It was determined that it would not be a precedent. Commissioner Giefer stated she would like to get the feedback from the Fire Department regarding the privacy plantings. Mr. Chao stated that the Planning Department could consult with the Fire Department and report back at the next Design Review Committee meeting. 3 Design Review Committee July 21,2005 Commissioner Giefer asked the applicant if the Fire Department came back and stated the Italian Cypress on the right located in the 5-foot setback needed to be removed for fire access, would he have an issue with that. Baldev Jandu, applicant, answered no. Discussion continued regarding alternatives for the upstairs window. Chairperson Miller asked the applicant to describe the project and the exceptions involved. Commissioner Giefer stated that in general, she would prefer to have a total of 15-foot setbacks (split up) primarily for access into the rear yard and a the garage to be no more that 50% of the house. Her preference would be to see the 5-foot high window that meets the intent of the privacy idea than the tree. Commissioner Giefer wanted to propose a motion with wording with this intent: raise the window in the bedroom facing the right hand neighbor to the 5-foot level and eliminate the tree, and to work the situation out on a staff level, if not the tree would stand. MOTION: SECOND: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: VOTE: Commissioner Giefer moved to approve R-2005-18 with the condition stating that the applicant work with staff to either raise the sill height to 5- feet to eliminate the need for privacy tree or that the applicant can work with the neighbor to get a waiver or the option to plant a tree as well. Chairperson Miller None None 2-0 Application: Applicant: Location: R-2005-10, RM-2005-09 Tameyasu Anayama 21887 Wilson Court 3. Residential Design Review for an 895 square foot first and second story addition to an existing 2,528 square foot residence and an exception for the second story wall planes over six feet high to be over 50% of the perimeter length. Minor Residential Permit for a for a first story addition to be located 10 feet 5 inches from the rear property line. Design Review Committee decision final unless appealed. MOTION: SECOND: ABSENT: Commissioner Giefer moved to remove R-2005-10 and RM-2005-09 from calendar. Chairperson Miller None 4 Design Review Committee July21,2005 ABSTAIN: VOTE: None 2-0 OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: None Respectfully submitted: ¡(~a 1J}d6 Kiersa Witt Administrative Assistant g:planning/DRC CommitteejMinutes072105