CC Resolution No. 7488 RESOWI'ION NO. 7488 A RESOWI'ION OF 'IHE CITY CXXJNCIL OF 'IHE CITY OF aJPERI'INO AUIHORIZING '!HE CITY MANAGER ro NmOI'IATE AND ENTER INro AN 1IGREEMENI' ro P.ROVIDE IOCAL lAW ENPORCEMENI' AGENCY ACCESS ro 'IHE CAL:rn:>RNIA IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM AND ro APPROPRIATE AND SEND 'IHE CITY OF aJPERI'INO'S FINANCIAL CDNmIBOTION FOR 'IHE SYSTEM ro 'IHE CITY OF SAN JOSE FINANCE: DEPARIMENT WHEREAS, Senate Bill No. 190 (Chapter 1234 of the 1985-86 Legislative session, codified as California Penal Code Section 11105, 11112.1 and fo11owirq) provides for :fuIxtin;J an:i procedures allowirq local agencies direct access to the California Identification System ("Cal-ID System"), an automated system maintained by the California state Department of Justice for retainirq f:irqerprint files an:i identifyirq latent finge1:prints; an:i WHEREAS, the County of Santa Clara ("County") an:i each of the incorporated cities within Santa Clara County ("Incorporated Cities") have determined that it is in their best interest to cooperate in the iJrplementation an:i operation of a local autanated fingeq>rint identification system ("IJ: ca1 ID System"), which will provide local law enforcement agencies with direct access to the Cal-ID system through the use of local remote access network equipment ("local RAN equipment"); an:i WHEREAS, the County an:i each of the incorporated cities desire to enter into an agreement for the iJrplementation an:i operation of the IJ: ca1 ID System for the benefit of the citizens of their jurisdictions, an:i to participate in the System, an:i to declare their ccmnnÏ'bnent to share financially in the System; NOW, 'IHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY '!HE CXXJNCIL OF THE CITY OF aJPERI'INO: 1. 'Ihe City Manager is authorized to negotiate an:i enter into an agreement with the County an:i the Incorporated cities to provide local law enforcement agency access to the Cal- ID System. 2. 'Ihe city Manager is authorized to appropriate an:i send to the City of San Jose Finance Department the City of CUpertino's financial contribution of Twenty six 'Ihousarxi 'Three Hurrlred Eighty Seven Dollars an:i Five Cents ($26, 387.05) for the IJ: ca1 ID System, which includes the city of CUpertino's contribution towards the System's estllnated start-up, iJrplementation, an:i equipment costs an:i the estimated operatirq costs for Fiscal Year 1988-89. PASSED AND AOOPl'ED at a regular meetirq of the City Council of the city of CUpertino this 2nd day of May, 1988 by the fo11owirq vote: RESOWI'ICN NO. 7488 vote Members of the City Council AYES: Johnson, Koppel, Plungy, Rogers, Gatto NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN:Nane APPR:>VED: Ls/ .John M. GRrrn Mayor, City of CUpertino A'ITFSI': /s/ Dorothy Cornelius City Clerk