Wong, Gilbert_Candidate Statement of Qualifications CS-5030ENG-M-WONGGILBERT 1) CANDIDATE STATEMENTS FOR MEMBER, CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL 2) GILBERT WONG 3) Occupation: Governing Board Member, Foothill-De Anza Community Age: 57 College District Education and Qualifications: Serving the residents of Cupertino has been my passion and a testament to my commitment to public service. I have been your Cupertino City Council Member for nine years where I have led the city as Mayor during its growth with the construction of Apple Park, Stevens Creek Trail, and the Mary Avenue Bridge, but also during its toughest challenges with the Great Recession. Our city now faces another challenging economic hurdle that requires tested leadership that I seek to bring. We need to preserve our city services while also meeting the demands of more housing, bicycle lanes, and public trails through fiscal prudence and bold leadership that keeps us accountable on the city council. Cupertino is truly a great place to live, work, and play, that is why my family and I, are proud to be Cupertino residents for over thirty years. I will never stop fighting for the people of Cupertino. From our residents, young and old, I am committed to improving our quality of life as I have done so over the past decade. Please join Cupertino Mayor Sheila Mohan; Assemblymember Evan Low and Marc Berman; State Senator Josh Becker and Dave Cortese, and former Congressman Mike Honda, as I respectfully ask for your vote. www.GilbertWong.org