CC 11-19-2024 Item No. 10 Mitigation Fee Act - Annual & Five-Year Report for FY 23-24_Written CommunicationsCC 11-19-2024
Item No. 10
Mitigation Fee Act -
Annual & Five-Year
Written Communications
From:Rhoda Fry
To:City Council; City Clerk
Subject:11/19/24 City Council #10 Mitigation Fees - please include under written communications
Date:Tuesday, November 19, 2024 3:46:01 PM
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Dear City Council,
Dear City Clerk, please include under written communications 11/19/24 City Council #10
Mitigation Fees
I am concerned about the lack of efficiency of our BMR/Affordable Housing fund.
We should be able to do more with the money.
We also have yet to see a full accounting as to how the misallocation of funds was restored to
appropriate accounts.
This dates back to February of this year when I noticed the inappropriate use of these funds for
paying the YIMBY lawsuit which amounted to about $169K.
Rhoda Fry