CC 05-20-57v
P. 0.- b 597 Al 2-4303
T % c .ti EBTINC
Place 1 C01.1.1no School, Teachers lounge
Time: 8:000 P, )(rim
Press S. Stelnreia lbu axle Standard
Nm.# iCapeftluo fturler
D. Cox, San Jose ry
pmeent: 129 'Nat !ems 3sich, Wilson
11 THE NUM is c° Im ISEXING ON APM 258 195? were read;
the rol2owbW oorreatlew uw* noted 1:V-8 add gRayor
Wt2am asked 9112 Morten ®f Um Cupertino er !or an eatio
maftsro Item V-P-1, cheare the second sentence to sived °Be sela
he w=2d like to inittate conalderstlan of the appointment of z
Clty Reneger tc asses fte adolsistratIve work of the City
Coumcll,g Third, sentence: Delete a appointee cold® insert
ced that he w eaftb2lahlue a Development Committee
411 FETIT101Z niL t -UNIC;%TI S
A.O1. Off tee 6f the Sheriff - Ack;nowledgesent of change of
speed lialts on State Sign houte f9.
2, Office of the Sheriff - Report on parallel parking matte.
j, Secretary of State Certifying receipt of Ordinance
No. 33„ uh1csh sets forth approval of they vexation of
Homestead t•-C
St te Controller - Alcohol Beverage .Licenser Fee,
Septe r l; 1956-February 28, 1957 in the amount of
S, Depert-nent of Public il orks 1956-37 fiscal year total
allocation _5394.67,
60 A. C. Stevens, ,Jr. - 11eholution to name representative
to proposed Recreation Commission,
7, Arale Women's Club Request for cooper, tion in obtain-
inL a solution to the traffic congestio: ou State
Highway 9.
8. Howard McLaughlin Request for waive r et a 11cense fee
for a fireworks stand; also request to sell Buddy
Poppies without payment of license fec, Moved by
Councilman Nathanson, that the business llcgMse fee for
the sale of fireworks be waived inasm,ch as the State
andFive Marshal's reguireaMts have been Mt; seconded
by C Goocilman Wilson, Carried 4 - 0.
Floved 14 Councilman Filson that the City of Cu rtino
endorse the sals.j,!LR2Rgles on &U 24 and 2 ; seconded
by Councu lman Sa l ch, curried 4 - ®,
9 Sark Thomas Company - Information as to the services
which the firm can perform for the City of Cupertino,
lU, Public Utilities Commission - Public Hearing on Pacific
Gas and Electric Companies electric -department rate
Increase application No, 38811,
Moved by Councilman Nathanson the t the CuDerting y
City Council to on record as ins ojosed to the ra-t-e-
Ingregse reauested by P G. e E seconded by Counollmsm
Safch, failing 2 - ® 2 in favor noose opposed) on the
abstentions of Wile= and Meyerholz.
2., Some 15 additional letters were ji%en read IbV the Mayor,
B. L2-
X Vith reference to road matters, Councilman Nathanson
t s t a V
iiRitl.Mitl IiCP
r ti
e4 t+P
rr. a
2. With regard the Rodrit*ue` subdivisions Councilmn
Sale h and ft7erhola reiterated that Rodriguez kvenus:
and Western Drive and the street in front of the stores
had been offered for dedic?t,= but not accepted. Mayor
D e 2z requesUd that the City Attornqr check with
the County 06unsbl to determine whether the City"oaa
jeotbate2W socept these streets and Wdurp for so
t S a report at than i e
S 02 geld that the rIft all
I to r ",ko one foot of e
3. 11401,00 eS°,''ed to t B r . tte2'w
C Lueporte d that W
to to attend asa rearedfi= weetlM at
the a. Cou=12 Salch
suggooed tftt the now Councilman take ewer the reorea—
tit fear the council.*
4he that than City sshouAd prepare the reports
neceseltated tr the Federal HlghwW Act o A letter from
Mark ftoom sadniseed to gr. Salab, offeriaag to prqmre
the n for a200, was read,, 7be letter
also neistlened emle section 2107,59 asah1oh ,%,mvIdea about
JgOOO anwasUr few a City the also of Cu)-,,rY°tino for
i4agineering administration, The Mayor asskPA the City
Attorney to Inveat:tga:te this section and determine for
v taat purposes the City can use these funds,
S. The Mayor proclaimed the Meek of May S through May 11 as
Good Will Beek its Cupertino.
A. ag ncfss and BeMIutlpsw r t on ® Civil Defense
The Civil Defmae rse, Including three resolutions and
several charts, were distributed to each Councilmen for
study before acting upon these at the next meeting,
B. AMgjntg=j of a MM Sg_uWU_1MM
Councilman Satoh prodim:ed a list of thirteen or fourteen
names. Upon consideration it appeared that aabocat nine of
whom :dived in the City. Councilman Wilson said the Council
should ,appoint a swan from a subdivision to represent the
peopla ,who voted for ex-+Cotmcilman Lindenmeyer, He urged
appointse:nt of someone with a strong interest in government
and stated his fc*ling that Ceorge .rai2la could be detatched
f.-om the pla=ink; Commlselan. Councilmen Nathanson sewed
at _QgMZ e &IjIg be BaMO Cagpe l lsmn to rill thlM02 nd
terse or Cowrscciljsan Lindensse_r er. resi[rneed. and 1:tss3tt ass aasai .
ballot to cast In his favor; seconded by Councilman Nilson,
carrieed a ®.
The Mayor observed that this created a vacancy on the
Planning Commission which .could be filled at the neat meetU4
A' short recess was declared in order to notify sir, i1ssiviss
of the appointment; he ,accepted. The Mayor requested that
an oath of office be prepared for Faigis to sign at his
first meet1vS,
C. Miscel
1. Councilman Wilson requested a review of next years buffet
2, Councilman Nathanson requested that the service clubs 'be
contacted again and Informed that the City will erect
the welcome signs upon receipt of v,40 apiece, The
Mayor instructed the City Clerk to sake the necessary
arrangemiente with the proper property owners, na l,y
Hewitt and Craft,
3, Cupertino der submItted sa bid for gumtltles of
2,000 letterbeaft 18} z ll 3 and 2,000 10 euve*lopes, an
soy of tha4m bovda, fiver Bond sa 1!5% rag p air was
veleacted tr t1w Cksupoll. The price gtmte d Is jp%,a3 for
the letterhead Ban$ V4.50 fi*r the envelopga,, Mowed by
Coi:4set9ka ,
4. A sus present at the weetUig to voice objectio;
to- Red e].ternative of the p ropu dm.vlpero Serra
Fr*evivs which cuts throuth Darden Cates V11 Hr#
A live in that traotG. The Mayor advised that the .
D%rI#1cn of HIStmays will hold a tag $x--C Vt -1t
t p2e of the vicinity arequest®that
ft.Wc.Adasm wIteto the City Coutwit jeque=_ tO"*Vt1'z5&
Thirvity win then fo rd his re a .
ftwulseles is this area to 41sauss the portions
free=V routing throvo and near Cnpertla6or - f
ed the latest letter fron riff_ wle,
reiatise alb puvauz parting situation an Hishmw 90 In
recent amwereatims Mr. Anderson r to the State
that they tain Um 4WWtIcna2 seven feet in order to resolve
the problem, IW Major asked the City Attorney to reply to
ley's`letter, -
B. 8 rt o t nat-agemnoe comiassioner
Commissioner Salch ed that McCarthy wow start the
sealirr Jobs as soon as weather permitted.
C. Ragnt grPoles Pip oil et
1. Councilman Nathanson referred to a meeting on City and
egional F2annlrg. Moved by Councilman Wilson tbgt
Burrel be pLathorized to attend the PolStics o
t Rlchmop4. expgnses id; seconded
ibyC®un ethanson, carried 4 - 0.
2, Cupertino designated as host at next law- raftreement
3. Councilman Xatw son requested copies of the °Emergency
Sanitation Booklet®, Shelley Williams, then present, sal
he would procure.
D. Miscellaneous
1. The Mayor read his tentstive budget for 1937-58.
2. Councilman Nathanson requested that Burrel Leonard be
asked to 'submit a bill for supplies used on Planning
Commission business.
3. Mr. Anders`,n requested authorization to sign a Request
for Tat Cancellation on property within the City now
owned by the School District. The Council gave approval.
VZ WOURNi ENr - 10:50 P.M,
F'e pecttully submitted,
City Clerk