Argument in Favor of Measure CMeasure C.. The following Argument in Favor of Measure C represents the OPINIONS of the authors, who are long-term residents advocating sensible growth in Cupertino. We encourage you to read the initiative and decide what you think. (www.ccSensibleGrowth.org) Measure Cis the Cupertino Citizens' Sensible Growth Initiative. What Measure C Does: • Empowers the electorate to reject uncontrolled growth in Cupertino. Uncontrolled growth will damage the quality of life we enjoy today. • Prevents deep-pocketed developers, lobbyists, special interest groups, and insiders from exploiting Cupertino for their own benefit. • Revitalizes the Vallco Shopping District primarily as a retail, hotel, dining and entertainment venue, and rejects its designation as an office park with nearly 6 million square feet of office and other uses. • • Helps prevent further school over-crowding and traffic congestion. • Empowers the electorate to hold developers accountable for infrastructure improvements necessitated by their projects. How Does Measure C Work? The City's review and approval process remains unchanged unless a project requires a General Plan amendment. For certain General Plan amendments (GPAs), which will increase density, including building heights, voter approval is required. Voter approval of GPAs ensures that development projects meet the needs of residents. Why Do Developers Oppose Measure C? Measure C requires that non-compliant projects must appeal to the majority of voters, rather than a mere 3 City Council members, who can be influenced by campaign contributions and other benefits from those with development interests. Why Do Residents Support Measure C? Residents support balanced growth where infrastructure, including schools and transportation, is developed in conjunction with offices and housing. Vote Yes on C, the citizens-sponsored initiative. Vote No on D, a developer-sponsored initiative.