15. Walton Appointment BPCr ~ V S el ('1 { c ~r ~` ff. ~+,.x Ste. ..:.5a ~4 °45E': ta~k ~3 PUL3LEC WOP•.KS llEPAK"t~MENt' 311~1<~~ ~I1i~~".~ AC~~~NI3A aT[i~M ~ ~~ ACxa .~Y~A HATE Novctni~er_I ~;. ?_OOK St7F;~.3rI±;C=°P' ~`rND ~.y`.^illl±. 1lppoint 3oseph Walton an Ex-Oi'Licio mcn~bcr of the Cup::rtino Bic;yclc 'edcstrian - Commission t~~r a two-year f:enn bcginnii~g T<u~uary 3 7 , 2009_ 13ACK(xTiDtl1'~? 13. C:urrcnt Cupcrf:ino Bicycle I'edesit-ian Commission (lii'C} member Joe Walton will complete his second, ~Lnd (-i_nal allowable, term as a I3PC' Commissioner c~u January 30, 2009. t~or the last several years, Joe has coricurren_tly been Cupertino's rcl7resentative to the Santa Clara Valley Trai~sportation Auil-ority's (V"1'A) Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (Bl'AC}, anti is slated to become that latter body's Chau• in 2009. In order to remain Cupertirio's representative oct the VTA BPAC, Joe must continue to be a representative of Cupet-tino's BPC`.. Since Joc will be termed out as a l3YC Comn~issioncr oT~ Januru~y 30, 7_009, the City Attorney has suggested. that Joc: c:an remain. a rc;presentat:ive of the L3PC iF CounciI appoints ltirn as an cx-o:[1-ic:io tnetnbcr of that body wL~en his current tcrnz expires_ Joc has indicated flzat he is interested in retZtaining a representative of the I3PC and the VTA I31'AC during his tenure as Chair of the latter body iii 2009. S3't1i~F IZt~,C4)MNS~?I`.Tl)A'I'i(~N Appoint Joseph Walton aai tax-Olt:icio tnemher of the Cupertzno Bicycle 1'edestriaai Commission for atwo-year term beginning J.tuutu-y 31, 2009_ Submitted by_ Approved t~~r submission: --_ _ ---- ~c~~ Ralph A. C~uaLls, Jr. David W. Knapp Director of Public Works City Manager is-i