08-123 Boething Treeland FarmsDe•c. 9. 2008 9:39AM Boething Treeland TSJ
I2lOS/2008 16. d9 FaS 408 777 3338
No. 8153 P. 1/2
cfrY v!w cupEf~rErio
1 r// ~ ~ ~ Z tt33pt) TOrre Avenue •
Ctapettino, CA 85014 ~--~ / L1- /
.aoa-~7-3zoo hio. ~ ` v 6
8Y 7H13 AGf~EMEEVT, made and P.r1tV~l'ed irtto this 2nd day Of 1Decemtamr: 2008, by and bet+vean fha CS"EY OP
Ci1PERTIfVO (Herefrtaftar referred to.as CfTY) and Sawing T,reclarnd Fa7ms tlddasss: 29?3 R/plne Read, PottaJa
ValKay, f :R 90028; Phons: 800>272-8TS.3; Faun SSC-859~Z32: tt~lereinaf'Eer rsfan~sd as COT[TRACTVR), irf
can9iderafion of mair mt.•titAl covenan patites heseto agree as I'oftows:
1 fYoo ~14~ = fs ~-`-!
C.Oi~iTRACTOR sha11 pravfde or ft~mf8h the following specified servfcBS andJor nzateriats:
bt Stevens Creak Cotstdor Path: Stapply au~d deEsver fiaox trees per "6ctttbit h^
EXHIStTS: The fotfowlttg attet.ried exrilblts AereDy are made part of Skis Agresmenl: 9oope marked "mchffstt A"
'i'EEZl11iS: The aervioes antt(tx uastterlais furrsished under this Agret?,rrtant sSeaif commence an 1'7eoernbae-~ 2008
and chef! be completed beftxg .4pri/ 30, 2009
COMP~ti1SAT1ON: For tf~e ftttt peaYOmrartcs of tries AgrasmeRt, CtT'i" shatf pay CoiVTRACT'OR:
Not tb Exceed S 22,SdG 00
Catitomis tabor Co40. Sacliotr 7771 ?eVUires fY~ peyrr=grit of PtevaSIInS ~ tb all worker's employed on a PuhGc YVtarka contract 'vi mteeee9 of
St.000.00. ~ - .
HoM SizvrtNl6R Con4atlor aHtses to save and tined haattlws the City, r'ts ottkasrs, eF1~~ and asr+ytvlsas kam any anQ ail danfapa end 1r9b1licy d.a
/o Pnofa and mndalars, it+dudrR stl saooEa. d dafandGty say cJairtl. ceased by or atisk:p out of tnb pQtfwmatiw taf R1[s J1Ataemerrt. CIQr
a#lad not lee flayte fdr 9Gte d ionlradGr7n Datlbr,Ttiti9 adrVtoE6 Quad herein.
irteNanaa. a^houtd ~ Cay requ4o grtd9npa of hrSf7t1aDi5Q: COnItflCA~CS.hai170e vNtA tity a t;xNAc~QR Of Srtswran~ tralFa,s monrta+o~ any satviees
[trlQOr ttti6 Ag6![JMriE 3LId t~iCS4B Shag 6iB HIJRJFlr2 tp tlia approtial Dt CRy'6 DirOC'!W of nQrrtird~lve tiaavices_
NOrf-0haiiniaa~rfiea ido d}svLrftlatlOil adiaiY ba Heads QI 916 esnpieymant Of P~~AS L[tder ilriG 11~>?Rfrt bBCSUSe Or tta0 aaaaa. COfOr., Tiatloritit
iRlala77d COiftra~ ft la Yndali~dOOd- 61~ tif9t U1Ia ABIBE~T1Bnt fa lfOt a contR3Ct Or YinplOyn~~t en ISL! f~L1a t1fHt 11sC f6F~i10n9niQ Of iJlaSbr
asad~aetirz6lt spate DelwaOn t7Fty Snd OSidar'sl9rted. AL ~ t'alrttz, ConOadvr 9ttall bls clercsraed to be an itfelclpt3tdant G9rit<aCDOr and Cerstracbr Ia savt
ataSaa7rlaed b Islftd Vao.City b any v~rmasots a o0iar onrtoaaoro to sxewdng thi6 a~`.emasR. Contractor eertsflea Yiat rte arm who has or rlfu tldre
C i~gresrYlEnr tdtaA n~88~ ffitad of traf~f~atYedwift~wu~t Ma writ9ett tAasonE d~ t1~e C#sr, No 23*art6~+ err varie5ona of a»Y kind arc
awhotred witheeat teas wQtEen~orievstlt arVw CAy. ~ ~. ..
~O ~o~~oit~,.-~~ $n~ repres~,tatH~ >;or ~E-~ 9h=3i, f~: . ~ ~ ENTERED
waN[1= Ysrrv Cyrreene DEPAF~ffNENT; Plsbfic WOrtcs []tapsrtmant
Ttais Agreerrtsnt shah become BPfet7tlva Capon ifs exacutfon by CFTY, in w~ess thereof, the parties Rave executed this
Agreement ills day and year first written abwe_
T~ i'~t% t Tttlt_: erry t3rearle, AEA, city A,rt~,ftact
soc. sec. # ar-I'~c S.p.
Dec. 9. 2008 9:40AM Boething Treeland TSJ No. 8153 P. 2/2
Boething Treeland Farms proposes to supply box trees to the Stevens Creek Corridor site at
Blackberry Farm, 21979 San Fernando Avenue, Cupertino. The proposal includes the
Provide aad deliver box trees:
Rig, load and transport to site. Provide agricultural inspections and transportation
permits if needed. Deliver to site the following container stock plant material on
pallets or in boxes that are reinforced suitable for offloading with a forklift.
Offloading and setting of box trees and maintenance thereafter is by others. Delivery
for Quercus kelioggii and Quercus agrifolia ,are anticipated within 1 - 4 weeks,
depending on weather and progress of other work at delivery site.
A. Tree species container stock, in sizes anc! quantity as selected by City's
representative, sample range as follows:
Qty. Size Description Unit Cost Extension
( 1) 60" Quercus kellogii $3,000.00 $ 3,000.00
( 1) 60" Quercus agrifolia. $1,550.00 $ 1,550.00
( 11) 48" Quercus lobata $ 640.00 $ 7,040.00*
Subtotal: $ 11,590
B. Other box trees, sizes, quantities and genus as selected by City's representative,
sample range as follows:
(6) 48" Acer macrophyll:i $ 875.00 $ 5,250.00*
(3) 36" Alnus rhombifolia $ 825.00 $ 2,475.00*
(1) 48" Platanus racemosa $1,575.00 $ 1,575.00*
Subtotal: $ 9,300
C. Allowance for sales tax/permits: $2,050
Subtotal: $ 2,050
*asterislc items, provide care until delivery spring 2009 and no later than April 7 5, 2009 per City
delivery schedule.
Payment: Payment for items A is due within. 30 days of delivery of the 60" Quercus
box trees to the site. A 50% deposit will be I~sid for Item B material upon execution
of this agreement, and the balance is due within 30 days of delivery. Deposit on
Acers is nonrefundable.
Total fee: NTE $ 22,940.00
TELEPHONE: (408) 777-32:3 • FAX: (408) 777-3366
WEBSITE: www.cupertino.org
December 16, 2008
Boething Treeland Farms
2923 Alpine Road
Portola Valley, CA 94028
To Whom It May Concern:
Enclosed for your records is a fully executed copy of the agreement with the City of Cupertino. If you
have any questions or need additional information, phase contact the Public Works department at (408)