D-977 Grant Deed for Melvin E. Hewins and Josephine Hewins and Earl A. McDonald183860 SJA JOINT TENANCY (tMelvin Z. Hewl= and Josephine Z. Revins, husband and Yi0._-End_Zar1 A..K•cDomlds vbo _sequired title to the hereinafter MmQribeA real property. as a single man Dr L,4y feast is Z. P. Wildhagen and Evelyn X. Wlldbagen, husband me (stet brssabr - s7 AN red tr*er* aratlr ea At _ 6*xry of Sam Ma, Star of C4k*K,4 &na,ind u j4.,wr. Beginning at a point in the South line of the North half of the Northwest one quarter of Section 26 Township 7 South Range 2 vest N.D.B.k., from which point the quarter Section corner between Sections 23 and 26 T. 7 S.R. 2 W., M.D.B.• and X., being the cocoon corner. for lands now or formerly of J. D. William,-J. P. Bubb, N. Haynes and Z. Haaraban bears North 131$.46 feet. thence from raid point of beginning and along the South line of the North half of the Northwest one -quarter of Section.26 T. 7 S.R. 2 W., X.D.B. and N., 5.89 57 w. 400.00 feet to a point; thence H. 17'441E. 523.05 feet to a point; thence Ust 240,66 - feet to. IL point in the Westerly line -of the lards now or formerly of N. Haynes; thence "along the Westerly line of the land now or. formerly of W. Haynes South 499.70 feet to the •- point of beginning and containing aooroxi+ately 3.67 acres and being a portion of the North h+lf of the Worthuest one -quarter of Section.26 Torgship,7 South Range 2 Wert X.D.B. and H. Together with a right of way for ingress rnd egress over a strip of land 6e feet vide the Northeasterly line of whic1. is described as follows: Bagirning at a T;oirt 1n tl e.::orthveeterly lire of t:.e land iereir.- above- described, -said point -being --the- co=_ -or, cora:er for Lots 7 and 11 as said Lots are shnwn on Tract no. 492 Yarquette welwhts Subdivioian, which said flap was filed for Record on Xarch 22, 1948 in hoot: 16 of XFps, at p99e64 and 5. in t^e Office of the County Recorder of the Ccunty of Santa Wra, btate of California; thence along the line dividir, eeid Lots 7 and 11 15.510421W. 2a3.10 felt to-t a 5out.-erl.y ter_.i..^.us of Ufland Way as r:-ovn on eel"8p and being; a portion of said Lot 11. Alto ..-e rl t to install and _Flntbin utilities or. said rl :.t of vay hereinabcve described. Bwtum Our..&..I a sf—2th--_I,y AFFr11- di i i --? --- i